I have data.frame TC, with 17744 observations of 13 variables. The last variable is target: a Factor w/ 2 levels "0", "1".
I do:
n.col <- ncol(TC)
x.train.or <- TC[1:12000, -n.col]
y.train.or <- TC[1:12000, n.col]
x.test.or <- TC[12000:17000, -n.col]
y.test.or <- TC[12000:17000, n.col]
rf.or <- randomForest(y=y.train.or, x=x.train.or, ntree=500, mtry=5,
importance=TRUE, keep.forest=TRUE,
na.action=na.roughfix, replace=FALSE)
pr.or <- predict(rf.or, x.test.or)
table(y.test.or, pr.or, dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted"))
# Predicted
# Actual 0 1
# 0 2424 780
# 1 1056 741
Very bad result.
Then I repeat the model fitting with a random sample:
set.seed <- 123
t.t <- holdout(TC[, n.col], ratio=3/5, mode = "random")
x.train.r <- TC[t.t$tr, - (n.col)]
y.train.r <- TC[t.t$tr, (n.col)]
x.test.r <- TC[t.t$ts, - (n.col)]
rf.r <- randomForest(y=y.train.r, x=x.train.r, ntree=500, mtry=5,
importance=TRUE, keep.forest=TRUE,
na.action=na.roughfix, replace=FALSE)
pr.r <- predict(rf.r, x.test.r)
table(y.test.r, pr.r, dnn=c("Actual", "Predicted"))
# Predicted
# Actual 0 1
# 0 4274 215
# 1 353 2257
Very good result but depended on a way of formation of sample of an one data set.
Problem which I solves assumed only serial sample.
Please, help me!
Answer to questions:
(1)Certainly I do:
(3) I repeat with:
n.col <- ncol(TC)
x.train.or <- TC[1:12000, -n.col]
y.train.or <- TC[1:12000, n.col]
x.test.or <- TC[12001:17000, -n.col]
y.test.or <- TC[12001:17000, n.col]
and receiving the same awful result
Actual 0 1
0 2413 790
1 1049 748
(4)There could be a problem in it? Some variables are random on [1:17000], but not random on [1:100]
(I had no rights to drawings).
What to do in that case?
First, it's going to be a little difficult to answer without knowing the state of the data. Sometimes you can be including your test set in your train set if observations repeat themselves in some sort of manner.
One of the best ways to validate your results is through using some sort of cross-validation technique paying heed to making sure you completely separate your test and train set. Below is a good video to watch on that.
I am in interested in finding Pearson correlation coefficients between a list of genes. Basically, I have Affymetrix gene level expression matrix (genes in the rows and sample ID on the columns), and I have annotation data of microarray experiment observation where sample ID in the rows and description identification on the columns.
> expr_mat[1:8, 1:3]
Tarca_001_P1A01 Tarca_003_P1A03 Tarca_004_P1A04
1_at 6.062215 6.125023 5.875502
10_at 3.796484 3.805305 3.450245
100_at 5.849338 6.191562 6.550525
1000_at 3.567779 3.452524 3.316134
10000_at 6.166815 5.678373 6.185059
100009613_at 4.443027 4.773199 4.393488
100009676_at 5.836522 6.143398 5.898364
10001_at 6.330018 5.601745 6.137984
> anodat[1:8, 1:3]
V1 V2 V3
1 SampleID GA Batch
2 Tarca_001_P1A01 11 1
3 Tarca_013_P1B01 15.3 1
4 Tarca_025_P1C01 21.7 1
5 Tarca_037_P1D01 26.7 1
6 Tarca_049_P1E01 31.3 1
7 Tarca_061_P1F01 32.1 1
8 Tarca_051_P1E03 19.7 1
I intend to see how the genes in each sample are correlated with GA value of corresponding samples in the annotation data, then generate sub expression matrix of keeping high correlated genes with target observation data anodat$GA.
my attempt:
gene_corrs <- function(expr_mat, anno_mat){
res <- list()
lapply(colnames(expr_mat), function(x){
lapply(x, rownames(y){
if(colnames(x) %in% rownames(anno_mat)){
cor_mat <- stats::cor(y, anno_mat$GA, method = "pearson")
ncor <- ncol(cor_mat)
cmatt <- col(cor_mat)
ord <- order(-cmat, cor_mat, decreasing = TRUE)- (ncor*cmatt - ncor)
colnames(ord) <- colnames(cor_mat)
res <- cbind(ID=c(cold(ord), ID2=c(ord)))
res <- as.data.frame(cbind(out, cor=cor_mat[res]))
res <- cbind(res, cor=cor_mat[out])
res <- as.dara.frame(res)
however, my above implementation didn't return what I expected, I need to filter out the genes by finding genes which has a strong correlation with anodat$GA.
Another attempt:
I read few post about similar issue and some people discussed about using limma package. Here is my attempt by using limma. Here I used anodat$GA as a covariate to fit limma linear model:
fit <- limma::lmFit(expr_mat, design = model.matrix( ~ 0 + anodat$GA)
fit <- eBayes(fit)
topTable(fit, coef=2)
then I am expecting to get a correlation matrix from the above code, and would like to do following in order to get filtered sub expression matrix:
idx <- which( (abs(cor) > 0.8) & (upper.tri(cor)), arr.ind=TRUE)
idx <- unique(c(idx[, 1],idx[, 2])
correlated.genes <- matrix[idx, ]
but I still didn't get the right answer. I am confident about using limma approach but I couldn't figure out what went wrong above code again. Can anyone point me out how to make this work? Is there any efficient way to make this happen?
Don't have your data so hard to double check, but in the abstract I would try this:
cors <- row_cor_pearson(expr_mat, anodat$GA)
which(cors$cor > 0.9) # to get the indeces of genes with correlation > 0.9
I'm trying to compute how well my model is at predicting if a bad loan were to happen. However, when I add margins to my confusion matrix, there is a top row of 0's. I can't figure out how to delete out just the top row of 0's for the computation to be accurate.
threshold <- .5
oversample_model <- glm(status ~., oversamp_training_data, family="binomial")
predicted.oversample <- ifelse(predict(oversample_model, newdata = testing_data, type="response") > threshold, 1,0)
actual.oversample <- testing_data$status
conf_matrix_oversample <- table(actual.oversample,predicted.oversample)
conf_matrix_oversample[apply(conf_matrix_oversample!=0, 1, all),]
p4 <- sum(diag(conf_matrix_oversample)) / sum(conf_matrix_oversample)
print(paste('Proportion correctly predicted = ', p4))
The output looks like this:
actual.oversample 0 1 Sum
0 0 0
Bad 435 994 1429
Good 3260 1806 5066
Sum 3695 2800 6495
[1] "Proportion correctly predicted = 0.153040800615858"
Any suggestions on how to get rid of the 0's in the second row?
Using the ranger package I run the following script:
rf <- ranger(Surv(time, Y) ~ ., data = train_frame[1:50000, ], write.forest = TRUE, num.trees = 100)
test_frame <- train_frame[50001:100000, ]
preds <- predict(rf, test_frame)
chfs <- preds$chf
plot(chfs[1, ])
The cumulative hazard function has indexes 1 - 36 on the X-axis. Obviously this corresponds with time, but I'm not sure how: my time of observation variable ranges from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 399. What is the mapping between the original data and the predicted output from predict.ranger, and how can I operationalize this to quantify degree of risk for a given subject after a given length of time?
Here's a sample of what my time/event data looks like:
Y time
<int> <dbl>
1 1 358
2 0 90
3 0 162
4 0 35
5 0 307
6 0 69
7 0 184
8 0 24
9 0 366
10 0 33
And here's what the CHF of the first subject looks like:
Can anyone help me connect the dots? There are no row or columns names on the "matrix" object that is preds$chf.
In the prediction object is vector called unique.death.times containing the time points where the CHF and survival estimates are computed. The chf matrix has observations in the rows and these time points in the columns, same for survival.
Reproducible example:
## Split the data
n <- nrow(veteran)
idx <- sample(n, 2/3*n)
train <- veteran[idx, ]
test <- veteran[-idx, ]
## Grow RF and predict
rf <- ranger(Surv(time, status) ~ ., train, write.forest = TRUE)
preds <- predict(rf, test)
## Example CHF plot
plot(preds$unique.death.times, preds$chf[1, ])
## Example survival plot
plot(preds$unique.death.times, preds$survival[1, ])
Setting importance = "impurity" for survival forests should throw an error.
I just wrote my first attempt of providing a neuronal network for household classification by using energy consumption features. So far I could make it run but the output seems to be questionable.
So like you can see I'm using 18 features (maybe to much?) to predict if it's a single or non-single household.
I got 3488 rows like this:
c_day c_weekend c_evening c_morning c_night c_noon c_max c_min r_mean_max r_min_mean r_night_day r_morning_noon
12 14 1826 9 765 3 447 2 878 0 7338 4
r_evening_noon t_above_1kw t_above_2kw t_above_mean t_daily_max single
3424 1 695 0 174319075712881 1
My neuronal network using these parameters:
net.nn <- neuralnet(single
~ c_day
+ c_weekend
+ c_weekday
+ c_evening
+ c_morning
+ c_night
+ c_noon
+ c_max
+ c_min
+ r_mean_max
+ r_min_mean
+ r_night_day
+ r_morning_noon
+ r_evening_noon
+ t_above_1kw
+ t_above_2kw
+ t_above_mean
+ t_daily_max
,train, hidden=15, threshold=0.01,linear.output=F)
1 repetition was calculated.
