Asp classic don't iterate with square brackets - asp-classic

i'm trying to do an do while with this code:
dim i
Do While i < 19
response.Write "<th>" & data1.standing.[i].position & "</th>"
this come from a api call, is a json response, and data1.standing.[in].position is the way to extract the position of a soccer team: url :link
but this section [i] don't iterate.
any clue?
sorry for the bad english.

Looking at your code I suspect you're actually trying to use JScript, not VBScript as I assumed.
An example of how to gather the JSON string into a variable in VBScript:
dim objXML
Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", "", False
Response.Write objXML.responseText
Take a look at this post for an excellent example of how to do what you're looking for. Any good libraries for parsing JSON in Classic ASP?
You can use my code to GET the string, then the link to parse and use it.


Excel VBA query external .aspx page and retrieve data

I've been struggling with this for about a day. Basically, I want to write an excel macro to loop through a list in excel, query a webpage and retrieve some data. Ideally I just want to retrieve the data I need so I can place it in an adjacent cell, but I'd do whatever it takes at this point.
The page is, which I have no experience in; if it was .php I could probably manage, but I’m not even sure how to post to .aspx through javascript.
I can loop through my data just fine, and once I get the data I can write it to excel, so there are two parts I’m struggling with:
Part 1 – querying the webpage
This is the page I want to query. I need to search in Property Address and retrieve data from the results. The address I'll use for the example is 400 W Church St. I thought it may be simple to submit a form like ".../ParcelSearch.aspx?name=...&value=...", but no dice.
Part 2 – grabbing the data
On the results, there is a table DetailsSummary_Master up top, with fieldsets that are defined with <legend> tags. I need the data in <legend>Municipality</legend>:
I can’t figure out what to do, loop through the <td>s? I thought maybe I could GetElementByID or maybe by tag, but I can’t seem to figure it out.
I used a few SO threads to try to figure it out so far. First, Second and Third, but I can't even seem to get it to POST properly. I'm keeping the subs separate for now.
This is what I have (stolen from the other thread) in regards to my problem:
Sub SubmitForm()
Dim objIE As Object
Dim xmlhttp As Object
Dim ieButton As Object
Dim strResponse As String
Dim strUrl As String
Dim strID As String
Dim strValue As String
Dim strSubmit As String
strID = "?name=ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_TabContainer1_Searches_SubTabContainer1_QuickSearches_CompositAddressSearch1_AddressSearch1_ctl00_Address&value="
strValue = "400 W Church St"
strSubmit = strID & strValue
strUrl = ""
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.navigate "about:blank"
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
'~~> Indicates that page that will receive the request and the type of request being submitted
xmlhttp.Open "POST", "", False
'~~> Indicate that the body of the request contains form data
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
'~~> Send the data as name/value pairs
xmlhttp.Send "strSubmit"
strResponse = xmlhttp.responseText
objIE.navigate strUrl
objIE.Visible = True
Do While objIE.readystate <> 4
objIE.document.Write strResponse
Set xmlhttp = Nothing
End Sub
I don't actually need to run it through IE, I'd like to run it all hidden. I'm running this on Excel 2007 at work, but I have 2010 at home. We also have ridiculous IE8, so the less of that, the better. And I can loop or use an array, but I just can't seem to interface with the query. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For making the query, given the complexity of the form fields that the ASPX page is expecting on postback, you might find it easier to control the browser when making this call. It will be rather slow, but it should work.
A fairly reliable tool for this is Selenium, and there are plugins to control Selenium from Excel VBA.
Edit: This Excel VBA code snippet should read out "Municipality Orlando". You need to parameterize the below code and add cases for error conditions for your final version to query by any street address to get its municipality. This should get you started though. I used Selenium IDE with Firefox to generate the VBA code based on recording user actions, and then came up with an XPath query to grab the text.
Dim selenium As New SeleniumWrapper.WebDriver
selenium.Start "firefox", ""
selenium.setImplicitWait 5000
selenium.setImplicitWait 5000
selenium.Open "/searches/ParcelSearch.aspx"
selenium.Click "id=popup_ok"
selenium.Type "id=ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_TabContainer1_Searches_SubTabContainer1_QuickSearches_CompositAddressSearch1_AddressSearch1_ctl00_Address", "400 W Church St"
selenium.Click "id=ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_TabContainer1_Searches_SubTabContainer1_QuickSearches_PropertyNameSearch1_ctl00"
selenium.Click "id=ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_TabContainer1_Searches_SubTabContainer1_QuickSearches_CompositAddressSearch1_AddressSearch1_ctl00_ActionButton1"
Dim municipalityResult As String
municipalityResult = selenium.getText("//fieldset[contains(legend,'Municipality')]")

ASP.NET Export - Response not ending?

I'm trying to export some text to a text file, and that part works fine. The trouble is that the text files get a bunch of HTML/.NET output at the bottom of them... In other words, it's like the response isn't ending and the page is trying to write the rest of the page. Here's the code:
Private Sub WriteData(ByRef Context As System.Web.HttpContext, Data As List(of String), fileName as String)
With Context.Response
.AddHeader("content-disposition", String.Format("attachment; filename={0}", fileName))
.ContentType = contentType
End With
For Each curValue in Data
End Sub
To call this, I just pass the HttpContext.Current and a list of data.
Does anybody know why this might happen? I'm not sure how to interpret it, and I've looked all over without much luck. My assumption was that the response wasn't actually ending with "Response.End()"...
My assumption is that you're using an .aspx to do this.
This would be a perfect scenario for a Generic Handler. Try using .ashx instead.
Here is a pretty simple tutorial if you need more info:

In asp, how to set boolean values to english?

When I run this:
www = false
response.write www
response.write "UPDATE table SET domain='"&www&"' WHERE id=n"
I get this:
UPDATE table SET domain='Falso' WHERE id=n
Notice the 'Falso' word that is in Portuguese instead of English.
Is it possible to change the boolean values to English?
I have a Windows 2008 / IIS 7 in pt-BR.
This question was asked just recently here
I don't have a good machine to test the following code, which came from a working solution. It forces the locality you need (of course you can change the locality to what you need it to be, if 1033 is not your goal)
Response.Write FormatDateTime(Now) & "<br />"
oldLocale = SetLocale(1033) '1033=English(US)
Response.Write FormatDateTime(Now) & "<br />"
SetLocale oldLocale
Response.Write FormatDateTime(Now) & "<br />"
I'll not be able to provide any more testing for this 'issue' anymore.
That's because I've made a decision to format my windows and install a new one now in english.. I did this because I'm running out of time, I need to put this server working as soon as possible..
But I want to thank everyone who contributed on finding the resolution for this problem =)
If anyone is having the same issue, please leave your comment, so the others can provide more options to try to solve this.
If you dont mind changing the code, you could use a function to print the boolean value. For me thats not an option, but i'm starting to believe its the only way.
Function PB(pVal)
If pVal Then
PB = "true"
PB = "false"
End If
End Function
Response.Write "UPDATE table SET domain='"&PD(www)&"' WHERE id=n"
Just use string instead:
www = "false"
Then it won't be affected by regional settings.
If you want to keep working with actual boolean values, use Parameters instead of raw SQL.

Asp pattern page execution

I am working on an old asp project. I am new in project. My question is,
I required to execute the certain number of pages in a specific time but when I put in a loop to execute the page for certain pattern it execute only one pattern and shows time out expired problem. Though I searched in net what ever answer I get it will not fulfill my requirement. So my team lead said we have to find out some thing that can execute my page for 3 min each then it call back freshly. Is there any method is there in asp. as I am new in asp. as it possible or share some idea.
I want to execute for each pattern. Here is my simple code.
dim arrList()
dim mySQL,x,strPtrn
mySQL="select distinct(pattern_no) from pattern_master where std between (dateadd(hh,8,getdate())) and (dateadd(hh,11,getdate()))"
set rstptrnmst= conn.Execute(mySQL)
do until rstptrnmst.EOF
for each ptrn in rstptrnmst.Fields
' Response.Write(
'Response.Write(" = ")
'Response.Write(x.value & "<br />")
ReDim Preserve arrList(x)
Response.Write("<br />")
'for each ptrn in arrList
'response.Write("<br>" & ptrn)
for each ptrn in arrList
response.write("The first pattern " & ptrn & "<br />")
So I want execute that page for each pattern. How can I? For each pattern it take 3 min(approx).any idea?
thanks for advance.
If your script is going to take that long to run you will need to set the script timeout option to cater for that:
Server.ScriptTimeout = 180
The timeout is set in seconds, with the default being 90. You should set this at the very top of your page.
More information about timeouts here: How do I increase timeout values

Error declaring a variable in ASP

I'm declaring a string variable this way in classic ASP:
Dim i As String
And getting this error:
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'
Expected end of statement
/retencion/Estadisticas/Detail.asp, line 10, column 6
Dim i As String
Why is that?
Classic ASP is written in VBScript and isn't Visual Basic itself, so you can't declare things as strings. Loosely typed I think is the phrase to describe it. Basically, you have to leave out the "as" and anything after it.
Dim i
'you can now use the variable as you want.
i = "whatever"
It's actually VBScript. You have to do this:
dim i
i = "some string"
I believe in classic ASP you can't give an explicit type to your variables. They all have to be variants and they have to be declared with no As clause, e.g. "dim i". Here's the MSDN help on variants in VBScript.
you do not need 'as'.
this should work.
Dim myString
myString = "Hello There!"
This has been sufficiently answered I think, but I'll only chime in a bit to say that technically you may not need to explicitly declare the variable at all. If you're using the option explicit, yes you do need to declare it, a la
option explicit
dim str: str = "Hello World"
Otherwise, you can implicitly declare it on first use, php-style.
str = "I don't need no stinkin dim statements!"
I should add that using option explicit is a safer way to go, even if it does require more typing.
