I have the following data frame:
lm mean resids sd resids resid 1 resid 2 resid 3 intercept beta
1 0.000000e+00 6.2806844 -3.6261548 7.2523096 -3.6261548 103.62615 24.989340
2 -2.960595e-16 8.7515899 -5.0527328 10.1054656 -5.0527328 141.96786 -1.047323
3 -2.960595e-16 5.9138984 -3.4143908 6.8287817 -3.4143908 206.29046 -26.448694
4 3.700743e-17 0.5110845 0.2950748 -0.5901495 0.2950748 240.89801 -35.806642
5 7.401487e-16 6.6260504 3.8255520 -7.6511040 3.8255520 187.03479 -23.444762
6 5.921189e-16 8.7217431 5.0355007 -10.0710014 5.0355007 41.43239 3.138396
7 0.000000e+00 5.5269434 3.1909823 -6.3819645 3.1909823 -119.90628 27.817845
8 -1.480297e-16 1.0204260 -0.5891432 1.1782864 -0.5891432 -180.33773 35.623363
9 -5.921189e-16 6.9488186 -4.0119023 8.0238046 -4.0119023 -64.72245 21.820226
10 -8.881784e-16 8.6621512 -5.0010953 10.0021906 -5.0010953 191.65339 -5.218767
Each row represents an estimated linear model with window length 3. I used rollapply on a separate dataframe with the function lm(y~t) to extract the coefficients and intercepts into a new dataframe, which I have combined with the residuals from the same model and their corresponding means and residuals.
Since the window length is 3, it implies that there are 3 residuals as shown, per model, in resid 1, resid 2 and resid 3. The mean and sd of these are included accordingly.
I am seeking to predict the next observation, in essence, k+1, where k is the window length, using the intercept and beta.
Recall that lm1 takes observations 1,2,3 to estimate the intercept and the beta, and lm2 takes 2,3,4, lm3 takes 3,4,5, etc. The function for the prediction should be:
predict_lm1 = intercept_lm1 + beta_lm1*(k+1)
Where k+1 = 4. For lm2:
predict_lm2 = intercept_lm2 + beta_lm2*(k+1)
Where k+1 = 5.
Clearly, k increases by 1 every time I move down one row in the dataset. This is because the explanatory variable is time, t, which is a sequence increasing by one per observation.
Should I use a for loop, or an apply function here?
How can I make a function that iterates down the rows and calculates the predictions accordingly with the information found in that row?
I managed to find a possible solution by writing the following:
for(i in n){
predictions = dataset$Intercept + dataset$beta*(k+1)
However, k does not increase by 1 per iteration. Thus, k+1 is always = 4.
How can I make sure k increases by 1 accordingly?
I managed to add 1 to k by writing the following:
for(i in n){
x = 0
x[i] = k + 1
preds = dataset$`(Intercept)` + dataset$t*(x[i])
However, the first prediction is overestimated. It should be 203, whereas it is estimated as 228, implying that it sets the explanatory variable as 1 too high.
Yet, the second prediction is correct. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any advice?
I managed to find a solution as follows:
for(i in n){
x = k + 1
preds = dataset$`(Intercept)` + dataset$t*(x)
x = x + 1
Your loop is not iterating:
dataset <- read.table(text="lm meanresids sdresids resid1 resid2 resid3 intercept beta
1 0.000000e+00 6.2806844 -3.6261548 7.2523096 -3.6261548 103.62615 24.989340
2 -2.960595e-16 8.7515899 -5.0527328 10.1054656 -5.0527328 141.96786 -1.047323
3 -2.960595e-16 5.9138984 -3.4143908 6.8287817 -3.4143908 206.29046 -26.448694
4 3.700743e-17 0.5110845 0.2950748 -0.5901495 0.2950748 240.89801 -35.806642
5 7.401487e-16 6.6260504 3.8255520 -7.6511040 3.8255520 187.03479 -23.444762
6 5.921189e-16 8.7217431 5.0355007 -10.0710014 5.0355007 41.43239 3.138396
7 0.000000e+00 5.5269434 3.1909823 -6.3819645 3.1909823 -119.90628 27.817845
8 -1.480297e-16 1.0204260 -0.5891432 1.1782864 -0.5891432 -180.33773 35.623363
9 -5.921189e-16 6.9488186 -4.0119023 8.0238046 -4.0119023 -64.72245 21.820226
10 -8.881784e-16 8.6621512 -5.0010953 10.0021906 -5.0010953 191.65339 -5.218767", header=T)
n <- nrow(dataset)
predictions <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:n){
k <- i ##not sure where k is coming from but put it here
predictions <- rbind(predictions, dataset$intercept[i] + dataset$beta[i]*(k+1))
Using the ranger package I run the following script:
rf <- ranger(Surv(time, Y) ~ ., data = train_frame[1:50000, ], write.forest = TRUE, num.trees = 100)
test_frame <- train_frame[50001:100000, ]
preds <- predict(rf, test_frame)
chfs <- preds$chf
plot(chfs[1, ])
The cumulative hazard function has indexes 1 - 36 on the X-axis. Obviously this corresponds with time, but I'm not sure how: my time of observation variable ranges from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 399. What is the mapping between the original data and the predicted output from predict.ranger, and how can I operationalize this to quantify degree of risk for a given subject after a given length of time?
