Which version of Insight toolkit has support of libxml2? - libxml2

I have created a ITK solution from Insight toolkit version 4.5.2 using CMake-GUI on windows 10. Now while using ITK in my own project(created using CMake-GUI), I am getting following error:-
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'itklibxml2.lib'
I searched my ITK source directory but was unable to find the above library
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance

The docs say that The itklibxml2 library is only included in ITK if the cmake variable ITK_USE_LIBXML2 is set to "ON".
But this is for ITK version 3! I suppose your own project was written for ITKv3. If there is ITK_USE_LIBXML2 in ITK 4.5.2 try turning it on. Otherwise you will have to modify your project to not use that library. Start by removing itklibxml2 from your CMakeLists.txt.


Using and installing libVlc or GStreamer for QT in Visual Studio 2017

I would like to play an RSTP stream in Windows 10 using the QT Libraries in Visual Studio 2017.
Using DirectShowPlayer in QT Ctrator I have this error:
DirectShowPlayerService::doSetUrlSource: Unresolved error code 0x800c000d
I found some code examples that use libVlc or QT-Gstreamer.
Unfortunately, I'm new to the world of QT and the logic of building libraries.
I don't know anything about cmake and related.
Does anyone know an easy step-by-step procedure to install and use these libraries (or even "generic" libraries examples)?
Thanks in advance
I solved my problem!
You need to download the VLC-QT binaries for your O.S. (e.g. Windows 64bit) and unzip them into the QT directory relative to the compiler in use (eg "C:\Qt\Qt5.10.1\5.10.1\msvc2017_64\") respecting the destination folders (eg bin, lib , includes).
Then you have to go in your project properties and add the VLCQtCore.lib, VLCQtQml.lib and VLCQtWidgets.lib libraries to the list of libraries (e.g. Project Properties-> Linker-> Input-> Additional Dependencies)

QMAKE_MSC_VER isn't set

After I changed my Qt Version from 5.5.1 to 5.12.0 I get following message while I try to build any project:
msvc-version.conf loaded but QMAKE_MSC_VER isn't set
I selected the Qt 5.12.0 MSVC2017 32bit Kit instead of the Qt 5.5.1 (msvc 2013) Kit.
Does anybody know the reason for this message and could explain me how I should fix it?
Try removing any .qmake.stash files in your projects. This fixed this same issue for me when building QT from source after previously building with a different target.
I ran into this error message after returning to a project I hadn't worked on in a year.
I solved it by deleting the project's .pro.user file. (It seems to have been looking for a build kit I had gotten rid of at some point in the year.)
Open msvc-version.conf (in my case in C:\Qt\Qt5.12.8\5.12.8\msvc2017_64\mkspecs\common)
at the beginning (for VS2019).
In older Qt versions, like Qt 5.6, which is last version that allows v2.1 of LGPL license.
Such thing as QMAKE_MSC_VER does not exist.
Simply create it, like:
Open mkspecs/common/msvc-desktop.conf file (from to Qt-sources) in editor.
Replace it with below and done:

Configuration incomplete error ocuured ,This message happened when I am trying to link qt with opencv using cmake

I am trying to link OpenCV library with Qt (following these instructions), but I have some compilation errors:
Any one can help me?
You have to specify the Paths by hand. Click on the red entries and set the path to the according path.
You can read more about this problem in this Question: Error in OpenCV configuration for Qt Creator

qt cannot open input file 'c:\Qt\qt\lib\qtmaind.lib'

I am using qt 4.5
I have created a project and I want to compile on visual studio 2008 for windows mobile 6.0
So I have created the project files doing this:
D:\Projects\Phone_PDA\Phone_PDA>set QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2008
D:\Projects\Phone_PDA\Phone_PDA>qmake -tp vc
The VS project was created. However, when I try and compile I get this error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'c:\Qt\qt\lib\qtmaind.lib'
However, when I check my librarys and includes under project properties in visual studio. I have this:
Additional Include Directories
Additional Library Directories
Additional Dependencies
However, when I browse to the directory c:\Qt\qt\lib all I have is:
qtmain.prl and qtmaind.prl
However, I don't have qtmaind.lib or qtmain.lib
Many thanks for any suggestions,
Are you sure you are using the correct QMAKESPEC?
I would think you would need to use wince*-msvc2008
See Qt: Supported Platforms
Open the Visual Studio command prompt (you can find a shortcut in the start menu). It has all the appropriate environment variables set. Go to C:\Qt\20****\qt. Type configure and then nmake.
Did you download the source distribution? If so you would need to compile Qt before you get the libs.
My commercial version comes precompiled. If I remember correctly, when I used the open source version I needed to compile everything myself.
First you have to configure the Qt to your machine to get the libs! It will takes several minutes. Follow the steps in: http://portfolio.delinkx.com/files/Qt.pdf
in properties -> linker -> input
remove ANY path for qt libraries such qtmaind.lib
sometime you need remove :
/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS%40QMAKE_SUBSYSTEM_SUFFIX%40) from the VS project (under Properties --> Linker --> Command Line).
this is known BUG in VS addin

Link error while building with command scons compiler=msvc

I am trying to build a program using the command scons compiler = msvc. During this action a link error appears: LNK1181: cannot open input file 'QtCore4.lib'. I have installed Qt for Windows from http://qt.nokia.com/downloads (the free version) and tried to find the requested lib file, but only found the same dll file.
Any advice on how to proceed would be most appreciated.
It seems I have built Ot using debug option. Without it creates all the necessary libraries.
