How to remove text in subscribe button embedded on website - css

How can I remove the text YouTube on my website's youtube subscribe button? I tried to apply some styles to target the text but still displaying. I want to apply some style with the button. Please see the fiddle below:

Not only can you not remove the text, I would go so far as to say it may be a violation of YouTube’s policy to do so. You can not access the text using a script, as it falls under the same origin policy and they are smarter than to let you use simple CSS to accomplish this.
They do, however, allow you to customize your button as per their pre-determined guidelines.
Sorry to disappoint, hope this helps.

The text "YouTube" is coming from the following CSS file:
(Open the link and you search for "YouTube")
I'm not sure, but you might be able to override it. (turns out you should not)


My post content (paragraph) is not show proper way in my frontend website

When i make a post in my website then it's paragraph(text editor content) is not show proper way in front end website(wordpress) .
but content is show in text editor in proper way.
Please give me a solution!
A lots of thanks..enter image description here
enter image description here
Talk to your HTML CSS developers about that..I dont think there is any technical issues. Your paragraph tag must be made to display:none as far as my knowledge is concerned.
It seems that your theme doesn't support RTL, you can ask the theme developer about this problem or apply the CSS yourself.

How to create a text area which takes styles

I am writing an application, the use case is admin can enter some text in text area, the same will be displayed to the logged in user.
Here my problem is, if admin copies some code from some editor like eclipse/ intelliJ IDE, the code and style also should get copied to the text box.
So that user would be able to see it in proper format/style.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Thanks and Best Regards,
Unfortunately that is not possible.
The textarea is not designed for that purpose.
Read here for further information.

Kind of flyout module on my help-page with FAQ Drupal

I want to make a helppage on my Drupal website.
I could easily make this by posting 20 Questions and putting a link behind it to a PDF or another webpage that has the information.
But I want something fancy. I want some kind of flyout module.
How to add a picture? <-- USER CLICKS
How to add a PDF?
How to add a picture?
If you want to add a picture go to "add resources" on your page and choose a picture...
Click here for a PDF-example.
How to add a PDF?
How to add a picture?
How to add a PDF?
Bla bla bla bla.
I hope it is clear to you guys what I want. I can't really find a module to do something like this because I don't know how to call it. It isn't really a flyout like from a menu.
Thanks in advance!
If i get what you mean (although I'm not 100% i do!) I think you can achieve what you want with the field collection module and a bit of jquery:
So you'd create a field collection - '20 questions' with fields for question, answer, pdf download etc.
attach it to a content type of you choice.
use css to hide the answers and jquery to show them when a user clicks a question.
Pretty much exactly what's done on this page:

Inline CSS editing and Live Preview

I am NOT after anyone to code this, I am after some advice and possibly links to similar system, that we may learn from
I have searched long and hard, but had no luck. What I am wanting to do is:
Have a webpage with two panes. Demo image below.
Upper Pane: holds a CSS file, like a textarea. User can edit and save as they go. With a Preview button below..
..which onclick shows a preview pane or modal window. With the css changes to a particular file.
I suppose its a bit like JS fiddle, but it preloads a specific css file.
The Preview pane has a specific html file loaded. So that when user saves the session updates the css file, and they can se their progress.
I know this isnt a question in the strictest sense, and perhaps before voting down you may just assist with some pointers to similar scripts .. or logic. As it is I have had no luck finding anything that can do this, let alone knowing where to start to create something like this.
Another one pure css jsfiddle
Instant preview, increment/decrement by alt+up/down keys

KmlScreenOverlay Buttons

KmlScreenOverlay Buttons!!? real? how?
Any other way to put anything flash or html over GEPlugin?
A little unclear what you're after.
If you're trying to make KML Screen Overlays, may I suggest you check out the tutorial and utility at
If you're asking whether you can put, say, a Form Submit button on top of a map in a browser, then sure. You can use divs to layer all sorts of stuff in a browser.
A really good example of this is the Beer Mapping Project. Check out their New Zealand page and see the various items placed on top of it, including buttons, text and lists.
Hope that helps!
KmlScreenOverlay Buttons!!? real?
Yes they're real. But they're not as easy to use as HTML buttons... e.g. you can't just give them a text label. You have to use an image.
How to use them - see the tutorial that #Mark linked to.
Any other way to put anything flash or
html over GEPlugin?
See also How can I place a html div over the Google Earth plugin? Involves wmode, I imagine
