cms for online shop and scalable blog posts - wordpress

I'm working on a web project that will consist of an online shop that will create some kind of blog post after checkout and let you edit this blog post.
So the customer can just buy a post on my website and edit it as he likes.
The post may contain text and media.
I'm looking for a nice tech stack to develop this online platform.
I have some kind of proof of concept using WordPress, WooCommerce, and a self developed plugin that will create a blog post after a WooCommerce checkout event and turn the ownership of the post to the customer's account.
The plugin also limits the maximum amount of media for upload and restricts access to the media of other users.
Next steps will be to modify the WooCommerce account page and list the blog posts there with a link to the editor, so the customer can edit posts anytime.
But I think this solution lacks scalability.
Depending on the popularity of the platform, there will be a lot of blog posts created, and I fear that someday, after a couple of thousand blog posts with multiple media types, etc., WordPress will come to its limits.
I have read something about static site generators, and I'm wondering if it's possible to have an online shop that will create a static site and let the customer edit it like my WordPress proof of concept now. With a nice editor and the possibility for online payment, etc.
Is there anybody that can recommend a nice stack for this kind of platform? Or maybe someone who can take my fears about the scalability of WordPress away?


Social network with WordPress

My project is social network website which will be built on CMS. I have decided for WordPress. The thing is I am not so sure about my decision now.
Website should have features like login and register forms, profile making and editing, user generated content from front end of site, content making restriction only on registered users of website, publishing most popular posts on home page.
User posts should be public. What I mean by that is, while I was previewing themes, I noticed that most posts from users were posted in groups. I would like this website to work more like Facebook.
Is it possible to make this sort of website with WordPress without custom plugins? And could you recommend a theme for this sort of project?
Sorry for long question and thanks in advance :D
You should look into Social specific plugin/project for WordPress called BuddyPress.
If you look into buddypress specific themes you might be able to find something which is similar to your goals.
Here is official website (it is open source free project by WP team)
It has a feature called Activity Stream which you might be looking for which is like FB timeline.

Wordpress theme from themeforest for membership website?

I am looking for a theme for forex trading website. Where customer can sign up for paid membership and receive reports daily.
I want a theme which can deal with basic front end design (Company information based home page, about us, contact, blog) and users can signup and login there account. While at back end I can manage accounts and update reports daily.
What you're asking for can be accomplished many different ways, so you'll need to explore what works best for you and your particular skill set. Here's my take in things though.
I would likely go about this with WooCommerce and their StoreFront theme. Storefront is very generic looking out the the box which makes it very customizable. It doesn't have to look like a site that sells t-shirts.
WooCommerce is free and very actively supported. They also off an extension for paid memberships, which it sounds like you'd be interested in.
I hope this info helps give you some direction.

What CMS should I use site that has a members only section

I am helping out a friend and rebuilding her dance business site.
- site owner friendly CMS for updates
- Prefer a free cms
- main site and a few pages will be for new/potential clients
- members only section where she can post updates instead of having to email a news letter.
- an additional page or 2 exclusive to members where videos can be posted for at home practice
I am thinking wordpress may be a great option for this. Any tutorials out there to help with the initial build of a member only section? I want to make sure I lock down the member section properly.
I am hoping to also generate an email each time a post is made in the members only section. Also use categories in the members only section to generate emails to members with corresponding tags that an update was made.
Is this attainable?
I am open to other CMS platforms but they must be responsive, free, and easy for the site owner to update.
Go for wordpress. As you are a starter use subscription / membership plugin to manage the member setting that you desire, and for email you can use newsletter plugins (both free adn paid) . Hope this helps :)
And for the final question : no wordpress is the easiest one out there

Wordpress Advanced Search Plugin

I want to design a Wordpress site that contains all of the usual Wordpress components (blog, contact us, image gallery, etc). I want to have a separate section of the site for "Books" and "Articles".
Admins will be able to enter a book/article with its detailed information (title, author, reference, etc.). I need to have a way for users (non admin) to be able to do an advanced search on these books entered by the Admin.
Should I use Wordpress for the entire site, and write a custom plugin for the book search piece? OR Have a custom PHP page for the searching? OR Is there a plugin that already exists where I could leverage Wordpress to do this advanced search for me? Any information to point me in the right direction would help.
Take a look at this Wordpress Plugin. It should provide you with what you need within the bounds of Wordpress. This should save time from having to write custom PHP code for this functionality.
There are probably other plugins available too that could work for you. One of the benefits of open source is there is a lot of user created content. This should help get you started.

Using Wordpress as more than just a blog?

I have been making plans to create a site that would contain several different sections, such as several blog feeds for reviews and articals, a forum, and also a stock site where people can sell/buy photos.
I was planning on doing this in PHP, but have recently started using wordpress and found it to be very powerful. is a site like this too "advanced" to be done in wordpress?
WordPress can be used for more than just blogs, having recently won an award for best CMS proves that!
The reviews and articles would just be posts, in different parent categories.
The forum could be implented with bbPress ( or SimplePress (
The buying/selling photos could be done with a combination of either the built in WordPress gallery or a wordpress plugin such as NextGEN ( and a shopping cart or paypal plugin.
It would take some integration work, but it certainly is all possible with WordPress :-)
This is not the question you should be asking IMO.
The question to ask is: "Does using wordpress make creating this website easier ?"
If the pages you will be creating are related to the blog posts, then yes. For example, with Wordpress, your posts categories can be listed as sub-menu items.
But, if your pages are not related to the "main" blog, why bother using Wordpress?
You mentioned you were gonna do it in PHP but now are thinking about WordPress. I just found that funny because WordPress IS written in PHP ;). Wordpress has been used as a CMS for a while now and I think it's often a great place to start. I love WordPress but it's not the only CMS out there you should look at Drupal, Joomla, Movable Type, or one of many other Open Source or even commercial CMS'. You may also want to look at other products in the Automattic family such as WordPress MU, BuddyPress and BBPress. I would say using someone else code can save you a lot or time but not always. In certain situations writing your own CMS may be faster and better.
Hope this helps.
But, if your pages are not related to
the "main" blog, why bother using
It's a well known plataform, tested and used by millions of people;
A Huge plugin ecosystem that deals with SEO, Backup, Twitter, E-commerce, you name it;
A great documentation;
A great admin interface with WYSIWYG editors already implemented;
An interesting approach to use "static pages" along with your posts, so you can have a full blown CMS application.
These are just some advantages. I don't recommend Wordpress for huge enterprise portals, but if you're not doing a complete different way of interaction (like stackoverflow, which is unique in it's way of work) for a website, I think it's a better approach then trying to code everything from scratch.
To write plugins you just use php, html and some functions aviable at plataform's core. No useless XML configuration files, no proprietary template languages inside the plataform, nothing. Write a bunch of php inside a directory, put inside "plugins" and you're done.
Here are some sites that I've done with Wordpress that are more than just blogs:
Driia's Dreams, which is blog and online store for my wife's jewelry business. (I take no responsibility for her theme.)
Barking Mad Productions, which is primarily a CMS for an event production company, with a blog.
Ludus, which tracks the games that we play each week (blog), along with information about the games themselves (CMS).
Craig's Chaos Machine, which documents everything I'm learning about Chaos Toy and Chaos Machines. (Still a work in progress.)
