Azure Cosmos DB aggregation and indexes - azure-cosmosdb

I'm trying to use Cosmos DB and I'm having some trouble making a simple count in a collection.
My collection schema is below and I have 80.000 documents in this collection.
"_id" : ObjectId("5aca8ea670ed86102488d39d"),
"UserID" : "5ac161d742092040783a4ee1",
"ReferenceID" : 87396,
"ReferenceDate" : ISODate("2018-04-08T21:50:30.167Z"),
"ElapsedTime" : 1694,
"CreatedDate" : ISODate("2018-04-08T21:50:30.168Z")
If I run this command below to count all documents in collection, I have the result so quickly:
But when I run this same command but to a specific user, I've got a message "Request rate is large".
In the Cosmos DB documentation I found this cenario and the suggestion is increase RU. Currently I have 400 RU/s, when I increase to 10.000 RU/s I'm capable to run the command with no errors but in 5 seconds.
I already tryed to create index explicity, but it seems Cosmos DB doesn't use the index to make count.
I do not think it is reasonable to have to pay 10,000 RU / s for a simple count in a collection with approximately 100,000 documents, although it takes about 5 seconds.

Count by filter queries ARE using indexes if they are available.
If you try count by filter on a not indexed column the query would not time out, but fail. Try it. You should get error along the lines of:
{"Errors":["An invalid query has been specified with filters against path(s) excluded from indexing. Consider adding allow scan header in the request."]}
So definitely add a suitable index on UserID.
If you don't have index coverage and don't get the above error then you probably have set the enableScanInQuery flag. This is almost always a bad idea, and full scan would not scale. Meaning - it would consume increasingly large amounts of RU as your dataset grows. So make sure it is off and index instead.
When you DO have index on the selected column your query should run. You can verify that index is actually being used by sending the x-ms-documentdb-populatequerymetrics header. Which should return you confirmation with indexLookupTimeInMs and indexUtilizationRatio field. Example output:
It also provides you some insight where the effort has gone if you feel like RU charge is too large.
If index lookup time itself is too high, consider if you index is selective enough and if the index settings are suitable. Look at your UserId values and distribution and adjust the index accordingly.
Another wild guess to consider is to check if the API you are using would defer executing find(..) until it knows that count() is really what you are after. It is unclear which API you are using. If it turns out it is fetching all matching documents to client side before doing the counting then that would explain unexpectedly high RU cost, especially if there are large amount of matching documents or large documents involved. Check the API documentation.
I also suggest executing the same query directly in Azure Portal to compare the RU cost and verify if the issue is client-related or not.

I think it just doesn't work.
The index seems to be used when selecting the documents to be counted, but then the count is done by reading each document, so effectively consuming a lot of RU.
This query is cheap and fast:
db.Tests.count({ UserID: { '$eq': '5ac161d742092040783a4ee1' }})
but this one is slow and expensive:
db.Tests.count({ ReferenceID: { '$gt': 10 }})
even though this query is fast:
db.Tests.find({ ReferenceID: { '$gt': 10 }}).sort({ ReferenceID: 1 })
I also found this: Note the status: "We have started work on this feature. Will update here when this becomes generally available."
Pretty disappointing to be honest, especially since this limitation hasn't been addressed for almost 2 years. Note - I am not an expert in this matter and I'd love to be proven wrong, since I also need this feature.
BTW: I noticed that simple indexes seem to be created automatically for each individual field, so no need to create them manually.


Large arrays in Firestore Database (Best practices)

I am populating a series of dates and temperatures that I was thinking of storing in a Firestore Database to later be consumed by the front-end with the following structure:
date: ['1920-01-01', '1920-01-02', '1920-01-03', '1920-01-04', '1920-01-05', ...],
values: [20, 18, 19.5, 20.5, ...]
The array may consider a lot of years, so it turns huge, with thousands of entries. Firestore database started complaining about returning the too many index entries for entity error, and even if I get the data uploaded, the user interface Firebase -> Firebase Database -> Panel View collapses. That happens even with less than 3000 entries array.
The fact is that the data is consumed in the front-end with an array structure very similar to the one described above (I want to plot it using Echarts library). This way, I found this structure to be the more natural way, as any other alternative will require reversing the structure to arrays in the front-end.
Nevertheless, I see that Firestore Database very clearly does not like this structure. What should I do? What is the best practice for dealing with this kind of data in Firestore?
The indexes required for the most basic queries in Firestore are automatically created for you. However, there are some limits involved. So you're getting the following error:
too many index entries for entity
Because you hit the maximum number of index entries for a document, which is 40,000. If you add too many elements into an array or you add too many fields to a document, then you can reach the maximum limit.
So most likely the number of elements that exist in the date array + the number of elements that exist in the values array is bigger than 40k, hence the error.
To solve this, you might consider creating two separate documents, one for each array. If you still hit the maximum limit, then you might consider creating a document for each hour, and not for an entire day. In this way, you'll drastically reduce the number of elements that exist in an array.
If you don't find these solutions useful, then you have to set some "Single-field index exemptions" to avoid the above error.
Firestore is not the best tool to deal with time series. The best solution I found in Firestore was creating an independent document for each day in my data. Nevertheless, that raises the number of documents I need to fetch from the front-end side and, therefore, the costs.
By using large arrays in Firestore, you easily reach the index limit, and you are forced to remove the index, which I feel is a big red flag, suggesting checking another tool.
The solution I found, in case is useful for anyone, was building my API in Flask using MongoDB as a database. Although it takes more effort than just using Firestore, it deals better with time series and brings more flexibility.

Huge amount of RU to write document of 400kb - 600kb on Azure cosmos db

This is the log of my azure cosmos db for last write operations:
Is it possible that write operations of documents with size between 400kb to 600kb have this costs?
Here my document (a list of coordinate):
Basically I thought at the beginning it was a hotPartition problem, but afterwards I understood (I hope) that it is a problem in the loading of documents ranging in size from 400kb to 600kb. I wanted to understand if there was something wrong in the database setting, in the indexing policy or other as it seems to me anomalous that about 3000 ru are used to load a json of 400kb, when in the documentation it is indicated that to load a file of equal size at 100kb it takes about 50ru. Basically the document to be loaded is a road route and therefore I would not know in what other way to model it.
This is my indexing policy:
Thanks to everybody. I spent months behind this problem without having solutions...
It's hard to know for sure what the expected RU/s cost should be to ingest a 400KB-600KB item. The cost of this operation will depend on the size of the item, your indexing policy and the structure of the item itself. Greater hierarchy depth is more expensive to index.
You can get a good estimate for what the cost for a single write for an item will be using the Cosmos Capacity Calculator. In the calculator, click Sign-In, cut/paste your index policy, upload a sample document, reduce the writes per second to 1, then click calculate. This should give you the cost to insert a single item.
One thing to note here, is if you have frequent updates to a small number of properties I would recommend you split the documents into two. One with static properties, and another that is frequently updated. This can drastically reduce the cost for updates on large documents.
Hope this is helpful.
You can also pull the RU cost for a write using the SDK.
Check storage consumed
To check the storage consumption of an Azure Cosmos container, you can run a HEAD or GET request on the container, and inspect the x-ms-request-quota and the x-ms-request-usage headers. Alternatively, when working with the .NET SDK, you can use the DocumentSizeQuota, and DocumentSizeUsage properties to get the storage consumed.

How can one get count, with a where condition in DynamoDB

Let us say, We have a situation where instead of getting the total count in a table, get the count of records with a particular status.
We know DynamoDb is schemaless and still has to count each record one by one to get the total count.
And yet, How can we leverage the above need using dynamoDb queries?
While normally "Query" or "Scan" requests return all the matching items, you can pass the Select=COUNT parameter and ask to retrieve only the number of matching items, instead of the actual items. But before you go doing that, there are a few things you should know:
DynamoDB will still be reading - and you will still be paying for - all the data, even if just for being counted. Doing a "Scan" with a filter is in almost all cases out of the question, because it will read the entire data set every time. With a "Query" you can ask to read just one partition, or a contiguous range of sort-keys in one partition, which in some cases may be reasonable enough (but please think if it is, in your use case).
Even if you're not actually reading the data, and just counting, DynamoDB still does Scan and Query with "paging", i.e., your reads request will read just 1MB of data from disk, return you the partial count, and ask you to submit another request to resume the scan. Your DynamoDB library probably has a way to automate this resumption, so for example it can run thousands or whatever number of queries needed until finally finishing the scan and calculating the total sum.
In some cases, it may make sense for to maintain a counter in addition to the data. Writes will be more expensive (e.g., each write adds data and increments the counter), but reads that need this counter will be hugely cheaper - so it all depends on how much of each your workload needs.

A limit clarification for the new Firestore

So in the limits section ( of the new Firestore product from Firebase it says:
Maximum write rate to a collection in which documents contain
sequential values in an indexed field: 500 per second
We're pretty confused as to what that actually entails.
If we have, say, a root-level collection called users with 10 million entries in it, will this rate affect this collection in such a way, so only 500 users can update their data in any given second?
Can anyone clarify?
Sorry for the confusion; an example might help.
If your user documents contained a last-updated timestamp and you index on that timestamp then each new write would end up clustering around the same value (now) creating a hotspot in the index.
Similarly if you somehow assigned users a sequential value like a place in line or something like that this would also create a hotspot.
Incidentally this is why generated document IDs are random strings. This evenly distributes the writes on the primary key index.
If you avoid these kinds of patterns the sky's the limit, though during beta you'd hit the database-wide limit.
A quick additional note : for the moment all properties are indexed by default, so if you had a last-updated timestamp it would necessarily be indexed - so you would not be able to avoid the hotspoting.
Index disablement will be available down the road though.

Get all values of some parameter for all documents in Marklogic

I'm trying to get 'xxx' parameter of all documents in Marklogic using query like:
But since we have very big documents database I get an error "Expanded tree cache full on host". I don't have admin rights for this server, so I can't change configuration. I suggest that I can use ranges while getting documents like:
(/doc/document)[1 to 1000]/xxx
and then
(/doc/document)[1000 to 2000]/xxx
etc, but I'm concerned that I do not know how it works, for example, what will happen if during this process database will be changed (f.e. a new document will be added), how will it affect the result documents list? Also I don't know which order it uses in case when I use ranges...
Please clarify, is this way can be appropriate or is there any other ways to get some parameter of all documents?
Depending on how big your database is there may be no way to get all the values in one transaction.
Suppose you have a trillion documents, the result set will be bigger then can be returned in one transaction.
Is that important ? Only your business case can tell.
The most efficient way of getting all "xxx" values is with a range index. You can see how this works
with cts:element-values ( )
You do need to be able to create a range index over the element "xxxx" to do this (ask your DBA).
Then cts:element-values() returns only those values and the chances of being able to return most or all of them
in memory in a signle transaction is much higher then using xpath (/doc/document/xxx) which as you wrote actualy returns all the "xxx" elements (not just their values). The most likely requires actually loading every document matching /doc and then parsing it and returning the xxx element. That can be both slow and inefficient.
A range index just stores the values and you can retrieve those without ever having to load the actual document.
In general when working with large datasets learning how to access data in MarkLogic using only indexes will produce the fastest results.
