y <- rnorm(5)
X <- matrix(rnorm(15),5)
b <- rep(0, 3)
e <- y - X%*%b
w <- rep(0, 3)
A <- c(1,2,1)
for(i in 1:10){
for(j in 1:3){
e <- e + X[,j]*b[j]
xe <- sum(X[,j]*e)
w[j] <- xe
b[j] <- xe - (A%*%w - 1.5)
e <- e - X[,j]*b[j]
This is a dummy code that generate vector b. The problem here is that one of the vector in the loop is w which depends all the terms in b:
This w vector effects b as a vector not term by term. But the terms in w also depend on b[j]'s.
In the inner loop w vector is
1.78787 0.00000 0.00000 # first iteration
1.787870 -1.231099 0.000000 # second iteration
1.787870 -1.231099 7.507026 # Third iteration
respectively, for the first iteration over i.
According to theory, w should be in the form of third iteration not in the forms with zeros. This means for b[1], w has three zeros, for b[2], w has two zeros etc, but I need to use the same w for all b[j]'s.
I hope, I explained it properly. Maybe this is simple, but I'm confused.
What is the best way to code this situation: The iterations to estimate b depend all the terms in b?
A summary for math behind this is as following. b[j]'s are iterated until convergence.
I am dealing with a variation of the well-known subset sum problem which I am really in need of some help with. In my problem, I have a matrix m with two columns(a, b) and n rows. I want to find the rows that the sum of the corresponding a and b values equal two target values (a_target, b_target). Some constraints are that a_target, b_target, a,b are all whole positive integers and I am only interested in the first solution that meets the criteria of the two targets being returned or, if no solution meets the criteria, the closest. This closest can be defined as the sum of the error across the two targets. As this method will be run on large datasets, I would need the solution to be optimised.
The problem could be set up as follows:
m <- matrix(data=sample(1:100, 200, replace=T),
dimnames = list(
a b
[1,] 44 80
[2,] 51 24
[3,] 31 68
[4,] 46 55
[5,] 34 98
[6,] 93 49
a_target <- 500
b_target <- 700
To give some background, the ordinary subset sum problem deals with finding any subset of a set of integers that sums to some target t, which is NP-complete. There are multiple methods to do this with varying time optimisations. One such package in R is subsetsum, documentation. I have taken code form this package with an aim to modify it for use in my problem but I'm not sure if it is possible, for instance this solution requires t to be in increasing order to work so I'm not sure how applicable that would be with two t values. The code where t is a single column i.e. a vector is:
subsetsum <- function(S, t) {
n <- length(S)
inds <- NULL
x <- logical(n)
F <- numeric(t + 1)
G <- logical(t + 1)
G[1] <- TRUE
for (k in 1:n) {
H <- c(logical(S[k]), G[1:(t + 1 - S[k])])
H <- (G < H)
j <- which(H)
F[j] <- k
G[j] <- TRUE
if (G[t + 1]) break
wch <- which(G)
j <- wch[length(wch)]
fmax <- j - 1
while (j > 1) {
k <- F[j]
x[k] <- TRUE
j <- j - S[k]
inds <- which(x)
return(list(val = sum(S[inds]), inds = inds))
Say I have a vector of random numbers, I can order them lowest to highest:
x <- runif(20)
v <- x[order(x)]
Now, say I want to order them but with some degree of noise.
I can randomly move elements like this:
z <-sample(1:20,2)
replace(v, z, v[rev(z)])
but this doesn't necessarily move closely related values. I could be equally likely to randomly switch the 1st and 20th values as the 5th and 6th. I would like to have some control over the switching, so I can switch more closely related values.
Ideally, I would be able to reorder the vector to have a specific Spearman's correlation. Say rather than the Spearman correlation of rank order being 1 when they are perfectly ordered, is there a way to reorder that same vector of numbers to have e.g. a Spearman's correlation of 0.5 ?
