Combine data from Firebase and Google analytics into 1 view - firebase

I have a website, iOS and Android apps. For the website I use Google Analytics and for the apps I use Firebase. Currently I have to switch between Analytics and Firebase but I was wondering if there was a way to create a combined view.
To start with, I would like something simple like the total number of active users at the moment across all 3 platforms. Is this possible at all?
Longer term it would be great if sales data between the 3 could also be combined.
Is there a way to create something like a Google sheet that pulls this data in real time?

I too wish for a combined view. My research suggests we cobble together our own by exporting event data from GA and Firebase Analytics into Google BigQuery and construct our own views in there. But then you don’t get the nice dashboards and other data that they infer, just table data on the events tracked.


In Google Analytics: How to combain data from several subdomains in one report?

My need is to combine the same type of data (Behaviour/Content drilldown) from two different subdomains on my site. (For instance Unique page views, etc.) The main site is and I need two combine to subdomains like and so the data can be seen in the same report, and then exported to .pdf.
But I simply cannot find out how to do this. I guess that this must be done through "custom reports". I have been informed that it should be possible in some way through using "the common denominator" in the URL (, but how?
Most thankful for any advice.
FYI what you're referring to is called a subfolder, a subdomain would be something like
To add to DalmTo's answer:
If different properties/tracking IDs (UA-XXXXXXX-X) were used
Google Data Studio: that's probably the easiest way to create reports from multiple properties. Just create 1 data source for each property and that's it.
Google Sheets with GA API add-on: if you prefer working with spreadsheets.
GA 360 (formerly GA Premium): it has a roll-up feature for cross-property reporting, but you have to pay several $K a months for 360
If you used the same property/tracking ID
Google Analytics reporting UI: go to Reports -> Behavior -> Site Content - Content Drilldown and you'll see a breakdown of top-level folders
Google Analytics API: you can still use Data Studio or Google Sheets options listed above or build your own solution
For all above options, the GA dimension you're looking for is called ga:pagePathLevel1 in the API, and Page path level 1 in the in the reporting interface.
Assuming that the data is being insert into different properties on Google analytics website then the simple answer is you cant. There is no way to analyse data between websites in the Google Analytics website.
You could attempt to use the Google Analytics API to extract some data out for each of the websites and analyze this data locally although I would personally question how useful any results you would get for comparing different websites would be.

Merging data collected using 2 Tracking IDs of Google Analytics

Is there any way to merge data collected using 2 different Tracking IDs of Google Analytics?
Using the Google Analytics API you can extract the data you wish from both properties into your own system. Say a database I recommend adding the property id to the tables storing the data so that you will be able to differentiate between the data.
There is nothing out of the box that will do this for you with the exception of big Query. Users with a Google analytics 360 account can extract there data to big query. However I have not tried this I am not sure even that will allow you to analyze data over multiple views.
While #DalmTo is correct that there's no way to do what you ask for regular Google Analytics accounts, it's probably worth mentioning that you can do this if you're a Google Analytics 360 customer.
The feature is called Roll-up Reporting, and this article explains how it works:
I found this add-on for Google Sheets that can help you with that, it combines the metrics from several Google Analytics properties into one Google Sheet, I hope this helps!
Analytics Aggregator

Real time data from google analytics

Am I able to push real time data from google analytics to google spreadsheet via google analytics add-on? (I know that it is possible via Google Analytics API)
It is pretty hard to prove a negative but no, you cannot do this from within the interface, you'd need the Google Analytics Realtime API.
I am not convinced that this is really useful. Realtime data is not aggregated, so you'd get a lot of rows really fast (and since a Google spreadsheet holds 2 mio cells at most you'd have to empty or swap the spreadsheet regularly).
Since this is basically raw data you could just as well set up a small apps script like in this gist that writes request data to a spreadsheet, publish this as web app and create a small image pixel within your page that sends data directly to the sheet (but you will not have channel attribution). I expanded a bit on that idea here.

A single google analytics account for many users - possible?

Is it possible to use a single google analytics account, in particular, e-commerce, for more than user? I fact, I need it to be used for as a lot of users. What I want in a nutshell is this:
The users come to my web site and provide me their e-commerce data in json or any other format somehow. I have a google analytics, so I take that e-commerce data and send to google analytics. And then show them the reports for their data from google analytics by google analytics API (I guess it's reports API?)
The question is not whether or not it is profitable, makes sense, etc. The question is, can I use my, single google analytics account to achieve what I've described above?
Yes you can. Since you need to keep the users apart in a way that does not allow them to look into other users data you can use a single account for up to 50 users, since this is how many data views you can have per account (view permissions can be set at account level)1. Filter the view by hostname (or whatever) to record only the current users data per view.
If you do not need the interface (i.e. if you want to query GA via the api and build custom dashboards) you can have even more - simply store in unique id per user and use that to filter the data before displaying it in a dashboard. So as far as that part of the question is concerned you are safe.
Where things probably start to fall apart is data collection. Is looks like you want to do some sort of batch processing of accumuluated e-commerce data. Since you cannot send a timestamp for a user interaction all dates within GA will be off. Plus you have data limits (I'm thinking of max interactions per minute that you can send), so your insertion process might be not very efficient. It would probably be better to create something on top of the measuremnt protocol that allows your clients to send data in realtime.
1 To make this a little clearer, you can set up 50 entities whith different access permissions. Of course every view can have as many users a you like, but they will all see the same data.

google analytics api - Advice on integration with web app

This is more a question of if this is the right way to achieve the desired solution.
We are building an eCommerce store like Shopify. We want to display report/data to our users for their stores.
Using GA can we do this. We was thinking of using one account. Adding the tracking api. Posting the store sales using the eCommerce plugin.
Then pulling the data back into our control panel, show graphs etc.
Is this a workable solution.
What would the issues be.
Best way to segment for each store so that we don't have data bleed (we may have thousands of stores - coincidentally they would have a domain like
Any advice or better ways of us doing this without re-inventing the wheel.
You can segment data with a custom Google Analytics variable or by setting the subdomain, e.g.:
I think your approach is viable, but the notable challenge is that you have build out custom code to pull all of the data from Google Analytics into your application. I don't know of many off the shelf products that would offer this type of segmentation for analytics without requiring you to manage and create users for every subdomain/store.
The only thing I can think of is building out automated reports in Google Analytics (or similarly in Omniture) and have them sent to your store owners. But unfortunately those would be static reports such as PDFs.
