Why does my site change my CSS for me? - css

I have jssor slideshow module installed on my drupal 8 site. I am trying to have the arrows on the slides to navigate the slideshow. The problem is something is adding
display: none;
to my arrows. When I remove the the line in the terminal the arrow appears but when I put my mouse back on the page out of the terminal window the arrow disappears and the
display: none;
line is back.
What causes this and how can I stop it?

Have you tried adding display: block !important; ? I often have to use the !important to stop my CSS being overridden by other modules.
The preferred method of resolving this kind of issue is to ensure that the CSS files are being loaded in the correct order (it is Cascading Style Script after all). However in this instance, and as is often the case with CMS type sites (or those where you don't have access to changing the loading order of the CSS files), the !important declaration is the solution.


anomaly when overriding bootstrap in django

For the past two hours I've been trying to figure out a strange behavior when trying to override bootstrap in Django.
At the beginning, without any custom css file, the result was this:
Then I created a custom css file: my_site/css/master.css
.index-jumbotron {
background-color: #006DB0;
#main-title {
text-align: center;
color: white;
It resulted in this:
So far, so good.
But now, if I change anything on that same file (even when putting !important and taking good care of the specificity system), the result is always the same as the image immediately above.
However, when I indicate my template to point to another file my_site/css/master2.css or css/master.css, indeed the result is as I would have expected:
I can't get my head around this. Do you have any idea? Do you know if the package django-bootstrap3 could have anything to do with that? I installed it in between my two different version of the custom css file.
Looks like a browser caching issue - did you say 'disable cache' in the developer toolbar (network tab) of your browser? This is usually the easiest solution.
Another option is to open the styles file in your browser and hit 'ctrl+r' to force reload of the css file.

Changing default CSS from meteor template

This is a pretty basic question but I can't figure out why I can't change the css from the tabs template in Meteor. https://github.com/meteortemplates/tabs
I've installed the template and I am trying to change the css from the "active" tab. When I do inspect element, I'm seeing that the css file it's using is a "template_tabs.css" instead of the one I have in my root directory. I have no idea where this file is. I did a search in all my directories and can't find it.
Shouldn't my main css file in the root directory override this? If not, how do I edit this template_tabs.css file?
It likely had to do with file load order: http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/structuringyourapp You want your custom CSS files to load after the package CSS files have loaded.
Alternatively, you could mark your CSS with !important e.g.
div.sample {
background: none;
width: 200px !important }
In this example width will be set to 200px no matter when the file loads. I am not quite sure how it deals with conflicts if the style was marked !important in multiple files with different values.
I think it would be best not to mess with the original package CSS as that will be overwritten when it updates.

Magento - how to locate the location of inline css

I want to locate the location of the css inline item so that I can edit the background color of a horizontal menu.
This is what the css looks like:
ul#megamenupro_1 li.menu-item-link a { background: none repeat scroll 0%
0% #5EA032 !important; )
The firefox inspector is telling me that it's an inline item.
I want to change the #5EA032 colored background to another color. The thing is, it's an inline css so I don't know where to find it in magento. I tried looking in page.xml, header.phtml, theme.css, and style.css but it doesn't seem to be in any of these.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to locate inline css items in magento, or where it could possibly be located? I would like to change the background color.
Thank you!
Please go to
System >> Configurations >> Developer
then select the required store view from Current Configuration Scope from top left drop-down. Then under Debug tab, enable the Template Paht hints and save. Once done, refresh your frontend page, you will see paths to all files shown in red. Use firebug in Firefox browser to locate the inline css and get the file name and path.

Wordpress child theme causes padding changes without modifications

Stewartside helped me use JQuery to create a specific function for my main navigation on my website (thanks again!). I created a child theme to add the changes to my header.php file and it has started to cause a weird layout change. My homepage should have 20px padding, which is NOT a special CSS modification, but the child theme automatically removes it. This doesn't happen with other pages on my site, just the homepage. I have also added/removed the jquery code to make sure that wasn't the problem; the style.css file for the child theme only has the "child theme" coding, no modified CSS.
Homepage: http://bostonirishclothing.com
About Us: http://bostonirishclothing.com/about-us
Is there anything that would cause this?
Get the Firebug add on for your browser (available on Chrome and Firefox). Then right click the section that is causing the issue and you can see the coding and all the relevant CSS functions including the files they are in (to the chosen section). It will also show which CSS function is being prioritised compared to the other. Then you can modify the functions or add new ones to make it work.
A dirty way to do things is to use !important however this should only be used sparingly as it can screw with other pages. An easy way to avoid that is to make the CSS function for example .entry-content { color:#fff; } becomes .post-x .entry-content { color:fff!important; }
Test things out. Firebug is amazing help when editing CSS. You can even do some of the tests in firebug itself.

Drupal: Calendar navigator, placement

It's the red marked "navigator" I am talking about. I need to move them away so they don't mess up my design. I have tried to change a lot of different settings without no success.
Here is the View for it:
What should I do?
I am using the following themes: Pixture Reloaded 7.x-2.2 and AT Core 7.x-2.2
Modules: Calendar, chaos tools, views, date modules..
It is obvious some mix up in css. It is a large possibility that elements created by calender inherit some css properties.
Easy fix is to view the source code of he page. Using FireBug(for firefox) or some alternative will make it easier to find. You will find some css rules being applied to your menu. Just try to enable and disable some css rules and see what happens.
When you find mischief just write a css function with higher priority which would negate that other global rule.
I got the same problem and i solved just yesterday hacking some css. I share you here what i have done in my case that i think i will help you also or at least work around there.
First to fixing the big buttons of the calendar navigation you should look in your theme css files at some css class called "ul.pager li a" or "ul.pager li span" there must be a property like "display:block" that is causing this buttons see that way. i just commented that property and they look as normal them should be.
In my case the theme css file was "navigation.css" and this property inside that file is found at line 375. Maybe in yours could be similar, anyway you can check and find where is using the firebug extension for firefox inspecting that buttons.
Second for fix the position of this navigation buttons is something similar but in the css file of the calendar module itself, after modifying the core css file of the module i recommend you to override it placing a copy of it in your template css folder and declaring it on the .info file of the template. In my case the file was calendar_multiday.css, in the line 778 and 818 there are the classes ".view .date-nav-wrapper .date-prev" and ".view .date-nav-wrapper .date-next" inside them with the property "right" and "left" i controlled the positions where must be this buttons.
This is the work around on how i solved it, hope this works for you also but if not anyway the problem is close there.
