Ajax post request for float value error - asp.net

I am to show float value but i can't. I already tried JSON.stringify() but it wont work. Please help me.
url: "/Home/GetItemsByFilter",
method: "POST",
data: {
CategoryId: '',
SubCategoryId: '',
SubSubCategoryId: $("#sub_sub_category_id").val(),
MinPrice: $("#min_price").val(),
MaxPrice: $("#max_price").val(),
BrandId: $("#brand").val(),
OrderBy: $("#price_direction").val(),
PageNumber: currentPage,
PageSize: 18
error: function (response) {
alert("There is something wrong!!!");
From Controller:
ViewBag.MinPrice = Convert.ToDouble( ItemList.Min(m => m.PriceAfterDiscount));
ViewBag.MaxPrice = Convert.ToDouble(ItemList.Max(m => m.PriceAfterDiscount));
double MinPrice = Convert.ToDouble(Request["MinPrice"]);
double MaxPrice = Convert.ToDouble(Request["MaxPrice"]);
double ActualMaxPrice = Convert.ToDouble(Request["ActualMaxPrice"]);
string SubSubCategoryId = Request["SubSubCategoryId"];
string CategoryId = Request["CategoryId"];
string SubCategoryId = Request["SubCategoryId"];
string BrandId = Request["BrandId"];
string OrderByS = Request["OrderBy"];


retrofit 2 post - getting internal server error (500)

I'm trying to use retrofit2 with Koltin in Android Studio as part of jetpack compose application. I'm sending a POST and keep getting error 500. I don't have access to the server code so I'm trying to figure out what am I doing wrong.
This is the interface I have declared for building the retrofit object:
I tried three different ways of declaring the POST endpoint.
interface IsrPayService {
#Headers ("Content-Type: application/json")
suspend fun signUp(#Body user: UserDriver): Call\<WsError?\>
#Headers (
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Accept: application/json")
suspend fun signup2(#Body user: UserDriver): retrofit2.Response<WsError>
suspend fun signupUrlEncoded(
#Field("firstName") firstName: String,
#Field("lastName") lastName: String): retrofit2.Response<WsError>
The data I am trying to send is UserDriver and I declared all the internal data classes below:
data class UserDriver(
#SerializedName("firstName") val firstName: String = "default",
#SerializedName("lastName") val lastName: String = "default",
#SerializedName("civilId") val civilId: String = "default",
#SerializedName("vehicleLicensingNumber") val vehicleLicensingNumber: String = "default",
#SerializedName("vehicleManufacturer") val vehicleManufacturer: String = "default",
#SerializedName("vehicleModel") val vehicleModel: String = "default",
#SerializedName("vehicleManufactureYear") val vehicleManufactureYear: String = "1973",
#SerializedName("counterModel") val counterModel: String = "default",
#SerializedName("authorizedEmployerNumber") val authorizedEmployerNumber: String = "default",
#SerializedName("bankAccountId") val bankAccountId: String = "default",
#SerializedName("bankAccountBranch") val bankAccountBranch: Int = 0,
#SerializedName("bankId") val bankId:Int = 123456,
#SerializedName("email") val email: String = "default",
#SerializedName("dob") val dob: DateIndicator = DateIndicator(date = 3, month = 4, year = 2023),
#SerializedName("address") val address: Address = Address (Coordinates(0,0),"מודיעין","טשרניחובסקי","12"),
#SerializedName("phoneNumber") val phoneNumber: String = "default",
#SerializedName("driverLicenseId") val driverLicenseId: Int = 0,
#SerializedName("civilIdPhoto") val civilIdPhoto: String = "default",
#SerializedName("driverLicensePhoto") val driverLicensePhoto: String = "default",
#SerializedName("signaturePhoto") val signaturePhoto: String = "default"
data class DateIndicator(
val date: Int,
val month: Int,
val year: Int
I think #Expose is not required but tried it just in case..
data class Address (
val coordinates: Coordinates,
val city: String,
val street: String,
val number: String
data class Coordinates (
val latitude: Int,
val longitude: Int
I tried to methods of getting the response:
suspend fun driverSignUp(user: UserDriver, onResult: (WsError?) -> Unit) {
try {
ws.signUp(user = user). enqueue (
object: Callback<WsError?> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<WsError?>, response: Response<WsError?>) {
"onResponse: response.isSuccessful = ${response.isSuccessful}")
var wsError: WsError? = null
wsError = if(!response.isSuccessful){
body = "",
isError = true,
error = yz.learning.isrpaytest.model.Error(
errorCode = response.code(),
errorMessage = ErrorMessage(
enUs = response.message(),
heIl = response.message())))
} else {
override fun onFailure(call: Call<WsError?>, t: Throwable) {
Log.d("driverSignUp", "onFailure: ")
} catch (exception: Exception) {
Log.d("driverSignUp", "driverSignUp exception: ${exception.message}")
body = "",
isError = true,
error = yz.learning.isrpaytest.model.Error(
errorCode = 0,
errorMessage = ErrorMessage(
enUs = exception.message!!,
heIl = exception.message!!)))
suspend fun driverSignUp2(user: UserDriver): retrofit2.Response<WsError>{
return ws.signup2(user)
I don't understand why I keep getting Internal server error. I have a feeling I have to send the data as a JSON string and not as an Object but as far as I understand this is supposed to be automatically using the gson converter, no?
I can try a simpler endpoint, but I think I will end up with the same problem.
I will appreciate any help since I'm stuck with this issue for a couple of days.

