How to use URI codes - uri

in 3rd line when i write "*444#" it works, but when i write like this "*#06#" it does not work. please solve my problem
public void onsam1click(View view)
String samimei = "*444#";
Intent intentsamimei = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL);
samimei = samimei.replace("*", Uri.encode("*")).replace("#", Uri.encode("#"));
Uri data = Uri.parse("tel:" + samimei);
if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.CALL_PHONE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)


ASP.NET MVC - Session Variables are null in Callback from server ActionResult method

I am implementing CoinPayments IPN in my application and I have trouble with passing data to the method that take their Callback. I have tried like everything I could find: TempData, SessionVariables, tried to implement it somewhere in forms and maybe Request it but that didn`t work for me. So I also tried to implement it with Global static variables. And it worked! But then came another issue: if more than one user were to buy something from website at the same time or even in between any callbacks their data will get mixed. So here I am, trying again to make Session Variables work and have no clue why they are not working as I used them before. Probably what I can think of is that because its a callback from CoinPayments and I handle something wrongly.
Here is the code I have right now: Tho I tried different variations like implementing Session in Get Payment method. Now I ended up with it and it still comes out as null in POST METHOD.
Class for handling Session Variables:
public static class MyGlobalVariables
public static int TokenChoice
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["TokenChoice"] == null)
return -1;
return (int)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["TokenChoice"];
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["TokenChoice"] = value;
public static int PaymentChoice
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["PaymentChoice"] == null)
return -1;
return (int)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["PaymentChoice"];
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["PaymentChoice"] = value;
public static string CurrentUser
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentUser"] = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
return (string)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentUser"];
Class that returns view where you click on CoinPayments button:
public ActionResult Payment(int tokenChoice, int paymentChoice)
ViewBag.Payment = paymentChoice;
MyGlobalVariables.PaymentChoice = paymentChoice;
MyGlobalVariables.TokenChoice = tokenChoice;
return View();
Callback class that handles Callback from CoinPayments:
public ActionResult Payment()
NameValueCollection nvc = Request.Form;
var merchant_id = id;
var ipn_secret = secret;
var order_total = MyGlobalVariables.PaymentChoice;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["ipn_mode"]) || nvc["ipn_mode"] != "hmac")
Trace.WriteLine("IPN Mode is not HMAC");
return View();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(HTTP_HMAC))
Trace.WriteLine("No HMAC signature sent");
return View();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nvc["merchant"]) || nvc["merchant"] != merchant_id.Trim())
Trace.WriteLine("No or incorrect Merchant ID passed");
return View();
//var hmac = hash_hmac("sha512", request, ipn_secret.Trim());
var txn_id = nvc["txn_id"];
var item_name = nvc["item_name"];
var item_number = nvc["item_number"];
var amount1 = nvc["amount1"];
var amount2 = float.Parse(nvc["amount2"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
var currency1 = nvc["currency1"];
var currency2 = nvc["currency2"];
var status = Convert.ToInt32(nvc["status"]);
var status_text = nvc["status_text"];
if (currency1 != "USD") {
Trace.WriteLine("Original currency mismatch!");
return View();
if (Convert.ToInt32(amount1) < Convert.ToInt32(order_total))
Trace.WriteLine("Amount is less than order total!");
return View();
if (status >= 100 || status == 2) {
using (MyDatabaseEntities1 dc = new MyDatabaseEntities1())
var account = dc.Users.Where(a => a.Username == MyGlobalVariables.CurrentUser).FirstOrDefault();
if (account != null && account.Paid == 0)
Trace.WriteLine("Payment Completed");
Trace.WriteLine("Tokens to add: " + MyGlobalVariables.TokenChoice);
account.Tokens += MyGlobalVariables.TokenChoice;
account.Paid = 1;
dc.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
} else if (status < 0)
"payment error, this is usually final but payments will sometimes be reopened if there was no exchange rate conversion or with seller consent");
} else {
using (MyDatabaseEntities1 dc = new MyDatabaseEntities1())
var account = dc.Users.Where(a => a.Username == MyGlobalVariables.CurrentUser).FirstOrDefault();
if (account != null)
account.Paid = 0;
dc.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
Trace.WriteLine("Payment is pending");
return View();
As you can see there are only 3 variables I need to handle.
