Validate time series index - r

I am using a dataset which is grouped by group_by function of dplyr package.
Each Group has it's own time index which i.e. supposedly consist of 12 months sequences.
This means that it can start from January and end up in December or in other cases it can start from June of the year before and end up in May next year.
Here is the dataset example:
8 2017-01-31
8 2017-02-28
8 2017-03-31
8 2017-04-30
8 2017-05-31
8 2017-06-30
8 2017-07-31
8 2017-08-31
8 2017-09-30
8 2017-10-31
8 2017-11-30
8 2017-12-31
32 2017-01-31
32 2017-02-28
32 2017-03-31
32 2017-04-30
32 2017-05-31
32 2017-06-30
32 2017-07-31
32 2017-08-31
32 2017-09-30
32 2017-10-31
32 2017-11-30
32 2017-12-31
45 2016-09-30
45 2016-10-31
45 2016-11-30
45 2016-12-31
45 2017-01-31
45 2017-02-28
45 2017-03-31
45 2017-04-30
45 2017-05-31
45 2017-06-30
45 2017-07-31
45 2017-08-31
The Problem is that I can't confirm or validate visualy because of dataset dimensions if there are so called "jumps", in other words if dates are consistent. Is there any simple way in r to do that, perhaps some modification/combination of functions from tibbletime package.
Any help will by appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Here's how I would typically approach this problem using data.table -- the cut.Date() and seq.Date() functions from base are the meat of the logic, so you use the same approach with dplyr if desired.
## Convert to data.table
## Convert DATE to a date in case it wasn't already
df[,DATE := as.Date(DATE)]
## Order by ID and Date
## Create a column with the month of each date
df[,Month := as.Date(cut.Date(DATE, breaks = "months"))]
## Generate a sequence of Dates by month for the number of observations
## in each group -- .N
df[,ExpectedMonth := seq.Date(from = min(Month),
by = "months",
length.out = .N), by = .(ID)]
## Create a summary table to test whether an ID had 12 observations where
## the actual month was equal to the expected month
Test <- df[Month == ExpectedMonth, .(Valid = ifelse(.N == 12L,TRUE,FALSE)), by = .(ID)]
# ID Valid
# 1: 8 TRUE
# 2: 32 TRUE
# 3: 45 TRUE
## Do a no-copy join of Test to df based on ID
## and create a column in df based on the 'Valid' column in Test
df[Test, Valid := i.Valid, on = "ID"]
## The final output:
# ID DATE Month ExpectedMonth Valid
# 1: 8 2017-01-31 2017-01-01 2017-01-01 TRUE
# 2: 8 2017-02-28 2017-02-01 2017-02-01 TRUE
# 3: 8 2017-03-31 2017-03-01 2017-03-01 TRUE
# 4: 8 2017-04-30 2017-04-01 2017-04-01 TRUE
# 5: 8 2017-05-31 2017-05-01 2017-05-01 TRUE
# 6: 8 2017-06-30 2017-06-01 2017-06-01 TRUE
You could also do things a little more compactly if you really wanted to using a self-join and skip creating Test
df[,DATE := as.Date(DATE)]
df[,Month := as.Date(cut.Date(DATE, breaks = "months"))]
df[,ExpectedMonth := seq.Date(from = min(Month), by = "months", length.out = .N), keyby = .(ID)]
df[df[Month == ExpectedMonth,.(Valid = ifelse(.N == 12L,TRUE,FALSE)),keyby = .(ID)], Valid := i.Valid]

You can use the summarise function from dplyr to return a logical value of whether there are any day differences greater than 31 within each ID. You do this by first constructing a temporary date using only the year and month and attaching "-01" as the fake day:
df %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(DATE2 = ymd(paste0(sub('\\-\\d+$', '', DATE),'-01')),
DATE_diff = c(0, diff(DATE2))) %>%
summarise(Valid = !any(DATE_diff > 31))
# A tibble: 3 x 2
ID Valid
<int> <lgl>
1 8 TRUE
2 32 TRUE
3 45 TRUE
You can also visually check if there are any gaps by plotting your dates for each ID:
df %>%
mutate(DATE = ymd(paste0(sub('\\-\\d+$', '', DATE),'-01')),
ID = as.factor(ID)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = DATE, y = ID, group = ID)) +
geom_point(aes(color = ID)) +
scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 month",
date_labels = "%b-%Y") +
labs(title = "Time Line by ID")


make monthly ranges in R

I've this function to generate monthly ranges, it should consider years where february has 28 or 29 days:
starts ends
1 2017-01-01 2017-01-31
2 2017-02-01 2017-02-28
3 2017-03-01 2017-03-31
It works with:
make_date_ranges(as.Date("2017-01-01"), Sys.Date())
But gives error with:
make_date_ranges(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2019-12-31"))
make_date_ranges(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2019-12-31"))
Error in data.frame(starts, ends) :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 38, 36
add_months <- function(date, n){
seq(date, by = paste (n, "months"), length = 2)[2]
make_date_ranges <- function(start, end){
starts <- seq(from = start,
to = Sys.Date()-1 ,
by = "1 month")
ends <- c((seq(from = add_months(start, 1),
to = end,
by = "1 month" ))-1,
## useage
make_date_ranges(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2019-12-31"))
1) First, define start of month, som, and end of month, eom functions which take a Date class object, date string in standard Date format or yearmon object and produce a Date class object giving the start or end of its year/months.
Using those, create a monthly Date series s using the start of each month from the month/year of from to that of to. Use pmax to ensure that the series does not extend before from and pmin so that it does not extend past to.
The input arguments can be strings in standard Date format, Date class objects or yearmon class objects. In the yearmon case it assumes the user wanted the full month for every month. (The if statement can be omitted if you don't need to support yearmon inputs.)
som <- function(x) as.Date(as.yearmon(x))
eom <- function(x) as.Date(as.yearmon(x), frac = 1)
date_ranges2 <- function(from, to) {
if (inherits(to, "yearmon")) to <- eom(to)
s <- seq(som(from), eom(to), "month")
data.frame(from = pmax(as.Date(from), s), to = pmin(as.Date(to), eom(s)))
date_ranges2("2000-01-10", "2000-06-20")
## from to
## 1 2000-01-10 2000-01-31
## 2 2000-02-01 2000-02-29
## 3 2000-03-01 2000-03-31
## 4 2000-04-01 2000-04-30
## 5 2000-05-01 2000-05-31
## 6 2000-06-01 2000-06-20
date_ranges2(as.yearmon("2000-01"), as.yearmon("2000-06"))
## from to
## 1 2000-01-01 2000-01-31
## 2 2000-02-01 2000-02-29
## 3 2000-03-01 2000-03-31
## 4 2000-04-01 2000-04-30
## 5 2000-05-01 2000-05-31
## 6 2000-06-01 2000-06-30
2) This alternative takes the same approach but defines start of month (som) and end of month (eom) functions without using yearmon so that only base R is needed. It takes character strings in standard Date format or Date class inputs and gives the same output as (1).
