Do Firebase Cloud Messaging Data Messages require requestPermission? - firebase

I'm trying to understand whether you need to call firebase.messaging().requestPermission() with messages of type Data in Firebase Cloud Messaging.
From what I understand, the data messaging doesn't trigger the standard APN or GCM push notification - thus does it require request permission? It seems like the request permission triggers the standard iOS push notification permission (I haven't tested it on Android yet).
Does that mean that a user will always have a FCM token even if they don't give the app os permissions for push?


Firebase push notification device to device

I am coding a React Native app and I using Firebase push notification service.
In my app, users can send message for each other and I want to notify them when they get message.
I found one way for native android I can code for react native it is not problem just I want to know if there is better way. I can make post to directly to Firebase service with using Http post.
This is the link which way I found:
I want to push notification to specific device without server, is there another way to do this?
Sending a message to a device with Firebase Cloud Messaging requires that you specify the FCM server key. As its name implies, this key is supposed to only be used in trusted environments, as knowing it allows one to send any message they want to all users of the app. For this reason it is not possible to secure send messages directly from one device to another device with FCM.
Instead you will have to run code in a trusted environment, such as your development machine, a server you control, or Cloud Functions. Your client-side application code invokes the server-side code, that ensures the call is authorized, and then calls the FCM API.
For more on this see:
How to send one to one message using Firebase Messaging
How to send device to device messages using Firebase Cloud Messaging?

Show notification based on a Firebase values

I want to show notification in my app even if the app is closed.. I don't need Firebase's Push Notification Service. The idea is similar to WhatsApp's message notification service.
When a value is added to firebase by a user another user should receive notification that there is a value change
Can someone tell me how this is done and What should I use to achieve this?
Push notifications for all major apps run through APNS for iOS, and Firebase Cloud Messaging for Android. While the apps may use a higher-level service from their application code, those services depend on APNS and FCM for the actual message delivery.
To see an example of how to build a notification system on top of this, based on values being written to a database, see Send Firebase Cloud Messaging notifications for new followers.

Firebase Cloud Messaging - Identify delivery status for a particular push notification message

Is it possible to identify whether a particular push notification message was delivered to a particular token via Firebase Cloud Messaging? And, if so, is it possible to do so via an API call or by listening to some callback?
I know that I can look at aggregate statistics in the console and even segment those statistics through analytics tags, but cannot find a way to get more discrete information.
I also know that the API will synchronously respond if a token is invalid but the process by which Apple and Google invalidate tokens is a bit opaque (to me) and doesn't help if someone simply turned off push notifications for my app.
If someone turned off push notification – you can check it with code
Swift ios check if remote push notifications are enabled in ios9 and ios10
Android app - detect if app push notification is off
But user can be offline, or APNs / Firebase service – can get some problems and your notification will be drop. You can check delivery status with some code in iOS and Android applications.
If you need check, delivery status for some push you can make push notification extension (in iOS). For send status about delivered notification in your API. More info about push notification extension.
It can be helpful About handling messages in Android (you can send status delivered too)
I hope this answer will help with your problem.
Received (available only on Android devices) — The data message or
notification message has been received by the app. This data is
available when the receiving Android device has FCM SDK 18.0.1 or
higher installed.

Firebase Cloud Messaging returns 200 OK for token that has unsubscribed

We use the Firebase Java SDK ( to send Push Notifications to iOS and Android devices.
We can successfully construct a notification, and send it to a device using the registered FCM token.
On such a device, we opened System Settings, and disabled push notification for the application.
We sent a new notification using FCM, and it did not appear on the device - as expected.
However, we now expect that the Firebase API should throw an Exception, because the FCM token is no longer valid / has been revoked.
We figured it may be cached for a while, but it has now been over 24 hours. We need to be able to fallback to other delivery methods if push has been disabled on a device.
Why does FCM still return 200 OK?
Disabling notifications for the application does not automatically unregister that application with Firebase Cloud Messaging. If you re-enable notifications to that application, the OS will happily deliver notifications again, and it will (as far as I know) continue to use the same token.

Unsubscribe Firebase Push Notifications from unknown devices

I have implemented the Firebase push notifications in my web application.
I then subscribed from multiple unknown/random devices to receive these push notifications.
How do I unsubscribe unknown devices for my push notifications?
The ability to unsubscribe the user from firebase is still missing.
Refer this firebase document for more details
To do this you will need to call unsubscribe() on a PushSubscription (from the subscribed client)
I am assuming that is not possible in your case. Thus, I would advise you to
change your Web Push certificates from the firebase console.
