Crawl status saying it can't find any pages to index in my android app - firebase

Although I followed the below guide on my app (up to 7th step because I'm not interested in personal contents or on-device indexing):
Firebase appIndexing tutorial
And connected my app to firebase consol.
Also verified steps against "Get Started" guide:
Firebase AppIndex for Android Get Start guide
And followed steps included in Google guide to create deep link in app (except for reading data from coming intent section) as below link:
Google guide for creating deep link to app contents
I also verified the intent code in the manifest using adb command and got it successfully executed for specified url data (scheme, host, and pathPrefix) with added android:autoVerify="true".
The only thing I couldn't accomplish is to declare the "Digital Asset Links" file by uploading it to my website on Weebly, because I couldn't find a way through my search to do so.
Now, after I added the android app into my webmaster as a property and verified the ownership of my website on Weebly then associated the website to the app in the webmaster, I got the following message in the "Crawl status":
"We did not find any pages to index in your app
Your app pages must be found and indexed before Google can start showing them in search results. You can tell Google which pages to index in a sitemap or in web page markup, or if your website and app have identical page organization, Google can infer your app pages from their corresponding web pages."
I'm really stuck here, and don't know what else to do to index my app contents keywords into Google Play for users to find my app when they search these keywords.
Is there any steps I missed in order to have my app indexed? or is there any other method to make my app on Google Play found when searching for specific keywords (that's all what I want, and I created the website specially for this task)?
Thanks in advance for your help.

App Indexing is for finding app pages in Google search, not in Google Play.
Unfortunately, you do need to associate the Digital Asset file, but this is just a text file in a known location: you can see the details in


Firebase reported in Play console with domain failed validation, deep links not working - how to verify ownership?

I am getting this error message, and don't understand what I need to do to fix. How do I verify ownership of a Firebase deep link?
Deep links not working
Users will not go directly to your app from links associated with this path, but will see the app picker or be directed to the web browser. Once you have fixed these issues and published a new version, users need to update their app before the links will work.
1 domain failed validation
Fix domain issues by verifying ownership of web links associated with this path
Get SHA256 Hash from release key file. You can also find sha256_cert_fingerprints from above assetlinks.json.
Go to the firebase console, select your project, add the SHA 256 key.
Open your dynamics link domain -
Upload new version. It will work.

How to open Google Authenticator from a link?

I'm developing a website that requires a 2FA. We already permit to users to set it by scanning a QR Code shown in our configuration page.
My question is a bit more tricky. How can I permit user to open the app if he opens the page from mobile browser, ie. navigating from the phone with the Authenticator app installed?
I already have the logic to understand if the user is on mobile or not, but I don't find any solution that can replace the QRCode since the user cannot use the mobile camera in that case (he is using the phone to net on my website!).
I was searching the possibility to create a link that is recognised by an authenticator app (Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator) but I didn't find a solution. Any idea?
After some research and trial, I found the link I was searching for.
In Google Authenticator (or any other app), the account are listed in the form:
In order to generate a new entry without scanning the QRCode, a link in the form of:
has to be opened. For instance, the link above results in the following entry:
The link is opened by the phone using the installed Authenticator app.

Action URL changing based on ActionCode settings when sending passwordless login email

I have 2 frontend interfaces for my firebase project (both housed in the same firebase app in the backend). One is web and one is for iOS.
I'm trying to create passwordless sign-in functionality for the iOS app and have gone through all setup guides regarding setting up dynamic links, custom domains etc.
I have gotten to the point where both the web and iOS apps can both send the email successfully, however the root domain changes between the emails sent from each platform. An example is below:
Web App: Sends login email via firebase.auth().sendSignInLinkToEmail and the resulting root domain in the email is (this is correct and is what is set up as a whitelisted domain/dynamic link domain in firebase)
iOS App: Using the same function, the resulting root domain is (incorrect). This results in the link going to the non-firebase, generic website and breaking the flow.
If I add the app subdomain back to the link generated by the iOS email, the dynamic link does then work, so the issue seems to be isolated to this root domain change specifically.
Upon further investigation, the issue seems to be related to the action code settings.
When the iOS.bundleId property is set, or handleCodeInApp is true, the incorrect root domain is used. This is true for either the web app or the iOS app.
I have done a project find on in both projects (my iOS app is an ejected expo app so the search included Xcode files for this one) and can't find any instance of the subdomain being missing in either codebase (or the backend codebase for that matter) and am therefore at a loss.
I've looked throughout my firebase settings and can't find any instance of the incorrect one appearing, but am unaware of a search functionality on the platform to be certain. The Action URL (%LINK%) setting in Authentication->Templates appears to be the correct URL.
I am hoping to get to the point where irrespective of the action code settings, the same, correct root domain is used. I assume this is a configuration issue but am at a total loss about how to resolve it, so any help would be appreciated.
For reference, the action code settings in use are below:
var actionCodeSettings = {
url: '',
iOS: {
bundleId: ''
handleCodeInApp: true
In case anyone finds this in the future, it turned out for me that the issue was due to a combination of an undocumented lack of support for custom domains in dynamic links in react-native-firebase, alongside the fact that the library will only send the email links using the first selected domain in your Firebase Dynamic Links settings.
At the time of writing, the solution was to simply delete all other domains from my Dynamic Links settings, leaving only, so that this was the one that got used by the library. From there everything worked as expected.

Unable to register my application with Google Developers

In my endeavour to gain use of the Youtube API I am required to follow the procedure defined here.
In this link there exists a Prerequisites section that states:
Register your application with Google so that it can submit API
This takes me here which is a page Titled: "Registering your Application". This page contains instructions stating:
To register a new application, do the following:
Enter the Google Cloud Console https: // [hit my link limit LOL]
Select a project, or create a new one.
In the sidebar on the left, select APIs & auth. In the list of APIs, make sure the status is ON for the YouTube Data API v3.
In the sidebar on the left, select Registered apps.
I have done all of the above. I have also clicked on the project taking me to another page. I am however, unable to register the application.
My question to you is "Where do I find the "Registered apps" because it's not in the sidebar on the left.
Google even provide a video on the instructional page stepping you through it. Unfortunately the video appears to be for an older site.
I am running Firefox 25.0.1. and it doesn't work for me so any guidance would be appreciated.
Instead of Registered Apps, in new version you'll go Credentials under API's and Auth and create your keys there.
I tried everything to help you out but i couldn't find "Registered Apps" too. Have you ever tried "Credentials" ? I think it works for the same way.
They don't care much about updates i guess. That's why they did not renew the instructions and the video..

Share my google drive data using a website in

I have some files and folders in my Google Drive.And I have a website.
I want to show my Google drive content in one page of my website.Any body can view the those data.
I tried this since morning.Using javascript I did that.But in that case it only show the data when I login using that Google account.But from other machine or with out sign in using my account it's not show any data.I checked from firebug it's giving a error like login required.
Can any one help me to solve the problem.I will like to do that using
Thanks in advance.
Share a folder with public Internet, use an API key to query the files under that folder with an API key.
'q': '"<publicFoldersId>" in parents'
Obtain an API key from API Console by generating a key for browsers [1].
Note: I'm using the JavaScript client library, available on [2].
