Social network with WordPress - wordpress

My project is social network website which will be built on CMS. I have decided for WordPress. The thing is I am not so sure about my decision now.
Website should have features like login and register forms, profile making and editing, user generated content from front end of site, content making restriction only on registered users of website, publishing most popular posts on home page.
User posts should be public. What I mean by that is, while I was previewing themes, I noticed that most posts from users were posted in groups. I would like this website to work more like Facebook.
Is it possible to make this sort of website with WordPress without custom plugins? And could you recommend a theme for this sort of project?
Sorry for long question and thanks in advance :D

You should look into Social specific plugin/project for WordPress called BuddyPress.
If you look into buddypress specific themes you might be able to find something which is similar to your goals.
Here is official website (it is open source free project by WP team)
It has a feature called Activity Stream which you might be looking for which is like FB timeline.


cms for online shop and scalable blog posts

I'm working on a web project that will consist of an online shop that will create some kind of blog post after checkout and let you edit this blog post.
So the customer can just buy a post on my website and edit it as he likes.
The post may contain text and media.
I'm looking for a nice tech stack to develop this online platform.
I have some kind of proof of concept using WordPress, WooCommerce, and a self developed plugin that will create a blog post after a WooCommerce checkout event and turn the ownership of the post to the customer's account.
The plugin also limits the maximum amount of media for upload and restricts access to the media of other users.
Next steps will be to modify the WooCommerce account page and list the blog posts there with a link to the editor, so the customer can edit posts anytime.
But I think this solution lacks scalability.
Depending on the popularity of the platform, there will be a lot of blog posts created, and I fear that someday, after a couple of thousand blog posts with multiple media types, etc., WordPress will come to its limits.
I have read something about static site generators, and I'm wondering if it's possible to have an online shop that will create a static site and let the customer edit it like my WordPress proof of concept now. With a nice editor and the possibility for online payment, etc.
Is there anybody that can recommend a nice stack for this kind of platform? Or maybe someone who can take my fears about the scalability of WordPress away?

wordpress statistic of wp api

I'm aware that there are tons of plugins that can track user behaviour in a wordpress site. Those plugins can track how many views does a blog post has.
Currently, I am developing an ionic app where the contents come from wordpress served by using wp-api. And I make it in a such a way the users can only access my content only through the mobile app. Now, my problem is, can these plugins track how many views a blog post has that is views through the app?
If there's plugin that able to perform such task, please recommend it to me
Thank you
Have you tried the Jetpack plugin from the creators of WordPress? Their Site Stats feature does break down views by posts.

Wordpress: Using it as a news CMS only?

I tried to search everywhere for an answer to my question but I still doesn't understand how Wordpress fully work.
I would like to use Wordpress as my news system CMS only. This means, I do not wish to set up my page layout via the Wordpress theme interface. If you guys know another news CMS called CuteNews, I want my Wordpress to operate pretty much like CuteNews.
How can I put Wordpress post entries into my website that uses my own layout (and not using the theme interface in Wordpress).
For people looking at this from google. Check out this blog post
I have used this as a starting point for my detached wordpress site and it's working perfect.
You can actually! Without converting it to a theme. It works for me as I don't do wordpress themes but I use WP to power the back-end of my websites. I utilize WP's CMS feature.
here's a checklist of what you can possibly do to your website.
Your website design (html/css)
Install Wordpress on your server, or locally.
Download Blank WP Template, set this as your default template for your wordpress site.
Edit the Theme's CSS/Header/Footer according to your website design while keeping essential WP codes provided in the template.
Set your News Page as the Blog Entry in WP Dashboard.
If you want some news preview, such as titles to appear somewhere on your site like homepage, you can either call it thru PHP code available on the net or install a plugin in WP.
Items listed above maybe broad, but that's a starting point, as you can research on the net for detailed information on how to go about your website with wordpress CMS.
Best of Luck!

Wordpress site user accounts

I am new to web development. I am trying to build a site using wordpress as a cms. As such i want to know whether there is any way to create user accounts, so that people can register with the site and login. We would have an online store and we would like users to be able to save and view orders.
I have seen buddy press, but it only works with some themes. Is there any other option available?
Thanks in advance,
You can add one of the free plugins such as "Login Logout". This is the one I am currently using and it lets new users register for accounts.
You need to search for it in your plugins tab in wordpress, then install and activate it. Then you need to go to your Widgets tab and include it. Then it should run on your website.
Yes, Wordpress has user management, I suggest you play around with wordpress to understand how it works. Download a few e-commerce plugins or user management plugins and see how it all works.
Buddy press just uses the same user management that wordpress has.
I'm sure the wordpress documentation is a good place to look for more information.

How to integrate phpBB with Wordpress

Is there any way to integrate phpBB with Wordpress. I already have a wordpress blog and I need to integrate phpBB to it. I want to synchronize the user table of both phpBB and wordpress. User can access both sites by logging into anyone of the sites. Can anyone help me on this...
You can integrate/synchronize the user tables. There's even a plugin for that, see WP phpBB Bridge.
As an aside: I agree that as a standalone forum, phpBB is by far the best opensource/free solution. For WP, there's also the excellent simple:press forum. Using that instead of phpBB is definitely more future-proof, less maintenance requiring once setup and easier to optically integrate into the site. It might look pretty ugly at first, but its css is very flexible and with a bit of tinkering, you can integrate it very well.
It having just received an upvote, I revisited this answer. And it being 2 years old, I want to add that given recent decisions of the dev team, I feel less inclined to recommend simple:press over going the extra mile and integrating phpBB...
I think BBPress Forum is best idea to integrate with wordpress. I recently integrate the BBPress Forum with one my wordpress blog. You can get guide for adding BBPress Forum from here
WP-United provides modules for both single sign-on and template integration. It does both of these automatically.
Ok, follow these steps exactly, this took me days to work out.
Install wordpress and phpbb as normal.
Make sure you are logged out of wordpress (otherwise you will get a gap at the top of your phpbb header, where the wordpress admin bar would go).
Now go to your wordpress blog page, (when you are logged out of wordpress admin) and right click, go to view source.
Copy the source from the top of the page until you see a div like page content etc (will vary on your theme), remember we just want the header.
Now paste that right at the top of your your overall_header.php in your phpbb template.
Now go to your phpbb admin, and go to styles, then templates, click refresh on your current template, so that the overall_header.php will be re-cached with the changes we have made.
You can do the footer in the same way, copy the footer html from the wordpress page that you want to use, and add it to overall_footer.php.
You can ever get the same styles by linking your css file from your blog to phpbb.
You should now be able to link to your phpbb and it will have a wordpress header.
i have used wp-phpbb-bridge with these steps:
1) after installation of the plugin, activate it;
2) set the correct paths of phpbb directory in the plugin's settings.
3) go to Widgets and put the Phpbb Bridge Users (or which one) you need into the sidebar.
then the users(login or other data) will be automatically synchronized.
this method worked for me.
