Is R Studio compatible with R 3.4.x? - r

I have R 3.4.3 installed on my computer. When I point R Studio to this version of R, the program loads a white screen.
Is R Studio compatible with R 3.4.x? What is the highest version of compatibility?

It actually would depend on the version of Rstudio. For the latest ones - yes it is. If your Rstudio is outdated (version 0.*.*) it might have problems with the newest versions of R.
The first step would be to check your R installation. Start R without Rstudio and see if it works. If it doesn't you need to re-install R. If R works fine, then reinstalling Rstudio might be the easiest solution.


RStudio not detecting installed R

I have R installed on my system, but R studio does not appear to recognise it. Please advise on how I should proceed.
This is the error:
R doesn't seem to be installed. Before using R studio, please install R.
I have been able to fix the problem. I uninstalled the one I downloaded early and installed the base version

How come XQuartz/X11 makes the file explorer called with tk_choose.files look like this?

MacOS: High Sierra, version 10.13.6
R version: 3.6.1
R studio verison: 1.2.1335
I have been using Anaconda to manage my R packages for a while now. However, I keep getting errors in regards to C and Fortran compilers when trying to install and run packages that depend on them through the Anaconda R studio distribution. Thus I started using the stand-alone version of R studio again. I use the tcltk package in pretty much all of my scripts to easily choose file paths to load multiple data sets etc. When using the tcltk::tk_choose.files() command through the Anaconda R studio distribution, the file explorer window looks like the standard file explorer in MacOS. However, when using the same command in the stand-alone version the file explorer looks like this when running through XQuartz/X11:
My question is why the file explorer suddenly looks this "old" and if there is a way to fix it so I can continue using tcltk? Otherwise are there any alternatives?
I have tried out rJava together with rChoiceDialogs but I cannot get the rChoiceDialogs::jchoose.files() to work.
I managed to solve the issue. Meaning the file explorer looks normal again. I uninstalled my R, RStudio, and XQuartz. I then reinstalled all three using homebrew following the guide posted here.

Install old version of R on Windows 10

How do I install an old version of R on a window 10 64 PC.
I am currently running R 3.2.3 with RStudio without any problems. However a package I want to use (GSIF) only works on R2.15. I have found that it is possible to easily get RStudio to work with different R versions and I have found and downloaded the old version of R I want ( R-2.15.1-w.tar.gz) from the CRAN archives. My problems is cannot work out how to install the R-2.15.1-w.tar.gz package on a windows machine or in fact even if it is the right package for windows. All the instruction I can find seem to relate to Linux.
Any guidance greatly appreciated.
You can hold down the Control key during the launch of RStudio you can cause the R version selection dialog to display at startup.

ggpolt2 not supported in new R

I have updated my R to the latest version, that is R version 3.1.0 beta (2014-03-28 r65330). My problems is that ggplot2 does not have a version that supports this R.
How can I fix this issue? I mean I guess I need to install an earlier version of R, but apart from this, which refers to Windows I hadn't found any specific way to install an older version.
#Yilun Zhang I cannot find the place where I should change the R version. Where should it be:
Just try again or tomorrow.
You ended up with a (March 28) prerelease of R 3.1.0 which came today (April 10). The CRAN mirrors were not yet set up for this (at that point: unreleased) version 3.1.0. They are now. You should find ggplot2.
If you are using RStudio and have the older r version:
go to the navigation bar
go to tools
Global options
there is a section where you can choose the r version
If you are using just the R console, just go to the old r directory and open it.

Rstudio stopped working after installing SPSS R-plugin

I'm trying to use R through SPSS syntax (I'm using SPSS 18 on windows 7) which requires installing a special plugin: PASWStatistics_RPlugIn_1802_win32.exe. Also I had to install an older version of R(2.8.1 - required by my older version of SPSS - i like it better than the new ones). The plugin now works, R (both versions) works, but Rstudio stopped working and won't start even after uninstalling and re-installing.
Does anyone have any similar experience and could suggest a solution?
The following link specifies how you can configure Rstudio to work with a specific R version you have installed:
Just install R 2.8 and 2.14 and let spss use one, and Rstudio another.
You are taking a risk by using old versions of spss and R (bugs that have been fixed in newer versions, decreased performance, possible incompatibility with other software e.g. R packages, missing functionality).
You can have multiple versions of R installed at the same time - I have five. The current version of Statistics, 21, goes with R2.14. I don't know how Rstudio determines which version to use. You might need to reset the R environment variables or your path settings.