Also someone might ask why I use Session Variable for Current.User?
Well for some reason Callback method can not read Current.User as it return null. And well... nothing really changed as for now.
If you have ever experienced something like that or can find an issue I would be so thankful since I wasted already over 2 days on that issue.
After some testing I found out variables works fine if I run Post method on my own. So the problem is with handling callback from CoinPayments. Is there a specific way to deal with this?

Xamarin.Android - How to continue a process while app is minimized or screen is locked

I've created a Xamarin app that checks the users current location every couple minutes. My problem is it doesn't work when I minimize the app or the screen locks. Is there a way for me to continue the process while minimized or when the phone is locked?
This function checks to see if the user is at the destination location.
public bool atLocation(decimal currentLat, decimal currentLong, decimal destLat, decimal destLong)
decimal GPSLatitudePadding = 0.001M;
decimal GPSLongitudePadding = 0.001M;
var totalLowerLatitude = Convert.ToDecimal((destLat - GPSLatitudePadding).ToString("#.####"));
var totalLowerLongitude = Convert.ToDecimal((destLong + GPSLongitudePadding).ToString("#.####"));
var totalUpperLatitude = Convert.ToDecimal((destLat + GPSLatitudePadding).ToString("#.####"));
var totalUpperLongitude = Convert.ToDecimal((destLong - GPSLongitudePadding).ToString("#.####"));
if ((Convert.ToDecimal(destLat) >= totalLowerLatitude) &&
(Convert.ToDecimal(destLat) <= totalUpperLatitude) &&
(Convert.ToDecimal(destLong) <= totalLowerLongitude) &&
(Convert.ToDecimal(destLong) >= totalUpperLongitude))
return true;
return false;
If the user is at the destination for 2 instances of 2 minutes the process is ended. This is where you could start a new process or update a database.
int intNumberOfTimesFoundAtLocation = 0;
void OnLocationResult(object sender, Android.Locations.Location location)
decimal currentLatitude = Convert.ToDecimal(location.Latitude);
decimal currentLongitude = Convert.ToDecimal(location.Longitude);
decimal destLatitude = Convert.ToDecimal(this.dblDestLatitude);
decimal destLongitude = Convert.ToDecimal(this.dblDestLongitude);
var atLocation = locationQ.atLocation(currentLatitude, currentLongitude, destLatitude, destLongitude);
if (ayLocation == true)
intNumberOfTimesFoundAtLocation = intNumberOfTimesFoundAtLocation + 1;
if(intNumberOfTimesFoundAtLocation == 2)
I call this function to start the process
MyLocationCallback locationCallback;
FusedLocationProviderClient client;
public async void StartLocationUpdatesAsync()
// Create a callback that will get the location updates
if (locationCallback == null)
locationCallback = new MyLocationCallback();
locationCallback.LocationUpdated += OnLocationResult;
// Get the current client
if (client == null)
client = LocationServices.GetFusedLocationProviderClient(this);
locationRequest = new LocationRequest()
await client.RequestLocationUpdatesAsync(locationRequest, locationCallback);
catch (Exception ex)
//Handle exception here if failed to register
class MyLocationCallback : LocationCallback
public EventHandler<Android.Locations.Location> LocationUpdated;
public override void OnLocationResult(LocationResult result)
LocationUpdated?.Invoke(this, result.LastLocation);
Create a foreground service.
Inside service call the following code to start the request updates.
locationLogger = new LocationLogger();
locationLogger.LogInterval = _currentInterval;
Check here for the code
Let me know if you need more help.

WebAPI call hangs when return a large amount of data

I have a web api call that I recently added to my app. I returns a complete list of all countries, states and cities in the app (currently 486 rows) I perform this call when all of the reference data for my application loads (I have a base loading page and call the function in my startup class to load all the data there). The challenge is that the call to get all my countries.... hangs and eventually I get "The operation was canceled" error. If I modify my stored procedure that selects the data from the database on the server to only return say 20 rows, it runs fine. Any suggestions?
Below is the code from the startup class:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace GBarScene
class StartUpClass
public event GeneralDataLoad BaseDataLoadComplete;
public async Task<GBSStartUpEventArgs> ProcessStartup()
GBSStartUpEventArgs lobj_EventArgs;
lobj_EventArgs = new GBSStartUpEventArgs();
App.InStartUpDataLoad = true;
if (!App.IsGeolocationEnabled)
lobj_EventArgs.ErrorOccurred = true;
lobj_EventArgs.ShowRetry = true;
lobj_EventArgs.ShowWebSite = false;
lobj_EventArgs.ErrorMessage = resourcestrings.GetValue("NoLocationServicesMessage");
else if (!App.InternetIsAvailable)
lobj_EventArgs.ErrorOccurred = true;
lobj_EventArgs.ErrorMessage = resourcestrings.GetValue("NoInternetConnectionFound");
lobj_EventArgs.ShowRetry = true;
lobj_EventArgs.ShowWebSite = false;
Debug.WriteLine("Process StartUp");
await Task.Delay(500);
//Reset values
ViewModelObjects.DayOfWeek.DataLoadProcessed = false;
ViewModelObjects.Languages.DataLoadProcessed = false;
if (await ViewModelObjects.DayOfWeek.LoadData() == false)
// //try it once more
await ViewModelObjects.DayOfWeek.LoadData();
Debug.WriteLine("GBar After DayofWeek Load");
await ViewModelObjects.Languages.LoadData();
Debug.WriteLine("GBar After Languages Load");
if ((ge_AppMode)ViewModelObjects.AppSettings.AppMode == ge_AppMode.CitySelected)
//We need to reload the NearbyCities and set the selected one
await ViewModelObjects.NearbyCities.LoadData();
Debug.WriteLine("Before load of coutries");
await ViewModelObjects.CountryStateCity.LoadData();
Debug.WriteLine("After load of coutries");
Debug.WriteLine("Count: " + ViewModelObjects.CountryStateCity.CountryItems_ForList.Count.ToString());
while (!ViewModelObjects.DayOfWeek.DataLoadProcessed && !ViewModelObjects.Languages.DataLoadProcessed && !App.IsGeolocationEnabled)
await Task.Delay(100);
if (App.BaseDataLoadError)
lobj_EventArgs.ErrorOccurred = true;
lobj_EventArgs.ShowRetry = true;
lobj_EventArgs.ShowWebSite = true;
lobj_EventArgs.ErrorMessage = resourcestrings.GetValue("ErrorLoadingReferenceData");
Debug.WriteLine("StartUp Process Ended");
BaseDataLoadComplete(this, lobj_EventArgs);
catch (Exception ex)
App.InStartUpDataLoad = false;
return lobj_EventArgs;
This is the helper class that makes all the WebAPI calls:
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace GBarScene
public class WebAPICaller: IDisposable
HttpClient iobj_HTTPClient = null;
public void Dispose()
if (iobj_HTTPClient != null)
public async Task<string> HTTPGetWebServiceAsync(string ps_URI)
string ls_Response = "";
string ls_JSONData = "";
string ls_Prefix = "";
iobj_HTTPClient = await GetClient();
switch (Device.RuntimePlatform)
case Device.Android:
ls_Prefix = App.APIStandardPrefix;
//case Device.Android:
// ls_Prefix = App.APISecurePrefix;
// break;
//case Device.Windows:
//case Device.WinPhone:
// ls_Prefix = App.APISecurePrefix;
// break;
ls_Prefix = App.APISecurePrefix;
Debug.WriteLine("before api call");
iobj_HTTPClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(ls_Prefix);
ls_JSONData = await iobj_HTTPClient.GetStringAsync(ps_URI);
Debug.WriteLine("after api call");
ls_Response = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(ls_JSONData);
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("api call error");
return ls_Response;
public async Task<bool> HTTPPostWebService(string ps_URI, object pobj_BodyObject)
HttpResponseMessage lobj_HTTPResponse = null;
bool lb_Response = false;
HttpContent lobj_Content = null;
if (iobj_HTTPClient != null)
iobj_HTTPClient = await GetClient();
iobj_HTTPClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(App.APISecurePrefix);
lobj_Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pobj_BodyObject == null ? "" : pobj_BodyObject));
lobj_Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
lobj_HTTPResponse = await iobj_HTTPClient.PostAsync(ps_URI, lobj_Content);
if (!lobj_HTTPResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Exception lobj_Exception = new Exception(lobj_HTTPResponse.ToString());
lobj_Exception.Source = "HTTPGetWebService for: " + ps_URI;
lb_Response = true;
catch (Exception ex)
if (lobj_HTTPResponse != null)
//Debug.WriteLine("WebAPICaller-CallWebService-1: Done");
return lb_Response;
private async Task<HttpClient> GetClient()
HttpClient lobj_HTTPClient = null;
if (lobj_HTTPClient == null)
lobj_HTTPClient = new HttpClient();
lobj_HTTPClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json");
lobj_HTTPClient.MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 2147483647;
lobj_HTTPClient.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0,60000);
return lobj_HTTPClient;
Sorry I forget to include the method in the CountryStateCity view model that calls the webapi helper class.
