Clustering within groups with pheatmap - r

I am trying to make a heatmap showing gene expression across 4 different groups, and I would like to cluster within each group. I have samples sorted by group across the columns. Using cluster_cols = True clusters across all groups, mixing up the order of samples from each group. How can clustering be done only within each group with pheatmap?

I had similar questions recently. Since there are no such updates in recent pheatmap versions, my current solution to this is:
1.Generate orders based on the PC1 eigen values:
#data_heatmap is the data tibble/matrix used to pheatmap heatmap
eigenvalues <- svd(t(scale(t(data_heatmap))),nu=1,nv=1)$v
scaledExpr <- scale(t(data_heatmap))
averExpr <- rowMeans(scaledExpr, na.rm = TRUE)
if(cor(averExpr,eigenvalues) < 0){
eigenvalues <- -eigenvalues
index_eigen <- order(eigengenes)
Cluster within each group, and align with eigen orders
#s2c_f is the dataframe, with one column called "Group" with group info.
index_reorder <- c()
index_pre <- c(1:length(s2c_f$Group))
for(eachgroup in unique(s2c_f$Group)){
index_tempEigen <- index_eigen[index_eigen %in% index_pre[s2c_f$Group == eachgroup]]
sampleDist<-dist(t(data_heatmap[,index_tempEigen]), method="euclidean")
sampleClust<-hclust(sampleDist, method='complete')
index_clust <- sampleClust$order
if(cor(index_clust,c(1:length(index_tempEigen))) < 0){
index_clust <- rev(index_clust)
index_reorder <- c(index_reorder,index_tempEigen[index_clust])
Send new parameters to pheatmap with cluster=FALSE
s2c_f <- s2c_f[index_reorder,]
data_heatmap <- data_heatmap[,s2c_f$Sample]
ann_colors = list(Group = c(unique(s2c_f$Color)))
names(ann_colors[[1]]) = unique(s2c_f$Group)
df <-[,"Group",drop=FALSE])
color = colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "firebrick3"))(50),
gaps_row = NULL, gaps_col = NULL,
I think all above could be easily wrapped in a function. In the example above, I only showed how to do this when you want to cluster columns within groups, and my columns are sample names.
Another potential solution for this is ComplexHeatmap.


Add elements to a previous subplot within an active base R graphics device?

Let's say I generate 9 groups of data in a list data and plot them each with a for loop. I could use *apply here too, whichever you prefer.
data = list()
layout(mat = matrix(1:9, nrow = 3))
for(i in 1:9){
data[[i]] = rnorm(n = 100, mean = i, sd = 1)
After creating all the data, I want to decide which one is best:
best_data = which.min(sapply(data, sd))
Now I want to highlight that best data on the plot to distinguish it. Is there a plotting function that lets me go back to a specified sub-plot in the active device and add an element (maybe a title)?
I know I could make a second for loop: for loop 1 generates the data, then I assess which is best, then for loop 2 creates the plots, but this seems less efficient and more verbose.
Does such a plotting function exist for base R graphics?
#rawr's answer is simple and easy. But I thought I'd point out another option that allows you to select the "best" data set before you plot, in case you want more flexibility to plot the "best" data set differently from the rest.
For example:
# Create the data
data = lapply(1:9, function(i) rnorm(n = 100, mean = i, sd = 1))
layout(mat = matrix(1:9, nrow = 3))
rng = range(data)
# Plot each data frame
lapply(1:9, function(i) {
# Select data frame with lowest SD
best = which.min(sapply(data, sd))
# Highlight data frame with lowest SD by coloring points red
plot(data[[i]], col=ifelse(best==i,"red","black"), pch=ifelse(best==i, 3, 1), ylim=rng)

Identify spikes/peaks in density plot by group

I created a density plot with ggplot2 package for R. I would like to identify the spikes/peaks in the plot which occur between 0.01 and 0.02. There are too many legends to pick it out so I deleted all legends. I tried to filter my data out to find most number of rows that a group has between 0.01 and 0.02. Then I filtered out the selected group to see whether the spike/peak is gone but no, it is there plotted still. Can you suggest a way to identify these spikes/peaks in these plots?
Here is some code :
ggplot(NumofHitsnormalized, aes(NumofHits_norm, fill = name)) + geom_density(alpha=0.2) + theme(legend.position="none") + xlim(0.0 , 0.15)
## To filter out the data that is in the range of first spike
test <- NumofHitsnormalized[which(NumofHitsnormalized$NumofHits_norm > 0.01 & NumofHitsnormalized$NumofHits_norm <0.02),]
## To figure it out which group (name column) has the most number of rows ##thus I thought maybe I could get the data that lead to spike
testMatrix <- matrix(ncol=2, nrow= length(unique(test$name)))
for (i in 1:length(unique(test$name))){
testMatrix[i,1] <- unique(test$name)[i]
testMatrix[i,2] <- nrow(unique(test$name)[i])}
This is the new plot made after I filtered my data out with extremevalues package. There are new peaks and they are located at different intervals and it also says 96% of the initial groups have data in the new plot (though number of rows in filtered data reduced to 0.023% percent of the initial dataset) so I cant identify which peaks belong to which groups.
I had a similar problem to this.
How i did was to create a rolling mean and sd of the y values with a 3 window.
Calculate the average sd of your baseline data ( the data you know won't have peaks)
Set a threshold value
If above threshold, 1, else 0.
d5$roll_mean = runMean(d5$`Current (pA)`,n=3)
d5$roll_sd = runSD(x = d5$`Current (pA)`,n = 3)
d5$delta = ifelse(d5$roll_sd>1,1,0)
currents = subset(d5,d5$delta==1,na.rm=TRUE) # Finds all peaks
my threshold was a sd > 1. depending on your data you may want to use mean or sd. for slow rising peaks mean would be a better idea than sd.
Without looking at the code, I drafted this simple function to add TRUE/FALSE flags to variables indicating outliers:
GenerateOutlierFlag <- function(x) {
# Load required packages
Vectorize(require)(package = c("extremevalues"), char = TRUE)
# Run check for ouliers
out_flg <- ifelse(1:length(x) %in% getOutliers(x, method = "I")$iLeft,
out_flg <- ifelse(1:length(x) %in% getOutliers(x, method = "I")$iRight,
If you care to read about the extremevalues package you will see that it provides some flexibility in terms of identifying outliers but broadly speaking it's a good tool for finding various peaks or spikes in the data.
Side point
You could actually optimise it significantly by creating one object corresponding to getOutliers(x, method = "I") instead of calling the method twice.
More sensible syntax
GenerateOutlierFlag <- function(x) {
# Load required packages
# Outliers object
outObj <- getOutliers(x, method = "I")
# Run check for ouliers
out_flg <- ifelse(1:length(x) %in% outObj$iLeft,
out_flg <- ifelse(1:length(x) %in% outObj$iRight,
x <- c(1:10, 1000000, -99099999)
10 2

Breaks not unique error when using cut and ddply

I am trying to break a dataset into quantiles based on a group.
I have the following code which if i try to do a cut using seq(0,1,.5) it works fine but when I change to the seq(0,1,.2) then it gives :
Error in cut.default(x = fwd_quarts$v, breaks =
quantile(fwd_quarts$v, : 'breaks' are not unique
Tring different code, I can't get away from the error. How do I adjust this so when it expands to larger data sets that the quantiles will be created without the error?
ddf <- vector(mode="numeric", length=0)
df <- vector(mode="numeric", length=0)
g<-data.frame( g= c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3))
v<-data.frame( v= c(1,4,4,5,NA,2,6,NA,7,8))
df<-df[complete.cases(df), ]
ddf<-ddply(df, "g", function(fwd_quarts){
eps_quartile <- cut(x = fwd_quarts$v, breaks =quantile(fwd_quarts$v, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.5)),na.rm=TRUE, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
This has nothing to do with ddply.
If your data is not generating unique breaks, you can make them unique by wrapping the breaks with a unique statement.
breaks =unique(quantile(fwd_quarts$v, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.2)))
However, this will lower the number of levels from what you originally desired.
Generally speaking, if you have data like c(1,1,1,2) you can't break it into 3 groups. The number of groups should be less than or equal to the unique values in your data. HTH.
I got the same problem in the leaflet, if there is not enough observation to make the map it gives the same error. As a solution I just combine the clusters that having low observations.

