How to install Evernote SDK for Python - evernote

I'm trying to get started with the Evernote SDK for python. I'm following the quick-start guide here:
I'm running into 2 errors:
1. When I try the first command "python install" I get this error message:
File "", line 22
packages=find_packages('lib',exclude=[".thrift", ".thrift.", "thrift.", "thrift"]),
SyntaxError: keyword argument repeated
When I try "pip install evernote" I get:
Collecting evernote
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement evernote (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for evernote
Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers

It turns out I was using an old version of pip, which was causing the problem. I had to use "sudo -H pip uninstall pip" and then reinstall the latest version for some reason.
"pip install evernote" worked after that.


nvm installation on Mac M1

I've been fighting this issue for months now. I can't successfully install node on my Mac M1. I recently bumped into this detailed guide that fortunately is made exactly for my machine, which apparently has something that prevents the correct installation of node:
I tried following the guide, but when I get to point 2 and I insert the command 'nvm install lts/fermium' I get 'zsh: command not found: nvm'.
I also tried entering the command 'arch -x86_64 nvm install lts/fermium' but also in that case I get 'arch: Can't find nvm in PATH'.
What can I do differently?

AttributeError: module 'scipy.sparse' has no attribute 'coo_array'

Getting this error in my Jupyter Notebook
What would be the best way to fix this utilizing conda instead of pip
I've attempted conda upgrade --all and that didnt seem to work
The scipy.sparse.*_array functions were introduced with v1.8. The networkx package started requiring scipy >=1.8 with v2.7. So, either upgrade SciPy
conda install 'scipy>=1.8'
or downgrade NetworkX:
conda install 'networkx<2.7'
Part of the issue here is that, at the recommendation of a networkx developer, Conda Forge stopped explicitly requiring scipy as a dependency of networkx, and therefore there is no longer any constraint. I opened an issue on the feedstock to revisit coinstallation constraints (run_constrained specifications).
As mentioned in this Github comment, I was trying to calculate the page rank (networkx.pagerank) of a graph on Google Colab when I encountered the same error. After executing the following code, the issue was resolved for me:
!pip install --upgrade scipy networkx
A Side Note: pip install refers to installing packages and leave the package as-is if it is already installed. But the --upgrade flag instructs pip to uninstall anything which is being upgraded/replaced. For more info on this, refer this official doc.
I encountered similar error
I could solve it by installing these versions of newtorkx and scipy:
!pip install 'networkx<2.7'
!pip install 'scipy>=1.8'

module 'torch.jit' has no attribute 'unused'

I am a student trying to get my hands into facial recognition using Ultra96 and I am having troubles running my program.
I have tried to install nightly version into my Ultra96 however, it does not solve my problem. The current OS is pynq 2.6 which is Linux and it is using jupyter notebook to run the codes.
Please offer me some guidance!
use torchvision 0.4.0:
pip uninstall torchvision
pip install torchvision==0.4.0 -f
This will work for sure
EDIT : if above cmd wont work , use this pip install torchvision==0.4.0

OpenMDAO installation

I need openmdao on windows 8 to run an aerostructutal optimization code that uses it but I’m having issues in the installation process. I installed numpy and scipy through pip in the cmd and then also openmdao using pip install openmdao but when I try to run a .py with copied inside the code at the bottom of this page, I get an error about “Component” not being found to import. What am I doing wrong ?
Some codes are written for a specific version of OpenMDAO. If you are using OpenAeroStruct, it requires OpenMDAO 1.7.4, not OpenMDAO 2.2.x.
To obtain the correct version, you would need to use the command pip install openmdao==1.7.4 or to download and install the source directly from here:, following the instructions on the README, not on readthedocs.

How do I install pyQt on MacOs, Python 3.5.1?

I already tried installing it with 'brew install pyqt' and the command did it's thing, but I still get an importing error.
You can try to follow this guide:
