CellValueFactory not populate data with inner object in property (JavaFX ) - javafx

I populate Employees pojo in TableView colums. Employer contains rate property, that contains doubleDomainObject which not populate in tableView.
Implementation of comboBox i not showing because it good working with CellFactory. It is desirable to focus with CellValueFactory.
public class DoubleDomainObject extends DomainObject {
private SimpleObjectProperty<Double> doubleValue =new SimpleObjectProperty(this, "doubleValue", null);
public Double getDoubleValue() {return doubleValue.get(); }
public SimpleObjectProperty<Double> doubleValueProperty() {return doubleValue;}
public void setDoubleValue(Double value) {this.doubleValue.set(value);}
public class ColumnDoubleComboBox extends ColumnWrapper{
protected TableColumn<DomainObject, DoubleDomainObject> column;
public ColumnDoubleComboBox(Bulder builder) {
this.column = new TableColumn<>(columnName);
public void setCellValueFactory(){
column.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>(propertyName));
public class Employees extends DomainObject {
private SimpleObjectProperty<DoubleDomainObject> rate =new
SimpleObjectProperty<>(this, "rate", null);
public DoubleDomainObject getRate() {
return rate.get();
public SimpleObjectProperty<DoubleDomainObject> rateProperty() {
return rate;
public void setRate(RatePerHour rate) {
---Сlient code---
tableViewWrapper = AppNode.NodeBuilder.create()


Filter based on user input - LiveData, Recycler, RoomView

I have an SQLite Database for my Android App. Database has a table for properties , and another table for the repairs at each property.
Table repairs :
#Entity(tableName = "repairs",
indices = {#Index(value = "repairID", unique = true), #Index("repairPropID")})
public class MYRepairs
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
#ColumnInfo(name = "repid")
public int id;
#ColumnInfo(name = "repairID")
public String repairID;
#ColumnInfo(name = "repairPropID")
public int repairPropID;
and then RepairsDao.java
public interface MyRepairsDao
#Query("SELECT * FROM repairs WHERE repid = :repid LIMIT 1")
MYRepairs findRepairById(String repid);
#Query("SELECT * FROM repairs WHERE repairPropID = :repairPropID")
MYRepairs findRepairByPropID(int repairPropID);
#Query("SELECT * FROM repairs ORDER BY repairPropID ASC")
LiveData<List<MYRepairs>> getAllRepairs();
#Query("SELECT * FROM repairs WHERE repairPropID = :repairPropID")
LiveData<List<MYRepairs>> getPropertyRepairs(int repairPropID);
In the ViewModel:
public class repairViewModel extends AndroidViewModel
private MyRepairsDao myRepairDao;
private LiveData<List<MYRepairs>> repairLiveData;
private LiveData<List<MYRepairs>> repairPropertyLiveData;
private LiveData<String> filterLiveData = new MutableLiveData<String>();
public repairViewModel(#NonNull Application application)
myRepairDao = DogwoodDatabase.getDatabase(application).repairDao();
repairLiveData = myRepairDao.getAllRepairs();
repairPropertyLiveData = myRepairDao.getPropertyRepairs(propertyID);
public LiveData<List<MYRepairs>> getAllRepairs()
return repairLiveData;
public LiveData<List<MYRepairs>> getPropertyRepairs(int propertyID)
return repairPropertyLiveData;
And in the RecyclerView.Adapter:
public class repairListAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<repairListAdapter.RepairViewHolder>
public repairListAdapter.RepairViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(#NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType)
final View itemView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.repaircontent, parent, false);
return new repairListAdapter.RepairViewHolder(itemView);
In the repairFragment - we only want to view the repairs for a user selected property. Property Code propertyID is received by the repairFragement. It is known to the initData()
public class repairFragment extends Fragment
private repairListAdapter repairListAdapter;
private repairViewModel repairViewModel;
public void onCreate(#Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState)
propertyID = getArguments().getString("ARG_PROPNUM_ID");
propNumID = Integer.parseInt(propertyID);
private void initData()
Log.e ("INIT", "ID is " + propertyID);
repairViewModel = new
repairViewModel.getPropertyRepairs(propertyID).observe(this, new Observer<List<MYRepairs>>()
public void onChanged(#Nullable List<MYRepairs> MYRepairs)
This returns NO RECORDS.
In an ideal world, my properties would have no repairs, but I do not live in that world!
I have scoured this board for help on filtering .
Can you help me with how to filter for only the repairs for a user selected property (propertyID).
Thanks, Rachael
What you wanted to do is the following:
public LiveData<List<MYRepairs>> getPropertyRepairs() {
return repairPropertyLiveData;
private MutableLiveData<String> selectedPropertyId = new MutableLiveData<>();
private final repairPropertyLiveData = Transformations.switchMap(selectedPropertyId, (id) -> {
return myRepairDao.getPropertyRepairs(id);
public void updateSelectedProperty(String propertyId) {
This way, you don't end up with new subscriptions that were not properly invalidated in case you were to select a different property id later.
Oh my! I figured it out.
In repairViewModel:
public LiveData<List<MYRepairs>> getPropertyRepairs(int propertyID)
repairPropertyLiveData = myRepairDao.getPropertyRepairs(propertyID);
return repairPropertyLiveData;

Unable select Javafx combobox items programmatically which uses objects

In the JavaFx ComboBox which uses a class object list .I want to select items in the ComboBox programmatically using getSelectionModel().select(object or index). i am not getting the desired result Although the value is set but it is something like this main.dao.Company.Company.CompanyTableData#74541e7b.
The code is somewhat like this.
ComboBox<CompanyTableData> company = new ComboBox<>();
company.setItems(GetCompany.getCompanyTableData());//where Observable list is set..
GetCompany.getCompanyTableData() returns observablelist of CompanyTableData class.
The ComboBox Looks as follows.
The CompanyTableData Class is as.
public class CompanyTableData {
private SimpleStringProperty itemCompanyId;
private SimpleStringProperty itemCompanyName;
private SimpleStringProperty createBy;
private SimpleStringProperty createdOn;
public CompanyTableData(CompanyData companyData){
this.itemCompanyId = new SimpleStringProperty(companyData.getItemCompanyId());
this.itemCompanyName = new SimpleStringProperty(companyData.getItemCompanyName());
this.createBy = new SimpleStringProperty(companyData.getCreatedBy());
this.createdOn = new SimpleStringProperty(companyData.getCreatedOn());
public String getItemCompanyId() {
return itemCompanyId.get();
public SimpleStringProperty itemCompanyIdProperty() {
return itemCompanyId;
public void setItemCompanyId(String itemCompanyId) {
public String getItemCompanyName() {
return itemCompanyName.get();
public SimpleStringProperty itemCompanyNameProperty() {
return itemCompanyName;
public void setItemCompanyName(String itemCompanyName) {
public String getCreateBy() {
return createBy.get();
public SimpleStringProperty createByProperty() {
return createBy;
public void setCreateBy(String createBy) {
public String getCreatedOn() {
return createdOn.get();
public SimpleStringProperty createdOnProperty() {
return createdOn;
public void setCreatedOn(String createdOn) {
The Cell Factory is set
company.setCellFactory(param -> new CompanyCell());
And the CompanyCell
public class CompanyCell extends ListCell<CompanyTableData> {
protected void updateItem(CompanyTableData item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty || item == null || item.getItemCompanyName() == null) {
} else {
After all this when i try to set the items programmetically as
The getSelectedCompanyIndex() function is as follows.
public static CompanyTableData getSelectedCompanyIndex(){
CompanyTableData c = null,i;
Iterator<CompanyTableData> itr = GetCompany.getCompanyTableData().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()){
i = itr.next();
if (i.getItemCompanyName().equals(Element.getItemTableData().getCompany())){
c = i;
return c;
And the result i am getting is
At the end it should select a name or item in the list but it has set some type of object i think.
Now what should i do. Is there any type of string conversion required.
The buttonCell used to display the item when the combobox popup is not shown is not automatically created using the cellFactory. You need to set this property too to use the same cell implementation:
company.setCellFactory(param -> new CompanyCell());
company.setButtonCell(new CompanyCell());

In javafx table view doesn't display

//Database is Sucessfully Connected
I am trying to Create a table in which I want to display the contents of my 'student' table in tableView of Javafx but I could not get the desired output.
ObservableList<Student> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
//Initializes the controller class.
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb)
//A view Table has been made with fx:id-table
//Variable name for 2 columns are 'fx:id-rollnoColand' & 'fx:id-nameCol'
private TableView<Student> table;
private TableColumn<Student,String> rollnoCol;
private TableColumn<Student,String> nameCol;
private void initCol()
rollnoCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("s_rollno"));
nameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("s_name"));
//Name of the Table is 'student' with Columns 'rollno' and 'name'
private void loadTable()
String selectAll = "select * from student";
Statement stmt = connectdb.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(selectAll);
String getrollno = rs.getString("rollno");
String getname = rs.getString("name");
list.add(new Student(getrollno,getname));
catch(SQLException exp)
public static class Student
private final String s_rollno;
private final String s_name;
Student(String rollno,String name)
this.s_rollno = rollno;
this.s_name = name;
PropertyValueFactory works with getters or property methods. In your case you need to add getters for your properties in the Student class to enable PropertyValueFactory to retrieve the values:
public static class Student {
private final String s_rollno;
private final String s_name;
Student(String rollno, String name) {
this.s_rollno = rollno;
this.s_name = name;
public String getS_rollno() {
return s_rollno;
public String getS_name() {
return s_name;
I had this problem before,and it has many reason.First ,you may remove final keyword from your model,because your variables are changing.Second, TableView shows empty cells because you make your variables private in class Student and you can not access them from init method in parent class.So you need add getter and setter methods for access to these variables.
public static class Student
private String s_rollno;
private String s_name;
Student(String rollno,String name)
this.s_rollno = rollno;
this.s_name = name;
public String getS_rollno() {
return s_rollno;
public void setS_rollno(String s_rollno) {
this.s_rollno = s_rollno;
public String getS_name() {
return s_name;
public void setS_name(String s_name) {
this.s_name = s_name;

Disable ContextMenu with dependency to TreeTableView selection

I have a TreeTableView which allows multiselection. I got a ContextMenu for editing or deleting that selected items.
Delete and edit should only be enabled if there is at least one selection.
final BooleanBinding isTableSelectionEmpty = Bindings.isEmpty(this.table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItems());
That is working as expected.
But now I have dependencies on different values of the selected rows. Like for example that the row is system-mandatory and should not be deleted.
I tried the following but it is not working
final BooleanBinding invalidSelection = Bindings.and(Bindings.isEmpty(tableSelection),
Bindings.isNotEmpty(tableSelection.filtered(item -> {
this.logger.trace("filtering :" + item);
return item.getValue().getSystemProperty().get();
Not even the debug-trace is printed and the value of the binding is always false (thus enabling the menu item). Now I am a bit lost. Where is my mistake?
FilteredList relies on a correct ListIterator, but currently there is a bug in the ListIterator the selectedItems list in MultipleSelectionModelBase. This prevents the filtering to properly work. To fix this you could create a ObservableList implementation delegating everything but the ListIterator creation to a source ObservableList. Most IDEs have a functionality to generate this kind of methods automatically, reducing the amount of work to a minimum (e.g.in NetBeans: Generate -> Delegate Method).
public class ObservableListIteratorFix<T> implements ObservableList<T> {
private final ObservableList<T> list;
public ObservableListIteratorFix(ObservableList<T> list) {
this.list = list;
public void addListener(ListChangeListener<? super T> listener) {
public void removeListener(ListChangeListener<? super T> listener) {
public boolean addAll(T... elements) {
return list.addAll(elements);
private class CustomListIterator implements ListIterator<T> {
private final ListIterator<T> iterator;
private int index;
public CustomListIterator(int index) {
this.iterator = list.listIterator(index);
this.index = index;
public boolean hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
public T next() {
T t = iterator.next();
return t;
public boolean hasPrevious() {
return iterator.hasPrevious();
public T previous() {
T t = iterator.previous();
return t;
public int nextIndex() {
return index;
public int previousIndex() {
return index-1;
public void remove() {
public void set(T e) {
public void add(T e) {
public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super T> action) {
public ListIterator<T> listIterator() {
return listIterator(0);
public ListIterator<T> listIterator(int index) {
return new CustomListIterator(index);
public FilteredList<T> filtered(Predicate<T> predicate) {
return new FilteredList<>(this, predicate);
This allows you to use the class as wrapper the selectedItems which should fix the filtering...
new ObservableListIteratorFix<>(tableSelection).filtered(...)