public async Task<bool> LoadData()
string ls_Response = "";
string ls_WorkURI = "";
WebAPICaller lobj_WebAPICaller = null;
bool lb_DataLoaded = false;
IsDataLoaded = false;
//Debug.WriteLine("City Data Load");
lobj_WebAPICaller = new WebAPICaller();
ls_WorkURI = ic_CoutryStateCityAPIUrl.Replace("{Language}", "EN");
ls_Response = await lobj_WebAPICaller.HTTPGetWebServiceAsync(ls_WorkURI);
if (ls_Response.Trim().Length == 0)
CountryItems_ForList = new ObservableCollection<GBSCountry_ForList>();
StateItems_ForList = new ObservableCollection<GBSState_ForList>();
CityItems_ForList = new ObservableCollection<GBSCity_ForList>();
iobj_CountryStateCity = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ObservableCollection<GBSCountryStateCity>>(ls_Response);
//Now load the display lists
CountryItems_ForList = new ObservableCollection<GBSCountry_ForList>(
(from lobj_Country in iobj_CountryStateCity
select new GBSCountry_ForList()
ID = lobj_Country.Country_Code,
Value = lobj_Country.Country_Name_Text
CountryItems_ForList.Insert(0, new GBSCountry_ForList
ID = "XX",
Value = "Base Value"
lb_DataLoaded = true;
catch (Exception ex)
IsDataLoaded = true;
if (lobj_WebAPICaller != null)
return lb_DataLoaded;
So after much time, I believe I figured out what the problem is. The problem started to manifest itself again with smaller amounts of data and I could not figure out why. The problem appeared. The issue appears to be the IP address I was using. (I was using the IP address of the actual laptop I was hosting both the App and WebAPIs on.) It appears you have to use one of the other network adaptors for the emulator to have this work reliably.
Here are the steps I used to resolved this:
I launched my Windows 10 mobile emulator.
Click on the >> (Tools) icon in the tool bar of the emulator.
Click on the Network tab of the Additional Tools window.
Look in the list for the network adaptor labeled Desktop Adaptor #1 and copy the IP address.
Edit the Applicationhost.config file in the folder of the WebAPI project.
Find the entry in the file for site name="XXXXX" where XXXXX is the name of the Visual Studio project you are hosting your WebAPIs in.
Within the section of the entry for your WebAPI project, add a binding for the IP address you copied from in step 4. It should look something like this:
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:56952:" />
Where 56952 is the port my IIS Express is hosting the WebAPIs on and is the IP address I copied from step 4. After adding this, I was able to connect to locally hosted WebAPIs in IIS Express.
Hope this helps.

How to accept mine if any conflicts occur while pull-rebase in JGit

I have a piece of code that does pull with rebase:
private void pullWithRebase(Git git) throws GitAPIException {
List<Ref> branches = git.branchList().setListMode(ListBranchCommand.ListMode.ALL).call();
String remoteMasterBranchName = "refs/remotes/origin/master";
for (Ref ref : branches) {
if (remoteMasterBranchName.equals(ref.getName())) {
PullResult result = git.pull().setRemoteBranchName("master").setRebase(true).call();
However it doesn't work if any conflicts occur while merging. If they do occur, I want to accept mine
I ended up just merging two branches and directly resolving any conflicts by modifying files.
