WooCommerce Membership only show highest membership plan discount - wordpress

I am looking to get a programmatic way to approach this where if a member has multiple membership plans, that only the highest purchase discount applies. This needs to display on the product page as well as at checkout.
Currently, it seems to stack the purchasing discounts if a user has multiple plans. Does anyone have any idea on how to go about? I have explored the plugin and the docs and nothing mentions a clear way to achieve this. I had a look at if there might be a way to create a variant of a membership plan (parent > child) but no such luck.
The plugin I am currently using is

Turns out there is a simple way of achieving what I need. All you need is to add the following filter into fubctions
add_filter( 'wc_memberships_allow_cumulative_member_discounts', '__return_false' );


Woocommerce Subscriptions pay without logging in

I'd like to allow anyone to pay for their initial subscription order without having to log in.
I've tried adding this snipet to my website but it doesn't work:
It works for orders but not for parent orders of a subscription.
After exploring WooCommerce Subscriptions Core code I'm convinced that this it not possible. The plugin enforces that the user needs to be logged in to pay for the parent order of a subscription.
See wcs-cart-initial-payment
The solution mentioned in the article you linked to only works for regular WooCommerce orders and not for subscriptions, which are a separate product type in WooCommerce and have different payment requirements.
You may find this guide on guest checkout for WooCommerce subscriptions helpful:
Or, if you are more of a visual learner, follow along with this video tutorial that outlines everything described in the article:

WooCommerce custom pricing for businesses

I have a WordPress website using WooCommerce and I want businesses to be able to contact me for pricing. Currently, I have 3 set packages, but I am looking to get rid of them and just use the contact for pricing.
My question is: is there a way to set custom pricing per business that contacts me?
I can't think of a way to do this just by using WooCommerce. I would ideally like to create their account and assign them a package, but even then I am not sure if that's possible.
If anyone has ever done this before please let me know how.

(woocommerce) different shipping method per product

Im working with woocommerce but i can not finde the solution for different shipping per product. I have two product.
First one: You can pick up at the store OR express shipping
Second one: You only can pick up at store we can not ship it.
Is there any way to set this ?
Thank you for the answers!
Yes per product shipping is possible in woocommerce, have you read this?
There are also multiple Wordpress plugins to achieve this if the default behaviour doesn't fit your needs. I'm not gonna link them though, it's easeri for you to choose if you Google them :)

Woocommerce: how can I show only one or more categories to vendors?

I need to set only one or few categories for each vendor (specific user).
Is it possible? Is there any plugin for this?
Generally it's not good form to use Stack Overflow to find stuff. It's better to look yourself and show what you've done and why it's not working.
That said, I would recommend you get a plugin that lets you create additional user roles. Then you would need to use Catalog Visibility Options to change category visibility on a per-role basis (http://docs.woothemes.com/document/catalog-visibility-options/#section-4).

Woocommerce Coupons, Free product on order when code is entered. Possible?

So as the name suggests I would like to know if its possible to Have a coupon set up on woocommerce that when entered at the checkout it adds in a free product to the order.
Can this be done or is this something woocommerce could not handle.
If anyone knows of any plugins etc I would be extremely grateful
From your question, you are asking if there's a way for users to enter a coupon that when entered gives free products?
It is possible with Woocommerce, out of the box it has it's coupon management. You can even exclude products which is useful!
Read more about this here http://docs.woothemes.com/document/coupon-management/
It's very simple to get up and running!
I realize this question is old but figured I would point out there's a plugin available for rather cheap that can handle this. I'm not the author, nor do I use the plugin, but it should take care of this functionality:
