WordPress - Changed directory and images do not appear - wordpress

I changed the folder that my WordPress installation was in.
However, this worked fine, except now all my images are not showing up.
The problem is that each post has the full url of the image in it. (not my doing, this seems to be the default setting)
Is there a tool or a quick fix available for this?

There is a Update URLs plugin for Wordpress to help you with that. Hope that helps!

You need to update your settings to reflect the directory change on the settings page in your admin section.
Since it seems to be a problem in the posts themselves, you'll probably have to write a quick fixme script that runs through your post table searches for '="/' or something similar and updates any hardcoded links.


Woocommerce website product name not showing full

I have a woocommerce site on the front page product title now show full it's show half title and then 3 dots pls anyone can fix this
My website
I have tried to edit template but it's not works
I have check your installation but didn't spot any issues about the problem that you described.
Check screenshot: https://prnt.sc/BYr-zaTIk4Of
BUT, I have checked the whole site for any issues and I have see this: https://prnt.sc/Hb61fv_wk0IP
Now if you this is your problem it's very simple. You have to edit your main .css file which is located in /wp-content/themes/elessi-theme/style.css and then search for ".nasa-show-one-line" and in this point delete the second rule which is "white-space: nowrap;" like screenshot here: https://prnt.sc/rWOLVKoRnsQg
Before you start to make any changes just remember to take a copy of your css file locally.
I hope to help you with this issue. If you need something else just inform me to take it to another step.
Friendly, George
This may have to do with CSS. So one option is to check what happens there. Another option is to give us a live URL from your installation to check the problem. Sure it's simple to find a a solution.
-- You can check your theme's demos if it happens the same there like in your installation!

Logos missing after Wordpress migration

For some reason I cant find a place to edit the header logo. The logo will appear in chrome browser. In most browsers, it will just be a blank square and say logo.
This all happened after a migration to a different server/database.
There is some info about plugins needing an authentication key. However, Im unsure if this is the problem as it requires purchase. Any ideas? Thank you!
It's a bit unclear on why this would happen as there are a number of reasons.
Here are a few main things to check:
Did the wp-content/uploads/ folder get copied across fully?
If point-1 is correct, can you access the logo file via URL?
Are you using a theme builder to add in the logo? If so, you might need to export and import a theme builder file.
No need to purchase anything. Since you mentioned that this happened after migration. This could be a source issue, the url of the image could be broken or still leading to the old website url. You can check this by going to the DevTools on chrome by tapping F12. Then, click colsole to check if there's an error and let us know about it.

Link blocks to composer in Concrete5

I'm just playing about with an offline copy of Concrete5 and was wondering if there is any way to link blocks to the composer system to make them work? I made a page template hoping I could just click 'new page' and select my template to add it to the right area of my test site, but it won't show up. I then tried to edit a preset page template from my theme, and that worked fine... except it still populates the new page with the original blocks.
It seems like a total nightmare to do anything in this system. Should I be using a different one if I can't even do this?
I am not sure I fully understand your question but have you had a look at this tutorial? It might help https://documentation.concrete5.org/tutorials/setup-a-simple-blog-within-concrete-5-7

Wordpress site deletes the edits I made

I would need some help with my Wordpress site.
I made a lot of change in my theme (one-page-express):
added some plugins and edited the code as well (I only edited header.php, header-homepage.php, footer.php and style.css).
For a while everything looks okay but then after a few hours it seems to auto delete the changes I made in the editor.
Keeps the new plugins and its edits though, but all the code gets restored to default.
Anyone has any idea why is it happening and how could I fix it?
I learnt coding/Wordpress by myself so I might have missed some crucial point, I don’t know.
Thanks anyone who can help me!
First, try to desactive yours plugins one by one and check if you have something new. And be sure to have correctly crushed your old files (In you FTP manager, you can see the last date of editting a file, don't miss something ;))
NEVER make changes in an existing theme if you want them to persist. Use a child theme to do so. I guess you pressed the update button (as you should). Updating a theme will remove/delete the current theme (all files) and download the latest version. This might look and feel like 'auto-delete'.
Source: https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes

Wordpress wrong image path

i have a problem with one of my wordpress installations.
In the Wordpress Media Library all my pictures are shown like this:
while on "edit image", they are shown normal. I also checked the path and it is correct. I already tried to fix it with the user rights but still no solution...
but this isn't the only problem. The imageuploader starts to generate tons of thumbnail sizes, while my site has no thumbnail settings in the function.php/wp-config.php
Any help? I really don't have a glue what to do next...
LinkChecker is a good little plugin that gives a decent amount of details. It might help to make sure that the image url is pointing to the right place....(typos are a pita).
But as a test, why not try setting the folder to 777? Also, who is the owner of that folder? If WP does not have ownership rights, it will fail to get the image.
