ASP.NET app communicates with another app via xml messages? -

I am fairly new to web applications. Could someone explain how I can make an web app that needs to communicate to another application that only understand XML messages and receives messages via TCP/IP protocol? Do I need to create ASP.NET RestFul API to achieve this.


SignalR in WCF service to update web site clients

Using SignalR, is it possible to update website clients from my WCF service if the service is not used by these clients directly?
I have a desktop application in .NET which has WCF service used internally using net.TCP protocol. This application changes one of the status fields in database table depending on certain user actions. I want to notify this change to end users who are accessing a different website hosted on the same web server.
I have tried one SignalR sample where notification works fine if it is sent from same website's host to its own client (stock ticker sample). But in my case, the message should go from WCF service to a website client.
IMO you should do an intermediate hop, for example having your website exposing an endpoint (you pick the technology) where you can post whenever you have a change to notify. Your WCF service would post there whenever there's a change, and the web app would process the post by broadcasting info to the target clients (can be all, or can be just some you filter with some logic behind the post). I use this pattern quite frequently, implementing it with HTTP POST. You would have no issues to implement the SignalR infrastructure in the web app, which is where your clients already connect to.

How to set SOAP protocol for a ASP.NET web service?

I m newbie to ASP.NET web services.
I have written my web service, web method. I want the output of my web service to be in SOAP rather than the default HTTP POST protocol.
How do i do that?
I need the output to be SOAP as i need to deserialize the xml file, in my web application where i will be consuming the web service.
Please help.
Follow these steps
1.In the Web Service Details window, select an operation for that Web service.
2.On the Diagram menu, choose Properties.
3.In the Properties window, set the appropriate SOAP properties under the Implementation heading.

How to communicate between ASPX and WinForms

How can I send commands to a WinForms application from an ASPX web page? We have already explored executing the WinForms application with different command line parameters but wanted something more smart.
Create a web server within your application that listens for HTTP GET and/or POST commands and acts appropriately. Then use AJAX to send request, i.e., http://localhost/myapp/?command=print&file=teletubies.jpg
Your web server, which is just a program that listens on port 80 and sends responses according to the very simple HTTP protocol, within your application then parses the requested URL and decides that it should print the file teletubies.jpg based on the query string in the URL.
Web pages (whether running or a competing platform) are always reactive. They receive commands (requests) and respond. They are not proactive, and don't send commands. This is how the core technology on which the internet is built works.
This means is you want an page to send a message to a client app, the only way to do it is for the client app to frequently poll the page, possibly using System.Net.WebClient.
I don't know of any way this can be done due to security. I know I wouldn't want people to be able to access the running applications on MY machine from their web app.

session sharing between silverlight and

I have a silverlight application that uses wcf service. This application is shown from a link in an existing project of web application type. There is a userid session found in the project that i want to transfer it to the silverlight application. I thought of query string but its not a secure thing to do it. so is there a way to transfer the asp session object to the wcf application which the silverlight application communicate with?
You could write a web service that you could use in Silverlight and with which you could get and set single values from and to the current session.
If you want to transfer the whole session to Silverlight, this is of course also possible by a query parameter or the like.
Concerning security, it depends on your scenario. There is no way around that, you do have to send the data over the wire to the client in some way. You can encrypt it, but the Silverlight client will have to know how to decrypt it. Silverlight client code can of course always be inspected in reflector by anyone who has access to the application.
What you can do is set everything up to use SSL for communication, it might be sufficient for your scenario if you never send more information to a client than a client is allowed to know.
If you can run WCF services in ASP.Net compatibility mode then you would be able to share all of the ASP.Net Runtime Objects such as Session, Cache etc.

Integrating Instant Messaging into an ASP.NET application

I was thinking about integrating some instant messaging function into an existing ASP.NET web application, e.g:
the web application can display the online-status of users (are they currently logged in with their IM client)
users can send messages from the web application to the IM client of other users
users can initiate a IM chat from the web application (without having to know the other user's IM identification beforehand)
Does anyone know about some existing libraries, sample applications or other resources that might help implementing such a feature?
Thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge.
You should try Jabber. Demo client avaiable here.
There is an architectural overview, the main concept looks like this:
And some citation from the site:
1. Goal
Create an multi-service instant messaging AJAX-based web application with internal accounting.
2. Main problem
We need to connect to IM servers from HTTP client (browser).
HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that, theoretically, each HTTP request is being proccessed by separate http daemon proccess.
Once request proccessed (data sent to client), server fogets about client.
All IM services protocols are stateful.
When client connects to IM server, socket connection being created and connection much remain open for succesfull communication.
There's a list on the site.
You might want to look at the .net implementation of jabber:
