Vectorising iterative operation across rows - r

I've seen a lot of questions on here about vectorising for loops, but couldn't find any that involve vectorising a for loop to populate a cell based on the value of a cell in a row below (apologies if I'm just being blind though...).
I have a dataframe with 1.6 million rows of salaries and the date each person started earning that salary. Each person can have multiple salaries, and so multiple rows, each with a different date that it was updated.
Code for a dummy dataset is as follows:
df1 <- data.frame("id" = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6),
"salary" = c(15456,16594,
"start_date" = sample(seq(as.Date('2016/01/01'),as.Date(Sys.Date()), by="day"), 12))
df1 <- df1[order(df1$id,df1$start_date),]
I want to create a column with an end date for each salary, which is calculated as the day before the subsequent salary entry. If there is no subsequent salary entry, then it's set as today's date. This is my code, including a for loop, to do that:
df1$end_date <- Sys.Date()
for (i in 1:(nrow(df1)-1)){
if(df1[i,1]== df1[i+1,1]){
df1[i,4] <- df1[i+1,3]-1
However, I know that for loops are not the most efficient way, but how would I go about vectorising this?

Using the dplyr package, you could do:
df1 %>%
group_by(id) %>%
Which returns:
id salary start_date end_date
<dbl> <dbl> <date> <date>
1 1 15456 2016-02-14 2016-03-02
2 1 16594 2016-03-03 2017-05-22
3 2 17364 2016-01-17 2016-11-28
4 2 34564 2016-11-29 2017-05-22
5 3 33656 2016-08-17 2016-11-25
6 3 34525 2016-11-26 2017-05-22
7 4 23464 2016-01-20 2017-05-05
8 4 23467 2017-05-06 2017-05-22
9 5 27454 2016-02-29 2016-12-15
10 5 16794 2016-12-16 2017-05-22
11 6 42743 2016-03-14 2017-01-29
12 6 40663 2017-01-30 2017-05-22

You can use library(data.table):
setDT(df1)[, end_date := shift(start_date, type = "lead", fill = Sys.Date()), id][]

With data.table and shift, you can use below:
df1 <- data.table("id" = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6),
"salary" = c(15456,16594,
"start_date" = sample(seq(as.Date('2016/01/01'),as.Date(Sys.Date()), by="day"), 12))
df1 <- df1[order(id,start_date),]
df1[, EndDate := shift(start_date, type="lead"), id]
df1[, EndDate := Sys.Date()]

If I understand your question, the following base R code will work.
df1$end <- ave(df1$start_date, df1$id, FUN=function(x) c(tail(x, -1) - 1, Sys.Date()))
ave is used to perform the group level operation. The function performed takes the second through final date and subtracts 1. This is concatenated with the final date.
This returns
id salary start_date end
1 1 15456 2016-03-20 2016-12-06
2 1 16594 2016-12-07 2017-05-22
3 2 17364 2016-10-17 2016-07-27
4 2 34564 2016-07-28 2017-05-22
5 3 34525 2016-05-26 2016-05-01
6 3 33656 2016-05-02 2017-05-22
7 4 23464 2017-04-17 2016-01-19
8 4 23467 2016-01-20 2017-05-22
9 5 16794 2016-09-12 2016-05-06
10 5 27454 2016-05-07 2017-05-22
11 6 40663 2016-10-03 2016-03-28
12 6 42743 2016-03-29 2017-05-22


How to generate a unique ID for each group based on relative date interval in R using dplyr?

I have a cohort of data with multiple person visits and want to group visits with a common ID based on person # and the time of the visit. The condition is if an start is within 24 hours of a the previous exit, then I want those to have the same ID.
Sample of what data looks like:
dat <- data.frame(
Person_ID = c(1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4),
Admit_Date_Time = as.POSIXct(c("2017-02-07 15:26:00","2017-04-21 10:20:00",
"2017-04-22 12:12:00", "2017-10-16 01:31:00","2017-01-24 02:41:00","2017- 01-24 05:31:00", "2017-01-28 04:26:00", "2017-12-01 01:31:00","2017-12-01
01:31:00"), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
Discharge_Date_Time = as.POSIXct(c("2017-03-01 11:42:00","2017-04-22
"2017-04-26 21:01:00",
"2017-10-18 20:11:00",
"2017-01-27 22:15:00",
"2017-01-26 15:35:00",
"2017-01-28 09:25:00",
"2017-12-05 18:33:00",
"2017-12-04 16:41:00"),format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" ),
Visit_ID = c(1:9))
this is what I tried to start:
dat1 <-
dat %>%
arrange(Person_ID, Admit_Date_Time) %>%
group_by(Person_ID) %>%
mutate(Previous_Visit_Interval = difftime(lag(Discharge_Date_Time,
1),Admit_Date_Time, units = "hours")) %>%
mutate(start = c(1,Previous_Visit_Interval[-1] < hours(-24)), run =
dat1$ID = as.numeric(as.factor(paste0(dat1$Person_ID,dat1$run)))
Which is almost right, except it does not give the correct ID for visit 7 (person #3). Since there are three visits and the second visit is entirely within the first, and the third starts within 24 hours of the first but not the second.
There's probably a way to shorten this, but here's an approach using tidyr::gather and spread. By gathering into long format, we can track the cumulative admissions inside each visit. A new visit is recorded whenever there's a new Person_ID or that Person_ID completed a visit (cumulative admissions went to zero) at least 24 hours prior.
dat1 <- dat %>%
# Gather into long format with event type in one column, timestamp in another
gather(event, time, Admit_Date_Time:Discharge_Date_Time) %>%
# I want discharges to have an effect up to 24 hours later. Sort using that.
mutate(time_adj = if_else(event == "Discharge_Date_Time",
time + ddays(1),
time)) %>%
arrange(Person_ID, time_adj) %>%
# For each Person_ID, track cumulative admissions. 0 means a visit has completed.
# (b/c we sorted by time_adj, these reflect the 24hr period after discharges.)
group_by(Person_ID) %>%
mutate(admissions = if_else(event == "Admit_Date_Time", 1, -1)) %>%
mutate(admissions_count = cumsum(admissions)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Record a new Hosp_ID when either (a) a new Person, or (b) preceded by a
# completed visit (ie admissions_count was zero).
mutate(Hosp_ID_chg = 1 *
(Person_ID != lag(Person_ID, default = 1) | # (a)
lag(admissions_count, default = 1) == 0), # (b)
Hosp_ID = cumsum(Hosp_ID_chg)) %>%
# Spread back into original format
select(-time_adj, -admissions, -admissions_count, -Hosp_ID_chg) %>%
spread(event, time)
> dat1
# A tibble: 9 x 5
Person_ID Visit_ID Hosp_ID Admit_Date_Time Discharge_Date_Time
<dbl> <int> <dbl> <dttm> <dttm>
1 1 1 1 2017-02-07 15:26:00 2017-03-01 11:42:00
2 1 2 2 2017-04-21 10:20:00 2017-04-22 05:56:00
3 1 3 2 2017-04-22 12:12:00 2017-04-26 21:01:00
4 2 4 3 2017-10-16 01:31:00 2017-10-18 20:11:00
5 3 5 4 2017-01-24 02:41:00 2017-01-27 22:15:00
6 3 6 4 2017-01-24 05:31:00 2017-01-26 15:35:00
7 3 7 4 2017-01-28 04:26:00 2017-01-28 09:25:00
8 4 8 5 2017-12-01 01:31:00 2017-12-05 18:33:00
9 4 9 5 2017-12-01 01:31:00 2017-12-04 16:41:00
Here's a data.table approach using an overlap-join
library( data.table )
library( lubridate )
setDT( dat )
setorder( dat, Person_ID, Admit_Date_Time )
#create a 1-day extension after each discharge
dt2 <- dat[, discharge_24h := Discharge_Date_Time %m+% days(1)][]
#now create id
setkey( dat, Admit_Date_Time, discharge_24h )
#create data-table with overlap-join, create groups based on overlapping ranges
dt2 <- setorder(
foverlaps( dat,
mult = "first",
type = "any",
nomatch = 0L
Visit_ID )[, list( Visit_ID = i.Visit_ID,
Hosp_ID = .GRP ),
by = .( Visit_ID )][, Visit_ID := NULL]
#reorder the result
setorder( dt2[ dat, on = "Visit_ID" ][, discharge_24h := NULL], Visit_ID )[]
# Visit_ID Hosp_ID Person_ID Admit_Date_Time Discharge_Date_Time
# 1: 1 1 1 2017-02-07 15:26:00 2017-03-01 11:42:00
# 2: 2 2 1 2017-04-21 10:20:00 2017-04-22 05:56:00
# 3: 3 2 1 2017-04-22 12:12:00 2017-04-26 21:01:00
# 4: 4 3 2 2017-10-16 01:31:00 2017-10-18 20:11:00
# 5: 5 4 3 2017-01-24 02:41:00 2017-01-27 22:15:00
# 6: 6 4 3 2017-01-24 05:31:00 2017-01-26 15:35:00
# 7: 7 4 3 2017-01-28 04:26:00 2017-01-28 09:25:00
# 8: 8 5 4 2017-12-01 01:31:00 2017-12-05 18:33:00
# 9: 9 5 4 2017-12-01 01:31:00 2017-12-04 16:41:00

R: Create a New Column in R to determine Semester Based on Two Dates

I have some data. ID and date and I'm trying to create a new field for semester.
id date
1 20160822
2 20170109
3 20170828
4 20170925
5 20180108
6 20180402
7 20160711
8 20150831
9 20160111
10 20160502
11 20160829
12 20170109
13 20170501
I also have a semester table:
start end season_year
20120801 20121222 Fall-2012
20121223 20130123 Winter-2013
20130124 20130523 Spring-2013
20130524 20130805 Summer-2013
20130806 20131228 Fall-2013
20131229 20140122 Winter-2014
20140123 20140522 Spring-2014
20140523 20140804 Summer-2014
20140805 20141227 Fall-2014
20141228 20150128 Winter-2015
20150129 20150528 Spring-2015
20150529 20150803 Summer-2015
20150804 20151226 Fall-2015
20151227 20160127 Winter-2016
20160128 20160526 Spring-2016
20160527 20160801 Summer-2016
20160802 20161224 Fall-2016
20161225 20170125 Winter-2017
20170126 20170525 Spring-2017
20170526 20170807 Summer-2017
20170808 20171230 Fall-2017
20171231 20180124 Winter-2018
20180125 20180524 Spring-2018
20180525 20180806 Summer-2018
20180807 20181222 Fall-2018
20181223 20190123 Winter-2019
20190124 20190523 Spring-2019
20190524 20180804 Summer-2019
I'd like to create a new field in df if df$date is between semester$start and semester$end, then place the respective value semester$season_year in df
I tried to see if the lubridate package could help but that seems to be more for calculations
I saw this question and it seems to be the closest to what i want, but, to make things more complicated, not all of our semesters are six months
Does this work?
semester$start <- ymd(semester$start)
semester$end <- ymd(semester$end)
df$date <- ymd(df$date)
LU <- Map(`:`, semester$start, semester$end)
LU <- data.frame(value = unlist(LU),
index = rep(seq_along(LU), lapply(LU, length)))
df$semester <- semester$season_year[LU$index[match(df$date, LU$value)]]
A solution using non-equi update joins using data.table and lubridate package can be as:
df[,date:=as.IDate(as.character(date), format = "%Y%m%d")]
semester[,':='(start = as.IDate(as.character(start), format = "%Y%m%d"),
end=as.IDate(as.character(end), format = "%Y%m%d"))]
df[semester, on=.(date >= start, date <= end), season_year := i.season_year]
# id date season_year
# 1: 1 2016-08-22 Fall-2016
# 2: 2 2017-01-09 Winter-2017
# 3: 3 2017-08-28 Fall-2017
# 4: 4 2017-09-25 Fall-2017
# 5: 5 2018-01-08 Winter-2018
# 6: 6 2018-04-02 Spring-2018
# 7: 7 2016-07-11 Summer-2016
# 8: 8 2015-08-31 Fall-2015
# 9: 9 2016-01-11 Winter-2016
# 10: 10 2016-05-02 Spring-2016
# 11: 11 2016-08-29 Fall-2016
# 12: 12 2017-01-09 Winter-2017
# 13: 13 2017-05-01 Spring-2017
df <- read.table(text="
id date
1 20160822
2 20170109
3 20170828
4 20170925
5 20180108
6 20180402
7 20160711
8 20150831
9 20160111
10 20160502
11 20160829
12 20170109
13 20170501",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
semester <- read.table(text="
start end season_year
20120801 20121222 Fall-2012
20121223 20130123 Winter-2013
20130124 20130523 Spring-2013
20130524 20130805 Summer-2013
20130806 20131228 Fall-2013
20131229 20140122 Winter-2014
20140123 20140522 Spring-2014
20140523 20140804 Summer-2014
20140805 20141227 Fall-2014
20141228 20150128 Winter-2015
20150129 20150528 Spring-2015
20150529 20150803 Summer-2015
20150804 20151226 Fall-2015
20151227 20160127 Winter-2016
20160128 20160526 Spring-2016
20160527 20160801 Summer-2016
20160802 20161224 Fall-2016
20161225 20170125 Winter-2017
20170126 20170525 Spring-2017
20170526 20170807 Summer-2017
20170808 20171230 Fall-2017
20171231 20180124 Winter-2018
20180125 20180524 Spring-2018
20180525 20180806 Summer-2018
20180807 20181222 Fall-2018
20181223 20190123 Winter-2019
20190124 20190523 Spring-2019
