WordPress Theme-Editor - Update File button is unclickable - wordpress

Suddenly a strange issue appeared in the WordPress Theme-Editor page. The Update File button at the bottom changes its position up and down when I try to click it! The issue is present no matter what theme is active.
I have inspected the button and found that when I disable this css it will work fine (load-styles.php):
.wp-core-ui p .button {vertical-align: baseline;}
Any idea why is this happening and how to fix it?

A plugin is almost certainly adding some CSS to the selector .button or .spinner (the only other element with the same vertical-align parent). Disable all of your plugins and reactivate them one by one until you find the culprit. I was able to recreate the issue by adding height: 100px; to .spinner.
If that doesn't work, try reinstalling WordPress and making sure you have the most recent version.

#Xhynk is right, there should be plugin conflicting with wordpress script or you have old version of WordPress, but make sure to take a backup to update WordPress.


Why does my site change my CSS for me?

I have jssor slideshow module installed on my drupal 8 site. I am trying to have the arrows on the slides to navigate the slideshow. The problem is something is adding
display: none;
to my arrows. When I remove the the line in the terminal the arrow appears but when I put my mouse back on the page out of the terminal window the arrow disappears and the
display: none;
line is back.
What causes this and how can I stop it?
Have you tried adding display: block !important; ? I often have to use the !important to stop my CSS being overridden by other modules.
The preferred method of resolving this kind of issue is to ensure that the CSS files are being loaded in the correct order (it is Cascading Style Script after all). However in this instance, and as is often the case with CMS type sites (or those where you don't have access to changing the loading order of the CSS files), the !important declaration is the solution.

Avatars not showing on phpbb forum

I have a PHPBB forum and my avatars aren't being displayed. When I inspect the element the img element is greyed out.
I can't work out what the problem is, I have tried to edit the css to display: block but this doesn't resolve anything. In the settings avatars are also enabled so that isn't the problem.
As you can see the image when you hover over the source, I'm confident that you don't have a image directory error.
Have you edited many css files?
Have you put some display: none; lines in any of them?
If yes, go over each line (use search function in your IDE) and comment them out, see if it resolves your issue.
Report back with your result.

Wordpress breaks CSS hover slider

I have a pure CSS mouseover slider fully functional here http://jsfiddle.net/gU4sw/13/ .
When I add this code to my wordpress page, it doesn't work... :(
Can someone please check to see if there a quick fix or explanation for this?
P.S: By the way, I was able to install the same exact slider code on another wordpress installation without any problems, yet it doesn't work for this installation for some reason :(
Your css rules are missing your wordpress css thats the main issue you are facing. In fiddle the css is working on hover but in wordpress css its not present try to check you css again.
In you css rule is not closed at line 499. right curly brace } is missing thats why below this rule all css is ignoring.
.abul { list-style-image:url(/wp-content/themes/Chameleon/images/barrow.gif);
try to close this and see whether css will work or not. I have tested in FF firebug your desired css is not including.

Replace CSS Link or Hide under with Image?

The problem is on my site:
I've been wracking my brain trying to figure how to solve this. Basically, I wanted to create a "Featured Posts" slider by using EasySlider 1.7 . The slider is the first thing you see when on the site.
Everything seemed to be going well during the install, but once I finished I realized the nextText and prevText was showing on top of my background images. This seems to be a property that can't be modified with css or html as I think it's embedded in the javascript provided.
I tried the Best Answer found in this question ("CSS text replace with image, need hyperlink") and it worked for the nextBtn but when I tried it for the prevBtn the nextBtn disappeared and was replaced by the default setting. If anyone can explain to me how to properly use this method with both buttons, then that solution would be fine.
But if you can't then please help me come up with any other solution. I'm not very well versed with CSS or HTML, so I'm learning as I go right now. It's probably some dumb mistake I made, but I'd still like to know how to fix it!
Thank you in advance to anyone who responds!!
I tested it with firebug directly on Your page. Try this:
#nextBtn a, #prevBtn a {
display: block !important;
text-indent: -9999px;
Important is this !important ;) It makes that this display: block is more important than display: inline which adds Your slider plugin.
Not quite sure what's going on, but if you go to https://sites.google.com/site/shawnhasinger/files/easySlider1.7.js where you have linked it from, you get a log in page, meaning that it doesn't work! This isn't the issue you are facing, probably because you are logged in...

Fix a CSS problem with a Wordpress theme and a syntax highlighting plugin

I installed the latest version of Wordpress and added the WP-Syntax plugin (and also the Markdown Extra plugin, but I think it's unrelated to this issue).
It works perfectly with both themes that ship with Wordpress: looking good using WordPress Default 1.6 and looking equally good with the WordPress Classic 1.5 theme.
However it doesn't work with the excellent LightWord theme, which I would like to use. The code box looks strange with the right border at the end of the actual code:
My thoughts:
I have tried investigating this with Firebug without any success. The CSS from the WP-Syntax plugin should be the same in all three theme cases. So the fact that it looks wierd with this theme has to do with some inherited CSS property from the LightWord theme.
This in turn probably means that the WP-Syntax plugin should reset something more for its CSS to work correctly.
Advanced CSS isn't something I'm good at. But I would very much like to resolve this problem as soon as possible. I'm also curious from a technical view point what could be causing this behavior? I hope someone with good CSS skills will be able to help out!
We (you if you want to, me if you don't feel like it) could then file a bug report in the appropriate place, to get these components working together.
To resolve this I understand you need more than screenshots. I have a link with the problem theme, which could be used to investigate further.
Web site where the problem may be experienced (Taken down as the problem is solved)
Edit: In response to a comment I'm also including a link to the working web site using the classic theme and the same plugin setup: Link to a working theme with these plugins (Taken down as the problem is solved)
Thank you for reading!
Summary of problems I'd like to solve:
What's the best way to get rid of the right and bottom inner border in the code box? I first noticed the right border, but the bottom border is also an eye sore.
The code box right border isn't visible. It's due to .wp_syntax {width:100%;} and if I set it to 99% it's visible again. Do you consider this to be a problem with the theme or the plugin?
Making changes in the theme (style.css) or the plugin (wp-syntax.css) would be preferred if that's possible, so one of them could be standard. But which one? And how?
The problems you are having are due to the stylesheets of WP-Syntax and LightWord interfering with each other. I don't really think that the problems are with the theme or the plugin, they are just down to how the two interact with each other.
To make all of the required changes, ideally you would edit styles in both wp-syntax.css and style.css. You can however cheat a little.
In style.css add the following:
.wp_syntax { width:auto; }
.wp_syntax table { border:0 !important; }
.wp_syntax table td { border:0 !important; }
These changes should solve all of the problems, with the benefit of keeping all of the changes localised to a single file (style.css of the LightWood theme). The other tables in the example should all remain unchanged as well.
