Ionic custom alert component template - css

I am trying to implement a popup dialog for my Ionic 3 up that will be used to cofirm deletion of an object from the collection.
The perfect flow I am imagining is this :
An alert appears with a question "Delete item? Yes No" and after clicking yes, a spinner appears inside the alert to indicate that a request is sent to the server and pending response. After the response has been received I want the alert to smoothly change into a confirmation alert, something like this:
Unfortunately I found out that it is impossible to provide custom templates for alert components in ionic. From what I've read it seems like the only option is to create a modal with a custom template instead. The problem is, however, that the model opens full-screen and I want a nice little alert with the backdrop in the background.
Can you please give me some advice on how to achieve this?
Question 2: I really like the design of the confirmation alert that I have posted above :) Any advice on how to make it?
Cheers guys, as always - thank you!


Button triggering a specific message from the user

I've been trying a messenger chatbot from a Taiwanese company, but I found it not so funny to play: Is it possible to design a button with a text on it which will trigger an automatic message with a different text from the user?
F.e. something like:
Button text: OK >>>> Text: I'm not sure I can help, but I'll do my best.
When creating a button within messenger you add a postback value which is going to be post to your webhook when someone clicks on the button. You can then test the specific value to act upon it. IF source === "MY_SPECIFIC_VALUE_BEHIND_BUTTON" THEN ...

Show Chrome dialogs without freezing page

I need to show a dialog box that's is like chrome's. But I want a modal alert, because js alert freeze the page.
I tried getting the css from it, but I think it's not possible.
Does anyone know how to do it? Or have the css for it?
Chrome JS Alert
You might want to check out this page. Sounds exactly like what you're trying to do. It uses the onload javascript attribute, which says "run when the document is finished loading".

GWT designing a Button

I would like to do some notification stuff for my website.
I am done with the backend coding but i would like to display properly in the VIEW.
So exactly what i need to do is when ever there is a message i would like my button to change its color.I mean i want to do something which indicates that there is a message waiting for the user.
So basically i need to make my button blinking or change color so that it indicates the user that he has some message waiting for him
So can you please suggest me any button which can have an image as a display and a corresponding css file which i need to use which can blink when ever there is a message.
Both PushButton and ToggleButton allow setting an image as the face of the button. However, you should be able to make a normal Button "blink" just by using CSS and a Timer. Use addStyleName() and removeStyleName() in combination with the Timer - on new message, add your "blink" style (it's up to you to come up with it ;)), add a Timer and in its run() method removeStyleName() the "blink" style.
PS: See this blog post, to see how the Google team created the cross-browser, customizable buttons in GMail - but that's an overkill in this situation, IMHO ;)

Tree Show toolTip during drag

I am denying a user the ability to drop into my tree during certain conditions, it's all going well, but I want to tell the user why I'm denying the drop. I would prefer to do it with a toolTip, but it doesn't seem to work. Can I not have a toolTip during a drag operation? How can I force one?
Flex seems to treat toolTips as a property of the UI component, with the component deciding when and if to show it. I would like it to force it to be like doing one in javaScript where it was always just like saying "Show it now" "stop showing it now"
Does anyone know about doing this during drag?
What you could try is to show the tooltip yourself with the mx.managers.ToolTipManager. Create for example a VBox that implements mx.controls.ToolTip and displays the message you want to show to the user.
You can see a working example at FlexExamples.
Another idea is to show a programmatic mouse cursor when the drop is denied. I've just read an article about that on Inside Ria.

Extjs Custom TriggerField implementation

This is my first question here.
I hope I can contribute with answers too..
My need is to build an Extjs TriggerField implementation which open on trigger click a Panel with a custom loaded page inside...
example: When I click the trigger button I what to open a panel specifying an url as /Views/Test/Blabla.aspx and then storing the selection in the trigger field value.
I hope someone could help me
Thanks in advance
There is an example which pops up a Panel in your examples directory under examples/form/forum-search.html
It's based on a ComboBox (But it configures it to hide the trigger button)
BTW, probably a better idea to ask for help at