Here's a sample of what my time/event data looks like:
Y time
<int> <dbl>
1 1 358
2 0 90
3 0 162
4 0 35
5 0 307
6 0 69
7 0 184
8 0 24
9 0 366
10 0 33
And here's what the CHF of the first subject looks like:
Can anyone help me connect the dots? There are no row or columns names on the "matrix" object that is preds$chf.
In the prediction object is vector called unique.death.times containing the time points where the CHF and survival estimates are computed. The chf matrix has observations in the rows and these time points in the columns, same for survival.
Reproducible example:
## Split the data
n <- nrow(veteran)
idx <- sample(n, 2/3*n)
train <- veteran[idx, ]
test <- veteran[-idx, ]
## Grow RF and predict
rf <- ranger(Surv(time, status) ~ ., train, write.forest = TRUE)
preds <- predict(rf, test)
## Example CHF plot
plot(preds$unique.death.times, preds$chf[1, ])
## Example survival plot
plot(preds$unique.death.times, preds$survival[1, ])
Setting importance = "impurity" for survival forests should throw an error.
I have data.frame TC, with 17744 observations of 13 variables. The last variable is target: a Factor w/ 2 levels "0", "1".
I do:
n.col <- ncol(TC)
x.train.or <- TC[1:12000, -n.col]
y.train.or <- TC[1:12000, n.col]
x.test.or <- TC[12000:17000, -n.col]
y.test.or <- TC[12000:17000, n.col]
rf.or <- randomForest(y=y.train.or, x=x.train.or, ntree=500, mtry=5,
importance=TRUE, keep.forest=TRUE,
na.action=na.roughfix, replace=FALSE)
pr.or <- predict(rf.or, x.test.or)
table(y.test.or, pr.or, dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted"))
# Predicted
# Actual 0 1
# 0 2424 780
# 1 1056 741
Very bad result.
Then I repeat the model fitting with a random sample:
set.seed <- 123
t.t <- holdout(TC[, n.col], ratio=3/5, mode = "random")
x.train.r <- TC[t.t$tr, - (n.col)]
y.train.r <- TC[t.t$tr, (n.col)]
x.test.r <- TC[t.t$ts, - (n.col)]
rf.r <- randomForest(y=y.train.r, x=x.train.r, ntree=500, mtry=5,
importance=TRUE, keep.forest=TRUE,
na.action=na.roughfix, replace=FALSE)
pr.r <- predict(rf.r, x.test.r)
table(y.test.r, pr.r, dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted"))
# Predicted
# Actual 0 1
# 0 4274 215
# 1 353 2257
Very good result but depended on a way of formation of sample of an one data set.
Problem which I solves assumed only serial sample.
Please, help me!
Answer to questions:
(1)Certainly I do:
(3) I repeat with:
n.col <- ncol(TC)
x.train.or <- TC[1:12000, -n.col]
y.train.or <- TC[1:12000, n.col]
x.test.or <- TC[12001:17000, -n.col]
y.test.or <- TC[12001:17000, n.col]
and receiving the same awful result
Actual 0 1
0 2413 790
1 1049 748
(4)There could be a problem in it? Some variables are random on [1:17000], but not random on [1:100]
(I had no rights to drawings).
What to do in that case?
First, it's going to be a little difficult to answer without knowing the state of the data. Sometimes you can be including your test set in your train set if observations repeat themselves in some sort of manner.
One of the best ways to validate your results is through using some sort of cross-validation technique paying heed to making sure you completely separate your test and train set. Below is a good video to watch on that.
the following code should be reproducible
someFrameA = data.frame(label="A", amount=rnorm(10000, 100, 20))
someFrameB = data.frame(label="B", amount=rnorm(1000, 50000, 20))
wholeFrame = rbind(someFrameA, someFrameB)
fit <- e1071::naiveBayes(label ~ amount, wholeFrame)
wholeFrame$predicted = predict(fit, wholeFrame)
nrow(subset(wholeFrame, predicted != label))
In my case, this gave 243 misclassifications.
