I am trying to get a multi-level menu with Corcel within WordPress. I have read the documentation about it, but do not exactly understand how to manage this.
The documentation tells me group the items within the $menu->items collection by their parent ID. But how?
The documentation part can be found here: https://github.com/corcel/corcel#multi-levels-menus
What i tried so far: ( I only get a "Call to a member function offsetSet() on null")
$menu = Menu::location( 'main' )->first();
$items = Menu::location( 'main' )->first()->items;
$parent = $items->first()->parent();
$menu->items->groupBy( $parent->ID );
foreach ( $menu->items as $item ) {
$title = $item->instance()->title;
Has anyone done this before?
I was trying to add a specific class to the admin section. I created a new top-level menu page and now I want to add a specific class to this top-level menu and its submenu items.
What I have tried so far is that I used WP_Screen to get the data of the current screen.
If I check the submenu page and I did var_dump(get_current_screen()). It shows every detail.
But now the case is that If I use get_current_screen() with admin_body_class why it doesn't work.
As far as I know, the hook is early called before the submenu page details are loaded.
Now I want to ask, how it is possible to check if the submenu has a specific parent base,
Here is the code that I tried so far.
add_filter('admin_body_class', 'tw_admin_body_class');
function tw_admin_body_class( $classes ) {
$screen = get_current_screen();
if ( $screen->parent_base == 'tw-top' ) {
return $classes . ' raashid';
But parent_base is set to null. Any idea how to add class to submenu pages if it is under the specific yop-level menu.
It worked by using the Id option.
Here is the working option.
add_filter( 'admin_body_class', 'my_admin_body_class' );
function my_admin_body_class( $classes ) {
$screen = get_current_screen();
$classes .= ' raashid';
if ( get_plugin_page_hook( 'tw-top', '' ) === $screen->id ) {
return $classes;
I need to conditionally show information in the wordpress admin based on what locations a menu has been added to. So to achieve this I must be able to get all locations assigned to a nav menu but I am really struggling to find out how.
When a menu is created it creates and entry for that menu in wp_terms and a taxonomy entry of nav_menu associated to this term in wp_term_taxonomy. When an item is created on that menu it creates a post of type nav_menu_item. It also creates and entry in wp_term_relationships linking it to the correct nav_menu.
Where does it save the menu location?
I have checked wp_postmeta, wp_termmeta and wp_options but I cannot see it. I cannot figure out any way to achieve my goal.
get_nav_menu_locations() sets the array key to the ID of the menu. This code worked for me:
$locations = get_registered_nav_menus();
$menu_locations = get_nav_menu_locations();
$nav_menu_selected_id = isset( $_REQUEST['menu'] ) ? (int) $_REQUEST['menu'] : 0;
$selected_menus = array();
foreach($locations as $location => $description){
$checked = isset( $menu_locations[ $location ] ) && $menu_locations[ $location ] === $nav_menu_selected_id;
if($checked) $selected_menus[] = $location;
I appreciate questions similar to this have been asked before but the answers I've tried aren't doing what I need.
I have this file in the woocommerce plugin folder structure:
Inside the file is the following function:
function wc_get_cart_coupon_types() {
return (array) apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_coupon_types', array( 'fixed_cart') );
I need to override it so it returns an additional item in the array but nothing I've tried has worked. I've tried:
Creating the same file in my custom theme file
hooking the function in my functions file with the following code:
function woocommerce_coupon_get_cart_coupon_types()
return (array) apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_coupon_types', array( 'fixed_cart', 'custom_discount' ) );
add_filter('wc_get_cart_coupon_types', 'woocommerce_coupon_get_cart_coupon_types',10, 1);
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated, also..... I've made the change directly in the file and it definitely works. Thanks
Your #2 approach is sort of how to do it, but you're essentially caught in a loop situation the way you did it.
You need to do it this way:
function wpso59974749_woocommerce_coupon_get_cart_coupon_types( $data ) {
$data[ 'your_new_key_here' ] = 'your new value here';
return $data;
add_filter('woocommerce_cart_coupon_types','wpso59974749_woocommerce_coupon_get_cart_coupon_types',10, 1);
You shouldn't add the apply_filter back in your function, as it would get stuck in a loop - essentially refiltering itself over and over.
I prefixed your function so if there is another woocommerce_coupon_get_cart_coupon_types function, it won't conflict.
Suppose I have parent pages A1 and B1. A1 has child pages A1.1, A1.2,A1.3 and B1 has child pages B1.1, B1.2. I want to list all the respective child pages on A1 and B1. In every child page I have an image and a title. These 2 information needs to be listed in the form of a teaser on the parent page. I need help in doing this whether by coding or by using views, I don't mind as far as I get the proper results. Thank you
You can do this is views by creating a view displaying the fields you require or a teaser. Then add a "Content Nid" contextual filter, in the configeration for this filter under "WHEN THE FILTER VALUE IS NOT AVAILABLE" select "Provide default value" and then "PHP Code" then the code I use is as follows
$children = array();
$current = db_query("select menu_name, mlid from {menu_links} where link_path = :node", array(':node' => $_GET['q']));
$current_info = array();
foreach ($current as $value) {
$current_info[] = $value;
if($current_info) {
$result = db_query("select mlid, plid, link_path, link_title from {menu_links} where menu_name=:menu and plid=:mlid and hidden=0 order by weight, link_title", array(':menu' => $current_info[0]->menu_name, ':mlid' => $current_info[0]->mlid));
foreach ($result as $row) {
$children[] = $row;
$nids = array();
foreach ($children as $value){
if( substr( $value->link_path, 0, 5 ) == 'node/' ){
$nids[] = substr( $value->link_path, 5 );
return implode('+',$nids);
The last thing to do, under "more" at the bottom of the page sellect "Allow multiple values"
I'm using menu_tree_all_data() to get whole menu structure and then I'm "manually" crawling menu tree.
Also just after reading the tree, I'm calling menu_tree_add_active_path() which will add active trail indicator. It's part of menu block module so you'll have to install it and don't forget to add dependencies for menu block in your module.
$tree = menu_tree_all_data($menu);
I'm having some problems defining my question properly in the title, but here is what I'm looking for:
I have defined some menu items in the menu function in my module, and somehow I would like to retrieve this data in the template files and use it to build a menu.
Is there any good way to do this, or am I approaching the issue in the wrong way?
The simplest way would be to call the menu function directly and build up a list of links:
$items = array();
foreach (mymodule_menu() as $path => $item) {
$items[] = l($item['title'], $path);
// For Drupal 6
$rendered_menu = theme('item_list', $items);
// Or for Drupal 7
$rendered_menu = theme('item_list', array('items' => $items));