What if you added some noise to their rankings. This will makes sure values don't get moved too far away from the starting point. For example
N <- 50
D <- 3 # controls how far things can move
x <- runif(N)
v <- x[vx <- order(rank(x) + runif(N, -D, D))]
z <- x[order(x)]
layout(matrix(c(1,3,2,3), nrow=2))
plot(v, main ="Ordered")
plot(z, main ="Mixed")
plot(v, z, xlab="ordered", ylab="mixed"); abline(0,1)
I don't think I have completely understood your question but here's a start. I am simply recursively swapping random consecutive values of the sorted vector. You can control the amount of swapping with n_swaps argument. -
noisy_sort <- function(x, n_swaps) {
sorted_x <- sort(x)
indices <- sample(seq_along(x[-1]), n_swaps)
for(i in indices) {
sorted_x[c(i, i+1)] <- sorted_x[c(i+1, i)]
x <- runif(20)
result <- noisy_sort(x, 3)
[1] 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 12 14 15 16 17 19 18 20
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Here is a very rudimentary algo.
Using Spearman correlation for distinct ranks, you can back out the desired sum of squared difference (SSE) between ranks. Then, using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach, you sample a pair of indices to swap and transit to the new vector with swapped elements if it improves the SSE towards desired score.
I used the number of iterations as the stopping criteria. You can change the condition so that it meets a target tolerance level.
n <- 20
x <- runif(n)
v <- sort(x)
calc_exp_sse <- function(rho, N) {
(1 - rho) * N * (N^2 - 1) / 6
exp_sse <- calc_exp_sse(0.5, n)
ord <- 1:n
vec <- ord
for (i in 1:1000) {
swap <- vec
swid <- sample(n, 2L)
swap[swid] <- swap[c(swid[2L], swid[1L])]
if (abs(exp_sse - sum((ord-swap)^2)) < abs(exp_sse - sum((ord-vec)^2))) {
vec <- swap
cor(vec, ord, method="spearman")
#[1] 0.5007519
cor(v, v[vec], method="spearman")
#[1] 0.5007519
I have to compute a product of 3 matrices D=ABC with:
A is a (1x3) matrix,
B is a (3x3) matrix,
C is a (3x1) matrix (and is equal to A', if it matters)
The result of this product is a simple value, and the calculation is very straightforward in R.
My problem is there is one unknown, namely X, inside A and C, and I would like to get the result as a formula: D = ABD = f(X).
Is there any way I could achieve this with R ?
Define D as shown below where argument B is the square matrix and A is a function of x returning a vector.
D <- function(B, A) function(x) t(A(x)) %*% B %*% A(x)
# test
A <- function(x) seq(3) * x
B <- matrix(1:9, 3)
Dfun <- D(B, A)
## [1] 22800
We have a big for loop in R for simulating various data where for some iterations the data generate in such a way that a quantity comes 0 inside the loop, which is not desirable and we should skip that step of data generation. But at the same time we also need to increase the number of iterations by one step because of such skip, otherwise we will have fewer observations than required.
For example, while running the following code, we get z=0 in iteration 1, 8 and 9.
n <- 10
z <- NULL
for(i in 1:n){
a <- rbinom(1,1,0.5)
b <- rbinom(1,1,0.5)
z[i] <- a+b
[1] 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 1
We desire to skip these steps so that we do not have any z=0 but we also want a vector z of length 10. It may be done in many ways. But what I particularly want to see is how we can stop the iteration and skip the current step when z=0 is encountered and go to the next step, ultimately obtaining 10 observations for z.
Normally we do this via a while loop, as the number of iterations required is unknown beforehand.
n <- 10L
z <- integer(n)
m <- 1L; i <- 0L
while (m <= n) {
z_i <- sum(rbinom(2L, 1, 0.5))
if (z_i > 0L) {z[m] <- z_i; m <- m + 1L}
i <- i + 1L
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
# [1] 14
So we sample 14 times, 4 of which are 0 and the rest 10 are retained.
