Google Tag Manager - Tag Firing Way too Many Times - google-analytics

We are having an issue with our tracking on where a Google Tag Manager tag is firing way too many times and we cannot determine why...
We only have one website event tag linked to Google Analytics called Form Submit and typically we would receive between 2-10 Form Submit events per day at the most, however, recently we have noticed that the tag is firing 1000's of times sporadically and we cannot pinpoint the issue. We have also noticed that our users have drastically increased for short time periods (minutes/hours). We typically only get 40-80 users per day on our website but we saw a massive spike of around 400 users in less than one hour once.
We recently added the facebook pixel via GTM and that is really the only change that we have made and now we are seeing these issues. Does anyone know of any common reasons to why this would be behaving this way or can anyone see any major issues with our implementation of GA or GTM on our website that would cause this?
I know this information is vague, so please let me know if there is specific information that would help identify the issue.
Thanks in advance!
Screenshot 1
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Screenshot 5

I presume it is the FB pixel - Facebook automatically collects information in addition to what you have configured yourself and uses post/submit events to send them. You can disable that behaviour as per documentation and see if it makes a difference:
Automatic Configuration
The Facebook pixel will send button click and
page metadata (such as data structured according to Opengraph or formats) from your website to improve your ads delivery and
measurement and automate your pixel setup. To configure the Facebook
Pixel to not send this additional information, in the Facebook Pixel
Base code, add fbq('set', 'autoConfig', 'false', '')
above the init call.
I had a similar issue where suddenly additional submit events turned up in the GTM preview pane that I finally tracked down to FB, so there is a good chance that yours is the same problem.


Google Analytics Ecommerce Suddenly Stopped Tracking and I don't know why

I'm asking if anyone is having the same problem as I currently am and if they can help. Currently, for the past 5 days or so, The Google Analytics E-commerce section has not been recoding any payments or revenue when in the back end we know it is happening.
This started when the client added Facebook pixel to the website but was reassured that their IT team did not touch any of the tracking codes for the rest of the website.
Below is the graph of when E-commerce stopped tracking.
I have double-checked the entire flow and double-check the tracking codes to the entire website. But this still hasn't shown what the problem could be.
Any help would be appreciated and has this ever happened to any of you guys as well? This has only happened once about 2 years ago (same client) when E-Commcerce tracking just stopped without a reason and came back about a month after.
Is the tracking hardcoded on the site or are you using Tag Manager?
My guess is the pixel broke some code, I don't know if the GA hardcoded or the dataLayer.
Do a test transaction, on the confirmation page do the following: Right Click on the site > Inspect > Console
Check if you get error, could you paste them here?
Also if you're using GTM, can you type 'dataLayer' on the confirmation page. It should return something.
This is just to understand the problem. I need more info to give you a solution.

Know what the user does when a specific error happens using Google analytics?

I have a website that sells products and I'm using google analytics to know some statistics about the website. Sometimes, errors happens for various reasons and purchases doesn't go through. You then have to refresh the page and try again, then everything works. The website displays the message telling the user to refresh and try again. I'm curious how many people actually do that. My question is, is it possible to know what users do when this error happens? Do they refresh and try again? Do they close the tab or do they do something else?
The question is quite broad at this moment, but there are a couple of improvements to your measurement setup, that can help you to investigate this customer behavior.
What I would do, is to implement an event tracking to indicate, that this error has occurred. You can find details about event tracking in this guide. Although I suppose, that your users are not likely to enter the website at this page, it might be a good practice to set the non-interaction flag of the event, as it is not actually generated by a user interaction.
I'd also create tracking for page reload, either by creating an other event for this, or by adding -reload suffix to these repeated pageview URLs. You can find good resources for this on SO as well, e.g. this one.
If you have a special URL for this error page (e.g. purchase-error.html instead of purchase-success.html), it is also easy to track the exit rate specific to this page.
Besides of Google Analytics, you might also want to set up heatmap or screen recording tools to understand this behavior. Hotjar, Lucky Orange are a few examples. (No affiliation.)

How can I see the results of tags being fired from GTM to GA?

I will start with describing what I am trying to achieve, in order to avoid x-y problem. And if the solution I try to apply is not the best one, please, tell me a different one.
I have a website. There is an audio player on it. I would like to track in my GA how many users started the audio, how many users listened 25% of it, how many users listened 50% of it and so on. I can access the needed information (e.g. user reached 25%, so it is time to tell about this to GA through GTM) in client-side JavaScript, the question is only about setting up the GTM and GA correctly.
So, now that I described my intentions, let me show what I was able to do so far.
1 I created a custom metric with Hit scope in GA.
2 I created a tag which increments the metric created in the 1.
3 I created a custom event in GTM. When user starts playing the audio I fire the event with the help of dataLayer. And the event fires the tag which I created in 2.
4 I created a custom dashboard in GA to track how many users started the sound.
And now I am stuck. I get the needed data from my website to GTM. I trigger the tag which should send the data over to GA. I have the needed metric and dashboard set up in GA. And now I would expect the widget in my custom dashboard in GA to show that the audio was started, but it does not happen.
I am very new to GA and GTM and may not understand some concepts, as a result I may miss some necessary for troubleshooting information. I will gladly provide it if you need it.
Thank you (y).