som <- function(x) as.Date(cut(as.Date(x), "month")) # start of month
eom <- function(x) som(som(x) + 32) - 1 # end of month
date_ranges3 <- function(from, to) {
s <- seq(som(from), as.Date(to), "month")
data.frame(from = pmax(as.Date(from), s), to = pmin(as.Date(to), eom(s)))
date_ranges3("2000-01-10", "2000-06-20")
## from to
## 1 2000-01-10 2000-01-31
## 2 2000-02-01 2000-02-29
## 3 2000-03-01 2000-03-31
## 4 2000-04-01 2000-04-30
## 5 2000-05-01 2000-05-31
## 6 2000-06-01 2000-06-20
date_ranges3(som("2000-01-10"), eom("2000-06-20"))
## from to
## 1 2000-01-01 2000-01-31
## 2 2000-02-01 2000-02-29
## 3 2000-03-01 2000-03-31
## 4 2000-04-01 2000-04-30
## 5 2000-05-01 2000-05-31
## 6 2000-06-01 2000-06-30
You don't need to use seq twice -- you can subtract 1 day from the firsts of each month to get the ends, and generate one too many starts, then shift & subset:
make_date_ranges = function(start, end) {
# format(end, "%Y-%m-01") essentially truncates end to
# the first day of end's month; 32 days later is guaranteed to be
# in the subsequent month
starts = seq(from = start, to = as.Date(format(end, '%Y-%m-01')) + 32, by = 'month')
data.frame(starts = head(starts, -1L), ends = tail(starts - 1, -1L))
x = make_date_ranges(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2019-12-31"))
rbind(head(x), tail(x))
# starts ends
# 1 2017-01-01 2017-01-31
# 2 2017-02-01 2017-02-28
# 3 2017-03-01 2017-03-31
# 4 2017-04-01 2017-04-30
# 5 2017-05-01 2017-05-31
# 6 2017-06-01 2017-06-30
# 31 2019-07-01 2019-07-31
# 32 2019-08-01 2019-08-31
# 33 2019-09-01 2019-09-30
# 34 2019-10-01 2019-10-31
# 35 2019-11-01 2019-11-30
# 36 2019-12-01 2019-12-31

How to generate a unique ID for each group based on relative date interval in R using dplyr?

I have a cohort of data with multiple person visits and want to group visits with a common ID based on person # and the time of the visit. The condition is if an start is within 24 hours of a the previous exit, then I want those to have the same ID.
Sample of what data looks like:
dat <- data.frame(
Person_ID = c(1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4),
Admit_Date_Time = as.POSIXct(c("2017-02-07 15:26:00","2017-04-21 10:20:00",
"2017-04-22 12:12:00", "2017-10-16 01:31:00","2017-01-24 02:41:00","2017- 01-24 05:31:00", "2017-01-28 04:26:00", "2017-12-01 01:31:00","2017-12-01
01:31:00"), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
Discharge_Date_Time = as.POSIXct(c("2017-03-01 11:42:00","2017-04-22
"2017-04-26 21:01:00",
"2017-10-18 20:11:00",
"2017-01-27 22:15:00",
"2017-01-26 15:35:00",
"2017-01-28 09:25:00",
"2017-12-05 18:33:00",
"2017-12-04 16:41:00"),format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" ),
Visit_ID = c(1:9))
this is what I tried to start:
dat1 <-
dat %>%
arrange(Person_ID, Admit_Date_Time) %>%
group_by(Person_ID) %>%
mutate(Previous_Visit_Interval = difftime(lag(Discharge_Date_Time,
1),Admit_Date_Time, units = "hours")) %>%
mutate(start = c(1,Previous_Visit_Interval[-1] < hours(-24)), run =
dat1$ID = as.numeric(as.factor(paste0(dat1$Person_ID,dat1$run)))
Which is almost right, except it does not give the correct ID for visit 7 (person #3). Since there are three visits and the second visit is entirely within the first, and the third starts within 24 hours of the first but not the second.
There's probably a way to shorten this, but here's an approach using tidyr::gather and spread. By gathering into long format, we can track the cumulative admissions inside each visit. A new visit is recorded whenever there's a new Person_ID or that Person_ID completed a visit (cumulative admissions went to zero) at least 24 hours prior.