More efficient vectorized method
n <- 10L
z <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5) + rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
m <- length(z <- z[z > 0L]) ## filtered samples
p <- m / n ## estimated success probability
k <- round(1.5 * (n - m) / p) ## further number of samples to ensure successful (n - m) non-zero samples
z_more <- rbinom(k, 1, 0.5) + rbinom(k, 1, 0.5)
z <- c(z, z_more[which(z_more > 0)[seq_len(n - m)]])
Some probability theory of geometric distribution has been used here. Initially we sample n samples, m of which are retained. So the estimated probability of success in accepting samples is p <- m/n. According to theory of Geometric distribution, on average, we need at least 1/p samples to observe a success. Therefore, we should at least sample (n-m)/p more times to expect (n-m) success. The 1.5 is just an inflation factor. By sampling 1.5 times more samples we hopefully can ensure (n-m) success.
According to Law of large numbers, the estimate of p is more precise when n is large. Therefore, this approach is stable for large n.
If you feel that 1.5 is not large enough, use 2 or 3. But my feeling is that it is sufficient.
I am trying to generate n random numbers whose sum is less than 1.
So I can't just run runif(3). But I can condition each iteration on the sum of all values generated up to that point.
The idea is to start an empty vector, v, and set up a loop such that for each iteration, i, a runif() is generated, but before it is accepted as an element of v, i.e. v[i] <- runif(), the test sum(v) < 1 is carried out, and while FALSE the last entry v[i] is finally accepted, BUT if TRUE, that is the sum is greater than 1, v[i] is tossed out of the vector, and the iteration i is repeated.
I am far from implementing this idea, but I would like to resolve it along the lines of something similar to what follows. It's not so much a practical problem, but more of an exercise to understand the syntax of loops in general:
n <- 4
v <- 0
for (i in 1:n){
rdom <- runif(1)
if((sum(v) + rdom) < 1) v[i] <- rdom
# keep trying before moving on to iteration i + 1???? i <- stays i?????
I have looked into while (actually I incorporated the while function in the title); however, I need the vector to have n elements, so I get stuck if I try something that basically tells R to add random uniform realizations as elements of the vector v while sum(v) < 1, because I can end up with less than n elements in v.
Here's a possible solution. It doesn't use while but the more generic repeat. I edited it to use a while and save a couple of lines.
n <- 4
v <- numeric(n)
i <- 0
while (i < n) {
ith <- runif(1)
if (sum(c(v, ith)) < 1) {
i <- i+1
v[i] <- ith
# [1] 0.89669720 0.06178627 0.01339033 0.02333120
Using a repeat block, you must check for the condition anyways, but, removing the growing problem, it would look very similar:
n <- 4
v <- numeric(n)
i <- 0
repeat {
ith <- runif(1)
if (sum(c(v, ith)) < 1) {
i <- i+1
v[i] <- ith
if (i == 4) break
If you really want to keep exactly the same procedure that you have posted (aka iteratively sample the n values one at a time from the standard uniform distribution, rejecting any samples that cause your sum to exceed 1), then the following code is mathematically equivalent, shorter, and more efficient:
samp <- function(n) {
v <- rep(0, n)
for (i in 1:n) {
v[i] <- runif(1, 0, 1-sum(v))
Basically, this code uses the mathematical fact that if the sum of the vector is currently sum(v), then sampling from the standard uniform distribution until you get a value no greater than 1-sum(v) is exactly equivalent to sampling in the uniform distribution from 0 to 1-sum(v). The advantage of using the latter approach is that it's much more efficient -- we don't need to keep rejecting samples and trying again, and can instead just sample once for each element.
To get a sense of the runtime differences, consider sampling 100 observations with n=10, comparing to a working implementation of the code from your post (copied from my other answer to this question):
OP <- function(n) {
v <- rep(0, n)
for (i in 1:n){
rdom <- runif(1)
while (sum(v) + rdom > 1) rdom <- runif(1)
v[i] <- rdom
system.time(samples.OP <- replicate(100, OP(10)))
# user system elapsed
# 261.937 1.641 265.805
system.time(samples.josliber <- replicate(100, samp(10)))
# user system elapsed
# 0.004 0.001 0.004
In this case, the new approach is approaching 100,000 times faster.