20190524 20180804 Summer-2019",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Count how many cases exist per week given start and end dates of each case [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this question
I'm new here, so I apologize if I miss any conventions.
I have a ~2000 row dataset with data on unique cases happening in a three year period. Each case has a start date and an end date. I want to be able to get a new dataframe that shows how many cases occur per week in this three year period.
The structure of the dataset I have is like this:
ID Start_Date End_Date
1 2015-01-04 2017-11-02
2 2015-01-05 2015-10-26
3 2015-01-07 2015-03-04
4 2015-01-12 2016-05-17
5 2015-01-15 2015-04-08
6 2015-01-21 2016-07-31
7 2015-01-21 2015-07-16
8 2015-01-22 2015-03-03
This problem can be solved more easily with sqldf package but I thought to stick with dplyr package.
The approach:
# First create a data frame having all weeks from chosen start date to end date.
# 2015-01-01 to 2017-12-31
df_week <- data.frame(weekStart = seq(floor_date(as.Date("2015-01-01"), "week"),
as.Date("2017-12-31"), by = 7))
df_week <- df_week %>%
mutate(weekEnd = weekStart + 7,
weekNum = as.character(weekStart, "%V-%Y"),
dummy = TRUE)
# The dummy column is only for joining purpose.
# Header looks like
#> head(df_week)
# weekStart weekEnd weekNum dummy
#1 2014-12-28 2015-01-04 52-2014 TRUE
#2 2015-01-04 2015-01-11 01-2015 TRUE
#3 2015-01-11 2015-01-18 02-2015 TRUE
#4 2015-01-18 2015-01-25 03-2015 TRUE
#5 2015-01-25 2015-02-01 04-2015 TRUE
#6 2015-02-01 2015-02-08 05-2015 TRUE
# Prepare the data as mentioned in OP
df <- read.table(text = "ID Start_Date End_Date
1 2015-01-04 2017-11-02
2 2015-01-05 2015-10-26
3 2015-01-07 2015-03-04
4 2015-01-12 2016-05-17
5 2015-01-15 2015-04-08
6 2015-01-21 2016-07-31
7 2015-01-21 2015-07-16
8 2015-01-22 2015-03-03", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df$Start_Date <- as.Date(df$Start_Date)
df$End_Date <- as.Date(df$End_Date)
df <- df %>% mutate(dummy = TRUE) # just for joining
# Use dplyr to join, filter and then group on week to find number of cases
# in each week
df_week %>%
left_join(df, by = "dummy") %>%
select(-dummy) %>%
filter((weekStart >= Start_Date & weekStart <= End_Date) |
(weekEnd >= Start_Date & weekEnd <= End_Date)) %>%
group_by(weekStart, weekEnd, weekNum) %>%
summarise(cases = n())
# Result
# weekStart weekEnd weekNum cases
# <date> <date> <chr> <int>
# 1 2014-12-28 2015-01-04 52-2014 1
# 2 2015-01-04 2015-01-11 01-2015 3
# 3 2015-01-11 2015-01-18 02-2015 5
# 4 2015-01-18 2015-01-25 03-2015 8
# 5 2015-01-25 2015-02-01 04-2015 8
# 6 2015-02-01 2015-02-08 05-2015 8
# 7 2015-02-08 2015-02-15 06-2015 8
# 8 2015-02-15 2015-02-22 07-2015 8
# 9 2015-02-22 2015-03-01 08-2015 8
#10 2015-03-01 2015-03-08 09-2015 8
# ... with 139 more rows
Welcome to SO!
Before solving the problem be sure to have installed some packages and run
if you haven installed those packages yet.
I'll present you a modern R solution next and those packages are magic.
This is a way to solve it:
raw_data <- 'id start_date end_date
1 2015-01-04 2017-11-02
2 2015-01-05 2015-10-26
3 2015-01-07 2015-03-04
4 2015-01-12 2016-05-17
5 2015-01-15 2015-04-08
6 2015-01-21 2016-07-31
7 2015-01-21 2015-07-16
8 2015-01-22 2015-03-03'
curated_data <- read_delim(raw_data, delim = "\t") %>%
mutate(start_date = as.Date(start_date)) %>% # convert column 2 to date format assuming the date is yyyy-mm-dd
mutate(weeks_lapse = as.integer((start_date - min(start_date))/dweeks(1))) # count how many weeks passed since the lowest date in the data
curated_data %>%
group_by(weeks_lapse) %>% # I group to count by week
summarise(cases_per_week = n()) # now count by group by week
And the solution is:
# A tibble: 3 x 2
weeks_lapse cases_per_week
<int> <int>
1 0 3
2 1 2
3 2 3