ElasticSearch 7 nest 7 return attribute from result all result

I'm using ElarsticSearch 7.7 & NEST 7.7 and on my web page, I'm getting 9 search result documents per page. Even I'm showing the first 9 results on the page, I need to return some property values from all the results for side filtration on the web page.
Eg: if I'm searching "LapTop", my page will show 9 results on the first page. Also, I need to show all the "Manufactures" from all the search results. Not only manufacturers in the first-page result. Then customers can filter by manufacture not only display on the first page.
I have tried GlobalAggregation but it returns categories and manufactures only items in selected page.
public SearchResult Search(SearchType searchType, string searchQuery, int storeId, int pageNumber = 1, int pageSize = 12, IList<SearchFilter> requestFilter = null, decimal? priceFrom = 0, decimal? priceTo = 100000000, string sortBy = null, int totalCount = 0)
var queryContainer = new QueryContainer();
var sorts = new List<ISort>();
sorts.Add(new FieldSort { Field = "_score", Order = SortOrder.Descending });
switch (sortBy)
case "z-a":
sorts.Add(new FieldSort { Field = Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(p => p.SortValue), Order = SortOrder.Descending });
case "a-z":
sorts.Add(new FieldSort { Field = Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(p => p.SortValue), Order = SortOrder.Ascending });
var aggrigations = new AggregationDictionary
{"average_per_child", new
AverageAggregation("average_per_child",Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(d => d.Price))},
{"max_per_child", new MaxAggregation("max_per_child",Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(d => d.Price))},
{"min_per_child", new MinAggregation("min_per_child", Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(d => d.Price))},
"globle_filter_aggrigation", new GlobalAggregation("globle_filter_aggrigation")
Aggregations =new AggregationDictionary
{"category_flow", new TermsAggregation("category_flow"){Field = Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(p => p.CategoryFlow)} },
{"manufacturers", new TermsAggregation("manufacturers"){Field = Field<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(p => p.Manufacturer)} }
var searchRequest = new SearchRequest<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>()
Profile = true,
From = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize,
Size = pageSize,
Version = true,
Sort = sorts,
//Scroll = Time.MinusOne,
Aggregations = aggrigations
var multiMatch = new QueryStringQuery
Query = searchQuery,
Fields = GetSearchFields(searchType),
Boost = 1.1,
Name = "named_query",
DefaultOperator = Operator.Or,
Analyzer = "standard",
QuoteAnalyzer = "keyword",
AllowLeadingWildcard = true,
MaximumDeterminizedStates = 2,
Escape = true,
FuzzyPrefixLength = 2,
FuzzyMaxExpansions = 3,
FuzzyRewrite = MultiTermQueryRewrite.ConstantScore,
Rewrite = MultiTermQueryRewrite.ConstantScore,
Fuzziness = Fuzziness.Auto,
TieBreaker = 1,
AnalyzeWildcard = true,
MinimumShouldMatch = 2,
QuoteFieldSuffix = "'",
Lenient = true,
AutoGenerateSynonymsPhraseQuery = false
searchRequest.Query = new BoolQuery
Must = new QueryContainer[] { multiMatch },
Filter = new QueryContainer[] { queryContainer }
var searchResponse = _client.Search<ElasticIndexGroupProduct>(searchRequest);
var categoryFlowsGlobe = new List<string>();
var allAggregations = searchResponse.Aggregations.Global("globle_filter_aggrigation");
var categories = allAggregations.Terms("category_flow");
foreach (var aggItem in categories.Buckets)
if (!categoryFlowsGlobe.Any(x => x == aggItem.Key))
This is the exact use case for Post filter - to run a search request that returns hits and aggregations, then to apply filtering to the hits after aggregations have been calculated.
For Manufacturers, these can be retrieved with a terms aggregation in the search request - you can adjust the size on the aggregation if you need to return all manufacturers, otherwise you might decide to return only the top x.