Error Reached Threshold Steps
1 126.3425379 0.009899229932 4091
I normalized the data before by using the min-max normalization formula:
for(i in names(full_data)){
x <- as.numeric(full_data[,i])
full_data[,i] <- (x-min(x)/max(x)-min(x))
I got 3488 rows of data and splitted them into a training and a test set.
half <- nrow(full_data)/2
train <- full_data[1:half,]
test <- full_data[half:3488,]
net.results <- compute(net.nn,test)
I used the prediction method and bound it to the actual "single[y/no]"-column to compare the result:
predict <- nn$net.result
cleanoutput <- cbind(predict,full_data$single[half:3488])
colnames(cleanoutput) <- c("predicted","actual")
So when I print it, this is my classification result for the first 10 rows:
predicted actual
1701 0.1661093405 0
1702 0.1317067578 0
1703 0.1677147708 1
1704 0.2051188618 1
1705 0.2013035634 0
1706 0.2088726723 0
1707 0.2683753128 1
1708 0.1661093405 0
1709 0.2385537285 1
1710 0.1257108821 0
So if I understand it right, when I round the predicted output it should be either a 0 or 1 but it always ends up being a 0!
Am I using the wrong parameters? Is my data simply not suitable for nn prediction? Is the normalization wrong?
It means your model performance is still not good. Once you have reached good model performance after tuning you should get correct expected behavior. Neural net techniques are very susceptible of scale difference between different columns so standardization of data [mean =0 std =1] is a good practice. As pointed by OP scale() does the job.
Using scale(full_data) for the entire data did the trick. Now the data is normalized through standard-mean deviation and the output seems much more reliable.
Is there an R package with a function that can:
(1) simulate the different values of an interaction variable,
(2) plot a graph that demonstrates the effect of the interaction on Y for different values of the terms in interaction, and
(3) works well with the models fitted with the lmer() function of the lme4 package?
I have looked in arm, ez, coefplot2, and fanovaGraph packages, but could not find what I was looking for.
I'm not sure about a package, but you can simulate data varying the terms in the interaction, and then graph it. Here is an example for a treatment by wave (i.e. longitudinal) interaction and the syntax to plot. I think the story behind the example is a treatment to improve oral reading fluency in school age children. The term of the interaction is modified by changing the function value for bX.
sim1 <- function (b0=50, bGrowth=4.672,bX=15, b01=.770413, b11=.005, Vint=771, Vslope=2.24, Verror=40.34) {
#observation ID
#participant ID
ID<-rep(1:77, each=3)
#longitudinal wave: for example 0, 4, and 7 months after treatment
wave <-rep(c(0,4,7), 77)
bvaset<-rnorm(77, 0, 11.58)
#random effect intercept
S.in <- rnorm(77, 0, sqrt(Vint))
#random effect for slope
S.sl<-rnorm(77, 0, sqrt(Vslope))
#observation level error
eps <- rnorm(3*77, 0, sqrt(Verror))
#Create Outcome as product of specified model
ORFset <- b0 + b01*bva+ bGrowth*wave +bX*ITT*wave+ S.in[ID]+S.sl[ID]*wave+eps[oID]
#if else statement to elimiante ORF values below 0
#Put into a data frame
mydata <- data.frame( oID,ID,ITT, wave,ORF,bva,S.in[ID],S.sl[ID],eps)
#run the model
#grab variance components
#Select Tau and Sigma to select in the out object
#Produce object to output
out<-c(coef(summary(fit1))[4,"t value"],coef(summary(fit1))[4,"Estimate"],as.numeric(varcomps[2]),varcomps[3])
#outputs T Value, Estimate of Effect, Tau, Sigma Squared
mydata<-sim1(b0=50, bGrowth=4.672, bX=1.25, b01=.770413, b11=.005, Vint=771, Vslope=2.24, Verror=40.34)
Try plotLMER.fnc() from the languageR package, or the effects package.
The merTools package has some functionality to make this easier, though it only applies to working with lmer and glmer objects. Here's how you might do it:
# fit an interaction model
m1 <- lmer(y ~ studage * service + (1|d) + (1|s), data = InstEval)
# select an average observation from the model frame
examp <- draw(m1, "average")
# create a modified data.frame by changing one value
simCase <- wiggle(examp, var = "service", values = c(0, 1))
# modify again for the studage variable
simCase <- wiggle(simCase, var = "studage", values = c(2, 4, 6, 8))
After this, we have our simulated data which looks like:
y studage service d s
1 3.205745 2 0 761 564
2 3.205745 2 1 761 564
3 3.205745 4 0 761 564
4 3.205745 4 1 761 564
5 3.205745 6 0 761 564
6 3.205745 6 1 761 564
7 3.205745 8 0 761 564
8 3.205745 8 1 761 564
Next, we need to generate prediction intervals, which we can do with merTools::predictInterval (or without intervals you could use lme4::predict)
preds <- predictInterval(m1, level = 0.9, newdata = simCase)
Now we get a preds object, which is a 3 column data.frame:
fit lwr upr
1 3.312390 1.2948130 5.251558
2 3.263301 1.1996693 5.362962
3 3.412936 1.3096006 5.244776
4 3.027135 1.1138965 4.972449
5 3.263416 0.6324732 5.257844
6 3.370330 0.9802323 5.073362
7 3.410260 1.3721760 5.280458
8 2.947482 1.3958538 5.136692
We can then put it all together to plot:
plotdf <- cbind(simCase, preds)
ggplot(plotdf, aes(x = service, y = fit, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr)) +
geom_pointrange() + facet_wrap(~studage) + theme_bw()
Unfortunately the data here results in a rather uninteresting, but easy to interpret plot.