Different data in upper and lower panel of scatterplot matrix

I want to plot two different data sets in a scatterplot matrix.
I know that I can use upper.panel and lower.panel to differentiate the plot function. However, I don’t succeed in putting my data in a suitable format to harness this.
Assume I have two tissues (“brain” and “heart”) and four conditions (1–4). Now I can use e.g. pairs(data$heart) to get a scatterplot matrix for one of the data sets. Assume I have the following data:
conditions <- 1 : 4
noise <- rnorm(100)
data <- list(brain = sapply(conditions, function (x) noise + 0.1 * rnorm(100)),
heart = sapply(conditions, function (x) noise + 0.3 * rnorm(100)))
How do I get this into a format so that pairs(data, …) plots one data set above and one below the diagonal, as shown here (green = brain, violet = heart):
Just using
pairs(data, upper.panel = something, lower.panel = somethingElse)
Doesn’t work because that will plot all conditions versus all conditions without regard for different tissue – it essentially ignores the list, and the same when reordering the hierarchy (i.e. having data = (A=list(brain=…, heart=…), B=list(brain=…, heart=…), …)).
This is the best I seem to be able to do via passing arguments:
foo.upper <- function(x,y,ind.upper,col.upper,ind.lower,col.lower,...){
points(x[ind.upper],y[ind.upper],col = col.upper,...)
foo.lower <- function(x,y,ind.lower,col.lower,ind.upper,col.upper,...){
points(x[ind.lower],y[ind.lower],col = col.lower,...)
lower.panel = foo.lower,
upper.panel = foo.upper,
ind.upper = dat$type == 'brain',
ind.lower = dat$type == 'heart',
col.upper = 'blue',
col.lower = 'red')
Note that each panel needs all arguments. ... is a cruel mistress. If you include only the panel specific arguments in each function, it appears to work, but you get lots and lots of warnings from R trying to pass these arguments on to regular plotting functions and obviously they won't exist.
This was my quick first attempt, but it seems ugly:
dat <-,data))
dat$type <- rep(c('brain','heart'),each = 100)
foo.upper <- function(x,y,...){
points(x[dat$type == 'brain'],y[dat$type == 'brain'],col = 'red',...)
foo.lower <- function(x,y,...){
points(x[dat$type == 'heart'],y[dat$type == 'heart'],col = 'blue',...)
pairs(dat[,-5],lower.panel = foo.lower,upper.panel = foo.upper)
I'm abusing R's scoping here in this second version a somewhat ugly way. (Of course, you could probably do this more cleanly in lattice, but you probably knew that.)
The only other option I can think of is to design your own scatter plot matrix using layout, but that's probably quite a bit of work.
Lattice Edit
Here's at least a start on a lattice solution. It should handle varying x,y axis ranges better, but I haven't tested that.
dat <-,data)
dat <-
dat$grp <- rep(letters[1:2],each = 100)
plower <- function(x,y,grp,...){
panel.xyplot(x[grp == 'a'],y[grp == 'a'],col = 'red',...)
pupper <- function(x,y,grp,...){
panel.xyplot(x[grp == 'b'],y[grp == 'b'],...)
data = dat,
lower.panel = plower,
upper.panel = pupper,
grp = dat$grp)