Range of all linkAttributed String in MutableAttributedString in swift

I have a mutableAttributedString in which few strings are linkAttributed,I want to find the Range of all link attributed string. How to do that in swift3 ?
When user start type # in textview i show list of few name. If user select any row then following method gets called.
func didSelectMemberId(_ model: BaseModel) {
var fullName = ""
if model.entityType == ReceiverType.Active.rawValue{
fullName = model.name
fullName = AtMention + model.name + " " + model.name2
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string:fullName, attributes:[NSFontAttributeName:(appNeedsAutoResize ? (UIUtils.getFontForApproprieteField(.headlineWithoutBold).font) : UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14))])
attributedString.addAttribute(NSLinkAttributeName, value: "connectmention://\(model.entityId.stringValue())", range: NSRange(location: 0, length: fullName.length))
attributedString.append(NSAttributedString(string: emptySpaceStringByUC, attributes:[NSFontAttributeName:(appNeedsAutoResize ? (UIUtils.getFontForApproprieteField(.headlineWithoutBold).font) : UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14))]))
self.composeBar.textView.textStorage.insert(attributedString, at:self.composeBar.textView.selectedRange.location)
self.composeBar.textView.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(self.composeBar.textView.selectedRange.location+fullName.length, 0 )
To get the link proprty I am using the following method
func getlinkActionRange(attributeString: NSAttributedString) -> [MentionStruct] {
var arrMentions = [MentionStruct]()
_ = attributeString.enumerateAttribute(NSLinkAttributeName, in: NSRange.init(location: 0, length: attributeString.length), options: [], using: { (value, range, stop) in
if let url = value {
let occurrence = (attributeString.string as NSString).substring(with:range)
arrMentions.append(MentionStruct(link: url as! String, text: occurrence, range: range))
return arrMentions
If user type anything after inserting that name , that type string also coming.

How do i pass my returned json string to different textbox

[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public static string Get_OtherBillInfo(string EntryID)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["Bill_Report"] == null)
return null;
List<TenementNotePrintedModel> BillReport = (List<TenementNotePrintedModel>)HttpContext.Current.Session["Bill_Report"];
TenementNotePrintedModel model = BillReport.Find(ct => ct.EntryID.Equals(int.Parse(EntryID)));
JavaScriptSerializer h = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string str = h.Serialize(model);
return str;
type: 'POST',
url: 'BillReoprt_PayerID.aspx/Get_OtherBillInfo',
data: JSON.stringify({ 'EntryID':EntryID}),
dataType: 'json',
async: false,
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function (response)
if (response.d != "")
error: function (response)
var r = jQuery.parseJSON(response.responseText);
alert("Message: " + r.Message);
alert("StackTrace: " + r.StackTrace);
alert("ExceptionType: " + r.ExceptionType);
================================My returned Data from json is this============
{"d":"{\"EntryID\":76556,\"AssmtNoNew\":1571,\"OwnerID\":16053,\"AssmtNoNew09\":null,\"PropertyID\":15117,\"PID\":\"C-649387/ ALICE MPEREH AND BROS AND SIS - \",\"oPID\":\"649387\",\"HouseNbr\":\"B105\",\"BatchNo\":null,\"FullName\":\"ALICE MPEREH AND BROS AND SIS ()\",\"GeneratedBy\":null,\"BusinessName\":\"\",\"ElectoralID\":null,\"ElectoralArea\":null,\"EvaluationCode\":null,\"strCode\":null,\"AreaOff\":\"WESTERN REGION\",\"LgaName\":null,\"ZoneName\":null,\"AgencyCode\":null,\"LGA\":\"SHC\",\"AREAID\":null,\"StrName\":\"NEW EFFIA\",\"ShopNo\":null,\"Arr_Chargeable\":\"Y\",\"RevCode\":\"2021602\",\"Descr\":\"GROUND RENT(2nd Class Residential -Plot Up to 0.25 acre) 2021602\",\"propAddr\":\"B105, NEW EFFIA, WESTERN REGION\",\"ADDRESS\":\"B108, NEW EFFIA, WESTERN REGION\",\"FDescr\":\"\",\"PropertyStatus\":\"UnAssessed\",\"ArrearsPeriod\":\"\",\"Ratable\":0,\"ImpostRate\":0,\"AmtDue\":70,\"MinRate\":70,\"Arrears\":0,\"ArrearsInt\":0,\"Paymt\":0,\"OtherCharges\":0,\"TotalDue\":70,\"PayDate\":null,\"pAssmtYr\":null,\"AssmtYr\":\"2012\",\"OldAssessmtRef\":null,\"AssessmtRef\":null,\"DepoSlip\":\"12/16053\",\"DatePrinted\":null,\"BillStatus\":null,\"BatchPrint\":null}"}
Thanks for your help...
Depending on what you intend to do;
inside success:
if (response.d != "") {
var responseObject = JSON.parse(response);
$("#<%= YourServerTextBox.UniqueId %>").val(responseObject.d.BusinessName);

