I got this PeopleCode somewhere that says it can dynamically add items in the drop down list:
Component number &rownum;
Local SQL &SQL;
Local Rowset &rset0, &rset1;
Local String &type, &descr;
&rset0 = GetLevel0();
&rset1 = &rset0(1).GetRowset(Scroll.LEVEL1_REC);
&FLD = &rset1(&rownum).GetRecord(Record.LEVEL1_REC).GetField(Field.LEVEL1_REC_FIELD);
While &SQL.Fetch(&type, &descr)
&FLD.AddDropDownItem(&type, &descr);
My problem is I do not know exactly what event in the peoplecode should I put this in.
What I want to achieve is something like this:
A user will select a date. When the date is before June 2018, it displays a set of drop down items. However, if the selected date is on or after June 1, 2018, it will display another set of drop down list items.
So you are wanting the dropdown list to change when the date changes if I understand correctly. You should then put your code in the FieldChange Event for the date field.
In PeopleSoft you have Record.Field.FieldChange Event and Component.Record.Field.FieldChange. The Record.Field.FieldChange event will fire whenever this field is changed regardless of what component it is in. While Component.Record.Field.FieldChange PeopleCode only fires when that field is changed in the component where you saved the code.
In your case you likely want it on the Component.Record.Field.Fieldchange event as your logic sounds component\page specific.
I had created a popuplov and selected data from a shared component, I need to pass the selected value to a select query in the interactive report.
And I've select query in the interactive report, I need to pass the selected value to the select query in the report
Add WHERE to your IR like
FROM ...
WHERE ... = :V_DC
Set "Page Items To Submit" property of IR to your PopupLOV name, so when IR refreshed by something, value of PopupLOV will be set into session state.
Add dynamic action on Change of PopupLOV
It means "Run this action when value of item P61011189_DEPT (PopupLOV) has changed".
Add one action to True branch of created Dynamic Action - Refresh IR Region.
It means "When Dynamic Action starts refresh Emps region".
You can check my example here: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=54028:61011189
Use it in IR's query, in its WHERE clause, e.g.
select ...
from ...
where data_center = :V_DC
As Popup LoV item doesn't have "Page action on selection" property which would enable to submit the page and "force" IR to refresh, one option is to create a button on that page which will do the same. So:
choose value from Popup Lov
push the button
IR will refresh
That might be done differently, but I don't know how. Someone else might, though.
I am trying to put together a mock up for a data collection app for a local nonprofit using GSuite's AppMaker. So far I really like the tool.
One thing I need to be able to do is streamline the data entry for the site representatives. In my app, I display a list of students in a table, where one of the columns is a boolean value which represents attendance. The desired result is for the teachers to be able to input the date field one time using the date input button at the bottom of the page. Then they can quickly point and click down the Present column to log attendance.
My question is: how would I link the date selector dropdown so that the date field pre-populates with the selected date from the input field? I don't want them to have to enter the field over an over again since its the same for each row and I don't want the user experience to feel clunky.
Screenshot of the App for reference:
Using client script, you can add the following to the onValueEdit event handler of the date widget at the bottom.
var items = widget.root.descendants.<YourTable>.datasource.items;
item.<DateField> = newValue;
The only thing to take into account is that when using client scripting, you will only update the records loaded in the table at the moment; i.e, if your table has paging, it will only update the current page. If you are using paging, then you will need to add the following code to the onPreviousClick and the onNextClick event handlers of the pager widget:
var selectedDate = widget.root.descendants.<YourDatePicker>.value;
var items = widget.root.descendants.<YourTable>.datasource.items;
item.<DateField> = selectedDate;
I need to create a filter which gets all the possible values for a concrete field, but I'm only getting the values which appears in the current page.
What can I do to get all the values?
It looks like you want to filter table basing on value in the dropdown. In order to do this you need to bind your dropdown's value to datasource's filter:
then you need to reload your datasource every time when user changes dropdown's value
// onValueEdit
You can play with this sample app to learn more: https://developers.google.com/appmaker/samples/project-list/
I have one getCMSField_forpopup form for an event. I made another popup inside that to give multiple dates to that event(using has_many relation). When I give date 2 different dates/times to event "A" and then after saving event "A", I open main getCMSField_forpopup to enter details of another event "B" then I see dates/times (complextablefield) already there which were actually meant to appear in event A's detail not in event "B". I want to see those only with A not with every new event. How can I make that possible ?
Your problem is that you enter Dates for 1 Event, but then you can see this Dates on every single Event?
to me this sounds like either your Event has no ID at this time and therefore a query on Dates "WHERE EventID = x" does not work, or your Dates get saved without the ID of the Event
You could simply check your database if your Dates have the ID of an Event set.
If the ID if the Event is 0, then the issue is that you are not saving the event ID, this either means that:
you have created the Dates before saving the Event, in this case the solution is just saving the Event before you add Dates, you could also hide the Dates field when it has not been saved, see below the $this->isNew() stuff
or silverstripe fails to save the EventID, in this case you could fix it by adding a hidden field to your getCMSFields_forPopup of the Date and save the Event ID there, but its gonna be a little tricky getting this ID into the popup
if this is not the issue, then the problem is that when you create a new Event it has no ID, and therefore can not filter by ID, you can simply do this inside your getCMSFields_forPopup of the Event:
if (!$this->isNew()) {
// add your ComplexTableField for Dates here so it only
// gets added if this record has already been saved
But actually I would recommend using nested DataObjectManager (a DataObjectManager inside a DataObjectManager)(see tutorial on youtube: http://youtu.be/eeXOTlXFmQQ), DataObjectManager does all that work for you, so this problem should not occur.
It only displays the DataObjectManager for Dates if you have already saved the Event once, otherwise it tells the user that he needs to save it first.
And it also sets the Event ID on the Dates for you
Or, even better, you could upgrade to SilverStripe 3, where you can use GridField.
GridField works way better then DataObjectManager and looks a lot nicer.
I have tried multiple attempts at populating a report from selecting a value in a select list. I have come close but not close enough for the right answer. Does anyone have a solution?
Here is the code
Currently I have a select list that has the option of choosing an employees track and the employees track is populated in the select list based on :app_user.
List of Values
List of values definition:
SELECT track_name AS display_value,
track_id AS return_value
FROM ref_track
Source Value for select list:
"REF_TRACK"."TRACK_ID" AS return_value
I now have a report beneath it that is being populated when the page loads that also generates data based on :App_user.
Report Source Code:
I tried adding this line to pick from the select list.
Is there any way to manipulate this code to be able to select a track from my list and populate data based on the track selection in my report. I would also like to let you know that my select list values are based on a submit page. Please let me know if you can help me. Its frustrating when I look at something for a complete day and cant figure the code out. Also, if there is any other way around it or other options to explore please let me know.
If you want the report to update when you change the selected value of the select list, you can do this in 2 ways. But both come down to the same principle: your selected value has to be submitted to the session state in order for the report to filter on it.
Solution 1: have the select list submit/redirect the page. This will submit the value of your select list to the session, and reloads the page. With the redirect you will fill up the browser history though: select a value a couple of times, and you use 'back' on the browser to navigate back through the choices you made. Or use a submit, this'll reload the page too, but won't fill the history as much. There'll still be one extra history entry though (initial, and first reload, following reloads are not in history).
Find the option by editing your select list, going to the Settings region, and change the page action when value changed.
Solution 2: refresh the report region through a dynamic action. This will not reload the page, it'll 'refresh' just your report. This might be the most userfriendly, it depends if you like a page reload or not :)
You'll need a dynamic option, configured like this:
With these true action details:
And most important, to make sure your selected value is submitted to the session state: add the item to the list of items to be submitted when the report is refreshed.
I set up an example here