I'm fairly new to AEM development and I'm experiencing some problems in my local environment.
The code I'm using is the same that is currently on the server (where everything works just fine), so I guess there must be some wrong configuration on my side.
So I have this servlet that should be called when trying to download an asset:
#Component(metatype = false)
#Properties({ #Property(name = "sling.servlet.resourceTypes", value = "sling/servlet/default"),
#Property(name = "sling.servlet.methods", value = { "GET", "POST" }),
#Property(name = "sling.servlet.selectors", value = "assets") })
public class AssetDownloadServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet
It is triggered by the "assets" selector, for example
Thing is, if I write an URL like this in the bar, it works just fine. The servlet gets called and downloads asset.jpg.
What isn't working is the Javascript code that when the user clicks on a button, builds the URL, puts it in a hidden form and then submits the form. In this case, the servlet doesn't get called at all (I put some breakpoints in debug mode to check) and the following page appears:
Status 200
Message OK
Location /content/aem/download
Parent Location /content/aem
Path /content/aem/download
Referer http://localhost:4502/content/aem/download.html
ChangeLog <pre></pre>
Go Back
Modified Resource
Parent of Modified Resource
As I said, the code shouldn't be at fault since it works on the server. I just don't even know where to look to understand what I'm doing wrong in local.
I opened a related question as the problem may be of another nature: CQ5 FormPanel sends HTTP POST in Chrome and HTTP GET in IE
As I see you don't have selectors in your url:
Here I can see
potocol+host: http://localhost:4502
path to resource: /content/assets
extension: .zip
param1: path=content/folder/asset.jpg
param2: charset=utf-8
If you want your servlet be triggered you should add selector (.assets between path and extension)
See more at documentation : Sling url decomposition
I want to integrate superset into an iframe.
I already added this into config.py
Also in Config.py, I saw this:
HTTP_HEADERS: Dict[str, Any] = {}
So no need to change
I copied admin role to Public role already
In iframe, I just used this url:
http://x.x.x.x:8088/superset/dashboard/world_health/?standalone=true" width=800 height=800
when loading, I saw this:
Request URL: http://x.x.x.x:8088/api/v1/chart/data?form_data=%7B%22slice_id%22%3A1133%7D&dashboard_id=1
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 400 BAD REQUEST
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
The strange thing is I saw other API is working fine, such as this:
So any special issue for this API? api/v1/chart/data?form_data
I already copied all the permissions from admin to Public.
I read a lot of questions about 'history.push nginx react-router' but I didn't find the solution for the problem I'm facing.
The problem is, when I log in my application in my Login component I do something like this after the ajax call is executed:
cb = (res) => {
if (res.token!== null && res.token !== undefined){
localStorage.setItem("email", res.email);
}else{this.setState({errorTextMail:"wrong mail or wrong password!"})}}
Locally it works fine but in the console the history.push('/home/0/0') fires a request that nginx doesn't handle and return 404, but in my browser the app log me in and I don't see the error.
Instead when I build the app and put the build folder under nginx to serve static files, when I try to login it show me the 404 page. Then if I refresh the page (removing the /home/0/0 from the url) it works fine, recognize the token and log me in and I can browse other route of the app.
I was supposed that history.push would have been handled by react-router, just changing the component mapped by the appropriate <Route path="/home/:idOne/:idTwo" component={Home} /> component and not firing a new request to nginx.
My question is, there is a way to switch compoent when the cb function return my token instead of using history.push('/home/0/0')?
Note the history object is defined this way
import history from './history';
and the history.js's content is :
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'
export default createHistory({
forceRefresh: true
Thanks for any suggestion.
i'm trying to check if a pdf file exists on the server with an HTTP get request,for that i am testing if the status code returned by the server's response is different then 200, the problem is that i always get status code 200 and statusText "OK".
here's my Service class
getPdf(year: number,type: number, num: number): boolean{
.subscribe(data => console.log(data));
return true;
in my component i have this code :
and that's the result i get in Chrome dev tools console
any ideas of why that is happening and how i can check the existance of a file if this method is not applicable?
I think your server is redirecting some or all requests for assets not found to your main page. It is somewhat common for a single page app. You need to update your server configurations to make it return a not found response for some folders at least.
I'm trying to display a KMZ file which resides in a folder that is password protected and has a port different from 80. It looks like this:
That will return a KMZ file with the valid MIME type, and I can save and open it in Google Earth if I access this link in the browser.