Using a rolling time interval to count rows in R and dplyr

Let's say I have a dataframe of timestamps with the corresponding number of tickets sold at that time.
Timestamp ticket_count
(time) (int)
1 2016-01-01 05:30:00 1
2 2016-01-01 05:32:00 1
3 2016-01-01 05:38:00 1
4 2016-01-01 05:46:00 1
5 2016-01-01 05:47:00 1
6 2016-01-01 06:07:00 1
7 2016-01-01 06:13:00 2
8 2016-01-01 06:21:00 1
9 2016-01-01 06:22:00 1
10 2016-01-01 06:25:00 1
I want to know how to calculate the number of tickets sold within a certain time frame of all tickets. For example, I want to calculate the number of tickets sold up to 15 minutes after all tickets. In this case, the first row would have three tickets, the second row would have four tickets, etc.
Ideally, I'm looking for a dplyr solution, as I want to do this for multiple stores with a group_by() function. However, I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to hold each Timestamp fixed for a given row while simultaneously searching through all Timestamps via dplyr syntax.
In the current development version of data.table, v1.9.7, non-equi joins are implemented. Assuming your data.frame is called df and the Timestamp column is POSIXct type:
require(data.table) # v1.9.7+
window = 15L # minutes
(counts = setDT(df)[.(t=Timestamp+window*60L), on=.(Timestamp<t),
.(counts=sum(ticket_count)), by=.EACHI]$counts)
# [1] 3 4 5 5 5 9 11 11 11 11
# add that as a column to original data.table by reference
df[, counts := counts]
For each row in t, all rows where df$Timestamp < that_row is fetched. And by=.EACHI instructs the expression sum(ticket_count) to run for each row in t. That gives your desired result.
Hope this helps.
This is a simpler version of the ugly one I wrote earlier..
# install.packages('dplyr')
your_data %>%
mutate(timestamp = as.POSIXct(timestamp, format = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'),
ticket_count = as.numeric(ticket_count)) %>%
mutate(window = cut(timestamp, '15 min')) %>%
group_by(window) %>%
dplyr::summarise(tickets = sum(ticket_count))
window tickets
(fctr) (dbl)
1 2016-01-01 05:30:00 3
2 2016-01-01 05:45:00 2
3 2016-01-01 06:00:00 3
4 2016-01-01 06:15:00 3
Here is a solution using data.table. Also incorporating different stores.
Example data:
dt <- data.table(Timestamp = as.POSIXct("2016-01-01 05:30:00")+seq(60,120000,by=60),
ticket_count = sample(1:9, 2000, T),
store = c(rep(c("A","B","C","D"), 500)))
Now apply the following:
ts <- dt$Timestamp
for(x in ts) {
end <- x+900
dt[Timestamp <= end & Timestamp >= x ,CS := sum(ticket_count),by=store]
This gives you
Timestamp ticket_count store CS
1: 2016-01-01 05:31:00 3 A 13
2: 2016-01-01 05:32:00 5 B 20
3: 2016-01-01 05:33:00 3 C 19
4: 2016-01-01 05:34:00 7 D 12
5: 2016-01-01 05:35:00 1 A 15
1996: 2016-01-02 14:46:00 4 D 10
1997: 2016-01-02 14:47:00 9 A 9
1998: 2016-01-02 14:48:00 2 B 2
1999: 2016-01-02 14:49:00 2 C 2
2000: 2016-01-02 14:50:00 6 D 6

