Performing a 2 sample t test in R with replicates - r

I have a dataframe name R_alltemp in R with 6 columns, 2 groups of data with 3 replicates each. I'm trying to perform a t-test for each row between the first three values and the last three and use apply() so it can go through all the rows with one line. Here is the code im using so far.
R_alltemp$p.value<-apply(R_all3,1, function (x) t.test(x(R_alltemp[,1:3]), x(R_alltemp[,4:6]))$p.value)
and here is a snapshot of the table
R1.HCC827 R2.HCC827 R3.HCC827 R1.nci.h1975 R2.nci.h1975 R3.nci.h1975 p.value
1 13.587632 22.225083 15.074230 58.187465 79 82.287573 0.4391160
2 2.717526 1.778007 1.773439 1.763257 2 1.679338 0.4186339
3 203.814478 191.135711 232.320487 253.908939 263 263.656100 0.4904493
4 44.386264 45.339169 54.089884 3.526513 3 5.877684 0.3095634
it functions, but the p-values im getting just from eyeballing it seem wrong. For instance in the first line, the average of the first group is way lower than the second group, but my p value is only .4.
I feel like I'm missing something very obvious here, but I've been struggling with it for much longer than I'd like. Any help would be appreciated.

Your code is incorrect. I actually don't understand why it does not return an error. This part in particular: x(R_alltemp[,1:3]) should be x[1:3].
This should be your code:
R_alltemp$p.value2 <- apply(R_alltemp, 1, function(x) t.test(x[1:3], x[4:6])$p.value)
R1.HCC827 R2.HCC827 R3.HCC827 R1.nci.h1975 R2.nci.h1975 R3.nci.h1975 p.value p.value2
1 13.587632 22.225083 15.074230 58.187465 79 82.287573 0.4391160 0.010595829
2 2.717526 1.778007 1.773439 1.763257 2 1.679338 0.4186339 0.477533387
3 203.814478 191.135711 232.320487 253.908939 263 263.656100 0.4904493 0.044883436
4 44.386264 45.339169 54.089884 3.526513 3 5.877684 0.3095634 0.002853154
Remember that by specifying 1 it you are telling apply to get the columns. So function(x) returns the equivalent of this: x <- c(13.587632, 22.225083, 15.074230, 58.187465, 79, 82.287573) which means you want to subset the first three values by x[1:3] and then the last three x[4:6] and apply t.test to them.
A good idea before using apply is to test the function manually so if you do get odd results like these you know something went wrong with your code.

So the two-tailed p-value for the first row should be:
> g1 <- c(13.587632, 22.225083, 15.074230)
> g2 <- c(58.187465, 79, 82.287573)
> t.test(g1,g2)$p.value
[1] 0.01059583
Applying the function across all rows (I tacked the new p-val at the end as pval:
> tt$pval <- apply(tt,1,function(x) t.test(x[1:3],x[4:6])$p.value)
> tt
R1.HCC827 R2.HCC827 R3.HCC827 R1.nci.h1975 R2.nci.h1975 R3.nci.h1975 p.value pval
1 13.587632 22.225083 15.074230 58.187465 79 82.287573 0.4391160 0.010595829
2 2.717526 1.778007 1.773439 1.763257 2 1.679338 0.4186339 0.477533387
3 203.814478 191.135711 232.320487 253.908939 263 263.656100 0.4904493 0.044883436
4 44.386264 45.339169 54.089884 3.526513 3 5.877684 0.3095634 0.002853154
Maybe it's the double-use of the data frame name in the function (that you don't need)?


How to apply same function to different sets of column in R?

With the following data set and time variable as time=c(1:10)
beta_C1 1 beta_C1 2 beta_C1 3 beta_C2 1 beta_C2 2 beta_C2 3
1 5.388135 0.2036038 -0.006050338 5.488691 0.1778483 -0.0036647072
2 5.536004 0.2374793 -0.009960762 5.768781 0.1463565 -0.0012642700
3 5.798095 0.1798015 -0.004768584 6.059320 0.1127296 0.0006366231
4 5.648306 0.2720582 -0.011654632 6.129815 0.1282014 -0.0015109727
5 5.712576 0.2320445 -0.007225099 6.166659 0.1490687 -0.0042889325
6 5.674026 0.2325392 -0.006198976 6.242121 0.1559551 -0.0064668515
I would like to create two matrix such as
new_mat1=outer(1:nrow(mydata), 1:length(time), function(x,y){
new_mat2=outer(1:nrow(mydata), 1:length(time), function(x,y){
The first matrix is created by taking the first three columns of mydata and the last three columns are used to create the second matrix.
Can I apply a function or for loop to create both matrices together? Any help is appreciated

How to setup two dynamic conditions in SUMIFS like problem in R?

I already tried my best but am still pretty much a newbie to R.
Based on like 500mb of input data that currently looks like this:
listing_id calc.latitude calc.longitude reviews_last30days
1 2818 5829821 335511.0 1
2 20168 5829746 335265.2 3
3 25428 5830640 331534.6 0
4 27886 5832156 332003.1 3
5 28658 5830888 329727.2 3
6 28871 5829980 332071.3 7
I need to calculate the conditional sum of reviews_last30days - the conditions being a specific and changing area range for each respective record, i.e. R should sum only those reviews for which the calc.latitude and calc.longitude do not deviate more than +/-500 from the longitude and latitude values in each row.
ROW 1 has a calc.latitude 5829821 and a calc.longitude 335511.0, so R should take the sum of all reviews_last30days for which the following ranges apply: calc.latitude 5829321‬ to 5830321‬ (value of Row 1 latitude +/-500)
calc.longitude 335011.0 to 336011.0 (value of Row 1 longitude +/-500)
So my intended output would look somewhat like this in column 5:
listing_id calc.latitude calc.longitude reviews_last30days reviewsper1000
1 2818 5829821 335511.0 1 4
2 20168 5829746 335265.2 3 4
3 25428 5830640 331534.6 0 10
4 27886 5832156 332003.1 3 3
5 28658 5830888 331727.2 3 10
6 28871 5829980 332071.3 7 10
Hope I calculated correctly in my head, but you get the idea..
Until now I particularly struggle with the fact that my sum conditions are dynamic and "newly assigned" since the latitude and longitude conditions have to be adjusted for each record.
My current code looks like this but it obviously doesn't work that way:
review1000 <- function(TOTALLISTINGS = NULL){
# tibble to return
to_return <- TOTALLISTINGS %>%
group_by(listing_id) %>%
reviews1000 = sum(reviews_last30days[(calc.latitude>=(calc.latitude-500) | calc.latitude<=(calc.latitude+500))]))
I know I also would have to add something for longitude in the code above
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
Any help or hints highly appreciated & thanks in advance! :)
See whether the below code will help.
TOTALLISTINGS$reviews1000 <- sapply(1:nrow(TOTALLISTINGS), function(r) {
currentLATI <- TOTALLISTINGS$calc.latitude[r]
currentLONG <- TOTALLISTINGS$calc.longitude[r]
sum(TOTALLISTINGS$reviews_last30days[between(TOTALLISTINGS$calc.latitude,currentLATI - 500, currentLATI + 500) & between(TOTALLISTINGS$calc.longitude,currentLONG - 500, currentLONG + 500)])

R/Plotly: Error in list2env(data) : first argument must be a named list

I'm moderately experienced using R, but I'm just starting to learn to write functions to automate tasks. I'm currently working on a project to run sentiment analysis and topic models of speeches from the five remaining presidential candidates and have run into a snag.
I wrote a function to do a sentence-by-sentence analysis of positive and negative sentiments, giving each sentence a score. Miraculously, it worked and gave me a dataframe with scores for each sentence.
score text
1 1 iowa, thank you.
2 2 thanks to all of you here tonight for your patriotism, for your love of country and for doing what too few americans today are doing.
3 0 you are not standing on the sidelines complaining.
4 1 you are not turning your backs on the political process.
5 2 you are standing up and fighting back.
So what I'm trying to do now is create a function that takes the scores and figures out what percentage of the total is represented by the count of each score and then plot it using plotly. So here is the function I've written:
scoreFun <- function(x){{
tbl <- table(x)
res <- cbind(tbl,round(prop.table(tbl)*100,2))
colnames(res) <- c('Score', 'Count','Percentage')
percent = data.frame(Score=rownames, Count=Count, Percentage=Percentage)
Which returns this:
saPct <- scoreFun(sanders.scores$score)
Count Percentage
-6 1 0.44
-5 1 0.44
-4 6 2.64
-3 13 5.73
-2 20 8.81
-1 42 18.50
0 72 31.72
1 34 14.98
2 18 7.93
3 9 3.96
4 6 2.64
5 2 0.88
6 1 0.44
9 1 0.44
11 1 0.44
What I had hoped it would return is a dataframe with what has ended up being the rownames as a variable called Score and the next two columns called Count and Percentage, respectively. Then I want to plot the Score on the x-axis and Percentage on the y-axis using this code:
d <- subplot(
plot_ly(clPct, x = rownames, y=Percentage, xaxis="x1", yaxis="y1"),
plot_ly(saPct, x = rownames, y=Percentage, xaxis="x2", yaxis="y2"),
margin = 0.05,
) %>% layout(d, xaxis=list(title="", range=c(-15, 15)),
xaxis2=list(title="Score", range=c(-15,15)),
yaxis=list(title="Clinton", range=c(0,50)),
yaxis2=list(title="Sanders", range=c(0,50)),showlegend = FALSE)
I'm pretty certain I've made some obvious mistakes in my function and my plot_ly code, because clearly it's not returning the dataframe I want and is leading to the error Error in list2env(data) : first argument must be a named list when I run the `plotly code. Again, though, I'm not very experienced writing functions and I've not found a similar issue when I Google, so I don't know how to fix this.
Any advice would be most welcome. Thanks!
#MLavoie, this code from the question I referenced in my comment did the trick. Many thanks!
scoreFun <- function(x){
tbl <- data.frame(table(x))
colnames(tbl) <- c("Score", "Count")
tbl$Percentage <- tbl$Count / sum(tbl$Count) * 100

