Identify spikes/peaks in density plot by group - r

I created a density plot with ggplot2 package for R. I would like to identify the spikes/peaks in the plot which occur between 0.01 and 0.02. There are too many legends to pick it out so I deleted all legends. I tried to filter my data out to find most number of rows that a group has between 0.01 and 0.02. Then I filtered out the selected group to see whether the spike/peak is gone but no, it is there plotted still. Can you suggest a way to identify these spikes/peaks in these plots?
Here is some code :
ggplot(NumofHitsnormalized, aes(NumofHits_norm, fill = name)) + geom_density(alpha=0.2) + theme(legend.position="none") + xlim(0.0 , 0.15)
## To filter out the data that is in the range of first spike
test <- NumofHitsnormalized[which(NumofHitsnormalized$NumofHits_norm > 0.01 & NumofHitsnormalized$NumofHits_norm <0.02),]
## To figure it out which group (name column) has the most number of rows ##thus I thought maybe I could get the data that lead to spike
testMatrix <- matrix(ncol=2, nrow= length(unique(test$name)))
for (i in 1:length(unique(test$name))){
testMatrix[i,1] <- unique(test$name)[i]
testMatrix[i,2] <- nrow(unique(test$name)[i])}
This is the new plot made after I filtered my data out with extremevalues package. There are new peaks and they are located at different intervals and it also says 96% of the initial groups have data in the new plot (though number of rows in filtered data reduced to 0.023% percent of the initial dataset) so I cant identify which peaks belong to which groups.

I had a similar problem to this.
How i did was to create a rolling mean and sd of the y values with a 3 window.
Calculate the average sd of your baseline data ( the data you know won't have peaks)
Set a threshold value
If above threshold, 1, else 0.
d5$roll_mean = runMean(d5$`Current (pA)`,n=3)
d5$roll_sd = runSD(x = d5$`Current (pA)`,n = 3)
d5$delta = ifelse(d5$roll_sd>1,1,0)
currents = subset(d5,d5$delta==1,na.rm=TRUE) # Finds all peaks
my threshold was a sd > 1. depending on your data you may want to use mean or sd. for slow rising peaks mean would be a better idea than sd.

Without looking at the code, I drafted this simple function to add TRUE/FALSE flags to variables indicating outliers:
GenerateOutlierFlag <- function(x) {
# Load required packages
Vectorize(require)(package = c("extremevalues"), char = TRUE)
# Run check for ouliers
out_flg <- ifelse(1:length(x) %in% getOutliers(x, method = "I")$iLeft,
out_flg <- ifelse(1:length(x) %in% getOutliers(x, method = "I")$iRight,
If you care to read about the extremevalues package you will see that it provides some flexibility in terms of identifying outliers but broadly speaking it's a good tool for finding various peaks or spikes in the data.
Side point
You could actually optimise it significantly by creating one object corresponding to getOutliers(x, method = "I") instead of calling the method twice.
More sensible syntax
GenerateOutlierFlag <- function(x) {
# Load required packages
# Outliers object
outObj <- getOutliers(x, method = "I")
# Run check for ouliers
out_flg <- ifelse(1:length(x) %in% outObj$iLeft,
out_flg <- ifelse(1:length(x) %in% outObj$iRight,
x <- c(1:10, 1000000, -99099999)
10 2


Clustering within groups with pheatmap

I am trying to make a heatmap showing gene expression across 4 different groups, and I would like to cluster within each group. I have samples sorted by group across the columns. Using cluster_cols = True clusters across all groups, mixing up the order of samples from each group. How can clustering be done only within each group with pheatmap?
I had similar questions recently. Since there are no such updates in recent pheatmap versions, my current solution to this is:
1.Generate orders based on the PC1 eigen values:
#data_heatmap is the data tibble/matrix used to pheatmap heatmap
eigenvalues <- svd(t(scale(t(data_heatmap))),nu=1,nv=1)$v
scaledExpr <- scale(t(data_heatmap))
averExpr <- rowMeans(scaledExpr, na.rm = TRUE)
if(cor(averExpr,eigenvalues) < 0){
eigenvalues <- -eigenvalues
index_eigen <- order(eigengenes)
Cluster within each group, and align with eigen orders
#s2c_f is the dataframe, with one column called "Group" with group info.
index_reorder <- c()
index_pre <- c(1:length(s2c_f$Group))
for(eachgroup in unique(s2c_f$Group)){
index_tempEigen <- index_eigen[index_eigen %in% index_pre[s2c_f$Group == eachgroup]]
sampleDist<-dist(t(data_heatmap[,index_tempEigen]), method="euclidean")
sampleClust<-hclust(sampleDist, method='complete')
index_clust <- sampleClust$order
if(cor(index_clust,c(1:length(index_tempEigen))) < 0){
index_clust <- rev(index_clust)
index_reorder <- c(index_reorder,index_tempEigen[index_clust])
Send new parameters to pheatmap with cluster=FALSE
s2c_f <- s2c_f[index_reorder,]
data_heatmap <- data_heatmap[,s2c_f$Sample]
ann_colors = list(Group = c(unique(s2c_f$Color)))
names(ann_colors[[1]]) = unique(s2c_f$Group)
df <-[,"Group",drop=FALSE])
color = colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "firebrick3"))(50),
gaps_row = NULL, gaps_col = NULL,
I think all above could be easily wrapped in a function. In the example above, I only showed how to do this when you want to cluster columns within groups, and my columns are sample names.
Another potential solution for this is ComplexHeatmap.

quantiles in R using with an increase of 0.01 between the upper limit of the lower quantile and lower limit of the upper quantile

I have the following code in R to generate quintiles for my dataframe. However, the quintiles generated using this are-
"[0.22,4.16]" "(4.16,7.15]" "(7.15,9.7]" "(9.7,19.2]" "(19.2,78.4]".
Instead I would like the levels to increment by 0.01 between the upper limit of the previous quintile and lower limit of the next quintile. So I want them to be -
"[0.22,4.16]" "(4.17,7.15]" "(7.16,9.7]" "(9.8,19.2]" "(19.3,78.4]".
Any help will be much appreciated
mydata <-mydata%>%
mutate(Value = ifelse(Value == -1,NA,Value),
Value = quantcut(Value, q=seq(0,1,by=0.2), na.rm=TRUE))
quantcut() gives you [0.22, 4.16], (4.16,7.15], (7.15,9.7], (9.7,19.2] and (19.2,78.4]. All possible values in your range are covered by this way of cutting the intervals into quintiles.
You want to have: [0.22, 4.16], (4.17,7.15], (7.16,9.7], (9.71,19.2] and (19.21,78.4]. This fails to account for all values that are 0.1 above the quintile borders. Like this, the number 4.17 does not fall into the first interval and it also excluded from the second interval, because of the open left border on all intervals. The same applies for 7.16, 9.71 and 19.21.
Having said that, let's assume you have a very strong reasoning to justify your choice.
You will have to first adapt the old values to the new values and then change the old values to the new values. If you use mapvalues() from the plyr package for this, you will not have to manually mess around with adding levels for your factors etc:
mydata$quants <- quantcut(mydata$Value, q = seq(0, 1, by=0.2), na.rm=TRUE)
# Step 1: Adapt old values to new values with regular expressions:
old_vals <- levels(mydata$quants)[-1]
regs <- gregexpr("(?<=\\()(.*)(?=,)", levels(mydata$quants), perl=TRUE)
repl <- as.numeric(regmatches(levels(mydata$quants), regs))[-1] + 0.1
new_vals <- mapply(gsub, replacement=repl, x=old_vals,
MoreArgs = list(pattern = "(?<=\\()(.*)(?=,)", perl=TRUE))
# Step 2:
mydata$quants <- mapvalues(mydata$quants, from=old_vals, to=new_vals)

Using R and Sensor Accelerometer Data to Detect a Jump

I'm fascinated by sensor data. I used my iPhone and an app called SensorLog to capture
accelerometer data while I stand and push my legs to jump.
My goal is to use R to create a model which can identify jumps and how long I'm in the air.
I'm unsure how to proceed in such a challenge. I have a timeseries with accelerometer data.
Some questions:
How can a jump be detected in timeseries data?
How to identify the air time part?
How to train such a model?
Below is the R code used to create the graphs above, which is me standing and doing a simple jump.
# Training set
sample <- read.csv("sample-data.csv")
# Sum gravity
sample$total_gravity <- sqrt(sample$accelerometerAccelerationX^2+sample$accelerometerAccelerationY^2+sample$accelerometerAccelerationZ^2)
# Smooth our total gravity to remove noise
f <- rep(1/4,4)
sample$total_gravity_smooth <- filter(sample$total_gravity, f, sides=2)
# Removes rows with NA from smoothing
#sample$test<-rollmaxr(sample$total_gravity_smooth, 10, fill = NA, align = "right")
# Plot gravity
plot(sample$total_gravity, type="l", col=grey(.2), xlab="Series", ylab="Gravity", main="Accelerometer Gravitational Force")
lines(sample$total_gravity_smooth, col="red")
stdevs <- mean(sample$total_gravity_smooth)+c(-2,-1,+1,+2)*sd(sample$total_gravity_smooth)
This is probably less than perfect solution, but it might be enough to get you started. The first part relies on a small modification of the find_peaks function from the gazetools package.
find_maxima <- function(x, threshold)
ranges <- find_peak_ranges(x, threshold)
peaks <- NULL
if (!is.null(ranges)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(ranges)) {
rnge <- ranges[i, 1]:ranges[i, 2]
r <- x[rnge]
peaks <- c(peaks, rnge[which(r == max(r))])
find_minima <- function(x, threshold)
ranges <- find_peak_ranges(x, threshold)
peaks <- NULL
if (!is.null(ranges)) {
for (i in 1:nrow(ranges)) {
rnge <- ranges[i, 1]:ranges[i, 2]
r <- x[rnge]
peaks <- c(peaks, rnge[which(r == min(r))])
In order to get the find_maxima and find_minima functions to give us what we're looking for we are going to need to smooth the total_gravity data even further:
spline <- smooth.spline(sample$loggingSample, y = sample$total_gravity, df = 30)
Note: I 'zeroed out' total gravity (sample$total_gravity <- sample$total_gravity - 1)
Next, pull out the smoothed x and y values:
out <-$x,spline$y))
Then find our local maxima and minima
max <- find_maxima(out$y, threshold = 0.4)
min <- find_minima(out$y, threshold = -0.4)
And then plot the data to make sure everything looks legit:
plot(out$y, type="l", col=grey(.2), xlab="Series", ylab="Gravity", main="Accelerometer Gravitational Force")
lines(out$y, col="red")
stdevs <- mean(out$y)+c(-2,-1,+1,+2)*sd(out$y)
abline(v=max[1], col = 'green')
abline(v=max[2], col = 'green')
abline(v=min[1], col = 'blue')
And finally, we can see how long you were off the ground.
print(hangtime <- min[1] - max[1])
[1] 20
You can reduce your thresholds to get additional datapoints (changes in acceleration).
Hope this helps!
I would consider a few things:
Smooth the data by collecting median values every 100ms - accelerometer data on iPhones is not perfectly accurate, so this approach will help.
Identify turningpoints as #scribbles suggests.
There is code available in my github repository that could be modified to help with both of these issues. A PDF with some explanation is here:
Specifically, take a look at:
install_github("MonteShaffer/mPowerEI", subdir="mPowerEI");
# data smoothing
# turning points

Long vector-plot/Coverage plot in R

I really need your R skills here. Been working with this plot for several days now. I'm a R newbie, so that might explain it.
I have sequence coverage data for chromosomes (basically a value for each position along the length of every chromosome, making the length of the vectors many millions). I want to make a nice coverage plot of my reads. This is what I got so far:
Looks alright, but I'm missing y-labels so I can tell which chromosome it is, and also I've been having trouble modifying the x-axis, so it ends where the coverage ends. Additionally, my own data is much much bigger, making this plot in particular take extremely long time. Which is why I tried this HilbertVis plotLongVector. It works but I can't figure out how to modify it, the x-axis, the labels, how to make the y-axis logged, and the vectors all get the same length on the plot even though they are not equally long.
chr1 <- abs(makeRandomTestData(len=1.3e+07))
chr2 <- abs(makeRandomTestData(len=1e+07))
par(mfcol=c(8, 1), mar=c(1, 1, 1, 1), ylog=T)
# 1st way of trying with some code I found on stackoverflow
# Chr1
plotCoverage <- function(chr1, start, end) { # Defines coverage plotting function.
plot.window(c(start, length(chr1)), c(0, 10))
axis(1, labels=F)
lines(start:end, log(chr1[start:end]), type="l")
plotCoverage(chr1, start=1, end=length(chr1)) # Plots coverage result.
# Chr2
plotCoverage <- function(chr2, start, end) { # Defines coverage plotting function.
plot.window(c(start, length(chr1)), c(0, 10))
axis(1, labels=F)
lines(start:end, log(chr2[start:end]), type="l")
plotCoverage(chr2, start=1, end=length(chr2)) # Plots coverage result.
# 2nd way of trying with plotLongVector
plotLongVector(chr1, bty="n", ylab="Chr1") # ylab doesn't work
plotLongVector(chr2, bty="n")
Then I have another vector called genes that are of special interest. They are about the same length as the chromosome-vectors but in my data they contain more zeroes than values.
genes_chr1 <- abs(makeRandomTestData(len=1.3e+07))
genes_chr2 <- abs(makeRandomTestData(len=1e+07))
These gene vectors I would like plotted as a red dot under the chromosomes! Basically, if the vector has a value there (>0), it is presented as a dot (or line) under the long vector plot. This I have not idea how to add! But it seems fairly straightforward.
Please help me! Thank you so much.
DISCLAIMER: Please do not simply copy and paste this code to run off the entire positions of your chromosome. Please sample positions (for example, as #Gx1sptDTDa shows) and plot those. Otherwise you'd probably get a huge black filled rectangle after many many hours, if your computer survives the drain.
Using ggplot2, this is really easily achieved using geom_area. Here, I've generated some random data for three chromosomes with 300 positions, just to show an example. You can build up on this, I hope.
# construct a test data with 3 chromosomes and 100 positions
# and random coverage between 0 and 500
chr <- rep(paste0("chr", 1:3), each=100)
pos <- rep(1:100, 3)
cov <- sample(0:500, 300)
df <- data.frame(chr, pos, cov)
p <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x=pos, y=cov)) + geom_area(aes(fill=chr))
p + facet_wrap(~ chr, ncol=1)
You could use the ggplot2 package.
I'm not sure what exactly you want, but here's what I did:
This has 7000 random data points (about double the amount of genes on Chromosome 1 in reality). I used alpha to show dense areas (not many here, as it's random data).
Chr1_cov <- sample(1.3e+07,7000)
Chr1 <- data.frame(Cov=Chr1_cov,fil=1)
pl <- qplot(Cov,fil,data=Chr1,geom="pointrange",ymin=0,ymax=1.1,xlab="Chromosome 1",ylab="-",alpha=I(1/50))
And that's it. This ran in less than a second. ggplot2 has a humongous amount of settings, so just try some out. Use facets to create multiple graphs.
The code beneath is for a sort of moving average, and then plotting the output of that. It is not a real moving average, as a real moving average would have (almost) the same amount of data points as the original - it will only make the data smoother. This code, however, takes an average for every n points. It will of course run quite a bit faster, but you will loose a lot of detailed information.
VeryLongVector <- sample(500,1e+07,replace=TRUE)
movAv <- function(vector,n){
chops <- as.integer(length(vector)/n)
count <- 0
pos <- 0
Cov <-0
pos[1:chops] <- 0
Cov[1:chops] <- 0
for(c in 1:chops){
tmpcount <- count + n
tmppos <- median(count:tmpcount)
tmpCov <- mean(vector[count:tmpcount])
pos[c] <- tmppos
Cov[c] <- tmpCov
count <- count + n
result <- data.frame(pos=pos,cov=Cov)
Chr1 <- movAv(VeryLongVector,10000)

