Cannot access the login site in Drupal - drupal

I am fairly new to Drupal.
There is a site:
I can log in here without problems, however when I try it with the same project in the local machine:
It does not work, I get the apache 404 error. does show up, though. mod_rewrite is enabled.
Any help?


Error - different homepage after login and after logout

Yesterday I was migrating from my "Localhost" to my new Hosting after completing (somewhat) my website.
I was migrating using the "All in one Migrating WP" plugin, and after Restoring my backup everything seemed fine.
Then some users told me that they see another homepage. I went to the website and logout, then I saw that they are right.
Some pictures in order for you to understand what I get:
At Logon Homepage
At Logon
At Logout Homepage
At Logout
Static page is set in settings to my "Elementor", everything looks like my localhost but only after logon of users. What is weirder is that I deleted the "Theme" that the page (after logout) is using, but it is still shown.
I am using Linux (ubuntu 20.04, php8.1-fpm, nginx, redis, mariadb (mysql)) and tried to restart them all after the "All in one migration plugin" did his magic.
I just can't put my hand on this problem.
Thanks for everyone in advance.
Answer: If using "Webinoly" the first thing to do is importing using the migration plugin you use, and then execute sudo site <your_site_name> -cache=off and then same again pass the 'on' argument.
restart using systemctl the nginx service.

Wordpress 404 issue after Migration in Plesk (Nginx config issue)

I recently migrated my website to DigitalOcean under plesk panel using all in one migration plugin. I kept having issues with 404 error only for pages that used permalinks configured as %postname%. For better URL format for my Content. But now if I enable the permalink I keep getting 404 error.
I used the popular suggestion of editing the nginx conf file through (through putty).
I wasn't sure of the save and exit step given after using the editor. ctrl+X shows a set of ^O^D commands. I pressed ^O and restarted it.
Now my entire website looks broken. Due to many 500 internal errors. What am I doing wrong here? kindly help me out please?
My website address is

Getting 404 Error in WordPress for the services only, on XAMPP local machine

I've been researching this error and can find similar issues but no solutions. I am running WordPress using XAMPP on my local server.
I imported a WordPress page and all was well. The problem is I added a bunch of new services, and when I try to access them I get a 404.
If I create a new post or page, they work fine. I reset the permalinks, no luck. The errors are only with the services. I'm really stuck on this, any help would be appreciated!

I get 404 for all pages in local wordpress installation except admin

I have local version of wordpress, installed via windows web installer,
so I have IIS Express 8 and Webmatrix 3. After some modification of website (no idea what caused), I have all pages with 404 error. Except home page, I have 403.14 – Forbidden and it tries to open index.php in \My Web Sites\Wordpress folder, so, basically it is 404 as well. I can connect to login, admin page. I basically tried out everything I had found on first two pages of google, so I came here for advice. Is there any way to fix it?
Many thanks in advance!
I accidentally deleted index.php from root. Got new from clean install. Works.

getting 404 error on wordpress pages

I've seen some other people with the same issue on net,
but the solution that worked for them (updating the .htacess file), didn't go very well for me!
I used buddypress to migrate my wordpress site to my local pc, but after everything is setup, only the home page is working, other posts or pages are getting 404 errors, I also tried to deactivate plugins and changing the theme, but nothing worked.
I'm on windows 10 and i'm using wampserver 2.5.
I think that the issue is caused by Apache, but I don't know how to fix it!
my Apache version is 2.4.9
Thanks in advance guys :)
Your site’s permalink (WordPress Admin > Settings > Permalink) is set as Default, please change it to any of the other option available below. e.g: Day and name, Post name etc.
Then you’ll be able to access the board instead of the 404 error.
Another way is troubleshooting:
WordPress sites can complicate the 404 troubleshooting process. Why? WordPress is a content management system that processes its own internal rewrite array as a part of its permalinks feature.
The first step to troubleshooting 404s is to figure out whether the 404 is being caused by the web server or by WordPress.
Static file
If your file is static (e.g. a jpg image) open your FTP client and verify that the file exists.
As an example, let’s say that the URL is producing a 404 error. You will want to:
Open FTP Client and connect to your server (if you don’t know how to do so, read this.)
Navigate to the file’s location
Verify that the file exists
If it is does not exist, you have found the source of your 404.
However, it it does exist, yet pulling the URL up in a browser results in a 404 error, continue on to find out whether the issue is web server-based or WordPress-based.
Reference Link:
