I am trying write a shell script that will get some json from URL and parse the json and extract fields.
This is what is done so far.
token=$(http POST :3000/signin/frontm user:='{"email": "sourav#frontm.com", "password": "Hello_789"}' | jq -r '.data.id_token')
cred=$(http POST :3000/auth provider_name:frontm token:$token user:=#/tmp/user.json | jq '{ creds: .creds, userUuid: .user.userId }')
echo $cred
access=$(jq -r "'$cred'")
echo $access
So the output from echo $cred is a json:
{ "creds": { "accessKeyId": "ASIAJPM3RDAZXEORAQ5Q", "secretAccessK
ey": "krg5GbU6gtQV+a5pz4ChL+ECVJm+wKogjglXOqr6", "sessionToken": "Ag
K2A2EiZqjkhiSJC4NRekEuM+5WowwuWw1wU=" }, "userUuid": "mugqRKHmTPxk
obBAtwTmKk" }
So basically I am stuck here .. how do i parse this json in $cred further and basically want to get access to say accessKeyId using jq further?
I wonder if the variable $cred really holds a string formated in 67 columns, but if that so, tr might help to remove the newline and extract the accessKeyId using jq:
echo "$cred" | tr -d '\n' | jq -r '.creds.accessKeyId'
curl http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json
{"message": "success", "timestamp": 1665708640, "iss_position": {"longitude": "-114.2621", "latitude": "8.5148"}}
I want to parse the json to get property message.
x=$(curl http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json | jq .message)
echo $x
I want to get success without containing double quote.
x=$(curl http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json | jq .message | sed 's/"//g')
echo $x
Can jq achieve same target with its some argument without piping to sed?
Just use jq's command-line option -r.
I have this line jq 'map(select( any(.topics[]; . == "stackoverflow" )))'
Now I want to modify it (I didn't write the original) to add another condition to the any function.
Something like this jq 'map(select( any(.topics[]; . == "stackoverflow" and .archived == "false" )))'
But it gives me “Cannot index string with string “archived”".
The archive field is on the same level as the topics array (it's repo information from the github API).
It is part of a longer command, FYI:
repositoryNames=$(curl \
-H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
"https://api.github.com/orgs/organization/repos?per_page=100&page=$i" | \
jq 'map(select(any(.topics[]; . == "stackoverflow")))' | \
jq -r '.[].name')
The generator provided to any already descends to .topics[] from where you cannot back-reference two levels higher. Use the select statement to filter beforehand (also note that booleans are not strings):
jq 'map(select(.archived == false and any(.topics[]; . == "stackoverflow")))'
You should also be able to combine both calls to jq into one:
jq -r '.[] | select(.archived == false and any(.topics[]; . == "stackoverflow")).name'
Given a variable AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE that contains the output of the aws sts assume-role (a JSON string), I can write the following in bash.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$( jq -r '.Credentials.AccessKeyId' <<<$AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE )
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$( jq -r '.Credentials.SecretAccessKey' <<<$AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE )
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$( jq -r '.Credentials.SessionToken' <<<$AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE )
aws sts get-caller-identity
However, in order to get the same functionality in xonsh, I need two echo commands.
$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = $( echo -n #$( echo #(AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE) | jq -r '.Credentials.AccessKeyId') )
$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = $( echo -n #$( echo #(AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE) | jq -r '.Credentials.SecretAccessKey' ) )
$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN = $( echo -n #$( echo #(AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE) | jq -r '.Credentials.SessionToken' ) )
aws sts get-caller-identity
The inner one to provide jq with the input data. The outer one to be able to set the corresponding environment variable with a string value without a new line.
Okay, a little awkward but not too bad. However, is there a better way to do it?
jq is a great tool -- for this particular case with xonsh, I'd lean on the json module instead, though.
Assuming that AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE is some stringified json blob:
import json
blob = json.loads(AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE)
$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = blob["Credentials"]["AccessKeyId"]
I'm trying to use jq to filter my results when the value contains quote literals so my data looks like:
{"key": "site=\"abc\""}
I want to filter using contains (or some other method) for where site=abc but not site=abc123
current code that gets abc and abc123:
jq -c '.textPayload | select(contains("abc"))' test.json
I attempted to try to escape using \ but it looks like it doesn't work in the contains method?
$ echo '{"key": "site=\"abc\""}' | jq 'select(.key | contains("\"abc\""))'
"key": "site=\"abc\""
$ echo '{"key": "site=\"abc\""}' | jq 'select(.key | index("\"abc\""))'
"key": "site=\"abc\""
$ echo '{"key": "site=\"abc\""}' | jq 'select(.key | test("\"abc\""))'
"key": "site=\"abc\""
So it's unclear what the difficulty is.
I have a JSON response stored in a variable
"StepIds": [
how to I extract a value using sed on unix and store it into a variable
I wouldn't use sed. You can use the jq command-line JSON parser:
ID=$(echo $VAR | jq -r '.StepIds[0]')
echo $ID