private static final String CONFLICT_HEAD_MARKER = "<<<<<<<";
private static final String CONFLICT_BORDER_MARKER = "=======";
private static final String CONFLICT_UPSTREAM_MARKER = ">>>>>>>";
private boolean acceptHead;
public void resolve(File file) throws IOException {
File temp = new File(file.getParent(), "temp" + System.currentTimeMillis());
try(BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(temp))) {
String currentLine;
boolean removePartition = false;
while((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
if (currentLine.contains(CONFLICT_HEAD_MARKER)) {
removePartition = !acceptHead;
} else if (currentLine.contains(CONFLICT_BORDER_MARKER)) {
removePartition = acceptHead;
} else if (currentLine.contains(CONFLICT_UPSTREAM_MARKER)) {
removePartition = false;
if (!removePartition) {
writer.write(currentLine + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
FileUtils.moveFile(temp, file);

ServiceStack REST API path variables from root throwing exception

I am trying to write a REST web service using ServiceStack that accepts variable paths off of route. For example:
public class Entity : IReturn<SomeType> {}
This throws a NotSupported Exception "RestPath '/{collection}' on type Entity is not supported". However, if I change the path as follows (along with the associated path in AppHost configuration) to:
It works just fine. In order to integrate with the system that I am working with, I need to use /{group}.
ServiceStack now allows you to add a fallback route from the / root path to handle any un-matched requests, that's not handled by a catch-all handler or refers to an existing static file. So in v3.9.56 you can now do:
public class Entity : IReturn<SomeType> {}
An alternative option is to register a IAppHost.CatchAllHandlers to handle un-matched routes, but you would need to return your own IHttpHandler to handle the request or alternatively return a RedirectHttpHandler to redirect to a different route that is managed by ServiceStack.
My current work in progress, a plugin to serve the default page to all 'not found' routes without changing the url in the browser, includes most of what you'll need to handle a global wildcard route. Use it to get you started.
To understand what this code is doing, it helps to understand ServiceStack's routing priority, and how CatchAllHandlers fit into the process. ServiceStack calls ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandler to get the handler for the current route.
ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandler returns:
A matching RawHttpHandler, if any.
If the domain root, the handler returned by GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(...), if any.
If the route matches a metadata uri (I'm skipping over the exact logic here, as it's not important for your question), the relevant handler, if any.
The handler returned by ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandlerForPathInfo if any.
ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetHandlerForPathInfo returns:
If the url matches a valid REST route, a new RestHandler.
If the url matches an existing file or directory, it returns
the handler returned by GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(...), if any.
If it's a supported filetype, a StaticFileHandler,
If it's not a supported filetype, the ForbiddenHttpHandler.
The handler returned by GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(...), if any.
The CatchAllHandlers array contains functions that evaluate the url and either return a handler, or null. The functions in the array are called in sequence and the first one that doesn't return null handles the route. Let me highlight some key elements:
First, the plugin adds a CatchAllHandler to the appHost.CatchAllHandlers array when registered.
public void Register(IAppHost appHost)
appHost.CatchAllHandlers.Add((string method, string pathInfo, string filepath) =>
Factory(method, pathInfo, filepath));
Second, the CatchAllHandler. As described above, the function may be called for the domain root, an existing file or directory, or any other unmatched route. Your method should return a handler, if your criteria are met, or return null.
private static Html5ModeFeature Factory(String method, String pathInfo, String filepath)
var Html5ModeHandler = Html5ModeFeature.Instance;
List<string> WebHostRootFileNames = RootFiles();
// handle domain root
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathInfo) || pathInfo == "/")
return Html5ModeHandler;
// don't handle 'mode' urls
var mode = EndpointHost.Config.ServiceStackHandlerFactoryPath;
if (mode != null && pathInfo.EndsWith(mode))
return null;
var pathParts = pathInfo.TrimStart('/').Split('/');
var existingFile = pathParts[0].ToLower();
var catchAllHandler = new Object();
if (WebHostRootFileNames.Contains(existingFile))
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(filepath);
var isFileRequest = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileExt);
// don't handle directories or files that have another handler
catchAllHandler = GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(method, pathInfo, filepath);
if (catchAllHandler != null) return null;
// don't handle existing files under any event
return isFileRequest ? null : Html5ModeHandler;
// don't handle non-physical urls that have another handler
catchAllHandler = GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(method, pathInfo, filepath);
if (catchAllHandler != null) return null;
// handle anything else
return Html5ModeHandler;
In the case of the wildcard at the root domain, you may not want to hijack routes that can be handled by another CatchAllHandler. If so, to avoid infinite recursion, you'll need a custom GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny method.
