Flex4.6 : works in debug but not in Release build - apache-flex

My flex4.6 works normally in debug.
But when I create a release version, I got:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at com.adobe.serializers.utility::TypeUtility$/getArrayType()
at com.adobe.serializers.json::JSONDecoder/parseObject()
at com.adobe.serializers.json::JSONDecoder/parseValue()
at com.adobe.serializers.json::JSONDecoder/decode()
at com.bravolucy.football.utilities::Utilities$/getAsObj()
looks like:
Original project was done in flex4.0 and it uses some swc libraries.

The answer of your question is in your question itself
"Original project was done in flex4.0 and it uses some swc libraries"
before this para it was said
flex4.6 works normally in debug
It should be working fine with 4.6 because with this version playerglobal.version 11.1 being used normally which has JSON lib included with it but prior version to playerglobal - 11 you need to include "as3corelib.swc" in your project libs.
More details you can find at - http://blog.infrared5.com/2011/07/working-with-native-json-in-flash-player-11/

You need to add and tick as3corelib.swc in project properties.
But even better would be to switch to native JSON.parse


Meteor 1.9 build broken with rollup enabled

I'm getting following error in my Angular Meteor project:
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE] [ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE]: The argument 'path' must be a string or Uint8Array without null bytes. Received '\u0000commonjs-proxy:/builds/intemp/in-pool/node_modules/core-js/internals/package.json'
at readFile (fs.js:295:10)
at go$readFile (/home/meteor/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
at Object.readFile (/home/meteor/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
at next (/home/meteor/.meteor/packages/mibto_angular-compilers/.
at load_shims (/home/meteor/.meteor/packages/mibto_angular-compilers/.
at resolve (/home/meteor/.meteor/packages/mibto_angular-compilers/.
at /home/meteor/.meteor/packages/mibto_angular-compilers/.
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Object.resolveId$1 [as resolveId] (/home/meteor/.meteor/packages/mibto_angular-compilers/.
at resolveId (packages/angular-typescript-compiler/rollup.js:52:26)
at /home/meteor/.meteor/packages/mibto_angular-compilers/.
at /home/meteor/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/. {
I'm running following command to build:
without rollup it works, and it also worked before Meteor 1.9
Does anyone have any ideas how to resolve this?
I don’t think rollup=1 has ever worked properly in the angular-meteor compilers. I vaguely remember ardatan mentioning it in a github issue but can’t locate the exact one. The documentation still states it as an option but I think you should forget about it unless you want to fix the specific compiler issue.
Meteor 1.9 is a big upgrade as it uses node 12 so I would not be surprised if this has introduced an issue in the angular compilers package. It probably needs a few tweaks to bring it up to date.

Kotlin 1.2.50 and databinding issue

Today I just updated my project to use kotlin 1.2.50 and after when I started compilation i just get an errors :
\app\build\intermediates\feature_data_binding_base_feature_info\demoDebug\dataBindingExportFeaturePackageIdsDemoDebug\out' specified for property 'annotationProcessorOptionProviders$kotlin_gradle_plugin.$0.$0.baseFeatureInfoDir' does not exist.
\app\build\intermediates\feature_data_binding_base_feature_info\demoDebug\dataBindingExportFeaturePackageIdsDemoDebug\out' specified for property 'databinding.baseFeatureInfoDir' does not exist.
On version 1.2.41 compile well.
Does anyone know what is the issue in this case?
Today update for Android Studio solve the issue.
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.2.0-beta01'
-> classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.2.0-beta02'

Namespace 3.6 in the application descriptor file should be equal or higher than the minimum version 13.0 required by the Flex SDK

I am new to Flash Builder and setup the 4.7 environment according to these instructions: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/ane-android-devices.html
The end of the tutorial involves "Export Release Build" of ANESampleTest (a Flex project) and I am getting this error:
"Namespace 3.6 in the application descriptor file should be equal or higher than the minimum version 13.0 required by the Flex SDK"
I do not have a good understanding of Flash/Flex/Air/etc, but following the tutorial to the letter to install Flash Builder, updating the SDK to 3.6, and the partial 'overlay' steps. How do I resolve this error message?
The fix: Change the namespace on the second line of /src/ANESampleTest-app.xml
FROM: <application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/3.6">
TO: <application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/13.0">
A brief and incomplete background:
The file /src/ANESampleTest-app.xml is the ‘application descriptor file’. When using the project files downloaded with the tutorial (that contained the 3.6 reference), the builder did not find this compatible with the configuration on my computer (a trial version I installed today - 5/3/2014 - and patched according to the tutorial). I never did figure out how to lookup valid namespaces and am still confused about how all the sdk’s relate to each other. I stumbled upon this solution by creating a fresh new project and found that the namespace specified by the new project wizard was “13.0” on this line of this file.

Configuration files are ignored after migrating to Servicemix 5

We use a .cfg file in ./etc directory to configure our bundle in ServiceMix. Everything worked fine in SMX 4.5.3, but when migrating to the 5th version the file is not picked up. When the bundle encounters a property the following exception is thrown:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property with key [xslt.dir] not found in properties from text: {{xslt.dir}}, StackTrace: org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property with key [xslt.dir] not found in properties from text: {{xslt.dir}}
However, if I put the properties in default-properties section in my blueprint configuration, it works.
Also, the console command config:list actually shows the properties for the bundle in spite of the exception:
Pid: misrouter
BundleLocation: mvn:ru.mig/mis-router/1.0-SNAPSHOT
service.pid = misrouter
felix.fileinstall.filename = file:/home/petr/programs/5.0.0-apache-servicemix/etc/misrouter.cfg
xslt.dir = /home/petr/programs/5.0.0-apache-servicemix/xslt
So was something changed in SMX 5 configuration mechanism or is there a bug in it?
What version of the JDK/JRE are you using? When I was trying this out a few minutes ago to answer your question, I also had some problems using the 1.7.0_15 version I had installed and upgrading to the latest 1.7.0_51 fixed those for me.
Actually it's related to Camel vm component, a bug was created for SMX

Gradlefx compilation fails with dependency as3commons-logging

I created a gradle build file for a Flex swc project, which compiles successfully in intellij IDEA.
My project contains dependency
internal group: 'org.as3commons', name: 'as3commons-logging', version: '2.7', ext: 'swc'
Compilation fails, with errors like
Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: [com.furusystems.logging.slf4as.bindings]::ILogBinding.
I see that logging library indeed contains references to interfaces from other libraries, but in the IDE somehow it passes compilation and even works.
Which gradlefx option should I set?
Solved!I changed dependency configuration from 'internal' to "merged"!
cool :)
Also, we have a support forum for GradleFx which you can find here: http://support.gradlefx.org/home
