Permalink Goes to Old Page - wordpress

I have been working on a site created by another developer. I have been fixing the site to make it more visually appealing. I am also responsible for adding new events and pictures which i self taught myself to do.
I have a situation where I have a page with the following permalink:
The problem is that this link goes to a page that does not show the edits that i am making under that page and there is no other page listed that shows the info it actually displays.
this is what I have in the editor box on wordpress that I want it to show.
enter image description here
this is what appears when url is used or when i click view
enter image description here
I have been sure to click update and renewing page to view it. it's like its going to a ghost page i can not edit.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on this?
Thanks in advance...

You are experiencing "slug collision": more than one thing in your WP install has the same slug.
The problem that you have is events is a custom post type, with a slug set to events - therefore the url is directing to the listing of events. This is an automatic feature of WordPress. (Note - you can see more details to support this conclusion by the fact that you've got individual events accessible at url's such as )
Note that custom post type slugs will always take priority over a page / post slug.
You have a couple of options:
If you want a page to display the content that you've created, the page's slug / permalink must be different than events
If it's acceptable, you can rename the slug of the "events" custom post type to something different. This has the potential consequence of losing SEO "juice".
If it's acceptable, you can remove the custom post type, if you aren't going to use them any longer.
NOTE: It may be tempting to ask "how do I remove the custom post type", or "how do I change the post type slug". Those are different questions, and if you need to ask, they should be asked in a different question - not added as a comment below.


Custom post type slug duplicates

I purchased a plugin that allows buddypress users to add new pages to their profile and ran into an issue that caused me to reach out to the developers, only to realize that this seems to be an issue with every custom post type, and is not isolated to a single plugin. This very well may be a Wordpress thing, but this is extremely inconvenient and I was wondering if there was a way around this.
When users add new pages to their profile, even if the permalink is unique, on the chance that a user names their page the same name as another user, a number denoting a duplicate is added to the permalink.
For example:
User 1 makes a page titled Services (
User 2 also makes a page titled Services (
I have changed the post type permalink to include /%author%/%post-name% which works correctly, and changes the permalink, except a number is still added to the end if more than one page has the same title. How can I stop this from happening if the pages are made by different authors?
This was the message I sent to the developers of the plugin, who informed me the issue isn’t really the permalinks, it’s more that the pages are a custom post type and thus beholden to the same slug rules that normal pages have, where if you created 2 pages named “contact”, the second one gets “contact-2” and so on.
I had assumed the user’s buddypress/author page would count as a parent page, but it seems that’s not the case. This appears to occur on my own custom post types as well as any custom post type plugin I happen to use, but I had never tested that until just now. Even if the permalink itself is unique, custom post types cannot have the same title/slug even if created by different users and I can see this hindering user experience.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
Adding author to permalink does not make the page unique. Pages are defined as individual objects and their permalinks are related only to the last section of the link.
The system compares only the post name (the slug) not the full URL or permalink.{post_slug}
If the {post_slug} is the same as another post slug then the system adds incrementation.
Just to clarify the answer - The post permalink is defined by the post slug and not the permalink itself.
What I would do in your case is to set these pages to an ID-based permalink.

NextScripts SNAP : not using the permalink in wordpress?

This is in a way a followup of this question : Jetpack Publicize: Sharing only on Twitter for a category
I am currently working on a website in which one of the category only serves as a way to curate news on the net and then, share it on the front page and on Twitter.
The post itself is empty, I use a custom field to receive the URL from the user, grab a few things from the target website, update the permalink and save. Upon saving, SNAP publishes the post on Twitter.
My issue is that it is not using the permalink but the url of the post itself (which is absolutely empty). Having a look into the plugin's code, I saw that it was using post metas (most notably urlToUse, snap_MYURL) but couldn't determine if it was a priority issue or something else.
I also try to adjust my code to set these meta values to the url I want, to no avail.
Is there a way I could set my custom functions or the SNAP plugin so that the permalink is used ?
No answer after a week, neither here nor from SNAP's support. No problem.
The ugly patch I used :
Jetpack Publicize for all the Twitter updates
SNAP for the Facebook ones thanks to their ability of posting based on a specific category
It's bloated and I'd love to understand but, sometime, you have to ship

Wordpress template page for custom posts

I have a custom post type (that I'm using on a template page), the custom post type is called 'Headerhome'.
When I post say a gallery there I'm trying to get it to redirect to 'single-Headerhome.php', yet it always just goes to 'single.php'.
The name of the custom post type itself is arbitrary, the name of the templage page it's on is 'home'.
I'm really confused, I'm not the best at WP yet so when something simple like this doesn't work I have no idea how to fix it, even after pouring over the codex for an hour.
The name of the custom post type itself is arbitrary, the name of the templage page it's on is 'home'.
Reading this implies that you have a home.php file in your theme, which would automatically display as your front page of your site. This may not be what you desire? More on this here:
An example of a custom post type might be an Event. The Event might have custom fields associated with it, like Location, Date, Time, Description. We would probably want new Events to show up on our front page, but also would want to create a custom theme file so when a user clicks on an Event from the home page to view the Event then the Event page shows our Date, Time, Location, Description, etc. We would then create a single-event.php to do this and put in any custom code their.
So (another example), a custom post type of Fruit would have an associated theme file of single-fruit.php. If their is no single-fruit.php then Wordpress will use single.php as the default theme file to display. More on this here:
Hope this helps set you in the right direction.

Post privacy in Wordpress

Can a post be hidden from home page, archive view, category lists etc. and viewable only if you have a direct link to it? The blog doesn't have registered readers and is open to public so that would be a mean of hiding some posts from public view without using the password protection.
I asked this question in Wordpress section and the idea there was to use conditional code so I'm asking the question here as well to get closer to the code.
If I used conditioning, would I have to input each post's ID separately to PHP file for archive, categories, search and such?
After reading a bit more all over, I had an idea of creating a private category and then use some kind of conditioning so that posts from that category are hidden. According to Codex, certain category can be hidden from, for example front page but I don't know if there's a way to hide it altogether except when you have a direct link.
Creating a "Private" category is a good solution. It is quite possible to hide this category altogether except via direct link. You just have to "block all the exits" with conditional code.
The default WordPress theme displays posts via the Post Loop. See, especially the section entitled "Exclude Posts from Some Category". Just find all the places in your theme's PHP files (e.g. index.php) where this loop is used, and add the conditional code. You'd also need to filter your category list and blog archives in the side menu. Don't add filtering in single.php, otherwise the private post won't display on its own page.
You'd probably want to add a similar condition to filter search results so that private posts aren't leaked via the blog's search tool. There may be more "exits" I haven't thought of, but I'll be sure to update as I do. I'm glad to look at specific code if you so desire.
Understanding WordPress' post query and loop really opens up a world of possibilities for customization.
I found the simplest way - just use Simply Exclude Wordpress plugin. It has the option to exclude each post (or tag, for that matter) from front page, archive, search or feed. It works flawlessly. You can still view the posts by using direct links.
(Not actually an answer that includes code but a working solution nonetheless.)

Limit frontblock to display articles/stories only in Drupal

I am new to drupal, so sorry for this noob question, but I was wondering how to display articles only in the central column. Currently there are also blog entries, etc and I would like to get rid of them. I have a Views plugin installed but I am not sure how to do this.
In your View create a filter for Node: Type. Here, you can tell it specifically what kind of content to show.
you can change your frontpage settings in admin/settings/site-information
so let's say you created a view - with a page display
set the page url of your view (eg. articles), and then in your settings (the path i mentioned before) you set the drupal frontpage to the page path of your view (that would be 'articles')
i hope that's clear enough for you