dat1 <- dat %>%
# Gather into long format with event type in one column, timestamp in another
gather(event, time, Admit_Date_Time:Discharge_Date_Time) %>%
# I want discharges to have an effect up to 24 hours later. Sort using that.
mutate(time_adj = if_else(event == "Discharge_Date_Time",
time + ddays(1),
time)) %>%
arrange(Person_ID, time_adj) %>%
# For each Person_ID, track cumulative admissions. 0 means a visit has completed.
# (b/c we sorted by time_adj, these reflect the 24hr period after discharges.)
group_by(Person_ID) %>%
mutate(admissions = if_else(event == "Admit_Date_Time", 1, -1)) %>%
mutate(admissions_count = cumsum(admissions)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Record a new Hosp_ID when either (a) a new Person, or (b) preceded by a
# completed visit (ie admissions_count was zero).
mutate(Hosp_ID_chg = 1 *
(Person_ID != lag(Person_ID, default = 1) | # (a)
lag(admissions_count, default = 1) == 0), # (b)
Hosp_ID = cumsum(Hosp_ID_chg)) %>%
# Spread back into original format
select(-time_adj, -admissions, -admissions_count, -Hosp_ID_chg) %>%
spread(event, time)
> dat1
# A tibble: 9 x 5
Person_ID Visit_ID Hosp_ID Admit_Date_Time Discharge_Date_Time
<dbl> <int> <dbl> <dttm> <dttm>
1 1 1 1 2017-02-07 15:26:00 2017-03-01 11:42:00
2 1 2 2 2017-04-21 10:20:00 2017-04-22 05:56:00
3 1 3 2 2017-04-22 12:12:00 2017-04-26 21:01:00
4 2 4 3 2017-10-16 01:31:00 2017-10-18 20:11:00
5 3 5 4 2017-01-24 02:41:00 2017-01-27 22:15:00
6 3 6 4 2017-01-24 05:31:00 2017-01-26 15:35:00
7 3 7 4 2017-01-28 04:26:00 2017-01-28 09:25:00
8 4 8 5 2017-12-01 01:31:00 2017-12-05 18:33:00
9 4 9 5 2017-12-01 01:31:00 2017-12-04 16:41:00
Here's a data.table approach using an overlap-join
library( data.table )
library( lubridate )
setDT( dat )
setorder( dat, Person_ID, Admit_Date_Time )
#create a 1-day extension after each discharge
dt2 <- dat[, discharge_24h := Discharge_Date_Time %m+% days(1)][]
#now create id
setkey( dat, Admit_Date_Time, discharge_24h )
#create data-table with overlap-join, create groups based on overlapping ranges
dt2 <- setorder(
foverlaps( dat,
mult = "first",
type = "any",
nomatch = 0L
Visit_ID )[, list( Visit_ID = i.Visit_ID,
Hosp_ID = .GRP ),
by = .( Visit_ID )][, Visit_ID := NULL]
#reorder the result
setorder( dt2[ dat, on = "Visit_ID" ][, discharge_24h := NULL], Visit_ID )[]
# Visit_ID Hosp_ID Person_ID Admit_Date_Time Discharge_Date_Time
# 1: 1 1 1 2017-02-07 15:26:00 2017-03-01 11:42:00
# 2: 2 2 1 2017-04-21 10:20:00 2017-04-22 05:56:00
# 3: 3 2 1 2017-04-22 12:12:00 2017-04-26 21:01:00
# 4: 4 3 2 2017-10-16 01:31:00 2017-10-18 20:11:00
# 5: 5 4 3 2017-01-24 02:41:00 2017-01-27 22:15:00
# 6: 6 4 3 2017-01-24 05:31:00 2017-01-26 15:35:00
# 7: 7 4 3 2017-01-28 04:26:00 2017-01-28 09:25:00
# 8: 8 5 4 2017-12-01 01:31:00 2017-12-05 18:33:00
# 9: 9 5 4 2017-12-01 01:31:00 2017-12-04 16:41:00

R: time series monthly max adjusted by group

I have a df like that (head):
date Value
1: 2016-12-31 169361280
2: 2017-01-01 169383153
3: 2017-01-02 169494585
4: 2017-01-03 167106852
5: 2017-01-04 166750164
6: 2017-01-05 164086438
I would like to calculate a ratio, for that reason I need the max of every period. The max it´s normally the last day of the month but sometime It could be some days after and before (28,29,30,31,01,02).
In order to calculate it properly I would like to assign to my reference date (the last day of the month) the max value of this group of days to be sure that the ratio reflects what it supossed to.
This could be a reproducible example:
window<-data.table(seq(Start,End,by='1 day'))
# Create a Dateseq
DateSeq <- function(st, en, freq) {
st <- as.Date(as.yearmon(st))
en <- as.Date(as.yearmon(en))
as.Date(as.yearmon(seq(st, en, by = paste(as.character(12/freq),
"months"))), frac = 1)
# df to be fulfilled with the group max.
1 2016-12-31
2 2017-01-31
3 2017-02-28
4 2017-03-31
5 2017-04-30
6 2017-05-31
7 2017-06-30
8 2017-07-31
9 2017-08-31
10 2017-09-30
11 2017-10-31
12 2017-11-30
13 2017-12-31
14 2018-01-31
15 2018-02-28
16 2018-03-31
You could use data.table:
Start <- as.Date("2016-12-31")
End <- Sys.Date()
window <- data.table(seq(Start,End,by='1 day'))
dt <- cbind(window,rep(rnorm(nrow(window))))
colnames(dt) <- c("date","value")
dt <- data.table(dt)
dt[,period := as.Date(as.yearmon(date)) %m+% months(1) - 1,][, maximum:=max(value), by=period][, unique(maximum), by=period]
In the first expression we create a new column called period. Then we group by this new column and look for the maximum in value. In the last expression we just output these unique rows.
Notice that to get the last day of each period we add one month using lubridate and then substract 1 day.
The output is:
period V1
1: 2016-12-31 -0.7832116
2: 2017-01-31 2.1988660
3: 2017-02-28 1.6644812
4: 2017-03-31 1.2464980
5: 2017-04-30 2.8268820
6: 2017-05-31 1.7963104
7: 2017-06-30 1.3612476
8: 2017-07-31 1.7325457
9: 2017-08-31 2.7503439
10: 2017-09-30 2.4369036
11: 2017-10-31 2.4544802
12: 2017-11-30 3.1477730
13: 2017-12-31 2.8461506
14: 2018-01-31 1.8862944
15: 2018-02-28 1.8946470
16: 2018-03-31 0.7864341

Vectorising iterative operation across rows

I've seen a lot of questions on here about vectorising for loops, but couldn't find any that involve vectorising a for loop to populate a cell based on the value of a cell in a row below (apologies if I'm just being blind though...).
I have a dataframe with 1.6 million rows of salaries and the date each person started earning that salary. Each person can have multiple salaries, and so multiple rows, each with a different date that it was updated.
Code for a dummy dataset is as follows:
df1 <- data.frame("id" = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6),
"salary" = c(15456,16594,
"start_date" = sample(seq(as.Date('2016/01/01'),as.Date(Sys.Date()), by="day"), 12))
df1 <- df1[order(df1$id,df1$start_date),]
I want to create a column with an end date for each salary, which is calculated as the day before the subsequent salary entry. If there is no subsequent salary entry, then it's set as today's date. This is my code, including a for loop, to do that:
df1$end_date <- Sys.Date()
for (i in 1:(nrow(df1)-1)){
if(df1[i,1]== df1[i+1,1]){
df1[i,4] <- df1[i+1,3]-1
However, I know that for loops are not the most efficient way, but how would I go about vectorising this?
