Rotate Vector By Vector - math

As you can see on that picture i need to find _tPos vector position based on tPos vector relative to aPos Vector.

If you denote the length of the purple line as T, then the corresponding rotation angle phi can be calculated as
cos(phi) = 1 - T^2/(2R^2)
Now, you need to rotate the red point with coordinates x,y by phi clockwise. The coordinates of the rotated point are thus:
x' = cos(phi)*x + sin(phi)*y
y' = -sin(phi)*x + cos(phi)*y
Here, the value of sin(phi) can be expressed directly as:
sin(phi) = T/R * sqrt(1 - T^2/(4R^2))


Upwards tangent vector of triangle in 3D space

I have a triangle in 3D cartesian space, it forms a surface. I have a normal vector of that surface. What I want to find out, is a vector tangent to that surface, which points the most "upwards". (The orange one on image, forgive my paint skills)
Let one triangle edge vector is A. Get perpendicular vector in the plane
P = N x A
and normalize P and A
p = P / len(P)
a = A / len(A)
Any unit vector in the plane is combination of these base vectors
v = p * cos(t) + a * sin(t) (1)
We want that Z-component of v to be maximal (as far as I understand most "upwards")
vz = pz * cos(t) + az * sin(t) (2)
has extremum when it's derivative by t is zero
0 = (pz * cos(t) + az * sin(t))' = -pz * sin(t) + az * cos(t)
tan(t) = az / pz
t = atan2(az , pz)
put t values into (1) and get needed vector v

Given 2 vector and 2 angle how to find the 3rd vector

It seems to be a very easy question but I just can't figure it out ...
as shown on the below graph:
Supposing we know :
Vector (X,Y)
Vector (X1,Y1)
Angle a
How can I get the vector (?,?) in Unity ?
Many Thanks in advance.
Subtract X1,Y1 from all coordinates.
XX = X - X1
YY = Y - Y1
Let (DX, DY) is vector between (XX, YY) and unknown point.
This vector is perpendicular to (XX, YY), so scalar product is zero.
And length of this vector is equal to length of (XX, YY) multiplied by tangent of angle.
So equation system is
DX * XX + DY * YY = 0
DX^2 + DY^2 = (XX^2 + YY^2) * Tan^2(Alpha)
Solve this system for unknowns (DX, DY) (there are two solutions in general case), then calculate unknown coordinates as (X + DX, Y + DY)
Not totally sure if there is a more efficient method to do this, but it will work.
First you need to find the magnitude of the distance vector between X,Y and X1,Y1. We will call this Dist1.
Dist1 = Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(X,Y), new Vector2(X1,Y1));
Using this distance, we can find the magnitude of the vector for the line going to X?,Y? which we will call DistQ.
DistQ = Dist1 / Mathf.Cos(a * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
You now need to find the angle of this line relative to the overall coordinate plane which will create a new triangle with X?Y? and the x-axis.
angle = Mathf.Atan2((Y - Y1), (X - X1)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg - a;
Now we can use more trig with the DistQ hypotenuse and this new angle to find the X?(XF) and Y?(YF) components relative to X1 and Y1, which we will add on to get the final vector components.
XF = DistQ * Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) + X1;
YF = DistQ * Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) + Y1;

Cone from direction vector

I have a normalized direction vector (from a 3d position to a light position) and I would like this vector to be rotated by some angle so I can create a "cone".
Id like to simulate cone tracing by using the direction vector as the center of the cone and create an X number of samples to create more rays to sample from.
What I would like to know is basically the math behind:
Which seems to do exactly what Im looking for.
1) Make arbitrary vector P, perpendicular to your direction vector D.
You can choose component with max magnitude, exchange it with middle-magnitude component, negate it, and make min magnitude component zero.
For example, if z- component is maximal and y-component is minimal, you may make such P:
D = (dx, dy, dz)
p = (-dz, 0, dx)
P = Normalize(p) //unit vector
2) Make vector Q perpendicular both D and P through vector product:
Q = D x P //unit vector
3) Generate random point in the PQ plane disk
RMax = Tan(Phi) //where Phi is cone angle
Theta = Random(0..2*Pi)
r = RMax * Sqrt(Random(0..1))
V = r * (P * Cos(Theta) + Q * Sin(Theta))
4) Normalize vector V
Note that distribution of vectors is slightly non-uniform on the sphere segment.(it is uniform on the plane disk). There are methods to generate uniform distribution on the sphere but some work needed to apply them to segment (my first attempt before edit was wrong).
Edit: Modification to make sphere-uniform distribution (not checked thoroughly)
RMax = Tan(Phi) //where Phi is cone angle
Theta = Random(0..2*Pi)
u = Random(Cos(Phi)..1)
r = RMax * Sqrt(1 - u^2)
V = r * (P * Cos(Theta) + Q * Sin(Theta))

Point x cor calculate in given direction

Given my position as (x, y). I wish to calculate the xcor (the x coordinate) for a point whose ycor (the y coordinate)I know. The direction is theta (an angle with the vertical).
xcor = x0 + t * Sin(Theta)
ycor = y0 + t * Cos(Theta)
find t from 2nd equation and use it in 1st equation
(note Cos/Sin exchange, because you mentioned theta as an angle with the vertical

Plotting a point on the edge of a sphere

So coming from a flash background I have an OK understanding of some simple 2D trig. In 2d with I circle, I know the math to place an item on the edge given an angle and a radius using.
x = cos(a) * r;
y = sin(a) * r;
Now if i have a point in 3d space, i know the radius of my sphere, i know the angle i want to position it around the z axis and the angle i want to position it around, say, the y axis. What is the math to find the x, y and z coordinates in my 3d space (assume that my origin is 0,0,0)? I would think i could borrow the Math from the circle trig but i can't seem to find a solution.
Your position in 3d is given by two angles (+ radius, which in your case is constant)
x = r * cos(s) * sin(t)
y = r * sin(s) * sin(t)
z = r * cos(t)
here, s is the angle around the z-axis, and t is the height angle, measured 'down' from the z-axis.
The picture below shows what the angles represent, s=theta in the range 0 to 2*PI in the xy-plane, and t=phi in the range 0 to PI.
The accepted answer did not seem to support negative x values (possibly I did something wrong), but just in case, using notation from ISO convention on coordinate systems defined in this Wikipedia entry, this system of equations should work:
import math
x = radius * sin(theta) * cos(phi)
y = radius * sin(theta) * sin(phi)
z = radius * cos(theta)
radius = math.sqrt(math.pow(x, 2) + math.pow(y, 2) + math.pow(z, 2))
phi = math.atan2(y, x)
theta = math.acos((z / radius))
