WordPress site not showing some images - wordpress

I have been trying for 2 days to fix this issue. I was just hired as a web dev at this company that already has a working website : site
They asked me to fix a couple of things, which I did, however this one is quite annoying.
So the issue is that all the images are uploaded as products in woocomerce, and the site generates the product page.
Yet, after the wp update some of my images are not showing up and reuploading fixes the problem temporarily then it happens again.
This is an example of what happens :here
I did:
ftp and the images are there
check css, nothing seems wrong

The image is returning an 404:
The image is not present within the given folder. You should probably discuss with your coworkers why this file could be missing from the folder and if there is a backup or not.


Photos not uploading in Wordpress media manager

I am trying to upload images into the media manager of a Wordpress website for my clients. No issues last time I touched this website, which was about a month ago.
So far, I have:
Tried uploading images that are already in the media manager (same size, file, etc)
checked all permissions in the FTP (all permissions are fine)
disabled each plugin, 1 by 1, until all were disabled to test if that was the issue (it wasn't)
uploaded an image directly into the FTP to get it to appear (it didn't)
reset the upload location for the media manager (thought that was the issue, but it wasn't. More on that below)
made a lot of grumpy noises
tried uploading different files (didn't work)
Reinstalled the latest update of WP
So far, here's what I know:
When I click "edit image" the image appears in the editor
In the FTP, when I upload the image, it appears in the appropriate folder (public_html/wp-content/uploads/2021/11)
when I access the image from the FTP, it is there in all dimensions as created by WP
The URL of http(s)://company.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/name.jpg brings me to a blank page
No errors are returning in console expect that there is a missing resource
It's even worse on Safari (as opposed to Chrome), where none of my images are appearing
So far, every answer I can find for this problem involves the permissions for the files, none of which seem to affect anything for me. The files upload automatically at a 644 permission level, though I can change them to a 744 and still get nothing.
SOS and thanks for any help!
Unfortunately, I don't have much of an answer as to why it works, but I do have a solution.
I backed up my WordPress site using a plugin, then restored the backup. My plan was just to do the backup, then restore an old backup, but just in case I tried restoring the backup I just created seconds before—and voila, it worked. I don't know why, but hey! I have a solution.
So make a backup, and then restore that backup.
Thank you to #bossman for helping out in the comments.

WordPress Images not loading after migration

I'm facing a problem the last couple of days and I can't figure it out. We changed the hosting company and move our website (same domain name) to another hosting provider. After migration, images not loading, and I can see them broken in WordPress's Media Library.
I tried to change the permissions in the upload folder but that didn't worked. SSL is also working as expected. I disabled all the plugins and even changed the theme, but the problem still persists. I re-uploaded all the backup files again to make sure that I wasn't missing something, but the problem haven't been solved.
I also have the support team from the hosting provider that works on the website, but there's been 2 days now and they can't find a way to solve the issue.
In the browser's Search Console I do see the following errors: https://ibb.co/y0KCmHY
I've also checked the DNS settings in CloudFlare to make sure that I have setup everything correctly.
Any help will be much appreciated!
I am no wordpress expert but I think I would first check whether image files in your backup files are not damaged/corrupted.
I would check both your backup files and image files in your new hosting server
(download image files from your new hosting server via FTP)
Sorry I couldn't help you much except where to look at first which you might already know.
From the image that you've provided, what I can tell the status is 404 like you know which means your image is not found. Something wrong with all your image URL. You need to make sure the URL is correct for each image you have.

Wordpress Wp-login.php 500 internal server error

I have run into a bit of a weird problem on a site i created a couple of years ago. No new plugins have been added recently or anything else changed on the site for the last 6 months. Besides from the site admins adding content to the page.
But now, they cant acces the wp-login page. They just get a blank page and a 500 error.
I have looked around the web for some solutions, and have tried the most common ones i come accros:
Tried turning plugins off.
Tried changing the theme to default.
Tried deleting .htcacces file.
Checked if the wp-login.php was updated as to the wordpress codex
Some people have reported that they could acces the login page, by trying to access a specific wp-admin page and then get redirected. This does not work for me either.
None of the solutions above gave any results, so i am now at a bit of a loss.
The frontend of the site is working just fine btw.
Any ideas?
Have you tried increasing the PHP memory limit?
you did not mention it and maybe it could help
Create a file called php.ini
Paste memory=64MB in there.
Upload it into your /wp-admin/ folder using FTP
If this answer helps you. it's a memory issue and you need to figure out what takes your PHP memory limit.

Wordpress Media Thumbnail/Permalink

I have an issue with my Wordpress installation. I dont know when it happened so maybe someone can help me to find the problem.
Suddenly all my media thumbs are missing. recreation gives me an error. when uploading new files, thumbnails and links are created properly. Permalinks to the imagefiles are broken but i can use the images placed on my website (direct link/gallery). Permalink of broken files is set to WP root.
According to your question it looks that you are making a copy of your website in to new server.
If so then please make sure 2 things.
You have copied your uploads folder.
You have replaced all older link by new link in DB.

The whole wordpress website got RESET

My wordpress blog was working perfectly fine, until one day when suddenly my blog got down. All I could see was a blank white page. I still don't know the reason.
But initially, I was able to figure out the Debug messages, which were some compatibility issues between prototype of function Walker() and some theme function extending Walker(). So, I somehow managed to resolve those issues, by changing the theme function prototype.
But still, I could only view a blank page without any error. Then, I went through my child theme files and I found that there was some PHP code written to upload image file in child "style.css". Fortunately, I had backup of my Blog so I restored my child style.css.
After so many efforts, I still couldn't restore my complete Blog.
Although, All the posts and everything is there in DB, but I can't see any post on my Blog and Admin panel. It seems that my created categories are no longer there in Admin panel, when I restored theme.
Can anyone please help me to find out...
Why it happened and How my blog got reset ?
How can I restore my blog and reflect all my posts from DB to Admin-panel & Blog ?
It looks like somebody hacked you up. And, edited some files on your server.
Wordpress, actually doesn't offer any backup features. But, most of the web hosting services have a usual backup option. So, you might consider that.
Or, if your Wordpress database is right in place, as before, then you the possible error is that your Wordpress core files are corrupted or edited by anyone. So, you might consider, deleting your Wordpress and reinstalling it, (without deleting your databases). This would not affect your blog at all, because all Wordpress information is stored in the databases. But, remember to backup the files of wp-content folder and copy them to your new installation.