Using the dplyr package, you could do:
df1 %>%
group_by(id) %>%
Which returns:
id salary start_date end_date
<dbl> <dbl> <date> <date>
1 1 15456 2016-02-14 2016-03-02
2 1 16594 2016-03-03 2017-05-22
3 2 17364 2016-01-17 2016-11-28
4 2 34564 2016-11-29 2017-05-22
5 3 33656 2016-08-17 2016-11-25
6 3 34525 2016-11-26 2017-05-22
7 4 23464 2016-01-20 2017-05-05
8 4 23467 2017-05-06 2017-05-22
9 5 27454 2016-02-29 2016-12-15
10 5 16794 2016-12-16 2017-05-22
11 6 42743 2016-03-14 2017-01-29
12 6 40663 2017-01-30 2017-05-22
You can use library(data.table):
setDT(df1)[, end_date := shift(start_date, type = "lead", fill = Sys.Date()), id][]
With data.table and shift, you can use below:
df1 <- data.table("id" = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6),
"salary" = c(15456,16594,
"start_date" = sample(seq(as.Date('2016/01/01'),as.Date(Sys.Date()), by="day"), 12))
df1 <- df1[order(id,start_date),]
df1[, EndDate := shift(start_date, type="lead"), id]
df1[, EndDate := Sys.Date()]
If I understand your question, the following base R code will work.
df1$end <- ave(df1$start_date, df1$id, FUN=function(x) c(tail(x, -1) - 1, Sys.Date()))
ave is used to perform the group level operation. The function performed takes the second through final date and subtracts 1. This is concatenated with the final date.
This returns
id salary start_date end
1 1 15456 2016-03-20 2016-12-06
2 1 16594 2016-12-07 2017-05-22
3 2 17364 2016-10-17 2016-07-27
4 2 34564 2016-07-28 2017-05-22
5 3 34525 2016-05-26 2016-05-01
6 3 33656 2016-05-02 2017-05-22
7 4 23464 2017-04-17 2016-01-19
8 4 23467 2016-01-20 2017-05-22
9 5 16794 2016-09-12 2016-05-06
10 5 27454 2016-05-07 2017-05-22
11 6 40663 2016-10-03 2016-03-28
12 6 42743 2016-03-29 2017-05-22

How to subset data.frame by weeks and then sum?

Let's say I have several years worth of data which look like the following
# load date package and set random seed
# create data.frame of dates and income
date <- seq(dmy("26-12-2010"), dmy("15-01-2011"), by = "days")
df <- data.frame(date = date,
wday = wday(date), = wday(date, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE),
income = round(runif(21, 0, 100)),
week = format(date, format="%Y-%U"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# date wday income week
# 1 2010-12-26 1 Sun 91 2010-52
# 2 2010-12-27 2 Mon 94 2010-52
# 3 2010-12-28 3 Tues 29 2010-52
# 4 2010-12-29 4 Wed 83 2010-52
# 5 2010-12-30 5 Thurs 64 2010-52
# 6 2010-12-31 6 Fri 52 2010-52
# 7 2011-01-01 7 Sat 74 2011-00
# 8 2011-01-02 1 Sun 13 2011-01
# 9 2011-01-03 2 Mon 66 2011-01
# 10 2011-01-04 3 Tues 71 2011-01
# 11 2011-01-05 4 Wed 46 2011-01
# 12 2011-01-06 5 Thurs 72 2011-01
# 13 2011-01-07 6 Fri 93 2011-01
# 14 2011-01-08 7 Sat 26 2011-01
# 15 2011-01-09 1 Sun 46 2011-02
# 16 2011-01-10 2 Mon 94 2011-02
# 17 2011-01-11 3 Tues 98 2011-02
# 18 2011-01-12 4 Wed 12 2011-02
# 19 2011-01-13 5 Thurs 47 2011-02
# 20 2011-01-14 6 Fri 56 2011-02
# 21 2011-01-15 7 Sat 90 2011-02
I would like to sum 'income' for each week (Sunday thru Saturday). Currently I do the following:
Weekending 2011-01-01 = sum(df$income[1:7]) = 487
Weekending 2011-01-08 = sum(df$income[8:14]) = 387
Weekending 2011-01-15 = sum(df$income[15:21]) = 443
However I would like a more robust approach which will automatically sum by week. I can't work out how to automatically subset the data into weeks. Any help would be much appreciated.