Google Earth's API has the following methods for displaying KMZ/KML:
KmlNetworkLink - you provide the URL of the KMZ/KML and then attach this object to the GE instance
parseKml() - you provide it a KML string, it gives you back a KmlFeature to attach
fetchKml() - you provide it a URL to a KML/KMZ, it attaches it for you
Another handy method is displayKml() from the Google Earth API Utility library, which uses fetchKml()
My first attempt was to use fetchKml, but this gives no response - it fails silently. I'm surprised this is considered normal behaviour by the plugin (why doesn't it throw an exception, or provide a second callback to handle errors?). This method works fine if I provide it a sample kmz in the form:
I believe the issue is the fact that my first URL is password protected - it will redirect to a login screen if no login session is present, and I suspect that the Google Earth plugin doesn't share the same browser session as the browser - so it runs into a login screen and fails because it receives an HTML file instead of a KMZ/KML.
Pressing on undeterred, I made another API method to unzip the KMZ on the server side and return the KML string:
The beauty of this method is that I write my own JavaScript to perform the GET request - it doesn't go through Google Earth, so the login session I have opened is used and the KMZ can be downloaded. The downfall is that KMZs can contain images and music which the KML file can reference. These can't be passed along with the KML string as far as the documentation is concerned.
My last attempt was to use KmlNetworkLink and KmlLink. This has the same effect as fetchKml - nothing happens.
UPDATE: Also, it will fail when using "https" without a valid certificate.
Yes the issue is that URL is password protected. You can get fetchKml() to give some indication of the error if you use it like so:
google.earth.fetchKml(ge, 'http://localhost:8080/assets/data/3641
', finishFetchKml);
function finishFetchKml(kmlObject) {
// check if the KML was fetched properly
if (kmlObject) {
// add the fetched KML to Earth
currentKmlObject = kmlObject;
} else {
// setTimeout prevents a deadlock in some browsers
setTimeout(function() {
alert('Bad or null KML.');
}, 0);
Kml is designed to be a free open format - if you wish to use it privately on a secure system then you should look at using the enterprise version of the Google Earth Plugin.
I have the following scenario's:
Scenario: Attempt to get account information of an activator without credentials
Given an activator with e-mail "dietervds#email.com" and password "testpassword" already exists
When I send a GET request to "/activators/1"
Then the response code should be 401
Scenario: Attempt to get account information of another activator then myself
Given an activator with e-mail "dietervds#email.com" and password "testpassword" already exists
And an activator with e-mail "eviltwin#email.com" and password "testpassword" already exists
And I am authenticating as "eviltwin#email.com" with "testpassword" password
When I send a GET request to "/activators/1"
Then the response code should be 401
The database is dropped and re-created from schema before every scenario.
The step 'given an activator with ...' inserts a new user into the database.
However! It doesn't always do that for both users.
This is the step implementation:
* #Given /^an activator with e-mail "([^"]*)" and password "([^"]*)" already exists$/
public function anActivatorWithEMailAndPasswordAlreadyExists($email, $password)
$activatorManager = $this->getContainer()->get('am.manager.activator');
#$logger = $this->getContainer()->get('logger');
#$logger->debug("Email: $email, password: $password");
$activator = $activatorManager->createActivator($email, $password);
Now the weird thing:
In that last step, I should be getting two inserts: one for dietervds, one of eviltwin.
I get the two inserts when I:
Run only one scenario
Output something in logging (creating the 'logger' doesn't help, I need to output something. What I output doesn't have to be dynamic, it can just be a fixed string)
I only get one insert (for dietervds) when I:
Run the two scenarios together
Or when I don't output any logging in the step implementation
I am completely baffled by this.
Is there something obvious that's missing? Might it be some sort of caching problem in the step definitions? (the logging might change the signature or something, not sure)
Any feedback is welcome :-)
Does this step def do an ajax call?
When I send a GET request to "/activators/1"
if it does you could try adding some wait time in there to give your dom time to load the result
Whens to Thens work best when you are submitting forms with press or following links or doing go to's to redirect the browser which initiates a full request response cycle that triggers the robot to wait for a new dom to load.
With ajax that doesn't happen exactly the same way.
If you aren't doing ajax I recommend you just use the built in step defs of
When I follow "/activators/1" instead
There is a way to prevent caching in your yaml config. Here is an example config we use for chrome but it should work the same for any browser driver
base_url: https://yurwebsite.com
goutte: ~
browser_name: "googlechrome"
capabilities: { "browser": "googlechrome", "version": "23", "applicationCacheEnabled": false }
The last boolean param does the trick for our browser caching issues