Fastest way for filling-in missing dates for data.table

I am loading a data.table from CSV file that has date, orders, amount etc. fields.
The input file occasionally does not have data for all dates. For example, as shown below:
> NADayWiseOrders
date orders amount guests
1: 2013-01-01 50 2272.55 149
2: 2013-01-02 3 64.04 4
3: 2013-01-04 1 18.81 0
4: 2013-01-05 2 77.62 0
5: 2013-01-07 2 35.82 2
In the above 03-Jan and 06-Jan do not have any entries.
Would like to fill the missing entries with default values (say, zero for orders, amount etc.), or carry the last vaue forward (e.g, 03-Jan will reuse 02-Jan values and 06-Jan will reuse the 05-Jan values etc..)
What is the best/optimal way to fill-in such gaps of missing dates data with such default values?
The answer here suggests using allow.cartesian = TRUE, and expand.grid for missing weekdays - it may work for weekdays (since they are just 7 weekdays) - but not sure if that would be the right way to go about dates as well, especially if we are dealing with multi-year data.
The idiomatic data.table way (using rolling joins) is this:
setkey(NADayWiseOrders, date)
all_dates <- seq(from = as.Date("2013-01-01"),
to = as.Date("2013-01-07"),
by = "days")
NADayWiseOrders[J(all_dates), roll=Inf]
date orders amount guests
1: 2013-01-01 50 2272.55 149
2: 2013-01-02 3 64.04 4
3: 2013-01-03 3 64.04 4
4: 2013-01-04 1 18.81 0
5: 2013-01-05 2 77.62 0
6: 2013-01-06 2 77.62 0
7: 2013-01-07 2 35.82 2
Here is how you fill in the gaps within subgroup
# a toy dataset with gaps in the time series
dt <-'"group","date","x"
dt[,date := as.Date(date)]
# the desired dates by group
indx <- dt[,.(date=seq(min(date),max(date),"months")),group]
# key the tables and join them using a rolling join
#> group date x
#> 1: a 2017-01-01 1
#> 2: a 2017-02-01 2
#> 3: a 2017-03-01 2
#> 4: a 2017-04-01 2
#> 5: a 2017-05-01 3
#> 6: b 2017-02-01 4
#> 7: b 2017-03-01 4
#> 8: b 2017-04-01 5
Not sure if it's the fastest, but it'll work if there are no NAs in the data:
# just in case these aren't Dates.
NADayWiseOrders$date <- as.Date(NADayWiseOrders$date)
# all desired dates.
alldates <- data.table(date=seq.Date(min(NADayWiseOrders$date), max(NADayWiseOrders$date), by="day"))
# merge
dt <- merge(NADayWiseOrders, alldates, by="date", all=TRUE)
# now carry forward last observation (alternatively, set NA's to 0)
