Problems connecting to nodemcu via johnny-five - arduino

I'm really having trouble connecting to my ESP8266. I was working with this setup for long time now and I didn't have to flash my boards. Now after having to use a different wifi i needed to flash the board. After doing the following
Updating to the newest ConfigurableFirmata
Using FirmataBuilder to download fitting firmata
Uploading the Firmata to the ESP8266
I can't connect via Johnny-Five anymore (getting the usual timeout error). I couldn't narrow down what it exaclty is (and I have been trying all day) but these are things that I have noticed (Using ConfigurableFirmata directly as well as using firmatabuilder and StandardWifiFirmata, all with the same behaviour)
an open Hotspot gets created even though I'm in Client Mode
when scanning for ports I do find the Module connected to my Wifi (Serial Monitor in Debug tells me the same too) but no open port is found, even though it's specified in the firmata.
I just can't narrow down the reason. I hope you guys can.

this was a simple user mistake. But since I lost a whole day searching for the error and I think others might too, I'll share my mistake here.
As I pointed out I created the Firmata as Client (thinking its a client to my Hotspot). But you will have to create it as a server (as you want to connect to the board)
It's as simple as that. If you are on make sure you choose TCP Server if you want to connect to your board.


Serial communication crashes in LabVIEW

I am controlling a device over serial connection using LabVIEW (version 7.0). It is connected using USB, and is installed as a virtual serial port on the computer (running Windows XP). Every now and then my device crashes when my program sends a command, and it is unable to accept any more input (the device itself also stops working) until it has timed out.
I've looked at the serial port traffic using Portmon. Whenever the device crashes the serial driver sends the command I send using my program four times instead of just once, with an IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_COMMSTATUS command in between. I cannot see what this last command returns, but I assume something happens in the communication earlier on. I'm thinking my configuration of the port is not entirely right, but I have no idea how or why. I open and close the connection to my device every time I want to write something to it.
For completeness' sake: it has a baud rate of 9600, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. I'm aware that the correct settings of these parameters depend on the device, but the manufacturer has not supplied any recommended settings.
The driver is a DLL of some sort? If so, this is the most likely source of your problem, and you likely will need to contact the author of the driver. LabVIEW does have crashing bugs, but by far the most common source of crashes in simple communications apps is a buggy third-party DLL.
In other words, I doubt this is a LabVIEW problem at all and that you would have the same difficulty if you wrote a C program to talk to this driver. I only know what you've posted here about your system, but after many years of chasing down such issues, I would start with the device manufacturer/driver author.
If you have evidence to the contrary, please share.

