What is the definition of the SCHEMA_HISTORY.execution_time in Flyway? - flyway

I cant find any documentation of this table on https://flywaydb.org and Google. This doesn't look like seconds. I was leaning towards Milliseconds but logged execution time items in the form of mm:ss.SSS are not lining up with the numbers in the SCHEMA_HISTORY table although they are close.

The execution_time field is measured in milliseconds:
* The execution time (in millis) of this migration.
private final int executionTime;
Source: flyway source code


How to fake DateTime in a phpunit test?

ssI write a unittest using Symfony's KernelTestCase and have to test for a functionality, which happens only at a certain tie of the day (extra early or extra late).
So when I let my test run a noon of course nothing happens. How can I fake my system time to pretend that it has a different time and my test case is triggered.
I tried around with Symfony's ClockMock class but it does not work.
This is my test code:
use Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\ClockMock;
use \DateTime;
* testUserAchievedEarlyBirdTrophy
* #group time-sensitive
public function testUserAchievedEarlyBirdTrophy()
ClockMock::withClockMock(strtotime('2018-11-05 01:00:00'));
echo (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d H:m:s');
$user8Id = $this->user8->getId();
$progressSaveRequest = new ProgressSaveRequest($user8Id, $this->content_1_1->getId());
'Early Bird'
the echo give me today's date: 2019-02-01 16:02:06
I also had the feeling that ClockMock is rather used to skip time for e.g. testing caching instead of sleep().
What am I doing wrong?
The listener configuration is in place in my phpunit.xml
Calling bin/simple-phpunit causes a lot of installation happening.
Can't I use the normal phpunit?
Are there any other options to fake the time of the day?
Following the link you included in your post, the first paragraph says:
The ClockMock class provided by this bridge allows you to mock the
PHP's built-in time functions time(), microtime(), sleep() and
usleep(). Additionally the function date() is mocked so it uses the
mocked time if no timestamp is specified. Other functions with an
optional timestamp parameter that defaults to time() will still use
the system time instead of the mocked time.
(Emphasis added.)
This means that your call of
echo (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d H:m:s');
is expected to give the system time, not the mocked time.
Change it to
echo date('Y-m-d H:m:s');
in order to match the requirements of ClockMock and get the mocked time.
Note: I've never used ClockMock myself, but just looking at the documentation this should be a first step to see if this resolves your problem.

Get Firestore Server Timestamp from the client side

I'm building an app that tracks time. It calculates the time by differentiating the seconds like so:
serverTimestamp: FieldValue // {seconds: number, milliseconds: number}.
getSeconds() {
const createdTime = new Date(this.serverTimestamp * 1000).getTime()
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
return Math.abs((currentTime - createdTime) / 1000);
The problem is that Date's values equal to the current client's device clock, while firestore's timestamp equal to the firestore server, which may cause inequivalence between these two dates.
The leads me with two alternatives:
1. Save Date instead of serverTimestamp().
This way, the difference between these two dates will be accurate. Although, they won't represent the real date. Plus, if the user will change his clock on his machine, then the seconds would be changed too.
2. Create an HTTPS function that retrieves the current server timestamp.
This way, the difference between these two dates will be accurate either. Although, it feels like I'm going too far only to get the current timestamp of the server.
I am probably going to stick with alternative number two. But I was hoping if there's a better solution to achieve my goal.
PS - I'm using #angular/fire. So, solutions from this package would be welcomed.
You can also write the current timestamp with a serverTimestamp, then read the time back out of the location it was just written. Then you can make changes or calculations with that value.