Utilise Surv object in ggplot or lattice

Anyone knows how to take advantage of ggplot or lattice in doing survival analysis? It would be nice to do a trellis or facet-like survival graphs.
So in the end I played around and sort of found a solution for a Kaplan-Meier plot. I apologize for the messy code in taking the list elements into a dataframe, but I couldnt figure out another way.
Note: It only works with two levels of strata. If anyone know how I can use x<-length(stratum) to do this please let me know (in Stata I could append to a macro-unsure how this works in R).
ggkm<-function(time,event,stratum) {
fit <- survfit(m2s ~ stratum)
f$time <- fit$time
f$surv <- fit$surv
f$strata <- c(rep(names(fit$strata[1]),fit$strata[1]),
f$upper <- fit$upper
f$lower <- fit$lower
r <- ggplot (f, aes(x=time, y=surv, fill=strata, group=strata))
I have been using the following code in lattice. The first function draws KM-curves for one group and would typically be used as the function, while the second adds the log-rank test p-value for the entire panel:
km.panel <- function(x,y,type,mark.time=T,...){
na.part <-|
x <- x[!na.part]
y <- y[!na.part]
if (length(x)==0) return()
fit <- survfit(Surv(x,y)~1)
if (mark.time){
cens <- which(fit$time %in% x[y==0])
panel.xyplot(fit$time[cens], fit$surv[cens], type="p",...)
panel.xyplot(c(0,fit$time), c(1,fit$surv),type="s",...)
logrank.panel <- function(x,y,subscripts,groups,...){
lr <- survdiff(Surv(x,y)~groups[subscripts])
otmp <- lr$obs
etmp <- lr$exp
df <- (sum(1 * (etmp > 0))) - 1
p <- 1 - pchisq(lr$chisq, df)
p.text <- paste("p=", signif(p, 2))
grid.text(p.text, 0.95, 0.05, just=c("right","bottom"))
The censoring indicator has to be 0-1 for this code to work. The usage would be along the following lines:
data(colon) #built-in example data set
xyplot(status~time, data=colon, groups=rx, panel.groups=km.panel, panel=logrank.panel)
If you just use 'panel=panel.superpose' then you won't get the p-value.
I started out following almost exactly the approach you use in your updated answer. But the thing that's irritating about the survfit is that it only marks the changes, not each tick - e.g., it will give you 0 - 100%, 3 - 88% instead of 0 - 100%, 1 - 100%, 2 - 100%, 3 - 88%. If you feed that into ggplot, your lines will slope from 0 to 3, rather than remaining flat and dropping straight down at 3. That might be fine depending on your application and assumptions, but it's not the classic KM plot. This is how I handled the varying numbers of strata:
groupvec <- c()
for(i in seq_along(x$strata)){
groupvec <- append(groupvec, rep(x = names(x$strata[i]), times = x$strata[i]))
f$strata <- groupvec
For what it's worth, this is how I ended up doing it - but this isn't really a KM plot, either, because I'm not calculating out the KM estimate per se (although I have no censoring, so this is equivalent... I believe).
survcurv <- function(surv.time, group = NA) {
#Must be able to coerce surv.time and group to vectors
if(!is.vector(as.vector(surv.time)) | !is.vector(as.vector(group))) {stop("surv.time and group must be coercible to vectors.")}
#Make sure that the surv.time is numeric
if(!is.numeric(surv.time)) {stop("Survival times must be numeric.")}
#Group can be just about anything, but must be the same length as surv.time
if(length(surv.time) != length(group)) {stop("The vectors passed to the surv.time and group arguments must be of equal length.")}
#What is the maximum number of ticks recorded?
max.time <- max(surv.time)
#What is the number of groups in the data?
n.groups <- length(unique(group))
#Use the number of ticks (plus one for t = 0) times the number of groups to
#create an empty skeleton of the results.
curves <- data.frame(tick = rep(0:max.time, n.groups), group = NA, surv.prop = NA)
#Add the group names - R will reuse the vector so that equal numbers of rows
#are labeled with each group.
curves$group <- unique(group)
#For each row, calculate the number of survivors in group[i] at tick[i]
for(i in seq_len(nrow(curves))){
curves$surv.prop[i] <- sum(surv.time[group %in% curves$group[i]] > curves$tick[i]) /
length(surv.time[group %in% curves$group[i]])
#Return the results, ordered by group and tick - easier for humans to read.
return(curves[order(curves$group, curves$tick), ])
