I have a JSON response stored in a variable
"StepIds": [
how to I extract a value using sed on unix and store it into a variable
I wouldn't use sed. You can use the jq command-line JSON parser:
ID=$(echo $VAR | jq -r '.StepIds[0]')
echo $ID
curl http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json
{"message": "success", "timestamp": 1665708640, "iss_position": {"longitude": "-114.2621", "latitude": "8.5148"}}
I want to parse the json to get property message.
x=$(curl http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json | jq .message)
echo $x
I want to get success without containing double quote.
x=$(curl http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json | jq .message | sed 's/"//g')
echo $x
Can jq achieve same target with its some argument without piping to sed?
Just use jq's command-line option -r.
Given a variable AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE that contains the output of the aws sts assume-role (a JSON string), I can write the following in bash.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$( jq -r '.Credentials.AccessKeyId' <<<$AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE )
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$( jq -r '.Credentials.SecretAccessKey' <<<$AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE )
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$( jq -r '.Credentials.SessionToken' <<<$AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE )
aws sts get-caller-identity
However, in order to get the same functionality in xonsh, I need two echo commands.
$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = $( echo -n #$( echo #(AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE) | jq -r '.Credentials.AccessKeyId') )
$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = $( echo -n #$( echo #(AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE) | jq -r '.Credentials.SecretAccessKey' ) )
$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN = $( echo -n #$( echo #(AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE) | jq -r '.Credentials.SessionToken' ) )
aws sts get-caller-identity
The inner one to provide jq with the input data. The outer one to be able to set the corresponding environment variable with a string value without a new line.
Okay, a little awkward but not too bad. However, is there a better way to do it?
jq is a great tool -- for this particular case with xonsh, I'd lean on the json module instead, though.
Assuming that AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE is some stringified json blob:
import json
blob = json.loads(AWS_ASSUMED_ROLE)
$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = blob["Credentials"]["AccessKeyId"]
"a": "jdsdjhsandks"
How can I compute modular hash of a field using JQ expression?
jq does not implement hash functions, you have to export the data, apply an external tool and re-import the hash.
For instance, if your JSON lived in a file called input.json and you were using bash to call jq, you could do:
# Export the data
data="$(jq -r '.a' input.json)"
# Apply an external tool
md5sum="$(printf '%.32s' "$(md5sum <<< "${data}")")"
# Re-import the hash
jq --arg md5sum "${md5sum}" '.a_md5 = $md5sum' input.json
or without using variables
jq --arg md5sum "$(
printf '%.32s' "$(
md5sum <<< "$(
jq -r '.a' input.json
)" '.a_md5 = $md5sum' input.json
I'm trying to use jq to filter my results when the value contains quote literals so my data looks like:
{"key": "site=\"abc\""}
I want to filter using contains (or some other method) for where site=abc but not site=abc123
current code that gets abc and abc123:
jq -c '.textPayload | select(contains("abc"))' test.json
I attempted to try to escape using \ but it looks like it doesn't work in the contains method?
$ echo '{"key": "site=\"abc\""}' | jq 'select(.key | contains("\"abc\""))'
"key": "site=\"abc\""
$ echo '{"key": "site=\"abc\""}' | jq 'select(.key | index("\"abc\""))'
"key": "site=\"abc\""
$ echo '{"key": "site=\"abc\""}' | jq 'select(.key | test("\"abc\""))'
"key": "site=\"abc\""
So it's unclear what the difficulty is.
I am trying write a shell script that will get some json from URL and parse the json and extract fields.
This is what is done so far.
token=$(http POST :3000/signin/frontm user:='{"email": "sourav#frontm.com", "password": "Hello_789"}' | jq -r '.data.id_token')
cred=$(http POST :3000/auth provider_name:frontm token:$token user:=#/tmp/user.json | jq '{ creds: .creds, userUuid: .user.userId }')
echo $cred
access=$(jq -r "'$cred'")
echo $access
So the output from echo $cred is a json:
{ "creds": { "accessKeyId": "ASIAJPM3RDAZXEORAQ5Q", "secretAccessK
ey": "krg5GbU6gtQV+a5pz4ChL+ECVJm+wKogjglXOqr6", "sessionToken": "Ag
K2A2EiZqjkhiSJC4NRekEuM+5WowwuWw1wU=" }, "userUuid": "mugqRKHmTPxk
obBAtwTmKk" }
So basically I am stuck here .. how do i parse this json in $cred further and basically want to get access to say accessKeyId using jq further?
I wonder if the variable $cred really holds a string formated in 67 columns, but if that so, tr might help to remove the newline and extract the accessKeyId using jq:
echo "$cred" | tr -d '\n' | jq -r '.creds.accessKeyId'