It sounds like you're trying to uniformly sample from a space of n variables where the following constraints hold:
x_1 + x_2 + ... + x_n <= 1
x_1 >= 0
x_2 >= 0
x_n >= 0
The "hit and run" algorithm is the mathematical machinery that enables you to do exactly this. In 2-dimensional space, the algorithm will sample uniformly from the following triangle, with each location in the shaded area being equally likely to be selected:
The algorithm is provided in R through the hitandrun package, which requires you to specify the linear inequalities that define the space through a constraint matrix, direction vector, and right-hand side vector:
n <- 3
constr <- list(constr = rbind(rep(1, n), -diag(n)),
dir = c(rep("<=", n+1)),
rhs = c(1, rep(0, n)))
samples <- hitandrun(constr, n.samples=1000)
head(samples, 10)
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 0.28914690 0.01620488 0.42663224
# [2,] 0.65489979 0.28455231 0.00199671
# [3,] 0.23215115 0.00661661 0.63597912
# [4,] 0.29644234 0.06398131 0.60707269
# [5,] 0.58335047 0.13891392 0.06151205
# [6,] 0.09442808 0.30287832 0.55118290
# [7,] 0.51462261 0.44094683 0.02641638
# [8,] 0.38847794 0.15501252 0.31572793
# [9,] 0.52155055 0.09921046 0.13304728
# [10,] 0.70503030 0.03770875 0.14299089
Breaking down this code a bit, we generated the following constraint matrix:
# $constr
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,] 1 1 1
# [2,] -1 0 0
# [3,] 0 -1 0
# [4,] 0 0 -1
# $dir
# [1] "<=" "<=" "<=" "<="
# $rhs
# [1] 1 0 0 0
Reading across the first line of constr$constr we have 1, 1, 1 which indicates "1*x1 + 1*x2 + 1*x3". The first element of constr$dir is <=, and the first element of constr$rhs is 1; putting it together we have x1 + x2 + x3 <= 1. From the second row of constr$constr we read -1, 0, 0 which indicates "-1*x1 + 0*x2 + 0*x3". The second element of constr$dir is <= and the second element of constr$rhs is 0; putting it together we have -x1 <= 0 which is the same as saying x1 >= 0. The similar non-negativity constraints follow in the remaining rows.
Note that the hit and run algorithm has the nice property of having the exact same distribution for each of the variables:
Meanwhile, the distribution of the samples from your procedure will be highly uneven, and as n increases this problem will get worse and worse.
OP <- function(n) {
v <- rep(0, n)
for (i in 1:n){
rdom <- runif(1)
while (sum(v) + rdom > 1) rdom <- runif(1)
v[i] <- rdom
samples.OP <- t(replicate(1000, OP(3)))
An added advantage is that the hit-and-run algorithm appears faster -- I generated these 1000 replicates in 0.006 seconds on my computer with hit-and-run and it took 0.3 seconds using the modified code from the OP.
Here's how I would do it, without any loop, if or while:
x <- runif(1) # start with the sum that you want to obtain
n <- 4 # number of generated random numbers, can be chosen arbitrarily
y <- sort(runif(n-1,0,x)) # choose n-1 random points to cut the range [0:x]
z <- c(y[1],diff(y),x-y[n-1]) # result: determine the length of the segments
#> z
#[1] 0.11761257 0.10908627 0.02723712 0.03364156
#> sum(z)
#[1] 0.2875775
#> all.equal(sum(z),x)
#[1] TRUE
The advantage here is that you can determine exactly which sum you want to obtain and how many numbers n you want to generate for this. If you set, e.g., x <- 1 in the second line, the n random numbers stored in the vector z will add up to one.