Nested gapply(), dapply, or spark_apply() function? - r

I have two separate Hive tables within which I'd like to run a very complex string matching algorithm. I'd like to use SparkR or sparklyr, but I'm trying to determine the feasibility of nested dapply, gapply, or spark_apply statements. I haven't seen a single example of a nested apply.
The problem statement: Fuzzy matching on addresses within zip codes. Essentially, I've already done a cartesian join on addresses from both data sets where Zip=Zip. But now I have two columns of Addresses that need to be matched, and an third column of Zips that need to be retained as a "GroupBy" to constrain the superset of potential pairwise comparisons. Thus, the first "key" is the Zip, but then I want to use a second "key" to send a series of comparisons to a single address from column1, matching all possible addresses in column2 (within the same Zip). This seems to require one of the distributed apply functions within SparkR or sparklyr, but each of them does not look like it will allow, for example, gapply(...,gapply()) or spark_apply(...,spark_apply()).
Has anyone every tried this or gotten around a similar problem?


whisper-merge appears to replace rather than aggregate duplicate values

I'd like to use whisper-merge to merge two whisper databases using an aggregation method, but it appears that one piece of data replaces the other if there's any overlap of timestamps.
Obviously graphite itself can aggregate data, but does anyone know of a command-line utility to perform aggregation?
You can use instead of whisper-merge to add missing data.
After that, execute to set aggregation defined.

Faster R code for fuzzy name matching using agrep() for multiple patterns...?

I'm a bit of an R novice and have been trying to experiment a bit using the agrep function in R. I have a large data base of customers (1.5 million rows) of which I'm sure there are many duplicates. Many of the duplicates though are not revealed using the table() to get the frequency of repeated exact names. Just eyeballing some of the rows, I have noticed many duplicates that are "unique" because there was a minor miss-key in the spelling of the name.
So far, to find all of the duplicates in my data set, I have been using agrep() to accomplish the fuzzy name matching. I have been playing around with the max.distance argument in agrep() to return different approximate matches. I think I have found a happy medium between returning false positives and missing out on true matches. As the agrep() is limited to matching a single pattern at a time, I was able to find an entry on stack overflow to help me write a sapply code that would allow me to match the data set against numerous patterns. Here is the code I am using to loop over numerous patterns as it combs through my data sets for "duplicates".
unique$name= this is the unique index I developed that has all of the "patterns" I wish to hunt for in my data set.
vf$name= is the column in my data frame that contains all of my customer names.
This coding works well on a small scale of a sample of 600 or so customers and the agrep works fine. My problem is when I attempt to use a unique index of 250K+ names and agrep it against my 1.5 million customers. As I type out this question, the code is still running in R and has not yet stopped (we are going on 20 minutes at this point).
Does anyone have any suggestions to speed this up or improve the code that I have used? I have not yet tried anything out of the plyr package. Perhaps this might be faster... I am a little unfamiliar though with using the ddply or llply functions.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm so sorry, I missed this last request to post a solution. Here is how I solved my agrep, multiple pattern problem, and then sped things up using parallel processing.
What I am essentially doing is taking a a whole vector of character strings and then fuzzy matching them against themselves to find out if there are any fuzzy matched duplicate records in the vector.
Here I create clusters (twenty of them) that I wish to use in a parallel process created by parSapply
So let's start with the innermost nesting of the code parSapply. This is what allows me to run the agrep() in a paralleled process. The first argument is "cl", which is the number of clusters I have specified to parallel process across ,as specified above.
The 2nd argument is the specific vector of patterns I wish to match against. The third argument is the actual function I wish to use to do the matching (in this case agrep). The next subsequent arguments are all arguments related to the agrep() that I am using. I have specified that I want the actual character strings returned (not the position of the strings) using value=T. I have also specified my max.distance I am willing to accept in a fuzzy match... in this case a cost of 2. The last argument is the full list of patterns I wish to be matched against the first list of patterns (argument 2). As it so happens, I am looking to identify duplicates, hence I match the vector against itself. The final output is a list, so I use unlist() and then data frame it to basically get a table of matches. From there, I can easily run a frequency table of the table I just created to find out, what fuzzy matched character strings have a frequency greater than 1, ultimately telling me that such a pattern match against itself and one other pattern in the vector.
I hope this helps.

How to fuzzy match character strings of persons' names listed variously firstName lastName or lastName firstName and with misspellings [duplicate]

