Kotlin 1.2.50 and databinding issue - data-binding

Today I just updated my project to use kotlin 1.2.50 and after when I started compilation i just get an errors :
\app\build\intermediates\feature_data_binding_base_feature_info\demoDebug\dataBindingExportFeaturePackageIdsDemoDebug\out' specified for property 'annotationProcessorOptionProviders$kotlin_gradle_plugin.$0.$0.baseFeatureInfoDir' does not exist.
\app\build\intermediates\feature_data_binding_base_feature_info\demoDebug\dataBindingExportFeaturePackageIdsDemoDebug\out' specified for property 'databinding.baseFeatureInfoDir' does not exist.
On version 1.2.41 compile well.
Does anyone know what is the issue in this case?

Today update for Android Studio solve the issue.
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.2.0-beta01'
-> classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.2.0-beta02'


Problem importing FireBase Analytics into Unity

I have a project at Unity 2019.3 with dotnet 4.x. I am trying to import firebase analicts and I have gotten the following error:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Firebase.Editor.Measurement' threw an exception. ---> System.MissingMethodException: void Google.EditorMeasurement.set_InstallSourceFilename(string)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Firebase.Editor.AndroidSettingsChecker..cctor () [0x0000c] in Z:\tmp\tmp.SHkOPK7iEJ\firebase\app\client\unity\editor\src\AndroidAPILevelChecker.cs:37
MissingMethodException: void Google.EditorMeasurement.set_InstallSourceFilename(string)
Does anyone have any idea what it could be? Was any library missing? I haven't found reference to this problem anywhere.
I had the exact same problem, I fixed it by fully removing the ExternalDependencyManager folder in the project and replaced it using the latest Jar Resolver plugin from here https://github.com/googlesamples/unity-jar-resolver/blob/master/external-dependency-manager-latest.unitypackage
At the same time I also installed Python 2.7 and added it to system path, but I'm pretty sure the jar resolver thing is what fixed the issue. The root problem is the embedded analytics (EditorMeasurement) fail and Firebase never executes the python scripts that make all the Plugins/Firebase/res/values xmls
Hope this helps! :)
In my case the issue was happening after adding a new Firebase package with a version bigger than the other Firebase packages already in the project. Updating all the packages to the same version solved the problem.
deleting the editor folder inside the PlayServicesResolver folder and then reimporting it from any of the firebase unity packages.

Symfony 5 doctrine_migrations error on script boot

As far as i can tell, i can't see any other questions that ask this, so here goes:
I've been running the latest Symfony, for a side project, and encountered this error as i was writing the app. Nothing i do now fixes it, not even re-installing symfony, and i have no idea what the problem even is. I am getting the error:
The parameter "doctrine_migrations.dir_name" has a dependency on a
non-existent parameter "kernel.root_dir". Did you mean one of these:
"kernel.project_dir", "kernel.cache_dir", "kernel.logs_dir"?
It seems that you are using the undefined kernel.root_dir variable in your config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml config file.
You should replace it by kernel.project_dir:
# config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml
dir_name: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Migrations'
See: https://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/DoctrineMigrationsBundle/index.html#configuration
Just to document the root cause.
Symfony 5 removed kernel.root_dir parameters. Doctrine Migrations Bundle uses it as default value for dir_name.
It's been discussed. See https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrineMigrationsBundle/issues/305 and https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrineMigrationsBundle/pull/295.
SOLUTION: right now (Symfony 5 and Migrations bundle 2.1.x), you should not delete doctrine_migrations.yaml. Leave it there with a dir_name that does not raise en error.
at this point i am assuming it is a symfony bug, so i will close this question. Thanks for everyone's help!
composer remove orm
composer require symfony/orm-pack

CS0121 errors using DryIoc when migrating from PCL to netstandard Xamarin.Forms

I needed to migrate a Xamarin.Forms project from PCL to .netstandard. I use the PCL compatibility nuget package to consume PCLs referenced in the project but I am having a problem with DryIoc that I'm not sure why it is happening. I figured maybe someone here has seen this and can help. Basically I'm getting CS0121 errors (call is ambiguous between 'method1' and 'method2' ) One of the errors is below. I replaced part of the path with the ~ but it looks like it is confused with itself.
~/.nuget/packages/dryioc/2.12.7/contentFiles/cs/any/Container.cs(56,56): Error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'DryIoc.ReflectionTools.GetFieldOrNull(System.Type, string)' and 'DryIoc.ReflectionTools.GetFieldOrNull(System.Type, string)' (CS0121) (Masterflex)
Fixed this error by replacing the PackageReference of DryIoc with a Reference node in the csproj file:
<Reference Include="DryIoc">

Unable to use FirebaseRecyclerAdapter

I am getting cannot resolve FirebaseRecyclerAdapter when trying to use it even after adding firebase ui in gradle dependency.Thanks in advance
I was getting the same issue, it's resolved by adding the firebase-ui dependency in build.gradle (module:app)
compile 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:0.4.0'
Also add the import in .java file where you're trying to declare it.
import com.firebase.ui.database.FirebaseRecyclerAdapter;
Go to build.gradle file, add a dependency (get the latest one from here https://github.com/firebase/FirebaseUI-Android)
The latest one on 5 October 2019 is implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:6.0.2'
If You are facing Problem in 2020 then use this dependency:
implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:6.0.2'
above mentioned answers are not working in today's date i have tried all of them,remember import this package too:
import com.firebase.ui.database.FirebaseRecyclerAdapter;
Can you show your build.gradle file?
Also, have you tried putting this under your package name in your java class: import com.firebase.ui.database.FirebaseRecyclerAdapter;?
In your app level gradle:add the following firebase dependency
dependencies {
The dependencies quoted above don't seem to work anymore. After about an hour of searching online, I found this; hopefully it helps someone. It certainly fixed my problem:
compile 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:0.4.3'
Use exactly the matched version of FireBaseRecyclerAdapter
to the Versions that you have included in gradle for the Firebase Database.
This link will surely help you
In this link, you will find the matched Firebase dependency according to the version.
I tried to import the following three packages, and my problem is solved:
implementation "androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.2.1"
implementation "androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0"
implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:8.0.1'
implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:1.2.0'
You can use this gradle dependencies

Flex4.6 : works in debug but not in Release build

My flex4.6 works normally in debug.
But when I create a release version, I got:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at com.adobe.serializers.utility::TypeUtility$/getArrayType()
at com.adobe.serializers.json::JSONDecoder/parseObject()
at com.adobe.serializers.json::JSONDecoder/parseValue()
at com.adobe.serializers.json::JSONDecoder/decode()
at com.bravolucy.football.utilities::Utilities$/getAsObj()
looks like:
Original project was done in flex4.0 and it uses some swc libraries.
The answer of your question is in your question itself
"Original project was done in flex4.0 and it uses some swc libraries"
before this para it was said
flex4.6 works normally in debug
It should be working fine with 4.6 because with this version playerglobal.version 11.1 being used normally which has JSON lib included with it but prior version to playerglobal - 11 you need to include "as3corelib.swc" in your project libs.
More details you can find at - http://blog.infrared5.com/2011/07/working-with-native-json-in-flash-player-11/
You need to add and tick as3corelib.swc in project properties.
But even better would be to switch to native JSON.parse