Firebase does not track clicks on dynamic links

I have created a dynamic link through the Firebase console. The link works correctly according to its flow.
The issue is that the link analytics does not work. On the day of creation, Firebase counted clicks. But on the day after creation, total amount of clicks is equal to zero (while I know that there were at least 11 clicks).
How to solve this?
There are a couple of things that may have happened here:
1) There was recently a change that meant that clicks are no longer reported right away. This is actually to enable the new link analytics API:
2) Dynamic Links also reports to Google Analytics for Firebase. These reports default to showing "yesterday" which can be a bit confusing. GA also batches its reporting on the client side to save battery, so even though analytics are recorded, they aren't necessarily reported until later.

How to use analytics screenviews in a website?

I'd like to track screenviews in my website, is this possible or are screenviews just meant to be used on apps? If so, how can I do it? Let me give you an overview of my situation.
I am restructuring a web site. Some of the pages that used to live under differents urls are now living under the same, with a hash id to denote the particular area of the page the user is in. So, for example,, and, are now in, and
Now, I'd like to keep track of users visiting these areas. My initial idea was send a page view when the url is loaded and send a screenview each time the user clicks on the button to change the area of the page (i.e. #content, #problemas or #equations). For doing so, I used something like ga('send', 'screenview', {'screenName': 'content',});. As I couldn't see the screenviews in reports, I played a bit, setting the app name, the app id, the installer id etc before sending the screenview, for example:
ga('set', {
'appName': 'myAppName',
'appId': 'myAppId',
'appVersion': '1.0',
'appInstallerId': 'myInstallerId'
ga('send', 'screenview', {'screenName': 'content',});
So I can't see the screenviews in the real time reports (though I can see the page views). I can't see them in the regular reports either. I decided to create custom reports with dimensions Page and Screen name. There, I see sometimes screenviews are tracked (I think it happens when I set the appid etc before sending it, but not sure about this point).
Are screen views adecuate for tracking this behaviour or should I use just events, as I'm not on an app at all (just a responsive website)?
By the way, I am using Drupal 7 but that shouldn't make a difference.
Thanks in advance for your time and I hope I am making my question clear enhough.
Technically speaking its probably possible to send both pageviews and screenviews to the same Google Analytics web property.
The problem you will have is seeing the information. The way the Website is set up its either application or web account, Screenviews or pageviews. The reports are different, and you cant swap between them.
So you could send screenviews to a web site web property but you would never be able to analyse it on the website you would have to use the API to rip the data out. That and you would be analyzing apples and cars. Screenviews and pageviews are different they cant be analysed together.
Because of this web property's should be kept separate one for application (screenviews) one for web sites (pageviwes).
You should in my opinion do this using events.
+1 for an interesting question that made me think :)
Is possible, actually in BigQuery you can reach both data and see how this interact, both will have the same schema and will be stored in the same dataset(it is linked the raw data view). Even in the same sessions, you can send pageview and screen views having funny results.
But there is some important consideration when you implement this.
You need 2 different views, one Web View and One App View. Both views will let you access to different information and is not possible on the web interface of Google Analytics to access to both info at the same time. Not sure if with the API you can access to both info at the same time, I think that is totally possible
In the App View, you will able to see only information of screenview, events and ecommerce.Is also mandatory the App Name parameter on this hits.
In the Web View, you will able to see only the pageview reports,events and events.
The ecommerce info and events will be reachable from both views, there is no way to know if this comes from a web or an app ( technically). So is tricky to read this kind of reports in that case.
Sessions can experiment stranges behaviors. As example gosht sessions coming from the screen view with no page view, sending events.
Taking this into consideration, as Dalmto says, the best to you is use events or sent virtualpage view.
Mixing pageview and screen view is not recommended by Google but is totally possible.This kind of implementations is only useful when you have an embed web-app and a webpage on the same server and you want to have it all on the same dataset, if this case apply, is highly recommended to add a custom dimension to filter the app info on the web view and the web info on the app view and keep both worlds separated.
As the last point, your code is working, I can see the screen info on the desktop property. But not be able to see it in the web view.
