Adding reference to another project from visual studio code -

If a library (eg, on github) doesn't distribute itself via a nuget package, I'd have to manually include it as a reference, correct? I see a lot of reference posts for how to add a reference to a project for Visual Studio, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it on Visual Studio Code.
In this case, I've downloaded the library's zip, and moved the expanded folder into my project, and then tried using <namespace>, which did not work.
I noticed that this downloaded zip contained a .nuspec. Is there something I can do with this file extension to import it in my project?

Let's say you have two projects:
1) Project1.Api
2) Project2.Executable
Command line syntax for dotnet add reference:
cd Project2.Executable
dotnet add reference ../Project1.Api/Project1.Api.csproj
If you check the Project2.Executable.csproj file, you will see the following entry:
<ProjectReference Include = "..\Project1.Api\Project1.Api.csproj" />

Add "vscode-solution-explorer" Extension. It will folder structure as visual studio.
Right click on project --> Add Reference --> Select the reference project from the list.

You can open .csproj file of the project you want to add reference to and add project reference like this:
<ProjectReference Include = "<RELATIVE_PATH_TO_REFERENCE_PROJECT>" />
If the ItemGroup for ProjectReference already exist then you can just add to it.
<ProjectReference Include = "../MyLibrary.csproj" />

In visual studio, in the solution explorer, expand the project that will reference this other library. You will see "References", right click and choose "Add". Then choose browse on the left. Find your dll in your file system. If vs can't find the library you may need to unzip it. I've read where you may need to copy the dll into the bin folders, I recommend trying it without doing that, then copying it in to them if it fails without them.
Btw Googling "visual studio add reference" comes up with A LOT of great results.


Nuget package copy across projects

Is Nuget package copy feasible in .Net Core?
I'm worried since, there is neither project.json nor package.config. Does it mean manually editing .csproj is the only way to go forward.
There has to be more efficient way, IMHO. Am I missing something.
I use a shared Directory.Build.props file to build same packages across multiple projects for .NET Core 2.0. So if you put this file in a shared folder for all your projects and simply import it after you create a new project, it does save a lot of time.
First create a shared Directory.Build.props file. Below I am adding NLog package for all my projects. Sample content for file:
<PackageReference Include="NLog" Version="4.5.6" />
<PackageReference Include="NLog.Web.AspNetCore" Version="4.5.4" />
Now import this file to root of your projects by right clicking the project 1 > Add > Existing Item > Directory.Build.props. Repeat the same for your other projects; project 2, project 3, etc. Notice that when you add the file each to your projects; NLog packages from Directory.Build.props file is automatically added as Nuget package.
Simply edit the XML and more package references under <ItemGroup></ItemGroup> for your packages. I hope this will be more efficient solution for you. It certainly saves me lot of time for new .NET Core projects. You can read more about customising build here.

Duplicate 'EmbeddedResource' items were included after migrate to .NET Standard?

Using VS 2017 15.4.0
Following James Montemagno "Upgrading to Xamarin.Forms to .NET Standard"
When trying to Clean/Build I am receiving the error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Duplicate 'EmbeddedResource' items were included. The .NET SDK includes 'EmbeddedResource' items from your project directory by default. You can either remove these items from your project file, or set the 'EnableDefaultEmbeddedResourceItems' property to 'false' if you want to explicitly include them in your project file. For more information, see The duplicate items were: 'App.xaml'; 'MainPage.xaml' App5.core C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.0.2\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\build\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.DefaultItems.targets 274
Any solution please?
Found the solution...
Right click on the new .NET Standard project I have created "App5" and choose Edit App5.csproj
I have deleted this code from the file and the error gone.
<EmbeddedResource Include="App.xaml">
<EmbeddedResource Include="MainPage.xaml">
I found various suggestions, but this answer was easily the best for me, both in simplicity and elegance:
In Solution Explorer, enable "Show All Files". This displays all files in each folder, including those excluded from the project.
For each item listed in the error message:
Exclude from project
Include in project
In Solution Explorer, disable "Show All Files".
My mistake was that I added embedded resource while simulator with app was running.
Soo... I had THIS added automatically inside .csproj file:
<EmbeddedResource Include="**/*" />
Remove it, and then everything should be fine
According to bugzilla of xamarin at some point you were required to insert to make it work with the new csproj format.
<!-- -->
<None Remove="**\*.xaml" />
<Compile Update="**\*.xaml.cs" DependentUpon="%(Filename)" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="**\*.xaml" SubType="Designer" Generator="MSBuild:UpdateDesignTimeXaml" />
I would imagine that xamarin decided to add that to the default build targets now.
So to fix it you have to do the following:
Open your shared .csproj file.
Remove all Itemgroups related to adding xaml pages and *.cs
clean + rebuild.
It happened to me in MS Visual Studio for Mac after I have added two font files as embedded resources.
These files were titled with the same prefix (Lora-Regular.ttf & Lora-Bold.ttf) and it looks like my IDE did handle this in a bad way.
Indeed, the following weird line was inserted in my .csproj file :
<EmbeddedResource Include="**/*" />
All I did was removing this line and error disapeared.
Try to clean it manually with these steps:
Close your VS
remove bin and obj folders from iOS, Android and the Common (Your project name) folder.
remove all content from the packages folder
open a terminal, navigate to your projects folder and type nuget locals all -clear
then type nuget restore
and finally open VS again and let me know if the problem still exists
For me issue was in one file name. I used underscore (_) in the filename. I was working with file name AppResource.zh_cn.resx. May be it could help someone.
for me unloading and reloading project again worked!

Removing comments from web.config on build

Is it possible to remove the commented lines from a web.config on build?
xml transform is fine to remove some elements but I couldn't find any syntax to clean the comments from the file.
We are using TFS 2010 build server for our builds.
<add xdt:Transform="RemoveAll" xdt:Locator="XPath(//comment())" />
Put this node within the root node of your transform file. "XPath(//comment())" selects all XML comment nodes to delete.
UPDATE: See actual and working answer below.
It's not possible to do with xml transformation.
But you can do it with your own console app or msbuild task.
See example code here Remove XML comments using Visual Studio 2010 Web Config Transformation
I had a similar problem where I wanted to remove dev comments from the config files before I published to the web site. I wrote an app that will recursively remove comments from config files in the directory I specify on the command line. The sample below assumes YourCommentRemover will do the same.
I included the comment remover project as part of my solution and referenced it in the web app I plan to deploy. You can just add the executable as a reference if you want. Since I didn't want the comment remover to get deployed, I added a task to delete it from the bin directory where it was being staged for deploy, (ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\Package\PackageTmp\.
Open your project file in a text editor (You can right-click on the project file in the solution explorer and select 'Edit Project File').
Go to the very end of the project file and insert the following before </Project>:
<Target Name="BeforePublish" BeforeTargets="MSDeployPublish">
<Exec Command="$(ProjectDir)bin\YourCommentRemover $(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\Package\PackageTmp" />
<Exec Command="del $(ProjectDir)obj\$(Configuration)\Package\PackageTmp\bin\YourCommentRemover.*" />
This target will run before any files are copied to the web application location on publish.

Specifying folders not to sync in Web Deploy

I use the following script to deploy my ASP.NET MVC app to our web server:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe MySolution.sln^
Now I need to specify to not sync the /uploads folder. Can I specify that in this script? Thanks!
I have the Uploads folder in my project. I'd like for Web Deploy to create the folder. I do not want it to delete the folder/subfolders/files from my web server because it contains user-uploaded content.
Clarification #2:
I just found the SkipExtraFilesOnServer=True option. However, I don't want this to be global. I'd like to set it to a single folder.
Apparently, what you really want is prevent web deploy from removing existing directory on the destination server, but still have the folder created in case it's not there. You can accomplish this as follows:
create YourWebProjectName.wpp.targets file next to you the project file with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipELMAHFolderFiles">
<MsDeploySkipRules Include="SkipELMAHFolderChildFolders">
Change NameOfYourFolder and YourWebProjectName accordingly. This assumes, you have it in the root, I believe, you can use relative path if it's not the case.
The first MsDeploySkipRules entry tells webdeploy not to remove any files in Name_OfYourFolder.
The second MsDeploySkipRules tells webdeploy not to remove any child folders in Name_OfYourFolder.
Also, to have the folder created if it's not present on the destination server, you have to do the following:
include the folder into the project
add a dummy DeployemntPlaceholder.txt file into it and include it into the project as well
DeployemntPlaceholder.txt is required to tell MSBUild to add the folder into the package: empty folders are ignored.
I've tested this approach and it works fine when you run publish in the manner you've shown. I've used this answer to get the msbuild items syntaxt right. I believe, this is a MSBuild way to customize flags, passed to webdeploy by MSBuild Deployment Pipeline.
If you ran MSDeploy directly, you could use skip arguments in the following manner:
You might also want to have ACL write permissions set on your \Uploads folder - there's a complete guide to do this: Setting Folder Permissions On Web Publish
Conserning the original question "Specifying folders not to sync in Web Deploy", the easiest way to do this is as follows:
You can create a publish profile and add the following lines:
I've tested this approach for excluding files using publish profiles. An easy guide is here (scroll to Edit the .pubxml file to exclude robots.txt section).
You can also do this in .wpp.targets file or edit you csproj. See more information at Web Deployment FAQ for Visual Studio and ASP.NET

Force external files to be copied to bin folder on publish

I have a web application project that references a third party assembly, which in turn uses some native dlls that it needs to find at runtime.
Because of that, I wanted to add these dlls to the bin folder of the project, so that they can definitely be found.
However, if I add the files to the project in /bin/, select "copy to output", the files are compiled and published into /bin/bin. Adding them to the root folder works, but can hardly be the right solution.
Adding them to the build target "AfterBuild" has no effect when publishing (e.g. "build deployment package")
It also has to work when building the solution via TFS, where the MSBuild target _CopyWebApplicationLegacy is invoked.
The solution was a combination of the things I had tried already:
Include the "Bin" folder in the project
Add the needed files (I added them as a link due to our development structure)
Set the following properties: "Build Action = Content" and "Copy to Output = Do Not Copy"
The files are now copied to the bin folder when publishing, even when automating the builds on TFS.
The component that needed this was GdPicture, which uses a couple of native DLLs during runtime.
It's common to have a lib folder in either your solution or workspace to put your third party dlls within. You would then add a reference to this location from your project and ensure this location is under source control.
You could also look at using NuGet to package this for you, which uses a solution level packages folder automatically.
Based on this article It's possible to define the msbuild target into main (lastest in order of solution's build) project file that will capture all files of the bin folder. Like this
<Target Name="CustomCollectFiles">
<_CustomFiles Include="$(OutDir)\**\*" />
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="%(_CustomFiles.Identity)">
And place it before closing root project element.
