convert two moment objects to similar format? - momentjs

I have two moment object with one difference in format of there fields, and that difference is the obstacle . how to convert those two objects of similar format ?
screenshot of the console
the key "_i" is the difference the format of the 2nd object is working for me. So how to convert the 1st object exactly similar to 2nd object

Your second date is in UTC format.
To convert your first date to UTC format, use moment().utc() function of momentjs library.
Below is working example:
var yourDate = moment().utc();
<script src=""></script>


Convert day of the month(char) to date format in R

I run the following code in R studio and it worked fine in converting the 'start_dt' to date type and saving the output to a new column named 'date'.
I wanted to extract the day of the month from the resulting date and store the output in a new column named 'day',for that I wrote the following code:-
Though the 'all_data_cl$date' was in date format,the 'all_data_cl$day' is coming out to be a char type object rather than a date.
See Output Image
Can someone guide me on how to fix that?
Try this :
format(as.Date(df$x,format="%Y-%m-%d"), format = "%d")

How to change UK date format in LogicApp

Im trying to convert a U.K. input date (dd-MM-yyyy) to format (yyyy-MM-dd)
I tried
"#formatDateTime('15-03-2019','yyyy-MM-dd')" ==> Error
but got error:
'In function 'convertTimeZone', the value provided
for date time string '15-03-2019' was not valid. The datetime
string must match ISO 8601 format.'
How do I go about converting this input date? The input format is (dd-MM-yyyy) and cannot be changed.
I can easily convert from (MM-dd-yyyy) as shown below, but im not able to convert from (dd-MM-yyyy)
"#formatDateTime('03-15-2019','yyyy-MM-dd')" ==> OK
Date and time functions provided by azure logic app cannot recognize the timestamp in dd-MM-yyyy format.
After my research, there is no existing function that can directly solve this problem, but you can use substring and concat to deal with this problem.
The workflow of the logic app looks like this:
The expression of the formatDataTime:

Converting Datetimes returns Null

I'm trying to convert a datetime that looks like this: 2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00 into EST, but i keep getting Null values when using the hive built in UTC conversion.
I've tried using a regular expression to parse the date:
date_format(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
- (cast(regexp_extract(regexp_extract(2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00, '(-[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])$', 1),'(-[0-9][0-9])',1) as int)*3600) -18000),'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm')
but that's not good, since there's an hourly difference based on the time of year.
I've also tried:
FROM_UTC_TIMESTAMP(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss:SSS'ZZZZZ'") * 1000, 'EST')
FROM_UTC_TIMESTAMP(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss:SSS'Z'") * 1000, 'EST')
but that appears to not work either. What am I doing wrong?
I think that this method needs the date as a string like this:
date_format(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00', "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
Normally, the date formats are for strings, not for integers or numbers.
I found the answer on my own by combining the two ways of running the query.
(unix_timestamp('2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00', "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
+ (cast(
regexp_extract('2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00', '(-[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])$',1),'(-[0-9][0-9])',1) as int)
)*1000 ,'America/New York')
,'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
You are getting NULL because the pattern (format of the date and time) you have provided is not matching with the actual date time value. Correcting the date time format in your query would resolve this issue:
select from_unixtime(UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Check out this link to know more about the date time patterns:

Correct format for converting string to R date-time object

I've a system generated date and time format. It looks something like this, "2017-04-12-" . I want to convert this format into a standard one so that my system can read this and later on I can convert it into minutes. Someone please help to provide a code in R.
If you're unsure of the format, the guess_formats function in lubridate is pretty helpful:
w <- "2017-04-12-"
> lubridate::guess_formats(w, orders = 'YmdHMS')
"%Y-%Om-%d-%H.%M.%OS" "%Y-%m-%d-%H.%M.%OS"
orders is the format you want the function to investigate and it outputs the correct representation. If the second entry in the string is the day you can try YdmHMS.
The difference in the two formats in the output in the above example is based on formatting of the second entry (always with a leading zero or not). Trying the first format gives:
> as.POSIXct(w, format = "%Y-%Om-%d-%H.%M.%OS")
[1] "2017-04-12 02:29:25 EDT"
In the as.POSIXct call you may specify the timezone tz if required.

How to convert the format of inserted datetime in Informix?

I insert my date/time data into a CHAR column in the format: '6/4/2015 2:08:00 PM'.
I want that this should get automatically converted to format:
'2015-06-04 14:08:00' so that it can be used in a query because the format of DATETIME is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fffff.
How to convert it?
Given that you've stored the data in a string format (CHAR or VARCHAR), you have to decide how to make it work as a DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND value. For computational efficiency, and for storage efficiency, it would be better to store the value as a DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND value, converting it on input and (if necessary) reconverting on output. However, if you will frequently display the value without doing computations (including comparisons or sorting) it, then maybe a rococo locale-dependent string notation is OK.
The key function for converting the string to a DATETIME value is TO_DATE. You also need to look at the TO_CHAR function because that documents the format codes that you need to use, and because you'll use that to convert a DATETIME value to your original format.
Assuming the column name is time_string, then you need to use:
TO_DATE(time_string, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %x') -- What goes in place of x?
to convert to a DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND — or maybe DATETIME YEAR TO MINUTE — value (which will be further manipulated as if by EXTEND as necessary).
I would personally almost certainly convert the database column to DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND and, when necessary, convert to the string format on output with TO_CHAR. The column name would now be time_value (for sake of concreteness):
TO_CHAR(time_value, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %x') -- What goes in place of x?
The manual pages referenced do not immediately lead to a complete specification of the format strings. I think a relevant reference is GL_DATETIME environment variable, but finding that requires more knowledge of the arcana of the Informix product set than is desirable (it is not the first thing that should spring to anyone's mind — not even mine!). If that's correct (it probably is), then one of %p and %r should be used in place of %x in my examples. I have to get Informix (re)configured on my machine to be able to test it.