// local copy of ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny, prevents infinite recursion
private static IHttpHandler GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(string httpMethod, string pathInfo, string filePath)
if (EndpointHost.CatchAllHandlers != null)
foreach (var httpHandlerResolver in EndpointHost.CatchAllHandlers)
if (httpHandlerResolver == Html5ModeFeature.Factory) continue; // avoid infinite recursion
var httpHandler = httpHandlerResolver(httpMethod, pathInfo, filePath);
if (httpHandler != null)
return httpHandler;
return null;
Here's the complete, and completely untested, plugin. It compiles. It carries no warranty of fitness for any specific purpose.
using ServiceStack;
using ServiceStack.Common.Web;
using ServiceStack.Razor;
using ServiceStack.ServiceHost;
using ServiceStack.Text;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Formats;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Support;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Support.Markdown;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
namespace MyProject.Support
public enum DefaultFileFormat
public class Html5ModeFeature : EndpointHandlerBase, IPlugin
private FileInfo fi { get; set; }
private DefaultFileFormat FileFormat { get; set; }
private DateTime FileModified { get; set; }
private byte[] FileContents { get; set; }
public MarkdownHandler Markdown { get; set; }
public RazorHandler Razor { get; set; }
public object Model { get; set; }
private static Dictionary<string, string> allDirs;
public string PathInfo { get; set; }
public void Register(IAppHost appHost)
appHost.CatchAllHandlers.Add((string method, string pathInfo, string filepath) =>
Factory(method, pathInfo, filepath));
private Html5ModeFeature()
foreach (var defaultDoc in EndpointHost.Config.DefaultDocuments)
if (PathInfo == null)
var defaultFileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), defaultDoc);
if (!File.Exists(defaultFileName)) continue;
PathInfo = (String)defaultDoc; // use first default document found.
private static Html5ModeFeature instance;
public static Html5ModeFeature Instance
get { return instance ?? (instance = new Html5ModeFeature()); }
public void SetFile()
if (PathInfo.EndsWith(MarkdownFormat.MarkdownExt) || PathInfo.EndsWith(MarkdownFormat.TemplateExt))
Markdown = new MarkdownHandler(PathInfo);
FileFormat = DefaultFileFormat.Markdown;
if (PathInfo.EndsWith(Razor.RazorFormat.RazorFileExtension)) {
Razor = new RazorHandler(PathInfo);
FileFormat = DefaultFileFormat.Razor;
FileContents = File.ReadAllBytes(PathInfo);
FileModified = File.GetLastWriteTime(PathInfo);
FileFormat = DefaultFileFormat.Static;
// ignore request.PathInfo, return default page, extracted from StaticFileHandler.ProcessResponse
public void ProcessStaticPage(IHttpRequest request, IHttpResponse response, string operationName)
response.EndHttpHandlerRequest(skipClose: true, afterBody: r =>
TimeSpan maxAge;
if (r.ContentType != null && EndpointHost.Config.AddMaxAgeForStaticMimeTypes.TryGetValue(r.ContentType, out maxAge))
r.AddHeader(HttpHeaders.CacheControl, "max-age=" + maxAge.TotalSeconds);
if (request.HasNotModifiedSince(fi.LastWriteTime))
r.ContentType = MimeTypes.GetMimeType(PathInfo);
r.StatusCode = 304;
r.ContentType = MimeTypes.GetMimeType(PathInfo);
if (fi.LastWriteTime > this.FileModified)
SetFile(); //reload
r.OutputStream.Write(this.FileContents, 0, this.FileContents.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new HttpException(403, "Forbidden.");
private void ProcessServerError(IHttpRequest httpReq, IHttpResponse httpRes, string operationName)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat(" \"ErrorCode\":{0},\n", 500);
sb.AppendFormat(" \"Message\": HTML5ModeHandler could not serve file {0}.\n", PathInfo.EncodeJson());
httpRes.EndHttpHandlerRequest(skipClose: true, afterBody: r =>
r.StatusCode = 500;
r.ContentType = ContentType.Json;
var sbBytes = sb.ToString().ToUtf8Bytes();
r.OutputStream.Write(sbBytes, 0, sbBytes.Length);
private static List<string> RootFiles()