How to make Kaa log upload event based instead of time based

I've only recently started to work with KaaIoT and I am wondering if there is another way to store a log bucked to the server.
/* some headers */
static void main_callback(void *context)
kaa_user_log_record_t *log_record = kaa_logging_time_collection_create();
log_record->test_time = kaa_string_copy_create("some_time");
kaa_logging_add_record(kaa_client_get_context(context)->log_collector, log_record, NULL);
/* some other configuration */
error = kaa_client_start(kaa_client, main_callback, kaa_client, 5);
When I execute this code, the string "some_time" will be stored to the server every 5 seconds.
I was wondering if there was an other way to do this, like upload the log to the server when I press my 'enter' key? But I can't seem to find a command for this.
To my understanding kaa_logging_add_record, just add the record to the storing bucket waiting to be sent according to the logging strategy you have defined. (https://kaaproject.github.io/kaa/autogen-docs/client-c/v0.10.0/kaa__logging_8h.html#af0fadc09a50f5e38603271a08c581417) . The parameter 5 sec in kaa_client_start is only a delay to cycle the call back function. If you want to register an event, first you have to store it in the log bucket and the timestamp if you want to record at what time happened. If you want to notify at the moment, the I think you should use Notifications or Events. I am also scratching my head in something similar and I wonder if there is a better way.

How to check which SQL query is so CPU intensive

Is there any possible way to check which query is so CPU intensive in _sqlsrv2 process?
Something which give me information about executed query in that process in that moment.
Is there any way to terminate that query without killing _sqlsrv2 process?
I cannot find any official materials in that subject.
Thank You for any help.
You could look into client database-request caching.
Code examples below assume you have ABL access to the environment. If not you will have to use SQL instead but it shouldn't be to hard to "translate" the code below
I haven't used this a lot myself but I wouldn't be surprised if it has some impact on performance.
You need to start caching in the active connection. This can be done in the connection itself or remotely via VST tables (as long as your remote session is connected to the same database) so you need to be able to identify your connections. This can be done via the process ID.
Generally how to enable the caching:
/* "_myconnection" is your current connection. You shouldn't do this */
FIND _myconnection NO-LOCK.
FIND _connect WHERE _connect-usr = _myconnection._MyConn-userid.
/* Start caching */
_connect._Connect-CachingType = 3.
/* End caching */
_connect._Connect-CachingType = 0.
You need to identify your process first, via top or another program.
Then you can do something like:
/* Assuming pid 21966 */
FIND FIRST _connect NO-LOCK WHERE _Connect._Connect-Pid = 21966 NO-ERROR.
DISPLAY _connect.
You could also look at the _Connect-Type. It should be 'SQLC' for SQL connections.
FOR EACH _Connect NO-LOCK WHERE _Connect._connect-type = "SQLC":
DISPLAY _connect._connect-type.
Best of all would be to do this in a separate environment. If you can't at least try it in a test environment first.
Here's a good guide.
You can use a Select like this:
c."_Connect-PID" as 'PID',
c."_connect-ipaddress" as 'IP',
pub."_connect" c
c."_Connect-CacheInfo" is not null
But first you need to enable connection cache, follow this example

Is there a way to measure query time in sqlite at runtime?

I want to measure the execution time of each sql statement in sqlite.
I understand in sqlite shell you could just do .timer on, but I am wondering how to do it in a pogrammerable way so that I could know how much time a sql statement takes when applications are accessing the database at real time, not just by replaying that statement in a shell afterwards?
Could I just provide a plugin function for sqlite_profile?
Thanks a lot
After reading the code of shell.c I found the following relevant information on top of the file:
/* Saved resource information for the beginning of an operation */
static struct rusage sBegin;
** Begin timing an operation
static void beginTimer(void){
if( enableTimer ){
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &sBegin);
/* Return the difference of two time_structs in seconds */
static double timeDiff(struct timeval *pStart, struct timeval *pEnd){
return (pEnd->tv_usec - pStart->tv_usec)*0.000001 +
(double)(pEnd->tv_sec - pStart->tv_sec);
** Print the timing results.
static void endTimer(void){
if( enableTimer ){
struct rusage sEnd;
getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &sEnd);
printf("CPU Time: user %f sys %f\n",
timeDiff(&sBegin.ru_utime, &sEnd.ru_utime),
timeDiff(&sBegin.ru_stime, &sEnd.ru_stime));
This means, SQLite does not provide some sort of that profiling itself, so you have to use your language features (e.g. endtime-startime) to do the job.
Well sqliteman provides some basic profiling features. It shows query execution time.
Well though the query execution is on different processor ( i.e X86 as compare to ARM) still it will help you to write optimized raw query on sqlite .
E.g. i just tested a select query with where clause without indexes and it took around 0.019 second and after creating index it's only taking 0.008.
Here is the link for sqlite man http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqliteman/