I'm attempting to clean up a database that, over the years, had acquired many duplicate records, with slightly different names. For example, in the companies table, there are names like "Some Company Limited" and "SOME COMPANY LTD!".
My plan was to export the offending tables into R, convert names to lower case, replace common synonyms (like "limited" -> "ltd"), strip out non-alphabetic characters and then use agrep to see what looks similar.
My first problem is that agrep only accepts a single pattern to match, and looping over every company name to match against the others is slow. (Some tables to be cleaned will have tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of names to check.)
I've very briefly looked at the tm package (JSS article), and it seems very powerful but geared towards analysing big chunks of text, rather than just names.
I have a few related questions:
Is the tm package appropriate for this sort of task?
Is there a faster alternative to agrep? (Said function uses the
Levenshtein edit distance which is anecdotally slow.)
Are there other suitable tools in R, apart from agrep and tm?
Should I even be doing this in R, or should this sort of thing be
done directly in the database? (It's an Access database, so I'd
rather avoid touching it if possible.)
If you're just doing small batches that are relatively well-formed, then the compare.linkage() or compare.dedup() functions in the RecordLinkage package should be a great starting point. But if you have big batches, then you might have to do some more tinkering.
I use the functions jarowinkler(), levenshteinSim(), and soundex() in RecordLinkage to write my own function that use my own weighting scheme (also, as it is, you can't use soundex() for big data sets with RecordLinkage).
If I have two lists of names that I want to match ("record link"), then I typically convert both to lower case and remove all punctuation. To take care of "Limited" versus "LTD" I typically create another vector of the first word from each list, which allows extra weighting on the first word. If I think that one list may contain acronyms (maybe ATT or IBM) then I'll acronym-ize the other list. For each list I end up with a data frame of strings that I would like to compare that I write as separate tables in a MySQL database.
So that I don't end up with too many candidates, I LEFT OUTER JOIN these two tables on something that has to match between the two lists (maybe that's the first three letters in each list or the first three letters and the first three letters in the acronym). Then I calculate match scores using the above functions.
You still have to do a lot of manual inspection, but you can sort on the score to quickly rule out non-matches.
Maybe google refine could help. It looks maybe more fitted if you have lots of exceptions and you don't know them all yet.
What you're doing is called record linkage, and it's been a huge field of research over many decades already. Luckily for you, there's a whole bunch of tools out there that are ready-made for this sort of thing. Basically, you can point them at your database, set up some cleaning and comparators (like Levenshtein or Jaro-Winkler or ...), and they'll go off and do the job for you.
These tools generally have features in place to solve the performance issues, so that even though Levenshtein is slow they can run fast because most record pairs never get compared at all.
The Wikipedia link above has links to a number of record linkage tools you can use. I've personally written one called Duke in Java, which I've used successfully for exactly this. If you want something big and expensive you can buy a Master Data Management tool.
In your case probably something like edit-distance calculation would work, but if you need to find near duplicates in larger text based documents, you can try

Creating a boxplot from two tables in KNIME

I am trying to plot two data columns coming from different tables using KNIME. I want to plot them in a single plot in order to be easier to compare them. In R this effect can be achieved by the following:
boxplot(df$Delay, df2$Delay,names=c("Column from Table1","Column from Table2"), outline=FALSE)
However, by using KNIME, I cannot think of a way that you can use data coming from two different tables. Have you ever faced this issue in KNIME?
If you have the same number of rows in the columns you can use the Column Appender node to get both columns into the same table. If not, you can use the Column Joiner node to create a superset of both columns.
Seems to be a working solution would be -according to the discussions in the comments- the following:
Installing the KNIME Interactive R Statistics Integration (you might already have it installed)
Using the Add Table To R node to add the second table to R
I guess the usual R code can be used to create the figures
The above answer using the "Add Table to R" node is a very nice option.
You could also do it before hand in KNIME. If the two tables have the same columns you could concatenate them using the "Concatenate" node and, if you need mark the rows with the "Constant Value" node from which table the come from originally.
If the two tables have different columns but some row identifiers in common you could join them using the "Joiner" node into one table. Then pass the concatenated or joined table over to R.

Techniques for finding near duplicate records

I'm attempting to clean up a database that, over the years, had acquired many duplicate records, with slightly different names. For example, in the companies table, there are names like "Some Company Limited" and "SOME COMPANY LTD!".
My plan was to export the offending tables into R, convert names to lower case, replace common synonyms (like "limited" -> "ltd"), strip out non-alphabetic characters and then use agrep to see what looks similar.
My first problem is that agrep only accepts a single pattern to match, and looping over every company name to match against the others is slow. (Some tables to be cleaned will have tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of names to check.)
I've very briefly looked at the tm package (JSS article), and it seems very powerful but geared towards analysing big chunks of text, rather than just names.
I have a few related questions:
Is the tm package appropriate for this sort of task?
Is there a faster alternative to agrep? (Said function uses the
Levenshtein edit distance which is anecdotally slow.)
Are there other suitable tools in R, apart from agrep and tm?
Should I even be doing this in R, or should this sort of thing be
done directly in the database? (It's an Access database, so I'd
rather avoid touching it if possible.)
If you're just doing small batches that are relatively well-formed, then the compare.linkage() or compare.dedup() functions in the RecordLinkage package should be a great starting point. But if you have big batches, then you might have to do some more tinkering.
I use the functions jarowinkler(), levenshteinSim(), and soundex() in RecordLinkage to write my own function that use my own weighting scheme (also, as it is, you can't use soundex() for big data sets with RecordLinkage).
If I have two lists of names that I want to match ("record link"), then I typically convert both to lower case and remove all punctuation. To take care of "Limited" versus "LTD" I typically create another vector of the first word from each list, which allows extra weighting on the first word. If I think that one list may contain acronyms (maybe ATT or IBM) then I'll acronym-ize the other list. For each list I end up with a data frame of strings that I would like to compare that I write as separate tables in a MySQL database.
So that I don't end up with too many candidates, I LEFT OUTER JOIN these two tables on something that has to match between the two lists (maybe that's the first three letters in each list or the first three letters and the first three letters in the acronym). Then I calculate match scores using the above functions.
You still have to do a lot of manual inspection, but you can sort on the score to quickly rule out non-matches.
Maybe google refine could help. It looks maybe more fitted if you have lots of exceptions and you don't know them all yet.
What you're doing is called record linkage, and it's been a huge field of research over many decades already. Luckily for you, there's a whole bunch of tools out there that are ready-made for this sort of thing. Basically, you can point them at your database, set up some cleaning and comparators (like Levenshtein or Jaro-Winkler or ...), and they'll go off and do the job for you.
These tools generally have features in place to solve the performance issues, so that even though Levenshtein is slow they can run fast because most record pairs never get compared at all.
The Wikipedia link above has links to a number of record linkage tools you can use. I've personally written one called Duke in Java, which I've used successfully for exactly this. If you want something big and expensive you can buy a Master Data Management tool.
In your case probably something like edit-distance calculation would work, but if you need to find near duplicates in larger text based documents, you can try