Espressif Wifi not connecting or showing AP

First of all, I won't go into details, cause there are a lot of them, and I dont want to write (a too long) essay. There is TL;DR section at the end, because I have a specific question, but maybe some additional info can help.
I have a device that is made of a GRU (glass room unit) and espressif (esp8266).
GRU and esp8266 communicate via serial, with GRU as master. GRU is programmed with an internal tool, and I can monitor everything on it, including the info it gets from esp8266.
There is a test/development device, that has espressif on top of the GRU, so I can easily take it off, reprogram/reconfigure it, and put it on.
Espressif is inside of a GRU, and downloading stuff to flash is a real pain. There is whole process including a OS switch (from Win7 to Linux and back). Console output on espressif cannot be done, or at least not in the time frame I have.
For esp8266 I use non-os SDK V2.0.0_16_08_10.
Espressif can be configured with downloading a configuration to flash, or via UDP (over a network if connected, over its AP if its not connected).
Algorithm for Wifi:
1. Try to connect to a network from configuration
2. If it succeeds, raise a flag for that
3. If it fails, enter dual (STATION+AP) mode and raise a flag for that
The reason espressif is not always in dual mode is that it affects multi-cast operations.
Configuration over network is done by a Java aplication I wrote.
Scenario 1
I've configured a wifi router, configured all (x19) of the devices (espressif in devices that is) to connect to its network. When I turned them on, they would connect one by one. The ones that didn't entered dual mode and could be configured via the app.
All well.
Scenario 2
I've wanted to test the system in real world, so I reconfigured them to connect to the our firms network. Additionally when I was already going thru the whole process I've downloaded latest firmare to flash.
I expected that they would connect or enter dual mode and create their own APs. But they did not.
I tested then the code and configuration on espressif whose console output I could monitor, and everything worked.
I tested then the code and configuration on the test device, and it worked again.
I've then redownloaded the code and configuration to one device, and it didn't work.
I have two devices, espressif on a GRU and espressif inside of a GRU. Both connected to one network. Esp on a GRU work for another, Esp inside of a GRU doesn't work for that other network.
They have identical code and configuration, so it shouldn't be a software issue.
Does having espressif inside of a device jams its signal enough that it can't go trough? Device is not big (5x5x2cm).
While I was writing, the espressif inside of a GRU managed to connect to network. I then restarted it so I can check that it can do it again, and it can't connect again.
It took me about 10 minutes to write the whole question.
There are two things that seem to have caused the problem.
When I removed gpio_init(), network stuff became faster, much much faster. Everything on it, connecting to AP, creating AP etc...
I've changed my config and wifi code, so that it now stores the ap and station config to flash via API.
I only check if its internal config is the same as mine from flash. If it isn't, it saves it. Now, I only control the current opmode.

Arduino & ESP8266 - strange characters in response

I'm working on an Arduino Uno + ESP8266 project.
I try to use them as a web server on Wi-Fi network to control a motor that connects to Arduino - basically a trigger system that receives signals via Wi-Fi. Currently, I've successfully connected ESP8266 to my access point by sending AT commands from Arduino. Another client on the same network can statically access ESP8266's assigned IP address.
However, when I try to catch some HTTP queries (I want to use them as conditions to control the motor) I occasionally encountered the non-ASCII characters in HTTP request. I use serial comm to debug, please look at the screenshot in the link below:
Arduino - Computer serial communication for debugging
The line ",519:POST ..." should contain a complete number following "/?", but there's some strange characters instead. So I cannot determine the input data to control motor. Once in a blue moon, the expected format of request shows up as follows:
The correct data received
There's no issue with the HTTP response part, even though I got the uninterpretable request, I can still send the JSON error message back to client.
Attempt Note:
The Arduino uses different serial ports to talk to computer and ESP8266. Since the connection can be established, and the data being sent, I believe that the baud rate is simply correct on both side. (115200 for ESP8266, 9600 for computer - also tried 115200 for both and got the same result)
I use V3.3 from Arduino as power source for ESP8266. But I also use voltage regulator to smooth out the current as many people suggest that. The problem still remains.
I'm struggled with this issue for a few days, just want to know if anybody had the similar experience, or could give some clue for the next step.
After a considerable effort to stabilize the circuit, I switched to NodeMCU and got the system working perfectly. I assume that ESP8266 alone is somehow not robust enough without other components, which I unfortunately have no knowledge on.
So I'd like to close this thread with a short recommendation for anybody struggling with the same issue to switch to NodeMCU (which would replace both Arduino and ESP8266); if that could support the requirement.

