Deployed Shiny app not showing any UI elements - r

I had a fully functional Shiny App (both locally and on Recently, I made a very small change to the ui: all I did was change the order of one of the panels, a purely cosmetic change.
Afterwards, I published the updated app and all hell broke lose. The deployed app does not have any of the UI elements such as the tabs and sidebar. Not wanting to spend too much time debugging, I pulled up the original working script and tried to publish the old (previously working version), and still, everything is broken. See: local version on right, deployed on left.
What could have been the problem? Thanks!


Why doesn't anything happen after copying Shiny App files to Shiny Server?

I have encountered problems when trying to upload Shiny apps onto a Shiny Server that is already up and running.
I copied a folder containing the ui.R and server.R files on to the server.
When I try to open the app in the browser by accessing webpage /servername/myUser/folderName, nothing happens. I remain on the front page.
I have tried with several different small example programs, that all run in R when I try.
I also tried to gather my ui.R and server.R to one file "app.R", but the problem persists.
There is another Shiny App on the server, and that one works fine by accessing /servername/otherUser/folderName, so I am not sure what the problem is.
It is the first time I am trying this so it might be something simple that I am overlooking.
I figured it out, the server I was using hadn't installed the packages necessary to run the App.

Shiny app that opens other shiny apps

Currently I have a pretty big modularized Shiny applications. It basically consists of 6 modules that do different things and I access them through a dashboard sidebar.
However, as a result everything in the Shiny app has to be wrapped in ns() in order to work properly. This results in a lot of difficulties in some cases.
Thus, I wanted to ask whether it is possible to create one starting shiny application, which has buttons that open other shiny applications. My idea is to put each module in a standalone application (or group them in 3 standalone applications with 2 modules inside each). The starting app being a Markdown file works fine as well.

Shiny apps stuck in italics

I opened some Shiny apps today and discovered that, when I run them in RStudio, every piece of text in each of the apps was in italics -- in headers, select-input menus, and even data tables. Nothing in any of the apps is supposed to be (nor ever has been) italicized. The error occurs exclusively when I run the apps locally in RStudio; everything looks normal when I run it locally in a browser or when I go to the links where they are deployed.
Nothing in the files has changed since yesterday (when they were fully functional) and my RStudio is fully updated. I updated R and all the relevant packages but it did not make a difference.
Any idea what's going on or how to fix it?

Stuck at "Client modified--refreshing" on Terminal after Code Refresh

I installed Meteor (p.s I'm new to app developement) onto my laptop (running Windows 10) and have created an app for which I have downloaded packages for (materialize, accounts-ui and passwords). The problem that I'm facing is that whenever I make changes to the html,css or js files, I get "client-modified" on my terminal, but it never actually refreshes. It's just stuck there in a loop after no matter how many modifications I make. Is this due to the current Meteor version I have installed (1.2.1)?
=> Client modified -- refreshing
This happened to me also, yesterday and today, that's how I found this question.
My observations are:
check if the app is running and working despite the apparent hang. If it does, try making a simple change in a html or template file and see if the app auto-updates. It did for me, but your mileage may vary.
If it gets too annoying, you can always just kill and restart the app. Shouldn't take too long. Check if this improves the situation.
If 2. does not help you may try "meteor reset" to clean things up, but ONLY if you just started developing your app and don't care about losing any app data (MongoDB get's wiped along with the rest of the /.meteor/local folder)
Hope the above helps...

Visual Studio 2008 Solution Explorer going crazy when trying to run

I am attempting to run a web project in vs2008, however it just hangs before launching the ASP.NET development server.
The vertical scroll bar in the solution explorer starts moving up as if lots of new items are appearing (like when the script documents node is filled) and then moves back to the bottom and then moves up again.
I can run the project if I right click on an aspx page and 'View in Browser'.
Anyone had a similar issue?
There are few weird bugs comes free with each edition of VS. Dont worry about that. Instead directly running from Development Server, use local IIS hosting. Sometimes because of CSS issues, gets embeded when you switch betch Design and Source windows. Still MS is fixing those bugs. But I can suggest, go your own way...