Note these two rows:
(row num, label, amount, prediction)
10252 B 50024.81895 A
2955 A 100.55977 A
10678 B 50010.26213 B
While the input is only different by 12.6, the classification changes. It's curious that the posterior probabilities for rows like this are so close:
> predict(fit, wholeFrame[10683, ], type="raw")
[1,] 0.5332296 0.4667704
Original Question:
I am trying to classify some bank transactions using the transaction amount. I had many other text based features in my original model, but noticed something fishy when using just the numeric one.
> head(trainingSet)
category amount
1 check 688.00
2 non-businesstransaction 2.50
3 non-businesstransaction 36.00
4 non-businesstransaction 243.22
5 payroll 302.22
6 non-businesstransaction 16.18
fit <- e1071::naiveBayes(category ~ amount, data=trainingSet)
Naive Bayes Classifier for Discrete Predictors
naiveBayes.default(x = X, y = Y, laplace = laplace)
A-priori probabilities:
bankfee check creditcardpayment e-commercedeposit insurance
0.029798103 0.189613233 0.054001459 0.018973486 0.008270494
intrabanktransfer loanpayment mcapayment non-businesstransaction nsf
0.045001216 0.015689613 0.011432741 0.563853077 0.023351982
other payroll taxpayment utilitypayment
0.003405497 0.014838239 0.005716371 0.016054488
Conditional probabilities:
Y [,1] [,2]
bankfee 103.58490 533.67098
check 803.44668 2172.12515
creditcardpayment 819.27502 2683.43571
e-commercedeposit 42.15026 59.24806
insurance 302.16500 727.52321
intrabanktransfer 1795.54065 11080.73658
loanpayment 308.43233 387.71165
mcapayment 356.62755 508.02412
non-businesstransaction 162.41626 951.65934
nsf 44.92198 78.70680
other 9374.81071 18074.36629
payroll 1192.79639 2155.32633
taxpayment 1170.74340 1164.08019
utilitypayment 362.13409 1064.16875
According to the e1071 docs, the first column for "conditional probabilities" is the mean of the numeric variable, and the other is the standard deviation. These means and stdevs are correct, as are the apriori probabilities.
So, it's troubling that this row:
> thatRow
category amount
40 other 11268.53
receives these posteriors:
> predict(fit, newdata=thatRow, type="raw")
bankfee check creditcardpayment e-commercedeposit insurance intrabanktransfer loanpayment mcapayment
[1,] 4.634535e-96 7.28883e-06 9.401975e-05 0.4358822 4.778703e-51 0.02582751 1.103762e-174 1.358662e-101
non-businesstransaction nsf other payroll taxpayment utilitypayment
[1,] 1.446923e-29 0.5364704 0.001717378 1.133719e-06 2.059156e-18 2.149142e-24
Note that "nsf" has about 300X the score than "other" does. Since this transaction has an amount of 11.2k dollars, if it were to follow that "nsf" distribution, it would be over 100 standard deviations from the mean. Meanwhile, since "other" transactions have a sample mean of about 9k dollars with a large standard deviation, I would think that this transaction is much more probable as an "other". While "nsf" is more likely wrt the prior probabilities, they aren't so different as to outweigh that tail observation, and there are plenty of other viable candidates besides "other" as well.
I was assuming that this package just looked at the normal(mew=samplemean, stdev=samplestdev) pdf and used that value to multiply, but is that not the case? I can't quite figure out how to see the source.
Datatypes seem to be fine too:
> class(trainingSet$amount)
[1] "numeric"
> class(trainingSet$category)
[1] "factor"
The "naive bayes classifier for discrete predictors" in the printout is maybe odd, since this is a continuous predictor, but I assume this package can handle continuous predictors.
I had similar results with the klaR package. Maybe I need to set the kernel option on that?
The threshold argument is a large part of this. The code in the package has a bit like this:
L <- sapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(i) {
ndata <- newdata[i, ]
L <- log(object$apriori) + apply(log(sapply(seq_along(attribs),
function(v) {
nd <- ndata[attribs[v]]
if ( rep(1, length(object$apriori)) else {
prob <- if (isnumeric[attribs[v]]) {
msd <- object$tables[[v]]
msd[, 2][msd[, 2] <= eps] <- threshold
dnorm(nd, msd[, 1], msd[, 2])
} else object$tables[[v]][, nd]
prob[prob <= eps] <- threshold
The threshold (and this is documented) will replace any probabilities less than eps. So, if the normal pdf for the continuous variable is 0.000000000, it will become .001 by default.
