Wordpress Image Watermark Plugins didn't working - wordpress

I install a plugin called Image Watermark in my WordPress site, it doesn't work at all, I tried to bulk the image library, it says successfully but the watermark didn't show up at all.
So I want to try to find where the problem is, but how to do this? If I just use the wp_debug it'll show too many errors (it's an old website from 2004).
I already tried to google how to fix Image Watermark WordPress plugin, etc. but I can't found the answer, right now I'm using the latest version of WordPress 4.9.5 and the latest Image Watermark version 1.6.4.
And I already tried to search other plugins for watermarking, but some already gone, and some already not compatible, and the most recommended is this plugin. The Image Watermark but it doesn't work at all, Please help.
Sorry for this silly question just learned Wordpress codes 2 weeks ago.

Please check you have done the correct configuration of the plugin.
Configuration like this - https://ibb.co/f52XU7


Widget Area disappeared under Appearance -> Widget Wordpress

If I go to Widgets (via Appearance), I see the available widgets on the left and on the right I see nothing. A while ago everything was normal. Also the website still looks normal. But I can’t change anything anymore! Can somebody help me please?
Wordpress Ver: WordPress 4.7.4
There are lots of reason behind this problem. Might be the issue is your theme or plugin interference.
Do the following step:
1) first of all take your database backup.
2) I think you need to check your current WordPress and all plugins version which you have installed. If you found any old version then please update all these things.
3) Change your theme to another WordPress default version such as TwentySixteen and see if the widget areas come back.
4) Finally, if nothing works then try to disable all plugins and check any plugins conflict with your version?
Hope this guide will help you.

Lines of nonsense code where wordpress pages should be: Avada

A few of the pages on my organisation's website are displaying code - not real code - just nonsense code, like this:
���ْG�(�,��?���fUH쵲اDQj�������he $�#B�.
Go to http://www.eavi.eu/about-us/ for an example or check the image here:
I have emailed Avada's support, but I was wondering if anyone has encountered anything similar in the past and might be able to help.
I removed the Tiny MCE editor plugin and this fixed everything.
It seems there is an issue with the Avada theme and this plugin which I confirmed with someone else.

Auto save my edits

I have only been able to find 1 add-on for autosaving/draft-save.
The problem is that if the browser crashes while you are editing content of a page, or created a new page, that changes will be lost. And it's not always, that one will remember to save manually.
The add-on I found and installed is: plone.app.drafts
I installed it using buildout, and activated it in the add-on. Though it doesn't seem to be working for me. Has anyone managed to make it work? To test it I crashed the browser (and also just closed the browser while editing), and according to the documentation for this add-on, the saved content should be in portal_drafts. But there is nothing there.
I followed this document.
Stackoverflow has the best auto save future EVER. It would be nice with such, but just a normal auto save will do fine.
Are there other plone fans out there that have managed to overcome this hurdle? Like found a nice add-on to help out?
do you want to auto-save input in richtextfields (tinymce) or all fields?
for tinymce there is a plugin you could try to add:

Moving a Menu in Wordpress Admin panel is not working

I am trying to move a menu one level up from the list, by accessing it via the WP Admin Panel --> Appearance --> Menus
The problem is, when I try to move the menu by clicking and dragging it like before, it just adds blank boxes below it, like in the screenshot!
I had even upgraded the Wordpress to 3.8.1. But still facing this issue!
Please pardon me if Stackoverflow is not the right place to ask this question. Please move to the respective child sites of Stackoverflow, if this question is not apt for here.
Thank you
The following is what am seeing in Google Chrome's Javascript console:
When I searched in Google, the main cause for this is multiple declaration of jQuery. The above error points to the Pluto theme which is being bought.
It was found that, jQuery multiple version conflict was causing this issue.
And got it resolved finally, after updating the Pluto theme. Please note that, I have already updated the Wordpress to the latest version too.
Thanks #Manolis and #Howlin for their help.
I also Facing same Problem.
This problem can be solved directly by Installing this plugin

WordPress - Changed directory and images do not appear

I changed the folder that my WordPress installation was in.
However, this worked fine, except now all my images are not showing up.
The problem is that each post has the full url of the image in it. (not my doing, this seems to be the default setting)
Is there a tool or a quick fix available for this?
There is a Update URLs plugin for Wordpress to help you with that. Hope that helps!
You need to update your settings to reflect the directory change on the settings page in your admin section.
Since it seems to be a problem in the posts themselves, you'll probably have to write a quick fixme script that runs through your post table searches for '="/' or something similar and updates any hardcoded links.
