Wordpress Media Thumbnail/Permalink - wordpress

I have an issue with my Wordpress installation. I dont know when it happened so maybe someone can help me to find the problem.
Suddenly all my media thumbs are missing. recreation gives me an error. when uploading new files, thumbnails and links are created properly. Permalinks to the imagefiles are broken but i can use the images placed on my website (direct link/gallery). Permalink of broken files is set to WP root.

According to your question it looks that you are making a copy of your website in to new server.
If so then please make sure 2 things.
You have copied your uploads folder.
You have replaced all older link by new link in DB.


Wordpress doesn't display PAGES link on Dashboard

I have had this site since 2014 and have been updating regularly. All of a sudden, there is no link on the dashboard to access existing pages. They are there (viewable), but there appears to be no way to edit existing pages or to add new pages. Where did the expected link go, and how do I get it back?
I would suggest re-uploading all the Wordpress core files. I suspect some file is missing or corrupt.
Make sure that all of your file permissions are correct (FTP/SSH).
It is a good idea to disable plugins one by one and switch to a default theme as well and see if the Pages menu item appears in your Wordpress administration. You can find the culprit this way.
PS. Backup the site prior to re-uploading the files.

WordPress site not showing some images

I have been trying for 2 days to fix this issue. I was just hired as a web dev at this company that already has a working website : site
They asked me to fix a couple of things, which I did, however this one is quite annoying.
So the issue is that all the images are uploaded as products in woocomerce, and the site generates the product page.
Yet, after the wp update some of my images are not showing up and reuploading fixes the problem temporarily then it happens again.
This is an example of what happens :here
I did:
ftp and the images are there
check css, nothing seems wrong
The image is returning an 404:
The image is not present within the given folder. You should probably discuss with your coworkers why this file could be missing from the folder and if there is a backup or not.

Wordpress pictures and thumbnails not working

I've been having a few problems with my Wordpress Installations on a couple of my website.
The first problem is that uploading pictures works but when if I add the image to a post for example, it adds it but shows a broken image thumbnail. When I try to access the image though it throws a 403 error. Tried changing the permissions of my uploads directory to 755. Didn't work though.
You can visit this link to get an idea of what's happening.
No thumbnails are showing up on the admin panel. Normally, in the theme installation window, there's a thumbnail on every theme that shows what the theme looks like, in my installation there's nothing like that. It just show blank thumbnails.
I've uploaded an image showing the thumbnail error here.
At first I thought something was wrong with my Wordpress Installation, but after reinstalling it a couple times, I can see that it's something else. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Use This only permission issue, use 666 for upload folder then images is working well. check this https://codex.wordpress.org/images/e/eb/podz_filezilla_13.gif
If permissions didn't fix it then try this:
1/ Double-check that your PHP configuration is up to date with the latest WordPress version. I made the mistake cause I was previously working on Magento 2 and forgot to switch from PHP 7.2 to 7.4.
2/ Try basic approach deactivate all plugins and see if one is clashing. Do the same with your them or try a native theme TwentyThirteen instead.
3/ Install "Regenerate All Thumbnails" go-to tools and force thumbnails regeneration for the entire library

Images not working in wordpress installed in a subdomain/subdirectory

I installed a copy of another wordpress installation of a client in a subdomain. All seems to work fine but images don't. I'm using videos as background and they are working perfect. If I take a look inside the media menu the images are not visible (you can only see an X for every image), but if you manually take the link of every image all the links works fine and images are accesible.
I suspect that issue is related with any of the functions that process images. Maybe some kind of error related with the subdomain which obviously have a dot in the domain name.
¿Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
I assume that you uploaded the images of the client's WordPress installation via FTP.
As far as I know WordPress Media Library cannot “see” images that are not uploaded through the Media Library uploader. The Media Library uploader (aside from uploading your media) creates necessary references within WordPress which you don't have when uploading media via ftp.
This is a common WordPress flaw. There are plugins which might solve your problem by creating the necessary references after such a ftp upload, e.g. Add From Server.

The whole wordpress website got RESET

My wordpress blog was working perfectly fine, until one day when suddenly my blog got down. All I could see was a blank white page. I still don't know the reason.
But initially, I was able to figure out the Debug messages, which were some compatibility issues between prototype of function Walker() and some theme function extending Walker(). So, I somehow managed to resolve those issues, by changing the theme function prototype.
But still, I could only view a blank page without any error. Then, I went through my child theme files and I found that there was some PHP code written to upload image file in child "style.css". Fortunately, I had backup of my Blog so I restored my child style.css.
After so many efforts, I still couldn't restore my complete Blog.
Although, All the posts and everything is there in DB, but I can't see any post on my Blog and Admin panel. It seems that my created categories are no longer there in Admin panel, when I restored theme.
Can anyone please help me to find out...
Why it happened and How my blog got reset ?
How can I restore my blog and reflect all my posts from DB to Admin-panel & Blog ?
It looks like somebody hacked you up. And, edited some files on your server.
Wordpress, actually doesn't offer any backup features. But, most of the web hosting services have a usual backup option. So, you might consider that.
Or, if your Wordpress database is right in place, as before, then you the possible error is that your Wordpress core files are corrupted or edited by anyone. So, you might consider, deleting your Wordpress and reinstalling it, (without deleting your databases). This would not affect your blog at all, because all Wordpress information is stored in the databases. But, remember to backup the files of wp-content folder and copy them to your new installation.
