PrestoDb Could not initialize class - emr

I am using Presto version 0.152.3 over AWS EMR version 5.2 and I have recently encountered this error couple of times:
Query 20180504_144719_00005_abcde failed: Could not initialize class
when running a query involving join over two tables. Surprisingly, the query runs fine on another cluster with the same configuration.
I tried looking up online but couldn't find something relevant. I also tried
sudo restart presto-server
but it didn't solve it. Has anyone seen/solved this issue before?
Any help would be much appreciated!!


NGINX memory leak by importing videojs and videojs-record

I'm getting these errors when I'm running npm run build by just importing videojs and videojs-record.
Yes, I removed my codes and leave just the imports.
I've increased memory to 8gb with:
export NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8192"
but the error persisted.
I tried rebooting my EC2 instance with no progress.
I'm following this.
Btw, when I build on local machine, it's building just right. Error occurs only on nginx.
Please help. Thank you.
Solved. I updated t2.micro to t2.medium in my EC2 instance. Never thought of it. How stupid. haha

Corda node fail to start when connected to Oracle database

I am using
Corda Enterprise: 4.5
Token-sdk : 1.0
Oracle driver : ojdbc7.jar
Getting following error
Exception during node startup: Incompatible schema change detected.
Please run the node with database.initialiseSchema=true. Reason:
Schema-validation: wrong column type encountered in column
[token_class] in table [schem.fungible_token]; found [nvarchar
(Types#NVARCHAR)], but expecting [varchar(255) (Types#VARCHAR)]
We tried solution 2 from however database-manager-tool is not loading fungible-token-schema-v2.changelog-master.xml file . We also tried to upgrade Token SDK to 1.1 however Corda node failed to start. Please suggest. Thanks
As #wawrzek suggested, this looks like a driver issue. It might be that there's a schema migration that didn't work as well.
It's not super clear just based on this message which it could be.
One last note is that if you've got corda enterprise then I recommend pinging support as they should be able to help you out more with these kinds of specific issues.

DynamoDB Local process

Good day programmers,
I'm having a problem with running my dynamoDB (Node js).
I tried to change the version still i'm getting the error.
I hope that someone already encountered this error.
Any help will do.
Edit :
When adding running this command ($env:SLS_DEBUG="*") it shows a list of commands.

firebase SDK installation issue

I am trying to install admob in my app which I built using spritekit.My os Sierra version is 10.12.3.This is my first time attempting so long story short, I inserted GoogleService-Info.plist into my project and managed to locate my project and it looks like so
"myNames"-MacBook-Pro:~ "firstandlastname"$ cd /Users/"firstlast"/Desktop/"myProject'sName"/
"myNames"-MacBook-Pro:"myProject'sName" "firstandlastname"$
my issue here is that whenever I am trying to insert pod init it gives me this error -bash: pod: command not found
Any ideas as to why? Thanks.
So after much research, I worked out my rookie mistake. I will leave this here just in case someone runs into the same issue as I did.
All I had to do was install cocoapods! There are plenty of tutorials that show you how. Again, rookie mistake of me.

SQLite 3.8.2 exception on Update statement

I just updated my Windows Phone 8 project to use the latest version of SQLite. I made sure to update the sqlite-net-wp8 package as well to use the latest version.
Now when I execute an update statement, I get an exception from the db: SQL logic error or missing database
This worked fine with 3.8.1. Is there any way I can go back?
If you try uninstall the old version to use it and the problem persist, maybe you can fix this looking at your Query...
After googling with an old bug that I've fixed before, I found this ...
SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database
After usual googling around and trying to fix it I just saw what the problem with the Query is.