> wholeFrame$predicted = predict(fit, wholeFrame, threshold=0.001)
> nrow(subset(wholeFrame, predicted != label))
[1] 249
> wholeFrame$predicted = predict(fit, wholeFrame, threshold=0.0001)
> nrow(subset(wholeFrame, predicted != label))
[1] 17
> wholeFrame$predicted = predict(fit, wholeFrame, threshold=0.00001)
> nrow(subset(wholeFrame, predicted != label))
[1] 3
Now, I believe that the quantities returned by the sapply are incorrect, since when "debugging" it, I got something like .012 for what should have been dnorm(49990, 100, 20), and I think something gets left out / mixed up with the mean and standard deviation matrix, but in any case, setting the threshold will help with this.
.001*(10/11) > pdfB*(1/11) or A having higher posterior than B due to this situation means that pdfB has to be less than .01 by chance.
> dnorm(49977, 50000, 20)
[1] 0.01029681
> 2*pnorm(49977, 50000, 20)
[1] 0.2501439
And since there were 1000 observations in class B, we should expect about 250 misclassifications, which is pretty close to the original 243.
I asked this question a year ago and got code for this "probability heatmap":
numbet <- 32
numtri <- 1e5
#Fill a matrix
xcum <- matrix(NA, nrow=numtri, ncol=numbet+1)
for (i in 1:numtri) {
x <- sample(c(0,1), numbet, prob=c(prob, 1-prob), replace = TRUE)
xcum[i, ] <- c(i, cumsum(x)/cumsum(1:numbet))
colnames(xcum) <- c("trial", paste("bet", 1:numbet, sep=""))
mxcum <- reshape(data.frame(xcum), varying=1+1:numbet,
idvar="trial", v.names="outcome", direction="long", timevar="bet")
mxcum2 <- ddply(mxcum, .(bet, outcome), nrow)
mxcum3 <- ddply(mxcum2, .(bet), summarize,
ymin=c(0, head(seq_along(V1)/length(V1), -1)),
p <- ggplot(mxcum3, aes(xmin=bet-0.5, xmax=bet+0.5, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax)) +
geom_rect(aes(fill=fill), colour="grey80") +
scale_fill_gradient("Outcome", formatter="percent", low="red", high="blue") +
scale_y_continuous(formatter="percent") +
(May need to change this code slightly because of this)
This is almost exactly what I want. Except each vertical shaft should have different numbers of bins, ie the first should have 2, second 3, third 4 (N+1). In the graph shaft 6 +7 have the same number of bins (7), where 7 should have 8 (N+1).
If I'm right, the reason the code does this is because it is the observed data and if I ran more trials we would get more bins. I don't want to rely on the number of trials to get the correct number of bins.
How can I adapt this code to give the correct number of bins?
I have used R's dbinom to generate the frequency of heads for n=1:32 trials and plotted the graph now. It will be what you expect. I have read some of your earlier posts here on SO and on math.stackexchange. Still I don't understand why you'd want to simulate the experiment rather than generating from a binomial R.V. If you could explain it, it would be great! I'll try to work on the simulated solution from #Andrie to check out if I can match the output shown below. For now, here's something you might be interested in.
numbet <- 32
numtri <- 1e5
out <- ldply(1:numbet, function(idx) {
outcome <- dbinom(idx:0, size=idx, prob=prob)
bet <- rep(idx, length(outcome))
N <- round(outcome * numtri)
ymin <- c(0, head(seq_along(N)/length(N), -1))
ymax <- seq_along(N)/length(N)
data.frame(bet, fill=outcome, ymin, ymax)
p <- ggplot(out, aes(xmin=bet-0.5, xmax=bet+0.5, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax)) +
geom_rect(aes(fill=fill), colour="grey80") +
scale_fill_gradient("Outcome", low="red", high="blue") +
The plot:
Edit: Explanation of how your old code from Andrie works and why it doesn't give what you intend.
Basically, what Andrie did (or rather one way to look at it) is to use the idea that if you have two binomial distributions, X ~ B(n, p) and Y ~ B(m, p), where n, m = size and p = probability of success, then, their sum, X + Y = B(n + m, p) (1). So, the purpose of xcum is to obtain the outcome for all n = 1:32 tosses, but to explain it better, let me construct the code step by step. Along with the explanation, the code for xcum will also be very obvious and it can be constructed in no time (without any necessity for for-loop and constructing a cumsum everytime.
