Share my google drive data using a website in -

I have some files and folders in my Google Drive.And I have a website.
I want to show my Google drive content in one page of my website.Any body can view the those data.
I tried this since morning.Using javascript I did that.But in that case it only show the data when I login using that Google account.But from other machine or with out sign in using my account it's not show any data.I checked from firebug it's giving a error like login required.
Can any one help me to solve the problem.I will like to do that using
Thanks in advance.

Share a folder with public Internet, use an API key to query the files under that folder with an API key.
'q': '"<publicFoldersId>" in parents'
Obtain an API key from API Console by generating a key for browsers [1].
Note: I'm using the JavaScript client library, available on [2].


How do I find the Google billing account/project related to an API key?

we look after some websites built by other people and have had issues with the map not working because the associated billing account is invalid, but we have no idea what account or project name it relates to! Is there a way to look up the API key and get back to the account? Thanks.
Right click on the screen and navigate to inspect element. You will get the code written, find out the api key written in the code. Go to your google api console find out the project which is attached to your api key.
Hope it Helps!

Crawl status saying it can't find any pages to index in my android app

Although I followed the below guide on my app (up to 7th step because I'm not interested in personal contents or on-device indexing):
Firebase appIndexing tutorial
And connected my app to firebase consol.
Also verified steps against "Get Started" guide:
Firebase AppIndex for Android Get Start guide
And followed steps included in Google guide to create deep link in app (except for reading data from coming intent section) as below link:
Google guide for creating deep link to app contents
I also verified the intent code in the manifest using adb command and got it successfully executed for specified url data (scheme, host, and pathPrefix) with added android:autoVerify="true".
The only thing I couldn't accomplish is to declare the "Digital Asset Links" file by uploading it to my website on Weebly, because I couldn't find a way through my search to do so.
Now, after I added the android app into my webmaster as a property and verified the ownership of my website on Weebly then associated the website to the app in the webmaster, I got the following message in the "Crawl status":
"We did not find any pages to index in your app
Your app pages must be found and indexed before Google can start showing them in search results. You can tell Google which pages to index in a sitemap or in web page markup, or if your website and app have identical page organization, Google can infer your app pages from their corresponding web pages."
I'm really stuck here, and don't know what else to do to index my app contents keywords into Google Play for users to find my app when they search these keywords.
Is there any steps I missed in order to have my app indexed? or is there any other method to make my app on Google Play found when searching for specific keywords (that's all what I want, and I created the website specially for this task)?
Thanks in advance for your help.
App Indexing is for finding app pages in Google search, not in Google Play.
Unfortunately, you do need to associate the Digital Asset file, but this is just a text file in a known location: you can see the details in

How would you go about writing a custom script that grabs the Adobe or Google Analytics image request?

If I wanted to build a scraper that pings each URL on a site and stores the adobe (or Google) image request, how would I go about this? I.e. I just want something that grabs all the parameters in the URL posted to Adobe in a csv or something similar. I'm familiar with how to build simple web scrapers, but how do I grab the URL I see in for example Fiddler that contains all the variables being sent to the Analytics solution?
If I could do this I could run a script that lists all URLs with the corresponding tracking events that are being fired and it would make QAing much more manageable.
You should be able to query the DOM for the image object created by the tag request. I am more familiar with the IBM Digital Analytics (Coremetrics) platform and you can find the tag requests using accessing the following array document.cmTagCtl.cTI in the Web Console on a Coremetrics tagged page. I used this method when building a Selenium WebDriver test case and wanted to test for the analytics tags.
I don't have the equivalent for Adobe or GA at the moment since it depends in the library implementation am trying the do the same as you for GA.

How do you activate Google Maps JavaScript API v3 service?

The tutorial doesn't say how to activate the Javascript API v3 service. It just says do it. My Google Developers Console screen doesn't match the screen they show in the written (probably out of date) tutorial.
There is no "Service" category for me to choose. I have a "Terms of service" category which, when chosen, allows me to read the terms for this particular API but there is no action to be taken in that window. I have an API key and I have entered the code in my web page and placed my API key in it.
I get the following error message when loading the web page: "This page was unable to display a Google Maps element. The provided Google API key is invalid or this site is not authorized to use it. Error Code: InvalidKeyOrUnauthorizedURLMapError" and I think it may be because I have not been able to "activate" API v3 for this project.
I have tried the following:
Regenerating a key and using it immediately so I know it isn't that the key is over 24 hours old
Double checked my referrals
Accurately entered the name of the site where I am trying to make this work.
You need to activate API from the Developer Console
click the 4^ and then click the "Enable API" blue button
I wasted my time just because of confusion so i am answering here with updated screenshots to help in a better way.

Linking to Google Maps from Desktop App

I want to provide a button in my commercial Windows Forms desktop application which just opens a link to (Google Maps) in a webbrowser control or in the user's default Web Browser with the start and destination address populated. I just String.Format the parameters into a URL, I end up with a URL like this:
and then open that URL with the webbrowser control, or associated app calling Process.Start and passing in the URL, like this:
Dim URL as String = ""
If _useWebBrowser then
Dim sInfo As New ProcessStartInfo(URL)
End If
I am not using the API here (am I?), just linking to the Google's maps site with a URL with a start and end address, but I am now worried this might violate terms of service of some kind. I can't find any good definition of this anywhere.
The closest I can find, on the Google "Permissions" page for Maps, everything else relates to use of the APIs:
Feel free to use a hyperlink on your website or within your application to send users to Google Maps — we appreciate it! Our one request is that you do not use the Google or Google Maps logos as the hyperlink. Please just use text or another image of your choice.
Can I legally create a URL programmatically, and call that URL in a webbrowser control, IE, Chrome, etc?
I am completely confused.
So you just have a link that opens the Google Maps website in a web browser (which includes a webbrowser control)? And you're not using a Google logo for the link? That's fine! As they said, they appreciate it. :-)
Generating the link dynamically doesn't change that. And no, you're not using the Maps API, so the API terms of service don't apply.