var WebHostPhysicalPath = EndpointHost.Config.WebHostPhysicalPath;
List<string> WebHostRootFileNames = new List<string>();
foreach (var filePath in Directory.GetFiles(WebHostPhysicalPath))
var fileNameLower = Path.GetFileName(filePath).ToLower();
foreach (var dirName in Directory.GetDirectories(WebHostPhysicalPath))
var dirNameLower = Path.GetFileName(dirName).ToLower();
return WebHostRootFileNames;
private static Html5ModeFeature Factory(String method, String pathInfo, String filepath)
var Html5ModeHandler = Html5ModeFeature.Instance;
List<string> WebHostRootFileNames = RootFiles();
// handle domain root
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathInfo) || pathInfo == "/")
return Html5ModeHandler;
// don't handle 'mode' urls
var mode = EndpointHost.Config.ServiceStackHandlerFactoryPath;
if (mode != null && pathInfo.EndsWith(mode))
return null;
var pathParts = pathInfo.TrimStart('/').Split('/');
var existingFile = pathParts[0].ToLower();
var catchAllHandler = new Object();
if (WebHostRootFileNames.Contains(existingFile))
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(filepath);
var isFileRequest = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileExt);
// don't handle directories or files that have another handler
catchAllHandler = GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(method, pathInfo, filepath);
if (catchAllHandler != null) return null;
// don't handle existing files under any event
return isFileRequest ? null : Html5ModeHandler;
// don't handle non-physical urls that have another handler
catchAllHandler = GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(method, pathInfo, filepath);
if (catchAllHandler != null) return null;
// handle anything else
return Html5ModeHandler;
// Local copy of private StaticFileHandler.DirectoryExists
public static bool DirectoryExists(string dirPath, string appFilePath)
if (dirPath == null) return false;
if (!ServiceStack.Text.Env.IsMono)
return Directory.Exists(dirPath);
return false;
if (allDirs == null)
allDirs = CreateDirIndex(appFilePath);
var foundDir = allDirs.ContainsKey(dirPath.ToLower());
//log.DebugFormat("Found dirPath {0} in Mono: ", dirPath, foundDir);
return foundDir;
// Local copy of private StaticFileHandler.CreateDirIndex
static Dictionary<string, string> CreateDirIndex(string appFilePath)
var indexDirs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var dir in GetDirs(appFilePath))
indexDirs[dir.ToLower()] = dir;
return indexDirs;
// Local copy of private StaticFileHandler.GetDirs
static List<string> GetDirs(string path)
var queue = new Queue<string>();
var results = new List<string>();
while (queue.Count > 0)
path = queue.Dequeue();
foreach (string subDir in Directory.GetDirectories(path))
catch (Exception ex)
return results;
// local copy of ServiceStackHttpHandlerFactory.GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny, prevents infinite recursion
private static IHttpHandler GetCatchAllHandlerIfAny(string httpMethod, string pathInfo, string filePath)
if (EndpointHost.CatchAllHandlers != null)
foreach (var httpHandlerResolver in EndpointHost.CatchAllHandlers)
if (httpHandlerResolver == Html5ModeFeature.Factory) continue; // avoid infinite recursion
var httpHandler = httpHandlerResolver(httpMethod, pathInfo, filePath);
if (httpHandler != null)
return httpHandler;
return null;
public override void ProcessRequest(IHttpRequest httpReq, IHttpResponse httpRes, string operationName)
switch (FileFormat)
case DefaultFileFormat.Markdown:
Markdown.ProcessRequest(httpReq, httpRes, operationName);
case DefaultFileFormat.Razor:
Razor.ProcessRequest(httpReq, httpRes, operationName);
case DefaultFileFormat.Static:
if (fi.Exists) ProcessStaticPage(httpReq, httpRes, operationName); else ProcessServerError(httpReq, httpRes, operationName);
ProcessServerError(httpReq, httpRes, operationName);
public override object CreateRequest(IHttpRequest request, string operationName)
return null;
public override object GetResponse(IHttpRequest httpReq, IHttpResponse httpRes, object request)
return null;