Android changing order of items run-time in Realm Recyclerview

I need to order the list of items based on a field say starredAt
I am loading the data in the recyclerview from Realm DB using RealmRecyclerView by thorbenprimke
The field changes it value on user's action i.e when user presses star button the item should be moved to top.
For this I am just updating the starredAt field of the object.
The items are already sorted by starredAt so realm loads the updated list but it randomly adds one more item to the recyclerview.
public class CheatSheet extends RealmObject {
private String id;
private RealmList<Item> items;
private String title;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
public RealmList<Item> getItems() {
return items;
public void setItems(RealmList<Item> items) {
this.items = items;
public class Item extends RealmObject {
private String id;
private String description;
private Date starredAt;
public Item() {
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public Date getStarredAt() {
return starredAt;
public void setStarredAt(Date starredAt) {
this.starredAt = starredAt;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
RealmRecyclerView revItems;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
private void setData() {
rvItems = (RealmRecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.rev_items);
RealmResults<Item> items = Realm.getDefaultInstance().where(CheatSheet.class)
.equalTo("id", "some-id").findFirst().getItems()
.findAllSorted("starredAt", Sort.DESCENDING);
ItemRealmListAdapter itemRealmListAdapter =
new ItemRealmListAdapter(this, items,
true, true);
public class ItemRealmListAdapter extends RealmBasedRecyclerViewAdapter<Item,
ItemRealmListAdapter.ItemViewHolder> {
RealmResults<Item> mItems;
public ItemRealmListAdapter(Context context, RealmResults<Item> realmResults,
boolean automaticUpdate, boolean animateResults) {
super(context, realmResults, automaticUpdate, animateResults);
this.mItems = realmResults;
public ItemViewHolder onCreateRealmViewHolder(ViewGroup viewGroup, int i) {
return new ItemViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(viewGroup.getContext())
.inflate(R.layout.item_layout_cs_text, viewGroup, false));
public Item getItem(int position) {
return mItems.get(position);
public void onBindRealmViewHolder(ItemViewHolder itemViewHolder, int position) {
if (getItem(position).getStarredAt() != null) {
itemViewHolder.imvStar.setOnClickListener(v -> handleStarClick(v,position));
private void handleStarClick(View v, int position) {
if (getItem(position).getStarredAt() != null) {
((ImageView) v).setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_star);
CheatSheetStorage.unStarItem("some-id", getItem(position));
} else {
((ImageView) v).setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_star_yellow);
CheatSheetStorage.starItem("some-id", getItem(position));
public static class ItemViewHolder extends RealmViewHolder {
TextView txtBody;
ImageView imvStar;
public ItemViewHolder(View itemView) {
ButterKnife.bind(this, itemView);
public class CheatSheetStorage {
public static void unStarItem(String cheatSheetId, Item item) {
Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
CheatSheet cheatSheet = getCheatSheetById(cheatSheetId);
Item itemDB = cheatSheet.getItems().where().equalTo("id", item.getId()).findFirst();
public static void starItem(String cheatSheetId, Item item) {
Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
CheatSheet cheatSheet = getCheatSheetById(cheatSheetId);
Item itemDB = cheatSheet.getItems().where().equalTo("id", item.getId()).findFirst();
itemDB.setStarredAt(new Date());
Please refer following screenshots for clearer idea :
Screenshot before starring
Screenshot after starring the sixth item
#Rohan-Peshkar - You will have to provide a animateExtraColumnName value to the adapter. For the animations, the adapter keeps track of the items and since that item's id doesn't change, the list isn't updated. With an additional column (in your case that should be the starredAt column - as long as it is stored as an Integer), the diffing algorithm will detect a change and the order is updated.
For reference: https://github.com/thorbenprimke/realm-recyclerview/blob/2835a543dce20993d8f98a4f773fa0e67132ce52/library/src/main/java/io/realm/RealmBasedRecyclerViewAdapter.java#L177
You can also check out the MainActivity in the example folder. The example changes a row's text from "ABC" to "Updated ABC" and the list recognizes the change because both the primary key and the quote field are used to basically create a composite key for diffing purposes.