First use format to convert your dates to week numbers, then plyr::ddply() to calculate the summaries:
df$week <- format(df$date, format="%Y-%U")
ddply(df, .(week), summarize, income=sum(income))
week income
1 2011-52 413
2 2012-01 435
3 2012-02 379
For more information on, see ?strptime, particular the bit that defines %U as the week number.
Given the modified data and requirement, one way is to divide the date by 7 to get a numeric number indicating the week. (Or more precisely, divide by the number of seconds in a week to get the number of weeks since the epoch, which is 1970-01-01 by default.
In code:
df$week <- as.Date("1970-01-01")+7*trunc(as.numeric(df$date)/(3600*24*7))
ddply(df, .(week), summarize, income=sum(income))
week income
1 2010-12-23 298
2 2010-12-30 392
3 2011-01-06 294
4 2011-01-13 152
I have not checked that the week boundaries are on Sunday. You will have to check this, and insert an appropriate offset into the formula.
This is now simple using dplyr. Also I would suggest using cut(breaks = "week") rather than format() to cut the dates into weeks.
df %>% group_by(week = cut(date, "week")) %>% mutate(weekly_income = sum(income))
I Googled "group week days into weeks R" and came across this SO question. You mention you have multiple years, so I think we need to keep up with both the week number and also the year, so I modified the answers there as so format(date, format = "%U%y")
In use it looks like this:
library(plyr) #for aggregating
df <- transform(df, weeknum = format(date, format = "%y%U"))
ddply(df, "weeknum", summarize, suminc = sum(income))
weeknum suminc
1 1152 413
2 1201 435
3 1202 379
See ?strptime for all the format abbreviations.
Try rollapply from the zoo package:
rollapply(df$income, width=7, FUN = sum, by = 7)
# [1] 487 387 443
Or, use period.sum from the xts package:
period.sum(xts(df$income,$date), which(df$wday %in% 7))
# [,1]
# 2011-01-01 487
# 2011-01-08 387
# 2011-01-15 443
Or, to get the output in the format you want:
data.frame(income = period.sum(xts(df$income,$date),
which(df$wday %in% 7)),
week = df$week[which(df$wday %in% 7)])
# income week
# 2011-01-01 487 2011-00
# 2011-01-08 387 2011-01
# 2011-01-15 443 2011-02
Note that the first week shows as 2011-00 because that's how it is entered in your data. You could also use week = df$week[which(df$wday %in% 1)] which would match your output.
This solution is influenced by #Andrie and #Chase.
# load plyr
# format weeks as per requirement (replace "00" with "52" and adjust corresponding year)
tmp <- list()
tmp$y <- format(df$date, format="%Y")
tmp$w <- format(df$date, format="%U")
tmp$y[tmp$w=="00"] <- as.character(as.numeric(tmp$y[tmp$w=="00"]) - 1)
tmp$w[tmp$w=="00"] <- "52"
df$week <- paste(tmp$y, tmp$w, sep = "-")
# get summary
df2 <- ddply(df, .(week), summarize, income=sum(income))
# include week ending date
tmp$week.ending <- lapply(df2$week, function(x) rev(df[df$week==x, "date"])[[1]])
df2$week.ending <- sapply(tmp$week.ending, as.character)
# week income week.ending
# 1 2010-52 487 2011-01-01
# 2 2011-01 387 2011-01-08
# 3 2011-02 443 2011-01-15
df.index = df['week'] #the the dt variable as index
df.resample('W').sum() #sum using resample
With dplyr:
df %>%
arrange(date) %>%
mutate(week = as.numeric(date - date[1])%/%7) %>%
group_by(week) %>%
summarise(weekincome= sum(income))
Instead of date[1] you can have any date from when you want to start your weekly study.