Communication b/w two WiFi modules using Arduino Ide

Firstly, I'll just give you a brief introduction about our project... its "Speech controlled Home Automation System" where we are controlling the Home appliances by the voice or speech commands. We're successfully done with the voice recognition module. But our problem is with achieving the communication between the transmitter {where the user gives the voice command} and receiver {where the home appliances are present} through WiFi i.e. we have got 2 ESP8266 12E modules interfaced with Arduino both at the transmitter and receiver side and these two WiFi modules need to be communicated(To interchange some data sent by Arduinos).So please let us know which Arduino code need to be used at transmitter side wifi module and at Receiver side wifi module and also about the header files or additional softwares(if any)to be used.
you can achieve this by starting one of wifi modules in Access Point Mode and the other one has to be set to Station Mode in order to connect to the first one.
In case you want to add a router, just set both ESP8266 modules to Station Mode and connect them to the router.
And then transfer any data you want through AT commands of ESP8266.
Here is the refrence to them.
If you are newbie to Esp8266 and Arduino , this will help you.
Good Luck !
I worked on a similar system a year ago. I was developing a remote controlled toy. My main difference was I used the ESP8266 without an Arduino attached.
One ESP worked as a a WiFi hotspot and the other connected to it, sending messages through UDP.
For some reason, I could not get the two ESP modules to connect (I think it was a problem with the board I had), but I sent messages from my computer, and it worked out fine. I will not burden you with all of the code, but here is the GitHub link.
All that needs to happen is they will be on the same WiFi network, and then you can use the ESP8266 WiFi library to send messages between the two. Like I said above, I used UDP, which is good for high speed, with no error checking. But there is also TCP (higher up, has error checking code), or you can use the server/client part of the library to set up a full web server and read/write data to it. Without knowing what type of data, I cannot comment on what would be the best method.
As for headers, you will need WiFi.h, and if you are using UDP you will need WiFiUdp.h
You should not need any external software besides the Arduino IDE.
I taught myself from scratch for this product, using two main resources: the Arduino library reference, and the docs on the ESP8266 Arduino GitHub page

ESP8266 Point to Point communication with 2 arduinos

I am using 2 esp8266 wireless modules to establish bidirectional wireless communication between 2 arduino boards (one mega and one uno) without the use of any earth based technologies (i.e. radio frequencies, wifi which relies on earth sattelites, etc.). My solution was to use the esp8266 to establish a private area network with both esp's acting as a station and an access point (AT+CIPMODE=3). Unfortunately, this solution has proven to be more of a hassle than it was worth.
To start, I have the esp's each wired according to this diagram
When I first started out, the red LED was on and the blue LED was off. During this time, I was able to send AT commands, establish the server, and achieve the communication I required by entering commands directly to the serial monitor. After this, I started writing a library using the SoftwareSerial library to allow me to issue commands directly through the program to set up the esp as needed upon start up of my script. Before doing this, I changed the baudrate to make sure it was running at 9600, and entered the AT commands in the serial monitor to make sure everything was working properly and it still worked.
After I began writing the library, before uploading the code with a test of the library I noticed the blue LED was lit solid now. Noticing this, I reuploaded the barebones script (I haven't uploaded the library code to the arduino yet) and the esp was no longer receiving the AT commands.
Does this indicate an issue with the board which I can fix or does this mean the board is done?
With my deadlines approaching fast in about 3 weeks it is crucial I get this wireless communication working so if this is an issue with the board, I'm going to have to scrap the esp's and use a different way of communicating. So my second question is, if this is the case, what are other viable options for establishing this communication? I have used xbee's before and while that would be ideal, they fall out of the budget I have been alotted so I need to keep it under $50 for this. If bidirectional communication is not possible for that price I can live with one way because I just need to get this system working. Basically I just need to transmit a single byte of data.
I realize this response is a little belated, and I hope you got it sorted: I've started working with the ESP8266 myself in the last few weeks, and hence why I was looking around for tutorials on direct communication between 2 units, when I found your post.
From what I've been able to ascertain, the AT commands are a part of the 'firmware' which ships with some modules. The Arduino code however starts loading onto the chips at memory address 0x0000, which is the same address that the firmware update tools use.
In other words, I believe that with the Arduino-coded program running on there, you lose the AT command functionality.
If you find a firmware update tool for the ESP8266 (plenty online) you'll get back the AT commands.
I suppose though the real question is why would you want to? It seems that the AT commands are just a way to treat the ESP as a dumb WiFi antenna. With the Arduino code, you're actually treating it as a micro-controller in its own right.