Quickly create new columns in dataframe using lists - R

I have a data containing quotations of indexes (S&P500, CAC40,...) for every 5 minutes of the last 3 years, which make it quite huge. I am trying to create new columns containing the performance of the index for each time (ie (quotation at [TIME]/quotation at yesterday close) -1) and for each index. I began that way (my data is named temp):
listIndexes<-list("CAC","SP","MIB") # there are a lot more
listTime<-list(900,905,910,...1735) # every 5 minutes
for (j in 1:length(listTime)){
for (i in 1:length(listIndexes)) {
# other stuff to do but with the same concept
but it is quite long. Is there a way to get rid of the for loop(s) or to make the creation of those variables quicker ? I read some stuff about the apply functions and the derivatives of it but I do not see if and how it should be used here.
My data looks like this :
date CACcloseyesterday CAC1000 CAC1005 ... CACclose ... SP1000 ... SPclose
20140105 3999 4000 40001.2 4005 .... 2000 .... 2003
20140106 4005 4004 40003.5 4002 .... 2005 .... 2002
and my desired output would be a new column (more eaxcatly a new column for each time and each index) which would be added to temp
date CACperf1000 CACperf1005... SPperf1000...
20140106 (4004/4005)-1 (4003.5/4005)-1 .... (2005/2003)-1 # the close used is the one of the day before
idem for the following day
i wrote (4004/4005)-1 just to show the calcualtio nbut the result should be a number : -0.0002496879
It looks like you want to generate every combination of Index and Time. Each Index-Time combination is a column in temp and you want to calculate a new perf column by comparing each Index-Time column against a specific Index close column. And your problem is that you think there should be an easier (less error-prone) way to do this.
We can remove one of the for-loops by generating all the necessary column names beforehand using something like expand.grid.
listIndexes <-list("CAC","SP","MIB")
listTime <- list(900, 905, 910, 915, 920)
df <- expand.grid(Index = listIndexes, Time = listTime,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df$c1 <- paste0(df$Index, "perf", df$Time)
df$c2 <- paste0(df$Index, df$Time)
df$c3 <- paste0(df$Index, "close")
#> Index Time c1 c2 c3
#> 1 CAC 900 CACperf900 CAC900 CACclose
#> 2 SP 900 SPperf900 SP900 SPclose
#> 3 MIB 900 MIBperf900 MIB900 MIBclose
#> 4 CAC 905 CACperf905 CAC905 CACclose
#> 5 SP 905 SPperf905 SP905 SPclose
#> 6 MIB 905 MIBperf905 MIB905 MIBclose
Then only one loop is required, and it's for iterating over each batch of column names and doing the calculation.
for (row_i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
this_row <- df[row_i, ]
temp[[this_row$c1]] <- temp[[this_row$c2]] / temp[[this_row$c3]] - 1
An alternative solution would also be to reshape your data into a form that makes this transformation much simpler. For instance, converting into a long, tidy format with columns for Date, Index, Time, Value, ClosingValue column and directly operating on just the two relevant columns there.

R - subtracting multiple columns from multiple columns with 2 data frames

I have two dataframes as below:
> head(VN.GRACE.Int, 4)
1 2003.000 12.1465164 5.50259937 15.7402752
2 2003.083 1.8492431 0.27744418 3.4811423
3 2003.167 1.5168512 -0.06333961 1.7962201
4 2003.250 -0.2355813 6.16296554 0.7215013
> head(VN.GLDAS, 4)
Decim_Date NOAH_SManom CLM_SManom VIC_SManom SM_Month_Mean
1 2003.000 3.0596372 0.4023805 -0.2175665 1.081484
2 2003.083 -1.4459928 -1.0255955 -3.1338024 -1.868464
3 2003.167 -3.9945788 -1.4646734 -4.2052981 -3.221517
4 2003.250 -0.9737429 0.4213161 -1.0537822 -0.535403
EDIT: The names below (UN.GRACE.Int and UN.GLDAS) are the names of the two dataframes above. Have added an example of what the final data frame will look like.
I want to subtract columns [,2:5] in VN.GLDAS data frame from EACH of the columns [,2:4] in UN.GRACE.Int and put the results in a separate data frame (new data frame will have 12 columns) as below:
EXAMPLE <- data.frame(CSR_NOAH=numeric(), CSR_CLM=numeric(), CSR_VIC=numeric(), CSR_SM_Anom=numeric(),
GFZ_NOAH=numeric(), GFZ_CLM=numeric(), GFZ_VIC=numeric(), GFZ_SM_Anom=numeric(),
JPL_NOAH=numeric(), JPL_CLM=numeric(), JPL_VIC=numeric(), JPL_SM_Anom=numeric())
I've looked into 'sweep' as suggested in another post, but am not sure whether my query would be better suited using a for loop, which I'm a novice at. Also looked at subtracting values in one data frame from another but doesn't answer my query I don't believe - Thanks in advance
res <- cbind(VN.GRACE.Int[,1,drop=F],,lapply(VN.GLDAS[,2:5],
function(x) VN.GRACE.Int[,2:4]-x)))
#[1] 4 13