Asp.net webform with flot.js chart on return Json does not work

I am using ASP.NET webforms for flot charts I connected to database in test.aspx.cs file using [Webmethod] where I can return json.
I stored the return value both in textarea and $.plot(placeholder, [and also here], options) It does not print the graph in placeholder however when I do:
var data = past
the value of textarea here and run applicationn it prints to me the value.
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public static List<string> GetLocation(string location)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
StringBuilder strQuery = new StringBuilder();
strQuery.Append("SELECT Location.Nome_Location, DATEPART(day, Statistiche.Data_Statistica) AS SDay, COUNT(Statistiche.ID_Tabella) AS Stats");
strQuery.Append(" FROM Statistiche INNER JOIN Tabelle ON Statistiche.ID_Tabella = Tabelle.ID_Tabella INNER JOIN");
strQuery.Append(" Location ON Statistiche.ID_Colonna_Statistica = Location.ID_Location");
strQuery.Append(" WHERE (Statistiche.ID_Tabella = 2) AND (Statistiche.ID_Box = 60) AND (Location.Nome_Location = 'Albilò')");
strQuery.Append("GROUP BY Location.Nome_Location, DATEPART(day, Statistiche.Data_Statistica)");
string query = strQuery.ToString();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
int counter = 1;
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
if (counter == 1)
result.Add("[{'label': 'Europe (EU27)','data':[[" + dr["SDay"].ToString() + "," + dr["Stats"].ToString() + "]");
result.Add("[" + dr["SDay"].ToString() + "," + dr["Stats"].ToString() + "]");
if (counter==31)
result.Add("[" + dr["SDay"].ToString() + "," + dr["Stats"].ToString() + "]]}]");
return result;
type: "POST",
async: true,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
url: "test.aspx/GetLocation",
data: "{'location':'Albilò'}",
success: function drawChart(msg) {
var options = { lines: { show: true }, points: { show: true }, xaxis: { tickDecimals: 0, tickSize: 1} };
var ddata = [];
var data = msg.d;
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
var placeholder = $("#placeholder");
var datad = $("#txtvalue").text();
$.plot(placeholder, ddata, options);
error: function () {
alert("call is called111");
First of all, why do you create JSON yourself? You've already specified to return JSON in you attributes.
Refactore method to return simple array of POCO objects like
public class pocoObject
public string Label;
Then your method should just return list of object and have attributes set up:
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public static List<pocoObject> GetLocation(string location)
return result; // result is list of pocoObjects
Flot.js is rather sensitive to data you set as source, so after this take a look at data in firebug, it should be correct json formatted data. So please visit wiki and also compare your data to working samples.
This how you can initiliaze legend names of you plot:
$(function () {
var d1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.25)
d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
var d2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.25)
d2.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);
var d3 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.1)
d3.push([i, Math.tan(i)]);
$.plot($("#placeholder"), [
{ label: "sin(x)", data: d1},
{ label: "cos(x)", data: d2},
{ label: "tan(x)", data: d3}
], {
series: {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true }
xaxis: {
ticks: [0, [Math.PI/2, "\u03c0/2"], [Math.PI, "\u03c0"], [Math.PI * 3/2, "3\u03c0/2"], [Math.PI * 2, "2\u03c0"]]
yaxis: {
ticks: 10,
min: -2,
max: 2
grid: {
backgroundColor: { colors: ["#fff", "#eee"] }