If you have followed me so far, then, our idea is first to create a numtri * numbet matrix, with each column (length = numtri) having 0's and 1's with probability = 5/6 and 1/6 respectively. That is, if you have numtri = 1000, then, you'll have ~ 834 0's and 166 1's *for each of the numbet columns (=32 here). Let's construct this and test this first.
numtri <- 1e3
numbet <- 32
xcum <- t(replicate(numtri, sample(0:1, numbet, prob=c(5/6,1/6), replace = TRUE)))
# check for count of 1's
> apply(xcum, 2, sum)
[1] 169 158 166 166 160 182 164 181 168 140 154 142 169 168 159 187 176 155 151 151 166
163 164 176 162 160 177 157 163 166 146 170
# So, the count of 1's are "approximately" what we expect (around 166).
Now, each of these columns are samples of binomial distribution with n = 1 and size = numtri. If we were to add the first two columns and replace the second column with this sum, then, from (1), since the probabilities are equal, we'll end up with a binomial distribution with n = 2. Similarly, instead, if you had added the first three columns and replaced th 3rd column by this sum, you would have obtained a binomial distribution with n = 3 and so on...
The concept is that if you cumulatively add each column, then you end up with numbet number of binomial distributions (1 to 32 here). So, let's do that.
xcum <- t(apply(xcum, 1, cumsum))
# you can verify that the second column has similar probabilities by this:
# calculate the frequency of all values in 2nd column.
> table(xcum[,2])
0 1 2
694 285 21
> round(numtri * dbinom(2:0, 2, prob=5/6))
[1] 694 278 28
# more or less identical, good!
If you divide the xcum, we have generated thus far by cumsum(1:numbet) over each row in this manner:
xcum <- xcum/matrix(rep(cumsum(1:numbet), each=numtri), ncol = numbet)
this will be identical to the xcum matrix that comes out of the for-loop (if you generate it with the same seed). However I don't quite understand the reason for this division by Andrie as this is not necessary to generate the graph you require. However, I suppose it has something to do with the frequency values you talked about in an earlier post on math.stackexchange
Now on to why you have difficulties obtaining the graph I had attached (with n+1 bins):
For a binomial distribution with n=1:32 trials, 5/6 as probability of tails (failures) and 1/6 as the probability of heads (successes), the probability of k heads is given by:
nCk * (5/6)^(k-1) * (1/6)^k # where nCk is n choose k
For the test data we've generated, for n=7 and n=8 (trials), the probability of k=0:7 and k=0:8 heads are given by:
# n=7
0 1 2 3 4 5
.278 .394 .233 .077 .016 .002
# n=8
0 1 2 3 4 5
.229 .375 .254 .111 .025 .006
Why are they both having 6 bins and not 8 and 9 bins? Of course this has to do with the value of numtri=1000. Let's see what's the probabilities of each of these 8 and 9 bins by generating probabilities directly from the binomial distribution using dbinom to understand why this happens.
# n = 7
dbinom(7:0, 7, prob=5/6)
# output rounded to 3 decimal places
[1] 0.279 0.391 0.234 0.078 0.016 0.002 0.000 0.000
# n = 8
dbinom(8:0, 8, prob=5/6)
# output rounded to 3 decimal places
[1] 0.233 0.372 0.260 0.104 0.026 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000
You see that the probabilities corresponding to k=6,7 and k=6,7,8 corresponding to n=7 and n=8 are ~ 0. They are very low in values. The minimum value here is 5.8 * 1e-7 actually (n=8, k=8). This means that you have a chance of getting 1 value if you simulated for 1/5.8 * 1e7 times. If you check the same for n=32 and k=32, the value is 1.256493 * 1e-25. So, you'll have to simulate that many values to get at least 1 result where all 32 outcomes are head for n=32.
This is why your results were not having values for certain bins because the probability of having it is very low for the given numtri. And for the same reason, generating the probabilities directly from the binomial distribution overcomes this problem/limitation.
I hope I've managed to write with enough clarity for you to follow. Let me know if you've trouble going through.
Edit 2:
When I simulated the code I've just edited above with numtri=1e6, I get this for n=7 and n=8 and count the number of heads for k=0:7 and k=0:8:
# n = 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
279347 391386 233771 77698 15763 1915 117 3
# n = 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
232835 372466 259856 104116 26041 4271 392 22 1
Note that, there are k=6 and k=7 now for n=7 and n=8. Also, for n=8, you have a value of 1 for k=8. With increasing numtri you'll obtain more of the other missing bins. But it'll require a huge amount of time/memory (if at all).