Utilise Surv object in ggplot or lattice

Anyone knows how to take advantage of ggplot or lattice in doing survival analysis? It would be nice to do a trellis or facet-like survival graphs.
So in the end I played around and sort of found a solution for a Kaplan-Meier plot. I apologize for the messy code in taking the list elements into a dataframe, but I couldnt figure out another way.
Note: It only works with two levels of strata. If anyone know how I can use x<-length(stratum) to do this please let me know (in Stata I could append to a macro-unsure how this works in R).
ggkm<-function(time,event,stratum) {
fit <- survfit(m2s ~ stratum)
f$time <- fit$time
f$surv <- fit$surv
f$strata <- c(rep(names(fit$strata[1]),fit$strata[1]),
f$upper <- fit$upper
f$lower <- fit$lower
r <- ggplot (f, aes(x=time, y=surv, fill=strata, group=strata))
I have been using the following code in lattice. The first function draws KM-curves for one group and would typically be used as the function, while the second adds the log-rank test p-value for the entire panel:
km.panel <- function(x,y,type,mark.time=T,...){
na.part <-|
x <- x[!na.part]
y <- y[!na.part]
if (length(x)==0) return()
fit <- survfit(Surv(x,y)~1)
if (mark.time){
cens <- which(fit$time %in% x[y==0])
panel.xyplot(fit$time[cens], fit$surv[cens], type="p",...)
panel.xyplot(c(0,fit$time), c(1,fit$surv),type="s",...)
logrank.panel <- function(x,y,subscripts,groups,...){
lr <- survdiff(Surv(x,y)~groups[subscripts])
otmp <- lr$obs
etmp <- lr$exp
df <- (sum(1 * (etmp > 0))) - 1
p <- 1 - pchisq(lr$chisq, df)
p.text <- paste("p=", signif(p, 2))
grid.text(p.text, 0.95, 0.05, just=c("right","bottom"))
The censoring indicator has to be 0-1 for this code to work. The usage would be along the following lines:
data(colon) #built-in example data set
xyplot(status~time, data=colon, groups=rx, panel.groups=km.panel, panel=logrank.panel)
If you just use 'panel=panel.superpose' then you won't get the p-value.
I started out following almost exactly the approach you use in your updated answer. But the thing that's irritating about the survfit is that it only marks the changes, not each tick - e.g., it will give you 0 - 100%, 3 - 88% instead of 0 - 100%, 1 - 100%, 2 - 100%, 3 - 88%. If you feed that into ggplot, your lines will slope from 0 to 3, rather than remaining flat and dropping straight down at 3. That might be fine depending on your application and assumptions, but it's not the classic KM plot. This is how I handled the varying numbers of strata:
groupvec <- c()
for(i in seq_along(x$strata)){
groupvec <- append(groupvec, rep(x = names(x$strata[i]), times = x$strata[i]))
f$strata <- groupvec
For what it's worth, this is how I ended up doing it - but this isn't really a KM plot, either, because I'm not calculating out the KM estimate per se (although I have no censoring, so this is equivalent... I believe).
survcurv <- function(surv.time, group = NA) {
#Must be able to coerce surv.time and group to vectors
if(!is.vector(as.vector(surv.time)) | !is.vector(as.vector(group))) {stop("surv.time and group must be coercible to vectors.")}
#Make sure that the surv.time is numeric
if(!is.numeric(surv.time)) {stop("Survival times must be numeric.")}
#Group can be just about anything, but must be the same length as surv.time
if(length(surv.time) != length(group)) {stop("The vectors passed to the surv.time and group arguments must be of equal length.")}
#What is the maximum number of ticks recorded?
max.time <- max(surv.time)
#What is the number of groups in the data?
n.groups <- length(unique(group))
#Use the number of ticks (plus one for t = 0) times the number of groups to
#create an empty skeleton of the results.
curves <- data.frame(tick = rep(0:max.time, n.groups), group = NA, surv.prop = NA)
#Add the group names - R will reuse the vector so that equal numbers of rows
#are labeled with each group.
curves$group <- unique(group)
#For each row, calculate the number of survivors in group[i] at tick[i]
for(i in seq_len(nrow(curves))){
curves$surv.prop[i] <- sum(surv.time[group %in% curves$group[i]] > curves$tick[i]) /
length(surv.time[group %in% curves$group[i]])
#Return the results, ordered by group and tick - easier for humans to read.
return(curves[order(curves$group, curves$tick), ])
